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Recruit Has Bailed: Frustration and Disappointment in Network Marketing

In summary, the two consultants who signed up with the company did not live up to the expectations of the company. One canceled her kick off shows and the other never submitted any shows.
Gold Member
I am so frustrated and disappointed today. I had a recruit who signed at the beginning of August- she is a former consultant and was SO excited about getting back into the biz. Came to our first team meeting after she signed, was awesome, so enthusiastic, the whole nine yards. I saw so much potential for her, and she could REALLY use the $$! She had people asking her to do shows for them!!

Then she fell off the face of the earth. Finally got a hold of her, got down to the matter that she felt overwhelmed. Ok, I can take care of that, we set up a plan to chat weekly and take things one step at a time. She was 100% on board with this and felt better- great!

Not so much. Fell off the face of the earth again. Finally got a hold of her, has been going through some personal issues- financially related, very stressful, etc. I explained to her that I understood and that I was here to help her when she was ready, PC will be of great assistance overcoming her financial obstacles. But you made the commitment to try 4 shows in 90 days and if you don't think you can fulfill that let's just let the HO know- they will understand, life happens.

Well, that re-motivated her. This was last week. She decided it was really time to get her butt in gear- she's 45 days into her 90 days and doesn't want to miss out on this opportunity. We set up weekly calls AGAIN, our first one was supposed to be today. She can't make new consultant training b/c of scheduling conflicts, but no big deal, I will walk her through it step by step and coach her the whole way through. I spoke with my director, we came up with a plan, I have spent the week studying the Guide To Supporting New Consultants, gave her 2 small action items last week (order your debit card and start working on your list of 100 before our call)

Got an email today that she's backing out, again.:(

I am just so disappointed. I honestly do not believe that her intent was to be a kitnapper, but there is so much drama with her right now and the amount of personal info she has shared with me about what is going on is more than normal (details about level of debt, financial situations, etc.) and it's frustrating b/c not only has she backed out on me several times, even though it's her that's said "Yes, let's do this!" every time, but this could really help her and she's just not willing to take the steps to make it happen even though she loves the company and wants to do it.

I am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers that things work out for her in her life and calm down, and that she can come back in a few months or a year and say "Now I'm really ready" because deep down I believe that this is what she wants. I am blessing and releasing- just needed to get it off my chest first.

Now I need to turn my focus to finding new prospects to build my team so I can reach directorship by the end of the year, b/c that's certainly not going to happen by focusing my energy on what went wrong here:(

Ok, if you got this far- thanks for reading! ;)
Don't worry, it happens! I've had two this year. One signed right at the end of December to take advantage of the extended 30-90 days. She cancelled two kick off shows and then decided just to do catalog shows. She never did anything after that and finally is no longer a consultant at the end of September. My last one was a HO lead (yes, she made the effort to sign!) she scheduled new consultant training and bailed on me twice. Finally submitted a $800 show in her 3rd month. I still have not got her to return a phone call or email!

Looks like you've got the right outlook on this. Go out and focus your energy on new leads.
Feel your pain ladies. Had a single mom unemployed who signed April 1. She came to a cluster meeting and observed one of my shows. She had everything going for her. She, too, fell off the earth! Never returned calls or e-mails...never submitted one show. Kit napper....possibly. You do spend a lot of time helping them get going and NOTHING. It does get a little frustrating since most of us know what this business can do for us and our families. Some of them just don't get it and never will.
The best thing I ever heard:Some will...
Some won't...
So what?
Who's next?
  • Thread starter
  • #6
dannyzmom said:
The best thing I ever heard:

Some will...
Some won't...
So what?
Who's next?


Thank you, this is just what I needed today! :D :D :D
dannyzmom said:
The best thing I ever heard:

Some will...
Some won't...
So what?
Who's next?

Robin Shilling came to one of our meetings and when I heard her say that I thought, "If that's the attitude she has, and look at her success, I can do it, too". I know its not easy, but when someone tells me no, even after they signed, I keep in contact with them anyway, trying to sort through it. You may help her figure things out. I think if she would just do one show, she would fall in love with it. I figure, they have already said, "no" so, I don't have anything to lose, and now its training for me.
It is perfectly ok to REMIND them that they signed a contract to complete $1250 in sales, and gently ask them how we can help them complete their obligation to the company....unfortunately it's not just 4 shows anymore, but offer to help her break it down...I would ask her "ok you feel like you cannot do _______ right now, let's back up a bit to help you complete your obligation (and I would use the word obligation at least twice during the conversation) and let me ask you, what CAN you do?" and then go from there. I've started doing that with my consultants who tell me: It's too much, I can't do it, yada yada....I ask them, "well, what CAN you do? Let's start somewhere . It's much easier to steer a ship that is moving than one that is anchored in the water." Having good luck with those word choices. Hang in there!
gosh your post made my day! I signed someone at the end of June; talked to her before I left for Conference/Vacation. we were suppose to have gotten together when I got back..left several messages, emails and even sent her a letter and never heard from her. Her 90 days are over with..I was frustrating...my advance director told me she was just a kitnapper. I felt as though I was taking all my time to figure out why she was not contacting me and not focusing on who will be my next recruit. My next recruit was my first man on my team. I love the saying Some will...
Some won't...
So what?
Who's next? will type that one out and put it on my bulletin board. Thanks for the post...they made my day!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thanks Nancy. Unfortunately I have had the "obligation" conversation with her, and at this point, she can't do ANYTHING. She can't even order her debit card. She's in so deep personally, financially, and family-wise, that apparently this is not an option for her at all at the moment.

So, the advice my director had was for her to call Career Solutions and speak with them and let them know she can not fulfill her obligation and take it from there with them.

It's sad, but this one will have to be cut loose.
  • #11
Well, then that's where it is. Maybe she should return her kit and get her money back, if she really neds the money and isn't going to be a consultant.
  • #12
I feel your pain - I signed one last year, she was very enthusiastic......until her bipolar meds stopped working. She called me from the psych ward of our local hospital to let me know what was going on. I hope she enjoyed her super-inexpensive products ;-)

  • #13
Weird that someone who needs money that badly wouldn't want to make money with the Pampered Chef - and earn free Christmas gifts in the process. Of course, if you're in real bad debt, there is usually a reason beyond normal behavior.
  • #14
beepampered said:
Weird that someone who needs money that badly wouldn't want to make money with the Pampered Chef - and earn free Christmas gifts in the process. Of course, if you're in real bad debt, there is usually a reason beyond normal behavior.

Bee, I couldn't agree with you more. We just closed our business and deep in debt, personal and business. Its pretty bad. But I am working my butt off with PC to pay things off, help out my family and stay home during the day with my daughter. I wish I could say that I can relate to the recruit, but I can't. Nothing against the recruit but I wouldn't put out that money and not put it to good use.
  • #15
susanr613 said:
I feel your pain - I signed one last year, she was very enthusiastic......until her bipolar meds stopped working. She called me from the psych ward of our local hospital to let me know what was going on. I hope she enjoyed her super-inexpensive products ;-)


At least she called you to let you know what was going on.

FYI, bipolar disorder is a medical illness. Would you have been as sarcastic if she called you from the cardiac unit to say that she was hospitalized to have her cardiac meds adjusted?
  • #16
Kara, as I read your post I kept hearing Tammy Stanley talking about why hosts back out of parties.

You know all the reasons she should want to succeed in PC. Have you ever asked her why she doesn't want to succeed? What scares her? Ok, you can't ask these questions directly, but maybe try to dig a little deeper.
  • #17
PamperedchefDaly said:
At least she called you to let you know what was going on.

FYI, bipolar disorder is a medical illness. Would you have been as sarcastic if she called you from the cardiac unit to say that she was hospitalized to have her cardiac meds adjusted?

Susan did not mean that sarcastically! Bipolar disorder is hard to deal with. She stated a fact just as she would have if she called from the cardiac ward.
  • #18
susanr613 said:
I feel your pain - I signed one last year, she was very enthusiastic......until her bipolar meds stopped working. She called me from the psych ward of our local hospital to let me know what was going on. I hope she enjoyed her super-inexpensive products ;-)


Nancy, it is very kind of you to stick up for someone with an illness like Bipolar Disorder. And I think its safe to say that we all know that bipolar disorder is serious. I know of a number of medicated (for various reasons), successful consultants. I think Susan would have said the same thing if the girl had just given up over any manageable condition. You can have bipolar disorder and lead a normal life and do things like be a consultant. That's what you strive for--to be and feel normal.

For me, all bets (and excuses) were off the day I saw a lady with ONE LEG walk across the stage at conference because of her achievements. Its just frustrating when someone gives up before they even get started.
  • #19
dannyzmom said:
The best thing I ever heard:

Some will...
Some won't...
So what?
Who's next?

LOL....love it and need to remember it. I have 2 kitnappers thus far...one who runs a catering and wedding event....HUGE Potential, but nothing....his 6 months was up in Sept. Another who had 4 shows booked and 200 in orders before she signed....fell off the face of the earth and nothing thus far....third one submitted 3 shows....decided it's not for her....life happens, people are busy...it's just frustrating when you see the potential, when the opportunity is PERFECT for them....but in the end, it's their biz and their pace, right?

On the flipside, you have others who jump on the opportunity and make the most of the incentives and you get to celebrate and see them succeed....those are the ones I use to stay motivated and see that we do have something great to offer.
  • #20
(((hugs))) Sorry! :(
  • #21
You spend your time and energy proportionally. If they're doing one show a month, you spend a lot less of your time and energy on them than the person doing 2 shows/week. If they don't return calls/e-mails or be there when they're supposed to, what's the point in hunting them down? It's bad enough when a booking lead or host doesn't return my 5 phone calls and 2 e-mails.

My director reminds me of the old saying that some are coming, some are producing and some are going. It just sucks when they're coming and going in the same month!! Focus on the coming and producing.

Time to e-mail my July recruit who only submitted one show so far and isn't returning calls or e-mails...
  • #22
I have a consultant who signed, very excited in March for the rebate month. Then didn't do the work for the rebate. finally did do a couple of shows and got all the way to turning in something like a total of $1199 - only about $51 from qualifying and then she just didn't do anything else. She's been inactive for the last three months. So annoyed. And she's one of my best friends, so I've had a really hard time with handling it. I made it clear that my contact with her was different when I was calling about PC and that worked until the last month or so and now we are having a few problems. I'm sure it will all work out. I just have a problem with someone - a friend who knows how much I love my business - not qualifying.
  • #23
That is a tough one, Sharon. I think I would be tempted to put in the $51 myself! Grrr... so close!
  • #24
Sharon, I'm with Anne. Give her a $51 order to submit.
  • #25
The $51 wouldn't matter now. She'd have to start over with the 1250 again. Once they've been inactive for 2+ months, they lose career sales & have to start over for qualifying.
  • #26
crystalscookingnow said:
The $51 wouldn't matter now. She'd have to start over with the 1250 again. Once they've been inactive for 2+ months, they lose career sales & have to start over for qualifying.

Well, that just stinks! I am sorry to hear that!
  • #27
I helped my Recruit to stay active in May & June and really feel like it was a bad thing to do looking back on it. She did nothing in July and August and finally submitted in September for $173 and this month $328 (but it was a September Wedding Shower that the bride's mom wanted to keep open until October 5th). Who is to say this lady would have even cared about the $1250 being made for her... Sorry you lost out on the Recruit points but at least she sold a little bit...
  • #28
Becca_in_MD said:
You spend your time and energy proportionally. If they're doing one show a month, you spend a lot less of your time and energy on them than the person doing 2 shows/week. If they don't return calls/e-mails or be there when they're supposed to, what's the point in hunting them down? It's bad enough when a booking lead or host doesn't return my 5 phone calls and 2 e-mails.
I have learned the hard way to do this. I invested time in those who weren't willing to invest time in themselves.

Becca_in_MD said:
My director reminds me of the old saying that some are coming, some are producing and some are going. It just sucks when they're coming and going in the same month!! Focus on the coming and producing.
This is true. We are in a very fluid business.

Related to Recruit Has Bailed: Frustration and Disappointment in Network Marketing

What does "Vent: Recruit Has Bailed" mean?

"Vent: Recruit Has Bailed" is a term used in Pampered Chef to indicate that a recruit, or someone who has expressed interest in joining the company, has decided not to move forward with the opportunity.

Why do recruits bail?

There can be many reasons why a recruit may decide to bail, including personal reasons, financial concerns, or simply changing their mind about joining the company.

How does Pampered Chef handle a recruit who has bailed?

Pampered Chef understands that bailing on an opportunity can happen and we handle it with understanding and respect. We may reach out to the recruit to see if there is anything we can do to address their concerns and offer support if needed.

Can a recruit who has bailed reapply to join Pampered Chef in the future?

Absolutely! If a recruit has bailed for personal reasons, they are always welcome to reapply in the future when their circumstances change. We understand that circumstances can change and we are always open to giving people a second chance.

Does Pampered Chef offer any incentives for recruits who successfully join the company?

Yes, we offer incentives and rewards for both the recruit who successfully joins and the person who referred them. This can include free products, discounts, and other perks to show our appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the company.

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