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Scheduled for Induction: A Memorable Birth Date - Monday, July 16th

In summary, the conversation revolved around the impending induction of Debbie's labor on Monday, July 16th. She had not dilated and tried various natural methods to induce labor, but to no avail. She had organized and cleaned her home in preparation for the arrival of her baby. Some members of the conversation shared their own experiences with induction and offered prayers and good wishes for Debbie's safe delivery. The conversation also touched on the coincidence of the induction date being close to family birthdays and the excitement and anticipation of the baby's arrival.
I am scheduled to be induced on Monday July 16th. The day before my dad's birthday and my father in law's birthday. That's weird!! :eek:

I have not dialated and have done everything natural to get this labor started. I have walked like a nut each day, even at Walmart shopping. I even organized the pantry and will be working on organizing under the sink. I have cleaned the house from top to bottom, scrubbed here and there and even cleaned out the kid's small swimming pool.

NOTHING!! :( At my doctor's appt. today I was still only 2 cm dialated and my doctor stripped my membranes to get things started. I hope it helps. If not I am scheduled to be induced on Monday. I am waiting on a time.

Debbie :D
Coming soon! I'd say wait until my B-day (the 29th) but that would be sheer torture!!!!
Hey Debbie! Were any of your others induced?

I only had 2 & my 2nd was induced...took 45 min. to deliver:D
She was due 11/4 & I had her 10/22, but she was ready.

My first I labored 8 hrs. She was due 9/17 & I had her 9/4. I was shooting for DH's b-day on 9/8 but she wasn't waiting!

Good luck & keep us posted.

Will someone announce the arrival for us???:)
Congrats on getting a date set, I was induced with both of my kids. The first one I won't tell you how long induction took, but with my son I arrived at 7 am and I told them I would have him around 4:30 pm and he was born at 4:36pm. Once my water broke I was done in 1 hour.

Good luck, do you know if it is boy or girl?
janetupnorth said:
Coming soon! I'd say wait until my B-day (the 29th) but that would be sheer torture!!!!
Yes, you must wait for then...it's the best day of the year!!! (Um...it's my B-day then too!!!:D :D :D )

Seriously, though, good luck! Glad you have been able to "nest" I went two weeks early and never went through that nesting phase.

Looking around my house, I think I need to "nest" after I get home from conference!! LOL
My son's bday is the 19th - that would only be a few days wait!! HA!! I know you have waited long enough.

I will be praying for a safe delivery for you and baby.

We will all be waiting to hear and see pics!
Reading your message, takes me back to 1960 when my third child was really late in getting born. I was not in a hurry because my other two were only fifteen months and two and a half. They were still in diapers, and who wants to be changing diapers for three? Anyway, my 3rd was due April 12th, and finally by May 4th, the doctor offered to induce her, so that he could deliver her before he went on vacation. It was so funny, walking into the ER, not in labor but getting the royal treatment based on my sheer size. I had her within three hours, and it was a natural childbirth. Back then, they used Pitosin, as I recall. Now a days, they would have done a C section, if a baby was that late.

You are in my prayers. I'll look forward to hearing your Good News!
With my second I had only dialated 2 cm and my doc stripped my membranes-my water broke within 45 minutes!!!! So it may come soon!!!

I will be praying for you that your delivery be quick and safe!
Hope you have a smooth delivery Debbie:)
  • #10
YAAAHHHHHH!! I have been thinking about you all day wondering if you got your date set or not! I thought it would be a bit strange to e-mail you every ten minutes for an update, LOL...

I am so happy for you! That was the best week of my pregnancy- I could enjoy every little discomfort of pregnancy knowing that it would all be over in X days...

On the announcement front- do you want to stick with the blue one with the scripture or do you want me to keep working on it? I want them to be perfect for you! Also, I would love to be the one you call with the birth stats if you want to call long distance.
  • #11
Good luck Debbie!
  • #12
Debbie, I'm so happy for you that your wait is almost over. Isn't it ironic that you spent all that time on bed rest and when they finally let you get up, nothing happens! Enjoy your beautiful baby as soon as possible and know that we are all waiting anxiously to hear the details!
  • #13
susan g said:
Debbie, I'm so happy for you that your wait is almost over. Isn't it ironic that you spent all that time on bed rest and when they finally let you get up, nothing happens! Enjoy your beautiful baby as soon as possible and know that we are all waiting anxiously to hear the details!
Don't you know that is ALWAYS the way it works?? LMAO!! :D
  • #14
Congratulations Debbie!!! Post some pics right away. Gillian's gorgeous baby gave me major baby bug! For now I will just be content to ohh and awe at pictures.
  • #15
Congratulations! Post pics when you can. I love to see other people's little bundles of joy, because my little one is almost 4 years old. No more for me.
  • #16
Congrats! If you happen to go into labor before then, your baby & my sister's may have the same birthday. She is having a scheduled C-section this Thursday! Bummer though--I'm in wave 2 so I'll be in Chicago when she has it & will have to wait until Saturday or Sunday to see her!
  • #17
I'm still praying for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thanks everyone!!I have been in so much pain, I can hardly walk. I am so sore from doing everything naturally possible to get his baby out.

I think I over did it!! :eek:

Anyway she did strip my membranes but nothing has happened. A few contractions here and there and lots of pressure but nothing else.

I had my first three induced. My first two were induced because of high blood pressure and my diabetes. My doctor was afraid I was going to have giant babies!!
My third one came after my doctor stripped my membranes and my water broke. I didn't have any contractions and it took 10 hours with the pitocin drip to induce me and finally get her out!!
My fourth son came all on his own at 36 1/2 weeks. He was the easy one. He is also the easiest child to care for of my four children!!! I had contractions at church during and after bible study, they got worst and we decided to take our kids to grandma's and head to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 1 pm and I had him at about 4:30. I dialated nicely and within hours I was holding our fourth child.
I was hoping the same this time but it isn't happening. I think the bed rest made him think he was suppose to stay inside of me forever.

Gillian I love the baby blue announcements with the stars you made. It's great and it has the entire scripture I wanted. You did a great job. I will be sure to post pics as soon as I get home from the hospital.

I AM SO READY!!! :p :p :p I've had my bag packed for three weeks!! LOL

Debbie :D
  • #19
Debbie!!! I am thinking of you!!! I miss my buddy, too!
  • #20
Sounds good Debbie- as soon as you can get me the info and pics I will fill it in and send it your way to get prints made...
  • Thread starter
  • #21
5 Am:eek:
I have to be at the hosital at 5 am to be induced on Monday!!! :eek:

I am not a morning person but I guess I will be on Monday morning.
July 16th should be the expected birthdate of our youngest family member.
I am so excited and it seems these days are going by so fast! That's a good thing. It almost Thursday. I am organizing my closet and under the kitchen sink. These are two of my goals before Monday and of course getting our AC working again. By this weekend we should have an AC guy come out and get it going. I am dying!!!!! :( :( :(

I stopped by the container store today and boy I love that place. So much stuff. I bought a sliding rubbermaid drawer for under my sink to hold all my cleansers and extra sponges. I bought a hanging gadget for behind the closet door to hold my iron and ironing board. I purchased a cool storage bin with drawer for my pantry to hold my potatoes. I also bought an organizer with three drawers to hold my fruit on the counter.

At least shopping, cleaning and organizing is keeping me busy these days. LOL

Debbie :D
  • #22
Deb I feel your pain about the AC. When I was pregnant with my son, our air went out on the hotest day of the year. It was 107, and I was misserable. Of course it was a Friday, and everywhere that I called said they couldn't get there until Monday. I begged I pleaded...nothing. So we went and stayed at my MIL's house, (they were out of town). My water broke in the middle of the night and my son was born on Sunday.
  • #23
Too bad you aren't closer. My hubby works on air conditioners & he would
consider a broken A/C & a pregnant woman an emergency & would come out right away. He will even go out on Saturday or Sunday if needed. He even worked on Christmas Eve one time when someone was pregnant & had a plugged up toilet!! They don't make too many like him!! Lots of people want him cloned!!
  • #24
DebbieSAChef said:
I am scheduled to be induced on Monday July 16th. The day before my dad's birthday and my father in law's birthday. That's weird!! :eek:

I have not dialated and have done everything natural to get this labor started. I have walked like a nut each day, even at Walmart shopping. I even organized the pantry and will be working on organizing under the sink. I have cleaned the house from top to bottom, scrubbed here and there and even cleaned out the kid's small swimming pool.

NOTHING!! :( At my doctor's appt. today I was still only 2 cm dialated and my doctor stripped my membranes to get things started. I hope it helps. If not I am scheduled to be induced on Monday. I am waiting on a time.

Debbie :D

At least you're nesting :D I'd like to nest again without the pregnancy. I don't think I'd do well with that part again, but my house sure does need the attention :D
  • #25
Debbie, I'll be in Chicago on Monday....I'm looking forward to coming home and seeing pictures here of your little bundle of joy...best wishes to you!!
  • #26
Debbie,I haven't been posting a lot these days but I have been keeping track of your progress. I wish you all great things during your your delivery. Looking forward to seeing the newest addition to your family. Bless you and your family.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Tommorrow's the big day!!!Tomorrow's the big day everyone!! I am very excited. I am not excited about the pitocin drip but right about now I wouldn't say no to dynamite.

I will be at my parent's home to celebrate my dad's birthday, even though it's actually on Tuesday, we are celebrating today. Gifts, food, and cake. Then I will leave my two oldest there to spend a couple of nights with the grandparents, then go to drop off my two youngest with my pastor and his wife to stay for a couple nights.
I have been packed for weeks now, so everything should be good to go.

I will come home, pray, read my bible and try to get some sleep. 5 AM is very early for me. But I'm excited so I hope I can sleep. :eek:

Debbie :D
  • #28
Good Luck Debbie:)
  • #29
I wish you the best, Debbie!!! I hope it goes quickly for you!:D
  • #30
Debbie, I'll be praying that God will give you the rest you need, the energy you need, your doctor's rest and wisdom, and a speedy and safe delivery of your little bundle! :D I can't wait to see pictures (and I' haven't forgotten pictures of my little guy - just haven't taken them yet!)
  • #31
Debbie best wishes to you & your family.

Oh, & tell Dad Happy Birthday for us!:D
  • #32
There is NO WAY that you are going to sleep tonight if you are anything like me- I had to be at the hospital at 6:30am. I went to bed at midnight and was up and showering by 4... :D GOOD LUCK! And I hope you don't need the pitocin!! Can't wait to see Daniel!
  • #33
Here's hoping for some really great news soon!!!

Best wishes to you and yours!!

I'm praying that, by now, you may already be delivered, but, if not, that it's within the next little while!!

God bless,
  • #34
Horray!! I hope for Debbie's sake that little Daniel Jacob is here by now! Congrats to the entire Mireles family!!
  • #35
gilliandanielle said:
Horray!! I hope for Debbie's sake that little Daniel Jacob is here by now! Congrats to the entire Mireles family!!
Was she going to contact someone to let us know all the details?
  • #36
Yes!! She had the baby!! He was born at 1:21pm and weighed 7lb 6oz. The baby is healthy and mom is doing great! Her gestational diabetes is gone!

She sent her honey out for Chinese at about 5pm. She said she's been looking forward to eating it for months now since it was off limits due to her diet restrictions.
  • #37
Yay! Congratulations Debbie! and a hearty welcome to Daniel Jacob, our newest CSer :)
  • #38
Yah congrats on her new baby that is so exciting
  • #39
Congrats and welcome to the world baby Daniel!!
  • #40
Congratulations! Another "baby cheffer" joins the bunch!!!
  • #41
Yay! Welcome to the world baby Daniel! :D
  • #42
Congratulations Debbie and welcome, Daniel!!!!
  • #43
Congratulations Debbie & family!
  • #44
Congrats Debbie! Welcome Daniel! Debbie - can't wait to see pictures and hear your birth story!
  • #45
I can't wait to see him!!! Post Pictures!!! Congrats to you and your family Debbie!!!
  • #46
Congrats Debbie!!! :)
  • #47
Congratulations Debbie and family! Can't wait to see a picture.
  • #48
Congrats!! Can't wait for you to post pictures of our newest Texan!!
  • #49
Congrats!! I'm glad you didn't touch me or Gillian!!!
Welcome little Daniel!!
  • #50
Chef Kearns said:
Yes!! She had the baby!! He was born at 1:21pm and weighed 7lb 6oz. The baby is healthy and mom is doing great! Her gestational diabetes is gone!

She sent her honey out for Chinese at about 5pm. She said she's been looking forward to eating it for months now since it was off limits due to her diet restrictions.

Wonderful - tell her congratulations from all of us...

Love the Chinese run! :)

I thoroughly understand the gestional diabetes - sounds like she did great with it!
<h2>1. What is induction and why is it necessary?</h2><p>Induction is the process of stimulating uterine contractions in order to start labor. It may be necessary if the mother's water breaks but labor does not begin on its own, if the baby is overdue, or if there are medical concerns for the mother or baby.</p><h2>2. Why is your induction date on a specific day?</h2><p>The induction date is usually chosen by the doctor based on the mother's due date and any medical concerns. In this case, the date happens to fall on the day before the mother's father and father-in-law's birthdays.</p><h2>3. What are some natural methods to induce labor?</h2><p>Some natural methods to induce labor include walking, nipple stimulation, having sex, eating spicy foods, and trying acupuncture or acupressure.</p><h2>4. What happens during a membrane sweep?</h2><p>A membrane sweep, also known as a cervical sweep, is a procedure where the doctor or midwife inserts a finger into the cervix and gently separates the membranes of the amniotic sac from the cervix. This can help release hormones to start labor.</p><h2>5. What should you expect during an induction?</h2><p>During an induction, the mother will be given medication or have her water broken to start contractions. She will be closely monitored by medical staff and may receive pain medication. The length of an induction can vary and it is important to follow the doctor's instructions and communicate any concerns or changes in the labor process.</p>

Related to Scheduled for Induction: A Memorable Birth Date - Monday, July 16th

1. What is induction and why is it necessary?

Induction is the process of stimulating uterine contractions in order to start labor. It may be necessary if the mother's water breaks but labor does not begin on its own, if the baby is overdue, or if there are medical concerns for the mother or baby.

2. Why is your induction date on a specific day?

The induction date is usually chosen by the doctor based on the mother's due date and any medical concerns. In this case, the date happens to fall on the day before the mother's father and father-in-law's birthdays.

3. What are some natural methods to induce labor?

Some natural methods to induce labor include walking, nipple stimulation, having sex, eating spicy foods, and trying acupuncture or acupressure.

4. What happens during a membrane sweep?

A membrane sweep, also known as a cervical sweep, is a procedure where the doctor or midwife inserts a finger into the cervix and gently separates the membranes of the amniotic sac from the cervix. This can help release hormones to start labor.

5. What should you expect during an induction?

During an induction, the mother will be given medication or have her water broken to start contractions. She will be closely monitored by medical staff and may receive pain medication. The length of an induction can vary and it is important to follow the doctor's instructions and communicate any concerns or changes in the labor process.

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