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What are your goals for your Pampered Chef business in 2014?

In summary, the conversation revolved around setting goals for the Pampered Chef business in 2014. The main focus was on growing the team and earning the Disney trip incentive. However, personal obstacles such as family health issues were also mentioned. Some participants shared their specific goals, which included having a consistent show schedule, recruiting new team members, and increasing sales. The conversation also included questions about the trip requirements and how to achieve them. Overall, there was a supportive and encouraging atmosphere among the consultants.
Gold Member
What are your goals for your business in 2014?

Mine are to continue to grow my team and to earn the Disney trip. I will do this by having a consistent show schedule :).
Thank you for starting this thread, Brenda. My business has taken a backseat to my personal life this fall and winter since my dad was diagnosed with cancer. It's not that I've had to do a lot to help mom take care of him, but more that I haven't been able to focus on anything other than waiting for a phone call saying he's taken a turn for the worse. However, he's hanging in there and fighting so I need to get back to my own life and I need to decide that Pampered Chef is a part of that.I recently wrote some goals for my personal and family life that I'm going to post where I can see them and revisit them on a regular basis. Thanks to your message, I will do that for Pampered Chef too. They will have to be small at first, but I really do want to be more consistent and have a sense of accomplishment in my business on a regular basis.I look forward to gleaning ideas from others' posted goals and I will post mine as soon as I have them.Shari
I used to sell PC and I've been seriously considering coming back -- the Disneyland incentive trip for 4 might just be the ticket that pulls me back in for good! I can't find any information about the trip though -- like how many points needed to earn each level, etc. Is there anything circulating like that?
  • Thread starter
  • #4
There is nothing circulating, just the info on Consultant's Corner. Level 1 is 48,000 points for consultants. 3,000 points for each qualified recruit. Level 2 is 70,000 points.
I haven't seen any details about the trip other than what was in the Consultant News and it didn't say anything about needing to have any recruits in order to qualify for the trips. Is that accurate? I've never earned a trip and doubt I can do enough in sales to get 48,000 points, but that's a much better possibility than me recruiting anyone since I do this very much as a hobby. I just wanted to know if I did really step up my game and sell $48,000 in products, is that enough for the trip or do I have to recruit in order to qualify for a trip?Thanks in advance to anyone who knows and is able to answer my question.Shari in TX
2013_12_10_10_40_40.jpg The flyer says no minimums/no monthly requirements, it's just based on points.
I want Disney. I don't have any other goals regarding recruits or sales but know that that is all involved in earning Disney just no clue on how to go about it. I just signed up to be a consultant on December 13.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Mlopez, shooting for 2 shows per week will get you approximately 48,000 points just in sales, which is $4,800 per month. (That is based on the national sales average per show). You earn 1 point for every $1 of personal commissionable sales. If you recruit, you earn 3,000 points for each qualified recruit, so that brings your required sales points down. For example, if you qualify 6 new recruits throughout the year, then you will just need 30,000 in sales, which is $2,500 per month. Your recruiter can help you break it all down to your monthly goal.
Hi Brenda, Thank you so much for the breakdown.
I am just loving all the support from other consultants.
  • #10
My job comes first so my goals are basic and simple. Get to know the Beta site, switch to Beta CC and figure out something about a newsletter. And sell something before I lose my career sales.
  • #11
I am so glad this thread was started!
My 2014 goals are to earn Disneyland, recruit to Director & have a consistent show schedule (which is needed to earn the trip, LOL).
  • #12
Earn every monthly incentive.
Increase sales every month by at least 10% over the same month last year.
Recruit and qualify at least 6 new team members.
  • #13
raebates said:
Earn every monthly incentive.
I love this one! All of your goals are quantifiable and easy to keep track of. But this one really hit me as something I would really like to do too. Thank you.Shari in TX
  • #14
Shari in TX said:
I love this one! All of your goals are quantifiable and easy to keep track of. But this one really hit me as something I would really like to do too. Thank you.Shari in TX
My pleasure. I am part of a Mastermind Group with a fabulous business coach. We talk a lot about setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals. We revisit them often to see if I'm on track. If goals are too easily reached, I adjust. If they're unattainable due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. illness, family tragedy, etc.) I adjust. We also break every goal into action steps so that I have a clear path to achieving my goals. It's been a wonderful thing.
  • #15
My goal this year is to earn the trip. In my head I know it is attainable (I have been here 4 years but haven't done enough to earn shows and have put my bus on the backburner for the past year and a half). To do this, I am going to really be enthusiastic about the business and the trip at all my upcoming shows as well as beef up my enthusiasm for hosting. I am going to work for 4-6 shows a month and recruit 6 people this year. Lets do this :)
  • #16
My goal for 2014 is to really develop the online portion of my business. I've exhausted all of my local contacts for live shows in the less than six months that I've been a consultant - but it sure has been a fun time! Now, I need to really create a presence with my Facebook page and really promote catalong/online shows. Since I have a full time job and most of my contacts are not local to me, this seems to be the best way to still earn business. I'm also going to do some research and planning for trade shows and other vendor events in my area where I can make new local contacts. Although, that probably will not turn into actual leads until later this year.I'd really like to earn Disney. I'm going to do my best.
  • #17
1. I want to achieve Director 2. Be a good example to my team 3. replace my full time income with Pampered Chef and get out of the Corporate world!

Related to What are your goals for your Pampered Chef business in 2014?

What are the main goals for Pampered Chef in 2014?

The main goals for Pampered Chef in 2014 include increasing sales and revenue, expanding into new markets, launching new products, improving customer satisfaction, and enhancing the consultant experience.

How does Pampered Chef plan to increase sales in 2014?

Pampered Chef plans to increase sales in 2014 by implementing new marketing strategies, offering promotions and discounts, and improving the overall customer experience. They also aim to reach new customers through social media and targeted advertising.

What new products can we expect from Pampered Chef in 2014?

In 2014, Pampered Chef will be launching a variety of new products, including kitchen gadgets, cookware, and bakeware. They will also be expanding their line of pantry staples and introducing new healthy living products.

How will Pampered Chef improve the consultant experience in 2014?

Pampered Chef plans to improve the consultant experience in 2014 by providing more training and support, offering incentives and rewards, and implementing a new online platform for easier ordering and tracking. They also aim to create a stronger community among consultants.

What steps is Pampered Chef taking to ensure customer satisfaction in 2014?

In 2014, Pampered Chef is taking several steps to ensure customer satisfaction, including improving the quality and durability of their products, offering a satisfaction guarantee, and providing excellent customer service. They also plan to gather feedback from customers and make necessary improvements.

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