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theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

In summary, many people are complaining about the way threads get hijacked and morph into something completely unrelated to the original thread title. Some say it's just the way normal conversation flows and topics change as one topic reminds speakers of another. Others say thread hijacking is an awful thing and it is terribly annoying. Well, this thread is going to stay on topic: thread hijacking! Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
  • #2,301
janetupnorth said:
...still can't believe Sandra Bullock pulled him away from his Penthouse model wife...of course she was very pregnant at the time...

Oh I really like Sandra Bullock, I think she is a "natural" pretty.
  • #2,302
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Oh, Quinn Martin.

He wasn't an actor, he was a producer. ;)

1959-63 The Untouchables
1961-62 The New Breed
1963-67 The Fugitive
1964-67 12 O'Clock High
1965-74 The FBI (producer)
1967-68 The Invaders
1970-71 Dan August
1971-76 Cannon, The Manhunter
1972-73 Banyon
1972-77 The Streets of San Francisco
1973-80 Barnaby Jones
1974 Nakia
1974-75 The Manhunter
1975 Caribe
1976 Bert D'Angelo/Superstar
1976-77 Most Wanted
1977 Tales of the Unexpected

Yeah, ummmmmmmmmm....nope. Wanna try again?
  • #2,303
rennea said:
Oh I really like Sandra Bullock, I think she is a "natural" pretty.

I like her too. They are such an odd (yet seemingly happy) couple!
  • Thread starter
  • #2,304
Quinn, The Eskimo?(You gotta be over 45 or a real fan of oldies to get that one!)
  • #2,305
I think KG wins the spelling bee. Pee Wee's last name is spelled Rubins according to some googled sites. Take a bow, KG!
  • #2,306
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Quinn, The Eskimo?

(You gotta be over 45 or a real fan of oldies to get that one!)

Is that Mighty Quinn? I'm not over 45, but I've heard my boys called that by teachers!
  • #2,307
DanielleQ said:
Oh, ok...just making sure you weren't calling my boy Pee Wee! BTW--I am happy to say I don't know how to spell Pee Wee's last name!

Oh, it was QUITE the fiasco when I was starting college...I was too old for the PeeWee's playhouse!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #2,308
The alternate spelling of his last name is P-E-R-V-E-R-T.
  • #2,309
I think I was in Jr. High when Pee Wee was caught...well, you know. What year was it?
  • #2,310
If we're going to cheat and use Google his last name was Rubenfeld...
  • Thread starter
  • #2,311
DanielleQ said:
Is that Mighty Quinn? I'm not over 45, but I've heard my boys called that by teachers!

The song was written by Bob Dylan but recorded by a Brit group called Manfred Mann, the keyboard player. Manfred Mann also recorded Blinded By The Light that was written by Bruce Springstein.
  • #2,312
You can visit www.peewee.com - I can't believe he has a website that doesn't require credit card access....EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #2,313
I think it's Rubens...googled again.
  • Thread starter
  • #2,314
Everybody's building the big ships and the boats,
Some are building monuments,
Others, jotting down notes,
Everybody's in despair,
Every girl and boy
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here,
Everybody's gonna jump for joy.
Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.I like to do just like the rest, I like my sugar sweet,
But guarding fumes and making haste,
It ain't my cup of meat.
Everybody's 'neath the trees,
Feeding pigeons on a limb
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here,
All the pigeons gonna run to him.
Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.A cat's meow and a cow's moo, I can recite 'em all,
Just tell me where it hurts ya, honey,
And I'll tell you who to call.
Nobody can get no sleep,
There's someone on everyone's toes
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here,
Everybody's gonna wanna doze.
Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.
  • #2,315
DanielleQ said:
I think I was in Jr. High when Pee Wee was caught...well, you know. What year was it?


Grr...that stupid message length limit...
  • Thread starter
  • #2,316
DanielleQ said:
I think it's Rubens...googled again.
Does anyone really give a rat's patoot about him?
  • #2,317
DanielleQ said:
I think it's Rubens...googled again.

...and you really trust the Internet? C'mon...something that was invented by Al Gore...

Nothing like a good library to get the facts...

(Insert sarcasm above).
  • #2,318
The_Kitchen_Guy said:

The song was written by Bob Dylan but recorded by a Brit group called Manfred Mann, the keyboard player. Manfred Mann also recorded Blinded By The Light that was written by Bruce Springstein.

Good to know! But I didn't name my kid Mighty! Although he would probably like it--he's only 7 and likes those "cool" names!
  • #2,319
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Does anyone really give a rat's patoot about him?

Not really, but since you brought him up (so to speak) :eek: , it was fun arguing about him.
  • #2,320
janetupnorth said:
...and you really trust the Internet? C'mon...something that was invented by Al Gore...

Nothing like a good library to get the facts...

(Insert sarcasm above).

Please, let's not get started on Al Gore...whose son, btw was apparently arrested for possession of marijuana and prescription pills when he was pulled over. Blame it all on global warming (or Cobalt Warning, as my 6-year-old says!).
  • Thread starter
  • #2,321
janetupnorth said:
Not really, but since you brought him up (so to speak) :eek: , it was fun arguing about him.
I'd like to get my pictrure autographed.

  • #2,322
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I'd like to get my pictrure autographed.

STOP IT!!! He is so creepy!!!
  • #2,323
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I'd like to get my pictrure autographed.


I don't think he had a hand free at the time. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #2,324
I think it's suspicious that neither hand is visible.
  • #2,325
No, CREEPY is him having a movie coming out! I like having my kids having NO concept of what PeeWee's playhouse is...
  • #2,326
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I think it's suspicious that neither hand is visible.

Of course, given the circumstances of the arrest, and the hands being not visible, you'd think he would at least have a smile on his face. :rolleyes:
  • #2,327
Ah, man! I checked out mugshots.com and saw the mugshot of the actor with whom my son shares a name...can ANYONE stay out of trouble?


He was much cuter in Practical Magic and Legends of the Fall.
  • Thread starter
  • #2,328
Did you know there was a Pee Wee Herman doll?It pulled it's own string.
  • Thread starter
  • #2,329
DanielleQ said:
Ah, man! I checked out mugshots.com and saw the mugshot of the actor with whom my son shares a name...can ANYONE stay out of trouble?


He was much cuter in Practical Magic and Legends of the Fall.
A Legend of the Fall From Grace.
  • #2,330
DanielleQ said:
Ah, man! I checked out mugshots.com and saw the mugshot of the actor with whom my son shares a name...can ANYONE stay out of trouble?


He was much cuter in Practical Magic and Legends of the Fall.

I love the name Aiden! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #2,331
janetupnorth said:
No, CREEPY is him having a movie coming out! I like having my kids having NO concept of what PeeWee's playhouse is...
Pee Wee's Big House Adventure?
  • #2,334
ChefBeckyD said:
I love the name Aiden! :D

I have a nephew named Aiden, and a friend's child named Aidan too...

Hopefully they won't grow up to get in trouble!
  • #2,336
janetupnorth said:
I have a nephew named Aiden, and a friend's child named Aidan too...

Hopefully they won't grow up to get in trouble!

That is our prayer...especially since Daddy, Papa, and great-Papa are all cops. The kid can't get in trouble without his whole world knowing. I kind of like it like that!
  • Thread starter
  • #2,337
PeeWee's favorite baseball teams are the Expos and the Yanks.
  • #2,338
DanielleQ said:

Yeah, just goes to show you the constant degradation of society...
  • #2,339
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
PeeWee's favorite baseball teams are the Expos and the Yanks.

Witty. I heard he started a franchise team ... the Privates.
  • Thread starter
  • #2,340
DanielleQ said:
That is our prayer...especially since Daddy, Papa, and great-Papa are all cops. The kid can't get in trouble without his whole world knowing. I kind of like it like that!
Shouldda named him Anthony. You couldda called him "Zorba" for short.
  • #2,341
Oooooh Sandy! Very nice! How come nobody went with the obvious Giants?
  • #2,342
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
His favorite baseball teams are the Expos and the Yanks.

That is BAD!:rolleyes: :eek:

Headline: "Pee-Wee to star in remake of "The Jerk"
  • #2,343
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Shouldda named him Anthony. You couldda called him "Zorba" for short.

That's my youngest son's middle name (Anthony, NOT ZORBA!), but that had nothing to do with any actors!
  • Thread starter
  • #2,344
MomToEli said:
Witty. I heard he started a franchise team ... the Privates.
The charges were dropped because the prosector said the evidence wouldn't stand up in court.
  • #2,345
Okay - you guys! Stop! I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt!
  • #2,346
Q: Do you know who Pee-Wee's insurance company is?

A: All-State, the good-hands people...
  • Thread starter
  • #2,347
BREAKING NEWS! PeeWee Herman is in the hospital!Doctors suspect a massive stroke.
  • #2,348
DanielleQ said:
Oooooh Sandy! Very nice! How come nobody went with the obvious Giants?

For gosh sakes, Danielle - the guy's name is Pee Wee :D

Now, he wishes he was a giant, I'm sure.

Or is that an Oscar Meyer Weiner?
  • #2,349
Speaking of food:

The local Denny's is offering the Paul Reuben special;

Order any sandwich, but you have to hold the pickle.
  • #2,350
Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us, all we ask is that you let us serve it your way ...
<h2>1. What is a thread hijacking?</h2><p>A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.</p><h2>2. Why do threads get hijacked?</h2><p>There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.</p><h2>3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?</h2><p>Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.</p><h2>4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?</h2><p>Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?</h2><p>If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.</p>

Related to theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

1. What is a thread hijacking?

A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.

2. Why do threads get hijacked?

There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.

3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?

Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.

4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?

Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.

5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?

If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.

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