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Reasons You Joined Pampered Chef?

In summary, the reason Tammi joined Pampered Chef was because she needed a creative and productive outlet, her husband had been laid off, and she enjoyed the products.
What are some of the reasons other than the obvious? The awesome products, making your own hours, being your own boss etc.
I joined so that my husband and I could do some remodeling.

I joined because I just had to have ALL the products and also because I needed to think of something other than having to do the next load of laundry! I am a stay at home mom (3 kids 7,5,4) and after a couple years I was just really depressed with not having any creative/productive outlet for myself. I am also a former Elem. School Library teacher (which I loved!), but that third little surprise made it nearly impossible to work outside of home with child care $$, sick kid days, just getting out of the house on time! I also really enjoy the new friendships made through PC with hosts/guests and especially with other consultants and my Director is AWESOME! It is not really about the earning potential right now, but may be in the future since the all the kids are getting close to full time schooling and I can't see myself going back to a full time teaching position again. There would be no time to do the laundry!! So anyway, that is MY story!
I wanted a little extra income and Pampered Chef allows me to do as much or as little as I want to. I also wanted to have everything and my husband would cringe when I said I was going to a Party. So I decided why not make money, using products I loved, and be able to get out of my house a few nights a week. It seemed like a win win situation for me actually.
I joined because my husband was laid off so we needed more income. I didn't want to leave my part time job and wanted to be able to set my own hours. I have been a host since 1982 and love the product so I knew I could speak from the heart about TPC!
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We needed extra income in the house. My husband already works 6 days a week. I work full time. We have 2 kids, a house, a dog, etc. Like I said, we needed extra $$ in the hopes of doing home renovations and this seemed the best way to do it rather than some minimum wage part-time job where you don't get to chose your hours. Not to mention the fabulous benefits of free PC stuff and great new friends!!!
WhyHere's one that has not been mentioned. I work full time as a computer operator/programmer. YAWN!!! I had spent the previous 3 years renovating our house so that was a great distraction from the computer job. But the every weedend remodler was finally at a point where there just was not that much left that he could do himslef. No more distraction. I have loved to cook since I was a kid and at one time had hoped to become a full fledged chef. However, unless you get the right job, it does not pay much and I had big dreams! So I went into computers. Once the remodling ended though, I got very restless and needed a coping mechanism. I had attended a Pampered Chef show in 1997 and was asked then if I wanted to be a consultant. I almost signed. I did not becasue I ended up changing employers and devoted my time to learning the ways of the new employer. It was not until 3 years later, out of bordem, that I decided I wanted a show so I could fill up my newly remodeled kitchen with great stuff. I signed up two months later when I realized I could do that!!
So, yes I did want ALL the products but I wanted a distraction even more.
My full time boss says it has made a difference so... It must have worked!
:) We joined because my husband loves to cook and experiment with foods and use different means to prepare them. It also is a way to make a little extra money with very little time spent away from home and the family. :)
I joined because it gives me something else productive to do. And earning alittle extra money and free PC products is never a bad thing! Little did I know that my job would become a hobby! :)
  • #10
I am a new consultant (in SS month 1) and wanted to earn some extra money. I work PT at a day job and am home with my 3 year old twins the other 2 days during the week. I have always loved TPC products and when I was younger, I used to pretend I had my own cooking show, so now I combine those 2 things! I'm hoping to save some money for a trip to Disney that we are planning for 2007. Sounds far away, but it'll be here soon, maybe I can even EARN a trip as well!:)
  • #11
I started to pay for my daughter to have dance class without dipping in to our already tight budget. that was three years ago and now I laugh at just wanting $50. It has given me more than I could have expected as I'm sure it has everyone else who is active! I love it! :D
Plus now I have two girls in Jazz class!
  • #12
I joined because my husband and I recently bought a new house and I wanted a little extra money for house renovations as well as a means of putting away money for vacations now and then. While a part time job was the obvious choice, my full time 40+ hour a week job does not have set hours so finding that part time job where I could work when and however long I wanted was going to be difficult. I was a huge fan of the Pampered Chef products having been to a show and bought products in the past from others so I began to think, why not? I can do this. After discussions with family members who said they'd be willing to host my first few shows, I signed up through the Pampered Chef website on a Saturday and later that afternoon, my now Director contacted me and about two weeks later, I finally signed up.
  • #13
I joined because when I had my last child; my 6 month old son Gabriel, DH and I decided I would stay at home to raise him and he would take on a second job. Little did we know we would never see each other. :( So I decided to do something about it that would help bring in more income so DH could quit his second job, delivering pizzas btw and it seems the majority of his tips go in the gas tank anyway since gas is so high now. Well he had been trying to get on at another job, Hyundai has a new plant just built here that has awesome benefits and the pay is pretty good in the long term, though a cut to start with. They called him and he went to school last month for it and started this week. But until he has been there long enough to get a raise we will still need the extra income and we both agreed we would not put Gabriel in daycare. Just too costly around here for what the pay is. In addition to the financial reasons; I am going out of my mind with boredom being home all of the time! I have no social life anymore since I quit work. I am desperate for adult conversation...lol Now hopefully we can get another car in June so I can get out more. :)

Mom to Gabriel 10-8-04
Brittany 10-6-89
and Danielle 10-7-94

Do I know how to time that or what? ;) We have one Bday party to knock them all out at the same time. Though this year it should be interesting to have a 1st bday along with a sweet 16 one.
  • #14
This is my second time in PC. I started the first time with my best friend so we could have something to do together. I became more serious about it than her though. But when I got pregnant with my second child my husband wanted me stop because of difficulties I have during pregnancy. So I did. And my youngest turned two and I had a show as a favor for a friend and I realized how much I missed it so I called up my old director and asked how do I come back she said she'd been praying to hear that from me. LOL :D So I guess I do it because I love to meet new people I love to cook I love to talk and it gives my husband some "alone time" with the kids. It's really just a hobby I have another full time job that I really enjoy (product designer, CAD)
  • #15
I joined to be able to stay home with my daughter and not have to go back to work fulltime. I enjoy the time we have together and when I am at parties my husband is home from work and he can take care of her. And of course I LOVE the products and the company. But most of all for the MONEY!!!
  • #16
The Products say it allI joined to earn the Ultimate Slice and Grate and receive the Garlic Press for a reduced price. When I joined the Super Starter program was still 6 months long and that is how long I intended to be working the business.

When I signed my daughter and third child was 10 days old and I was attending school full-time. Also, my husband traveled for work; leaving Sunday night and returning Friday night. My family lived 2-1/2 hours away.

I don't know what I was thinking or how I was able to make it work. Near the end (my final 12-15 hours) of school I was totally stressed out though. But everything ended up working out. However, instead of using my degree and working full-time I really want to continue doing The Pampered Chef. I can stay home with my daughter (which on some days is not a great benefit :eek: ) and be at my older boys school on special days without consulting someone else's schedule for me.

Since she is only 21 months old my husband isn't pressing too hard for me to work. If I can become a super Director making at least $30,000 a year I think he would lay off all together.

I didn't intend for this to be so long!! Sorry

Related to Reasons You Joined Pampered Chef?

What are the benefits of joining Pampered Chef?

By joining Pampered Chef, you have the opportunity to earn extra income, receive discounts on products, and attend exclusive training events. You also have the support of a community of fellow consultants and the satisfaction of helping others improve their cooking skills.

Is there a minimum sales requirement for Pampered Chef consultants?

No, there is no minimum sales requirement for Pampered Chef consultants. You can set your own goals and work at your own pace. However, the more you sell, the more you can earn in commission and bonuses.

Can I join Pampered Chef if I don't have any cooking or sales experience?

Absolutely! Pampered Chef provides training and resources to help you succeed, regardless of your background. As long as you have a passion for cooking and helping others, you can be successful as a Pampered Chef consultant.

Are there any start-up costs to join Pampered Chef?

Yes, there is an initial investment to join Pampered Chef and become a consultant. This includes a starter kit with product samples, business supplies, and training materials. However, the potential earnings and benefits far outweigh the initial cost.

Can I still work a full-time job while being a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, many Pampered Chef consultants have successful careers or jobs outside of their business. You can work your Pampered Chef business around your schedule and have the flexibility to make it as big or small as you want.

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