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Omg! I'm Laughing so Hard I Can't Breathe!

In summary, Brenda shared an article about a dysfunctional marriage and how it made her laugh. Mary Anna shared an article about couples disagreeing on what to purchase. Sandi shared an article about her husband wanting to buy a server and how they need to spend money on getting her more clothes.
Gold Member
A friend had this link posted on her FB wall. This is apparently a VERY dysfunctional marriage, but I couldn't help but laugh at the retaliation!

You might want to have some tissue on hand in case you laugh until you cry like I did. ;)

OH MY GOSH! That's hilarious!!! The second photo really did me in....I know you warned me, but girl- I've had two kids. Things happen when you laugh that hard! (Sorry guys!)It's been a day of comedy for me- I've been watching Chondra Pierce and Mark Lowry video clips on YouTube all day while paying bills- you NEED comic relief when doing bills!
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  • #3
Bwahaha! Sorry, didn't mean to make you wet yourself. ;)
Too funny!!! oh,man I needed a good laugh today and this was so good!! Sharing this with my sisters! They will get a good chuckle! We lived on a farm while growing up and one chicken 'hated' my oldest and youngest sister. They refused to go into the chicken pen to gather the eggs because the chicken would follow them around and peck at their legs... only them not the rest of us... still laughing at the idea of having a 5 ft chicken on the front step..LOL
That is very funny! I love the comments, too! If you want another laugh, you should go to amazon dot com and look up the book "Sh*t My Kids Ruined" and click on the option to preview a portion of the book and see some of the pictures. My, my, my... some of those pictures bring back some memories. Julie Haas Brophy also has a facebook page with links to other 'ruined sh*t' and pictures.
I cannot get the link to work - grrrr! But I was able to pull up the cashed version. This is too funny - esp in light of a chicken lawsuit we have going on in our neighborhood (Just use your imagination!).
well, for some reason, the server cannot be found...so no laughs for me...
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  • #8
I saw it on FB, I bet they have so many hits right now that the server couldn't keep up!
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  • #9
Brenda, that's funny too! LOLMary Anna, would hate to be the judge on that one. I don't even know the details & it sounds like scary! ;)
  • #10
OMG -- that was *so* funny. Those 2 sound like they have way too much fun when they get together! :D

  • #11
Thanks for the laugh! :D
  • #12
And a few margaritas! Sorry but older men have that "laughing" issue too! I needed to hear this a week ago when I went to the grocery store to buy, get this, chicken legs and thighs and breasts for 99 cents a pound. Then I was going to go again, because the store limited how much you could get at one shot. Then I did it again, and a 4th time and Pat yelled at me, I DO NOT EAT THOSE THINGS, for wanting his debit card so much he could not get his gas. He had a half a tank by the way! So I went to the store and bought, you got it, more chicken. AND 40 POUNDS OF HAMBURGER! That of course would not get to sit on the stoop but hey, it sure shocked him when he opened the fridge! I simply turned around after he bambasted me and simply said, IT AIN'T ALL FOR ME! AND I DO NOT EAT CHICKEN. All he could do was say, OH. Now if I could just figure out how to put some outside the computer room window where he sits all weekend!
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  • #13
Funny how all couples disagree on what should & shouldn't be purchased. My hubby was talking tonight about wanting to buy some sort of server. He's not a computer guy. Why on earth he feels he needs one is beyond me, but he said if we end up spending quite a bit of time apart (due to Fukushima) we could share files between my home in TX & his home in Japan. My side ~ I came out here with one suitcase ... ONE! I've had to go buy more clothes for the children and a few more things for me ... but I'm living with borrowed beds, borrowed couches, borrowed lamps, dresser, chest of drawers & dining room table. Oh ... borrowed stove & a donated fridge that's got to be 25 years old. And I'm going to the laundry mat ever 5-6 days because that's as far as the clothes I have for me will last and I'm doing it with 2 kids in tow. Before a server ... we need to spend money on getting me more clothes as well as a washer & dryer! LOL And beds so I can give back the loaner items ... and a tool set so I'll have a freaking screwdriver in this house! The kids were playing rough & literally pulled the hinges out of the top part of their bedroom door. I was in there with a butter knife (oh, the silverware is borrowed too) trying to screw back in phillips head screws ... that was fun. Hubby's never had to start from scratch building a home for himself & 2 kids. He doesn't know how expensive this endeavor is! LOL
  • #14
I absolutely love this! Have to share with friends on FB! Thanks Sheila!
  • #15
I would have had the chicken standing on a terry cloth pink bath mat and THEN rang the bell.
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  • #16
Bwahaha Nancy! THAT is freaking hilarious!!!
  • #17
Oh my - love it - thanks for the lunchtime laugh!
  • #18
I laughed so hard out loud, crying, crying, crying this is SO funny!!! Well written!!! I wanna chicken like that dropped at MY door.. I wouldn't give it away! :)
  • #19
Sheila - he wants a server? Call a friend in Japan to dress up like a Waiter, Waitress, or Butler or maid. Then have them go ring the door bell and have them tell your hubby, your wife called. I'm your server!
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  • #20
Bwahaha! He's not home right now, he's away on a military thing or I'd sooooo do that. By the time he gets back to Japan, the moment will have passed. Dang!!! LOL
  • #21
I am in love with this Chicken!
  • #22
I read this earlier at work and boy did I need a good laugh!!
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  • #23
I can't seem to close the window on my browser. It keeps refreshing my memory & making me laugh all over again. I think part of the "funny" is that the girl in the picture looks sooooo much like one of my friends & recruits on my team! Victor is NOT her hubby's name or I'd be asking her some questions! LOL
  • #24
Thank you for sharing this! So funny! I agree with Nancy- I would have put it on a pink towel too!
  • #25
I love this chicken and the whole story that went along with it. Thanks for sharing Sheila, it did make me chuckle.
  • #26
I had shown it to my husband (he didn't laugh as hard as I) but he did say "I want that chicken"
  • #27
My husband thought it was pretty good too.
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  • #28
I thought about sending it to my hubby, but we are not vindictive like that in our relationship and I think I'm hesitant because I don't want to give him any "brilliant" ideas! LOLI still have it up in my browser & laugh multiple times every day. I definitely NEED the comic relief in my life right now. I visit "D*#% You Auto Correct" periodically for a good laugh too. ;)
  • #29
I HAVE to turn auto correct off on my computers and do manual spell checks. I got tired of the computer "fixing" the spelling of my last name it it Suprise not suRprise. Many people spell my name correctly because they don't spell surprise correctly though...
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  • #30

Needed more characters to submit ...
  • #31
lt1jane said:
I HAVE to turn auto correct off on my computers and do manual spell checks. I got tired of the computer "fixing" the spelling of my last name it it Suprise not suRprise. Many people spell my name correctly because they don't spell surprise correctly though...

LOL Too funny! That is so true! :D
  • #32
That was hilarious--thanks for sharing!
  • #33
I think I could see myself doing this...:p
  • #34
went to an Uppercase Living party the other night for my neighbor/customer (she's had a couple of really good parties for me). My husband told me "no towels." (But he did give me a budget which I did come close to.)
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  • #35
LOLI still have the blog open in my browser. Still can't bring myself to close it. Although I'm not reading it every day, it does bring a smile to my face several times a day. The comic relief sure is good medicine! ;)
  • #36
I thought you'd like to see this.... she's at it again! lol

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  • #37
That's actually from July, but yes! She's funny! And thanks for bringing up this thread again, I really needed to go back & re-read the original page that I posted. Laughter really is the best therapy. ;)
  • #38
that is tooooo funny!!
  • #39
Can you imagine my reaction when I found this? I posted this in a thread that followed up on this one.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Guess what I found today?
This has to be about the biggest, um, rooster, that I've ever seen.
  • #40
OMG! I love it! Too funny! I just got some junk mail that said there is a study that laughing (or watching something funny for 30 minutes a day) is good for high blood pressure. I guess I got two days worth from this post! Thanks for sharing!
  • #41
Brenda.the.chef said:
That is very funny! I love the comments, too! If you want another laugh, you should go to amazon dot com and look up the book "Sh*t My Kids Ruined" and click on the option to preview a portion of the book and see some of the pictures. My, my, my... some of those pictures bring back some memories. Julie Haas Brophy also has a facebook page with links to other 'ruined sh*t' and pictures.

That's awesome! I almost broke my computer spitting coffee on it!!!!!:p
  • #42
Grrr. Serves me right to laugh at other parents' expenses...I just got done telling a frien about the book, and my daughter decided to bump into my favorite elephant figurine and finish it off (she broke it once before) :(
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  • #43
Sorry Zaneta! :(
  • #44
OMG, Sheila. The comments are hilarious. There's one on the Mini Beyonce:
"Every time we walk by the crap section at the HEB, my husband asks me not to say 'Bok Bo M...F...' so loud"HAHAHAHAHAHA
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  • #45
  • #46
I highly recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0553343653/?tag=pfamazon01-20 by Norman Cousins.


He died of heart failure on November 30, 1990, after surviving years longer than his doctors predicted: 10 years after his first heart attack, 26 years after his collagen illness, and 36 years after his doctors first diagnosed his heart disease and gave him just a few months to live.

He laughed himself out of a fatal disease and back to health.
  • #47
Some posts are just so classic, you have to resurrect them every so often for the new folks in the group. But I also had to resurrect this because Beyonce (see website in the first post), lives in my town!! There is a store that sells these things, and several neighbors along that same road who have them in their yard. I just crack up every time I drive by.Anyway- enjoy the story. Do not drink anything while reading!
  • #48
I don't know about the rest of you, but I keep seeing these giant chickens everywhere. They're not cheap, either, or I'd probably have one by now, too! This one was in Gundy County, Iowa.

  • #49
They are starting to grow on me! <insert KG funny come back here>
  • #50
I'm glad it's growing on you, but here's one that seems to be shrinking on us!

<h2>1. What is the link about?</h2><p>The link is a blog post titled "And That's Why You Should Learn to Pick Your Battles" on the website The Bloggess. It tells the story of a dysfunctional marriage and the humorous retaliation that ensued.</p><h2>2. Why was the link posted on someone's Facebook wall?</h2><p>The link was posted on someone's Facebook wall because it was found to be funny and relatable by the person who posted it. They wanted to share it with their friends and spread the laughter.</p><h2>3. Is the link appropriate to share with others?</h2><p>That is subjective and up to personal discretion. Some may find it inappropriate due to the subject matter of a dysfunctional marriage, while others may find it humorous and harmless. It is important to consider the sensitivity of others when sharing content like this.</p><h2>4. Is it necessary to have tissues on hand while reading the link?</h2><p>It is not necessary, but it may be helpful. The link is described as causing laughter so hard that one may cry, so having tissues nearby could be useful. However, not everyone may have the same reaction and may not need tissues.</p><h2>5. Can you provide a warning about potentially offensive content in the link?</h2><p>Yes, the link does contain some potentially offensive language and subject matter. It is important to use discretion when sharing it with others, especially those who may be sensitive to certain topics. Reader discretion is advised.</p>

Related to Omg! I'm Laughing so Hard I Can't Breathe!

1. What is the link about?

The link is a blog post titled "And That's Why You Should Learn to Pick Your Battles" on the website The Bloggess. It tells the story of a dysfunctional marriage and the humorous retaliation that ensued.

2. Why was the link posted on someone's Facebook wall?

The link was posted on someone's Facebook wall because it was found to be funny and relatable by the person who posted it. They wanted to share it with their friends and spread the laughter.

3. Is the link appropriate to share with others?

That is subjective and up to personal discretion. Some may find it inappropriate due to the subject matter of a dysfunctional marriage, while others may find it humorous and harmless. It is important to consider the sensitivity of others when sharing content like this.

4. Is it necessary to have tissues on hand while reading the link?

It is not necessary, but it may be helpful. The link is described as causing laughter so hard that one may cry, so having tissues nearby could be useful. However, not everyone may have the same reaction and may not need tissues.

5. Can you provide a warning about potentially offensive content in the link?

Yes, the link does contain some potentially offensive language and subject matter. It is important to use discretion when sharing it with others, especially those who may be sensitive to certain topics. Reader discretion is advised.

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