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Recruiting Made Fun: My Pampered Chef Gift Bag for Promoting to Director

In summary, the author created a recruiting bag filled with fun and clever sayings. She used it at a show to improve her speech.
I posted this on another thread, but wanted to share it with everyone.

My goal this Fall is to promote to director, so to help in recruiting, and make it fun, I made a recruiting bag. Instead of standing up there, giving my blah,blah,blah speech, I wanted to add some fun to it. I saw this in one of the workshops, then I expanded on it. Here you go, feel free to use it, and I hope it works for you, I tried it out on my hubby and father-in-law, and they laughed at the end, so I hope it gets the same reaction at my shows. I took a very nice gift bag and filled it with the following items- next to the item is what I plan to say, along these lines. I will probalby improvise, according to the crowd. It took 1 trip to Walmart, and about 30 minutes of my time to put together.

I used the gift bag, because working for Pampered Chef has brought so many gifts into my life, which of these gifts could you use???

I got a baby bib that says, IRS deduction on it - Would you like to stay home with your baby, and still contribute to the household income? (also mention great expense write-offs)

Picture of my nephew when he was about 2, crying his head off- Do you need some time OUT of the house?

Toy red sports car- Maybe make a car payment of the car of your dreams?

A picture of my honey and me in front our weekend house in Indiana - My Pampered Chef business enables us to have this 2nd home, and I have valuable flexible time to share with my loved ones

A picture of me in my wedding dress - Maybe you have a wedding to pay for (Also plug wedding registry here)

A best friends picture frame, with my friends in it - I have met so many wonderful friends through Pampered Chef.

The surpise gift we received at conference for being on track for the incentive trip (Wave #1 people know what that is)- explain how I am going to the Bahamas- with their help.

A picture of the super starter kit-laminated on a card that says FREE PRODUCT !!!- explain how much I have received free since joining

A grocery receipt- Explain how you can also write off your grocery bill- trying out Pampered Chef receipes for your family

A fairy princess wand, with a star on top and ribbons - So many wonderful incentives (jewelry, trips, ect) and the wonderful support of the company truly makes me feel like a princess,

And here is the clincher... I do this last...

I bought a HUGE pair of sunglasses in the toy department of Wal-mart, and I turn my back to the guests, without letting them see the glasses, put them on, then turn around and say......

My Future with the Pampered Chef is so bright, I HAVE TO WEAR SHADES !!! I then explain how my goal is to promote to director in January,and this bright future could be theirs also, along with these other wonderful gifts, if they want. I would love to talk with them tonight to let them know how easy it is.
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That's awesome - at what point do you work it into your demo?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I haven't decided yet. I am thinking I will do it towards the end. At the beininning I always say to watch what I do, and imagine you doing it, is it something you could do? So if I do this at the end, it should seal the deal. Tonight will be the first time I do this, so I might have to work out some bugs.
Please let us know how it goes - I would love to start incorporating it into my demo!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
While in the shower, I remembered some items I forgot to list.

a credit card, I cut it in half, and taped it to card stock - Do you have a credit card you would like to pay off?

A walmart gift card- Think how great it would feel to pay cash for Christmas !!!!

a Payday candy bar - Every Payday- I realize how blessed I am to work for myself, doing what I love, and making FULL-TIME pay on PART-TIME hours, and every time I go to work, it's a PARTY!!!!!

I also want to add a picture of a college, or maybe a college pennant - Maybe you are looking for ways to pay that tuition bill.

Lets see what else we can come up with.
That is great....thank you for sharing it with us.
Thanks for sharing this a good idea.

  • Thread starter
  • #8
I thought of another thing to add- A small clock- flexible schedule- you can work as much or little as you want
Awesome ideas! I also loved when someone mentioned...when guests are talking about their fav products, to mention that MY fav product is on the back of the catalog, and it's the starter kit! I hadn't really thought of it as a product yet. I thought that was a great idea!
  • #10
Very very good ideas! Were you in the Recruiting with the Stars workshop on the last day with the panel of four people? I was there and loved her bag. I've heard of a "WHY?" bag before, but have never implemented it. I think now I will and I'll probably use some of your ideas. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how this turns out. I think it's neat to leave a neat and fun bag up in front by you at the demo and people will wonder throughout the whole thing what it's for, then you build anticipation. People may think it's a prize for THEM, but in reality it IS a prize that could be theirs! I can't wait to try this! I have a show tomorrow that I could do it at, but I have a feeling it will be postponed because the host has had her sewer lines back up through her sink and toilets, making her house smell like you know what. So it may be best to postpone. Unfortunately she doesn't have any friends that are local to her that would let her move the show there. We'll see!

GREAT ideas!!!:D
  • #11
Were you in the Double Digit Recruiting with Lisa Mc Gee and Scottie Brister? Lisa had a bag and it was HILARIOUS! Of course her personality was what made it. :)
  • #12
Hey Becky! I was in the Recruiting with the Stars class too and loved it! I tried to find you at conference! I put together a "Why Bag" back in the spring but really havent used it like I should. I sure will now. One thing I brought back for my bag was a cool postcard of Chicago - just so I can say "Guess where I just got back from!!!".
A fellow director on my team has a rubber band in hers - to point out that PC is so "flexible"! So many things you can put in it once you think about it!

Were you in the Double Digit Recruiting with Lisa Mc Gee and Scottie Brister? Lisa had a bag and it was HILARIOUS! Of course her personality was what made it

Sorry I missed that class - Scottie is truly inspiring, huh. Y'all she has EIGHT new directors under her since Leadership in Jan....unreal. Please share some notes from the class!!!
  • #13
DebbieJ said:
Were you in the Double Digit Recruiting with Lisa Mc Gee and Scottie Brister? Lisa had a bag and it was HILARIOUS! Of course her personality was what made it. :)
No, mine was Recruiting with the Stars, but it must have been similar. One of the panelists did a bag too and had LOTS of humor in it, so it gave me the push to finally try it myself. I can't wait for my next show to try it at.

Cindycooks said:
Hey Becky! I was in the Recruiting with the Stars class too and loved it! I tried to find you at conference!

I forget who now, but someone from chefsuccess who found me told me they met you. how funny!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #14

I was in the Recruiting with the Stars last day also. I took her ideas and then added to them. My favorite is adding the huge sunglasses, because that was the theme of our executive banquet, and my new theme for the season. So we did see each other, we just didn't know it. I should have stood up and yelled, "Are there any cheffer's present?" I looked for the "I'm a cheffer" tags, but did not see one !!!
  • #15
mrssyvo said:

I was in the Recruiting with the Stars last day also. I took her ideas and then added to them. My favorite is adding the huge sunglasses, because that was the theme of our executive banquet, and my new theme for the season. So we did see each other, we just didn't know it. I should have stood up and yelled, "Are there any cheffer's present?" I looked for the "I'm a cheffer" tags, but did not see one !!!

OH man, I was in that class too....sorry I missed you gals! They were great, and I bet the other one was too. I had one of Scottie's classes last year & got to talk to her-what an inspiring lady!
  • #16
Cindycooks said:
Hey Becky! I was in the Recruiting with the Stars class too and loved it! I tried to find you at conference! I put together a "Why Bag" back in the spring but really havent used it like I should. I sure will now. One thing I brought back for my bag was a cool postcard of Chicago - just so I can say "Guess where I just got back from!!!".
A fellow director on my team has a rubber band in hers - to point out that PC is so "flexible"! So many things you can put in it once you think about it!

Sorry I missed that class - Scottie is truly inspiring, huh. Y'all she has EIGHT new directors under her since Leadership in Jan....unreal. Please share some notes from the class!!!

What is this "Why" bag? and what goes in it? thanks for any info?!
  • #17
I was in the workshop too! It was great! My husband came up with the idea of adding a jock strap to attract male consultants; to emphasize the support you receive for your Pampered Chef business, or for your supportive spouse! Which he is!!!

  • #18
What is this "Why" bag? and what goes in it? thanks for any info?!

A "Why" Bag contains any of the stuff posted above. Just get a gift bag from Walmart and put things in it that show "why you do PC". Actually the lady in the workshop used a brown grocery bag but that is pretty big in my opinion. I have just a regular sized gift bag with about 5 or 6 things in it. Ive only used it once, but after the workshop, I need to get it back out again!!! You pull the things out periodically throughout your show - or all at once depending on what is comfortable for you. For instance, a pic of your kids - your line could be "I do this for more time with my kids"...etc!
  • #19
Cindycooks said:
A "Why" Bag contains any of the stuff posted above. Just get a gift bag from Walmart and put things in it that show "why you do PC". Actually the lady in the workshop used a brown grocery bag but that is pretty big in my opinion. I have just a regular sized gift bag with about 5 or 6 things in it. Ive only used it once, but after the workshop, I need to get it back out again!!! You pull the things out periodically throughout your show - or all at once depending on what is comfortable for you. For instance, a pic of your kids - your line could be "I do this for more time with my kids"...etc!

thanks, I was confused. I thought it was something different than the orignal "gift bag" thread and was missing something! NOw I get it all!:)
  • #20
That is absolutely ADORABLE!!!
I am actually at conference right now in Canada! Tomorrow is closing session when we find out about all the new promos!! IM SO EXCITED!!!
That recruiting bag must get TONS of laughs! And it helps show that we are a fun loving bunch! Great job!
  • #21
I just came back from conference on Sunday. I took a recruiting workshop too, and a funny idea was to put in a Huge BRA and say as a consultant you get lots of SUPPORT!!! Thought that was funny too!
  • #22
Another thing to add to the Why BagI've got to start doing this, but my director does this and she's got one of those really curly ribbons that are really big for top of a gift, and she starts out with I have another full time job, and it's just a "job", but with this job it's a PARTY every time, as she pulls out the ribbon.


  • #23
I would maybe think about letting the guests pull items out of the bag and try to guess what they mean to your business? Maybe let them get everyone else into it and give a prize - strike that - give CHOCOLATE to the person who gets it right!! That way you might have an easier time figuring out who may be interested in the biz by the questions/answers they have???

Also I tell people the apron is my favorite product!! There is so much opportunity once you have the apron on!!

I love the bag idea - I was in the Recruiting with the stars session first day of wave one - I didn't get too many new ideas. Wish I had been in the one on the last day with you gals. I heard the double digit recruiting was good.

The last thing I would consider putting in the bag is a gift card from the 'unmentionable' place to let them know what you and they could have a chance to earn/win and for what reasons.

  • #24
Why Bag:) Hi girls, I just wanted to let you know that I had my niece help me make up one of these bags right away after I read the recommendation from this thread. The bag worked great, the first night I used it I got a recruit - YIPPEE!

Brenda K.
  • #25
Brenda K. said:
:) Hi girls, I just wanted to let you know that I had my niece help me make up one of these bags right away after I read the recommendation from this thread. The bag worked great, the first night I used it I got a recruit - YIPPEE!

Brenda K.

Cool! I'm trying it at my next show too!
  • #26
That's so funny! I was picking up some things for my Why Bag this weekend and my husband suggested a jock strap too! LOL He actually goes with me and helps me at shows. I decided on panty hose instead! : )
  • #27
Why Bag UpdateHas anybody used this over the past few days??? How has it worked for them???
  • #28
cheflaurie said:
Has anybody used this over the past few days??? How has it worked for them???

I used it - - at the end of a show. I'm thinking I might start with it next show.... incorporate my story into it, get them laughing and liking me at the get go. It was a great ice breaker. They LOVED the big blue bra I pulled out! I used a big grocery bag to represent the tax write off.

I had pictures of my kids - reason I do it to earn money while staying home with my kids & not missing anything I want to be at. Flexible hours. What I found is I really enjoy the time away from my kids, the fun adult party atmosphere.

recent promo - and copy of what I earned free with sell-a-thon - talked about 2x at yr opp to earn free products, plus 40% off.
  • #29
how did it go with the bag?????

Related to Recruiting Made Fun: My Pampered Chef Gift Bag for Promoting to Director

1. What is included in the My Recruiting Gift Bag?

The My Recruiting Gift Bag includes a variety of products and tools to help you get started with your Pampered Chef business. This includes a consultant binder, catalogs, order forms, business cards, and product samples.

2. How do I qualify for the My Recruiting Gift Bag?

To qualify for the My Recruiting Gift Bag, you must become a Pampered Chef consultant by purchasing a starter kit and submitting your first order of at least $150 in the first 30 days of joining.

3. Can I choose what products are included in the My Recruiting Gift Bag?

The products included in the My Recruiting Gift Bag are pre-selected and cannot be customized. However, they are carefully chosen to provide you with a variety of popular and useful items for your business.

4. Is there a cost for the My Recruiting Gift Bag?

No, the My Recruiting Gift Bag is provided at no cost to new consultants who meet the qualification requirements. It is a thank you for joining the Pampered Chef team and a helpful resource for starting your business.

5. How long does it take to receive the My Recruiting Gift Bag?

The My Recruiting Gift Bag will be shipped to you within 2-3 weeks after you meet the qualification requirements. Please allow for additional time for delivery depending on your location.

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