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The Pampered Chef Hello Middleburg, How Can I Boost My Business?

In summary, Kristine Dobbs describes her experiences moving her business to middleburg FL and how she increased her client base by using various techniques such as hosting a party, approaching strangers, and advertising. She also recommends purchasing the Pampered Chef shoulder tote as a helpful tool.
I have recently moved my business to middleburg FL where I know very few people. I have tried everything I know and still am having a hard time getting shows. I was hoping a few of you had done the same thing and could help me.
Kristine Dobbs
Independent Consultant
kardskitchen said:
I have recently moved my business to middleburg FL where I know very few people. I have tried everything I know and still am having a hard time getting shows. I was hoping a few of you had done the same thing and could help me.
Kristine Dobbs
Independent Consultant


Hello! I have not personally moved my business but I have a fellow consultant that moved her business from Wyoming to Kentucky. She moved for her husband's job. She didn't know anyone there, no family there or anything.

She had a few ideas that she had received for people moving their business. 1. Set up a table at a local grocery store with products, catalogs etc. Put a sign up "ENTER TO WIN A FREE KITCHEN SHOW!" Then for all those that signed up, she called and let them know they had won a free kitchen show. She bought the ingredients for one recipe. (She priced these out to be recipes that cost $7-$10.) 2. Bake mini loaves of banana bread and put a mini catalog on them. Take them to your neighbors and announce your business in the area. 3. Put up signs in local grocery store, hardware stores etc. announcing your Pampered Chef business. 4. The most important thing she did was step "out of her comfort box." She approached strangers standing in the grocery line, started conversations with clerks at stores and told everyone about moving her business!

She has had great sucess and is now moving her business from Kentucky to Georgia!

I hope these help!
I moved my business 1 month after starting up i wont lie it was difficult at first, but what i did was I asked a lady in my church if she wanted to host a party, i was going to do a mystery hostess party. I got one booking off of that then i did that party and gotr 2 bookings. then the welcoming crew came over and i called them and checked in to adversising with them to expensive but i did ask them to host a show and they finally did in sept and it was a good show. Also my real estate agent hosted a show for me and i got a booking off of her. Then i got a lucky break and did the taste of home cooking school and that has been way awsome for me. Good luck with moving your business I would also do what the other girl did in her post I am a shy person so i dont think i would be able to set a table up at the grocery store, but i would check into some booths and things like that. hope i made sense. GOOD LUCK :)
Get the shoulder tote!You may also want to order the Pampered Chef shoulder tote (only $15 on supply order) if you already haven't done so. I use that as my purse and take it everywhere with me!! I've had many people notice it! It's helped me book 4 shows from people I didn't know, which helped broaden my clientel! As a matter of fact, I am closing out a show tomorrow from a host I met at Hobby Lobby - she noticed my tote and booked her show on the spot. It's almost a $600 show! Not bad! I've also collected a few orders from people I didn't know as well. I'd say it has definitely paid for itself. It will defintely let people know what you do! Good Luck!! :D
Hi Kristine,I completely understand how challenging it can be to start a new business in a new location. It can be difficult to build a client base and find new customers. However, don't get discouraged! There are a few things you can try to help boost your business in Middleburg, FL.First, consider reaching out to your local community and getting involved in events or activities. This is a great way to meet new people and potentially find new customers. You can also join local Facebook groups or online communities and share your business there.Another idea is to offer incentives or promotions for hosting a party or referring a friend. This can help generate more interest and bookings for your shows.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from other consultants in the area. Attend local team meetings or reach out to other consultants through social media. They may have some helpful tips or even be willing to co-host a show with you.Stay positive and keep putting yourself out there. With time and effort, I'm sure you will see your business grow in Middleburg. Best of luck!Sincerely,

Related to The Pampered Chef Hello Middleburg, How Can I Boost My Business?

1. How do I update my address with my customers?

To update your address with your customers, you can send out an email or newsletter announcing your move and include your new address. You can also update your address on your social media profiles and website to ensure that your customers have the most up-to-date information.

2. Will my customers still be able to place orders while I am in the process of moving my business?

Yes, your customers will still be able to place orders while you are in the process of moving your business. However, it is important to communicate any potential delays in shipping or processing orders due to the move. You can also consider offering a discount or free shipping during this time to thank your customers for their patience.

3. Do I need to update my business license and permits with the new address?

Yes, it is important to update your business license and permits with your new address. This will ensure that you are in compliance with local regulations and can continue to operate your business smoothly.

4. How do I transfer my inventory to the new location?

There are a few options for transferring your inventory to the new location. You can hire a professional moving company to transport your inventory, or you can rent a moving truck and do it yourself. Make sure to properly pack and label your inventory to avoid any damage during the move.

5. What steps should I take to notify my suppliers and vendors of my new address?

To notify your suppliers and vendors of your new address, you can send out an email or letter with your new address and contact information. It is also a good idea to follow up with a phone call to ensure that your new address has been updated in their records. You may also want to update your address on any online portals or systems that you use to place orders with your suppliers and vendors.

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