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Prayer Request: Facing a Battle at Our School

In summary, Diane is planning to meet with her son's principal tomorrow to discuss Wilson's math disability. Diane and her husband are concerned that the school is not doing enough to help Wilson and their daughter in 6th grade. They also believe that the teacher is always right and that their children do not live in a democracy.
Gold Member
Hey you prayer warriors and those who can only grab enough time to whisper too... tomorrow I am going to meet with our Principal about our son. He has Asperger's Syndrome but you wouldn't really know it if you met him. He's a cool kid... you would just think he is shy... anyway.. .he has a severe Math learning disability which is common with Aspergers... Our kids attend a small Christian school and our Resourse teacher is our pastor's wife... we trusted her but in the last 1 1/2 years Wilson has gone backward's in his math instead of progressing and we are just not going to tolerate it anymore. I am not going to go into details.. they are too deep and personal but we made specific requests at parent teacher conferences and they have not even been attempted... simple requests about communication have even been ignored. This is SUCH a difficult situation. We believe that she is a VERY negatiive force at our school right now and the whole school is under severe spiritual attack and it's just SO hard to face this but I have to for my kids... our daughter in 6th grade is not being served well by her teacher either... and please know... in our house.. .the teacher is always right... our kids do NOT live in a democracy.. .they are guilty until proven innocent and they never know if we speak to their teachers about any issures.. .they MUST respect their teachers but these teachers are making it difficult and I believe the greater picture is the devil fighting against what our school stands for!
SHEW... sorry... I didn't mean for this to get so long but I've got a huge battle facing me and I know better than to go into it withour my armor and without prayer cover... THANKS in advance!!!!!
Let me search some of my prayer books, I may just have a great prayer for you, and of course, I will also pray about this tonight as well! :)
Proverbs 2:6-7
For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

He holds victory in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,

May God grant you wisdom in the words to speak tomorrow and victory in this situation for what your children need to grow and walk in Christ.

I pray that you will have the patience and clear-headedness to speak what you need tomorrow and that their hearts and minds will be open to it!
Diane--you always have been so gracious to pray for me in my difficult times. I just want you to know that I will be praying for you and your family during this time. God knows what is best, and He will definitely see you through these difficult days. Hang in there! I am praying for you! :thumbup:
Diane, I just sent you like 10 emails. I scanned some great prayers for you, and unfortunately I could only send them one page at a time, but they should prove very helpful! Let us know how things go! I'm expecting miracles right along with you! :)

I pray that God will prepare the hearts of those in the school who you will be speaking with. Also that He will give you the words that need to be spoken. I pray that Satan would be thrown out of that school and that his power over some of the faculty would be broken! The Lord is hearing our prayers and answering them right now as we are praying to Him!


As a parent of a child on an IEP and as a teacher, I can understand your frustrations. We sat back too long waiting for things to change with my son. I finally put my roll of parent in front of the teacher in me. I KNEW best as a parent. Good for you. Though it's never easy to tell someone our feelings and wants, it needs to be done. I will keep you in our prayers.
Diane, I will keep you all in my prayers today~do what you know is right by your son and all will be well.....
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  • #9
Thanks to you all! I was awake and asleep interminttently last night... Thanks to all of you praying and some prayer warriors here too... I go today with humble confidence... but I'm sure I'll cry... There is so much I cannot say here... it's a deep river of trouble that I am getting ready to rev up the engine on and ... well... let me go make sure my armor is on and securely in place... THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!
  • #10
Praying for you Diane....
  • #11
Diane- I prayed for you last night, and prayed again this morning.
Just remember to walk in God's love-and his peace...exude that and you cannot go wrong!
  • #12

I am praying for you and all those involved. That their hearts may be opened and that your son be lifted.
  • #13
Love, Prayers & Hugs to you
  • #14
Leave a note when you are back home...{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{DIANE}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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  • #15
I'm home and just got off the phone with DH. The meeting with the pricipal went very well. He will exit DS from the program today and meet with his teacher to develop an immediate and long term plan to serve him in the classroom. Please pray that our first encounter with the resourse teacher will go okay... she's our pastors wife and has a very hard personality ... although her philosophy of what you do with a person or situation that you don't like is you put it in a box and set it away... then if you FEEL like dealing with that issue/person... it's up to YOU to open the box when you wish... I can't square that with scripture but that's a whole nother issue!!!!!!!!
  • #16
quiverfull7 said:
I'm home and just got off the phone with DH. The meeting with the pricipal went very well. He will exit DS from the program today and meet with his teacher to develop an immediate and long term plan to serve him in the classroom. Please pray that our first encounter with the resourse teacher will go okay... she's our pastors wife and has a very hard personality ... although her philosophy of what you do with a person or situation that you don't like is you put it in a box and set it away... then if you FEEL like dealing with that issue/person... it's up to YOU to open the box when you wish... I can't square that with scripture but that's a whole nother issue!!!!!!!!

Glad today went well, and I will continue to pray for the meeting with the resource teacher...use those prayers I sent ya, too! :) When is the resource teacher meeting?
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  • #17
I won't be meeting with the resourse teacher... I'll just see her at church. She is in charge of the program that we exited him from. His classroom teacher will have him and we will have him tutored properly. I should not have trusted the resourse teacher for as long as we did. I did not stand up for my child as I should have until now and that makes me sad but I'm on the case now and will not back down.
  • #18
Dealing with those who are at the same church as you in more personal issues of life is a VERY hard thing. Often personal beliefs get mixed up with scripture for some and the legalism sets in. I dealt with a very hard situation when I worked at a church for 1 1/2 years. The pastor was very controlling and actually implied that if you messed with him on a personal level (disagreed with his opinion) or any issue for that matter, you were messing with God.It was a mental and spiritual struggle!!!! Long story short, he was kicked out of being a pastor 2 years later and now works at the same large company I do. Every once in awhile I have to cross paths with him and that mentality still exists for him. I still have to put things in check before responding.There is a book called "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" which is a good read for anyone who works in ministry a lot. God's Word and scripture is clean, sometimes man's interpretation makes it cloudy. I hope her (Pastor's wife) heart and mind is opened to what your son needs and isn't clouded by her position of pastor's wife.
  • #19

For you and yours Diane...
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  • #20
It's hard to say. She doesn't let anyone inside her circle... noone. She won't be working with DS anymore. I am seriously questioning her ability... I think she has been snowballing us. DS has gone backward instead of showing growth so things are not right. I'm going to be searching for Math interventions that we can do and I'm praying that maybe I can discover a program that he can utilize on the computer in his classroom while his classmates are doing math... they have a computer available in the room ... I am praying believing that God will reveal an awesome plan to help my little guy. He's very smart... math just is a huge disability... but not a disability I am willing to camp out around anymore! Thanks SO much for all your prayer cover! My friend and prayer warrior companion has invited me out to lunch and a sitter was actually available so I'm off! This is a rare and welcomed treat!
  • #21
Diane - I have a friend - don't remember where she lives now but can look it up. She went to college for special ed because she had dyslexia bad and didn't get diagnosed until end of college. She got straight A's in college and went into special ed to help other students not be stuck like she was until older.Would you like me to try to get her e-mail again to see if she has any tidbits for your son's case?
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  • #22
OF COURSE! I'll take any advise and help that I can get.
  • #23
How was lunch Miss Diane?
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  • #24
Lunch was great! You are getting right into the North Carolina fashion with that "Miss Diane" I love it! :) I love that our kids can call their friends mom's and dad's by their first names as long as they preface it will a Miss or Mr. :)
  • #25
quiverfull7 said:
Lunch was great! You are getting right into the North Carolina fashion with that "Miss Diane" I love it! :) I love that our kids can call their friends mom's and dad's by their first names as long as they preface it will a Miss or Mr. :)

Heck, we do that in northern Wisconsin! :)

Also, my workers in downtown Milwaukee used to call me Miss Janet...
  • #26
We do that here in Michigan too - DS always calls adults by Mr., Mrs., or Miss...and a few close family friends he calls Uncle or Aunt.
  • #27
I think it's a respect thing vs. a northern/southern thing. :)
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  • #28
It's totally a respect thing but everywhere I have lived we had to say Mr. or Mrs. and then their last name... not their first... I'm glad to hear it's more relaxed in more places... I was NEVER allowed to call an adult by their first name when I lived in MI or SD
  • #29
It's a POLICY for the kids in our Sunday School. Written into the children's ministry policies that they will either call their teacher Miss ______, Mr. ______ (first names) or Mr. and Mrs. with last name if the teacher wants or there are common first names.All my friend and I and also fellow staff members make our kids call all adults Miss or Mr. and the first name. My sitter is the ONLY exception because she asked the kids to call her Nita. ...and she is more conservation than us by far! :)I also think it is a generational thing - a bit more relaxed now than when I was growing up but I want my kids to respect adults.
  • #30
quiverfull7 said:
It's totally a respect thing but everywhere I have lived we had to say Mr. or Mrs. and then their last name... not their first... I'm glad to hear it's more relaxed in more places... I was NEVER allowed to call an adult by their first name when I lived in MI or SD

I grew up in South Alabama and we were never allowed to call any adult by their first name either! I think it was because both of my parents were from the north (NJ and Mass), but I know plenty of people that do allow their kids to do this and as long as it is acceptable by the adult, I think it's OK. We have very good friends that are Ok with my kids calling them Miss_____first name____ and other good friends that want the kids to call them Miss____last name____. I guess it just depends on the parents and the precedent they set!
  • #31
For some reason, I've always called my friends Miss______(insert first name) or I will do that for people I respect. When I was a Nanny in CA- the kids had to call me Miss Kristine (Kacey is my nickname) One child could not pronounce his his K's, (even though he could say his brother's name, which was Kyle) anyway, he called me Miss Fristine! Too funny. Another little munchkin that I was a nanny to called me Miss Kiwi because she couldn't say Kristine, either!

But I am practicing my southern lingo...Any ya'll want some sweet tea? LOL
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  • #32
Ya'll want some sweet tea sugah???? :) :) :) :)
  • #33
My little guy's Sunday School teacher for 2 years is also a really good friend of mine - somehow in his little vocabulary, instead of calling her "Miss Vicki", he always called her "Misser Vicki"...and somehow, all of the kids in the SS class picked up on it, and now all call her Misser Vicki - as does our whole family.:DHe doesn't do that with any other "Miss" or "Mrs" names - just Vicki's.
  • #34
my friends son has a speech issue and called his babysitter Miss Ween.....her name is Alene! We all still call her that and the little guy is now 7;)
  • #35
Diane - how old is your son? I'm drafting an e-mail to Amy for you.
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  • #36
9 ... will be 10 in May
  • #37
Check you e-mail Diane. :)
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  • #38
Thanks Janet... I"ve been out all day and going out again but I'll check it out! Thanks!
  • #39
quiverfull7 said:
You are getting right into the North Carolina fashion with that "Miss Diane" I love it! :)

It's funny that you mention it's a NC fashion....I was born and raised in the northern panhandle of WV (just NW of Pittsburgh,PA) and when I was 18, I moved to Elizabeth City for two years and picked up on the Miss (first name) right away and it has stuck with me. :) Some of the assistants and teachers in my kids' school (public) ask that they be called Miss (first name).

It is definately more of a relaxed feeling.

Related to Prayer Request: Facing a Battle at Our School

1. How can we pray for you and your son?

We would appreciate prayers for wisdom, guidance, and protection as we navigate this difficult situation at our school.

2. What specific challenges is your son facing at school?

Our son has Asperger's Syndrome and a severe math learning disability. Despite our requests for support and accommodations, his progress in math has regressed instead of improving.

3. How have the teachers at your school responded to your concerns?

Unfortunately, our requests have been ignored and communication has been lacking. This has been a very difficult and frustrating experience for us.

4. How is this situation affecting your daughter's education?

Our daughter, who also attends the same school, is not being well-served by her teacher. This adds to the overall stress and challenges we are facing.

5. What do you believe is the root cause of these challenges at your school?

We believe that there is a negative force at our school and that the whole community is under spiritual attack. It is a difficult situation to face, but we are trusting in prayer and faith to guide us through it.

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