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Official Discussion of New Fb Policy

Independent Consultantstatus with The Pampered Chef®.There are a lot of restrictions on what you can and can't do with your PWS on Social Media, but the main thing to remember is to make sure you are being clear that you are not an employee of PC and that you are an Independent Consultant.
  • #51
NooraK said:
OK, so I got a reply to my email from over the weekend (from a person):

How's that for a non-answer? It didn't address my question regarding the "Fan" page portion, so I replied:

Surprisingly, I got a reply quite quickly:

I am printing, laminating and saving this!

So - how do I set up a Fan Page? I can't see that anywhere...
  • Thread starter
  • #52
If you go to the PC FB page, at the bottom left there is a link that says "Create a page for your business" or something to that effect.
  • #53
NooraK said:
If you go to the PC FB page, at the bottom left there is a link that says "Create a page for your business" or something to that effect.

But is that a Fan Page, since it doesn't sound like they're too familiar with what a Fan Page is? I started a Group - but If the Fan Page is better, I'd like to do that instead.
  • #54
I've been checking out the official PC Facebook Page, and I think it's fun. However, I've noticed a lot of consultants are posting comments such as "Tell me about Go for the No" and "What are order numbers for new supplies?", etc. Personally, I think we should not post business-related questions -- things that are really for consultants only on there. I think it turns away regular customers. I'd much rather see posts about enthusiasm for the business, the products, for conference, etc.
  • Thread starter
  • #55
ChefBeckyD said:
But is that a Fan Page, since it doesn't sound like they're too familiar with what a Fan Page is? I started a Group - but If the Fan Page is better, I'd like to do that instead.

Yes, that would be a fan page. I wouldn't see why HO wouldn't be familiar with it, that's what they created for themselves. It's just like any one of those other pages that you can "Like." I like the Fan Page concept better, because then you can make status updates from the Fan Page that show in the News Feed of those who "Liked" the page, where as you can't do that with a group.
  • Thread starter
  • #56
leftymac said:
I've been checking out the official PC Facebook Page, and I think it's fun. However, I've noticed a lot of consultants are posting comments such as "Tell me about Go for the No" and "What are order numbers for new supplies?", etc. Personally, I think we should not post business-related questions -- things that are really for consultants only on there. I think it turns away regular customers. I'd much rather see posts about enthusiasm for the business, the products, for conference, etc.

I agree. I don't think a lot of consultants have read the policy or taken the courses, because it does state in there that we should use the page to express our enthusiasm, and share what HO posts with our friends and family.
  • Thread starter
  • #57
And you know, now that I think about it, I think there are ways you can restrict what people see before they "Like" your page. I remember seeing several pages go around a while back about stuff like "Can you see the polar bear in this picture" and you couldn't see the answer unless you "liked" the page.
  • #58
I agree Becky. It doesn't sound like they are familiar with a fan page versus a group. I believe with a group, your status's do not get posted on your "friends" pages. Your friend would actually have to visit your group page each day to see recipes, etc. The only way to "broadcast" with a group is to send everyone a message through the inbox. At least this has been my experience with groups I have joined.
  • #59
NooraK said:
I agree. I don't think a lot of consultants have read the policy or taken the courses, because it does state in there that we should use the page to express our enthusiasm, and share what HO posts with our friends and family.

To me, the page is too "busy" with posts from other consultants that don't contribute anything to customers. If I were a customer, I wouldn't go reading the page. But at least I'd get the status updates from the page itself.
  • #60
leftymac said:
I've been checking out the official PC Facebook Page, and I think it's fun. However, I've noticed a lot of consultants are posting comments such as "Tell me about Go for the No" and "What are order numbers for new supplies?", etc. Personally, I think we should not post business-related questions -- things that are really for consultants only on there. I think it turns away regular customers. I'd much rather see posts about enthusiasm for the business, the products, for conference, etc.

Good Point!
  • #61
NooraK said:
Yes, that would be a fan page. I wouldn't see why HO wouldn't be familiar with it, that's what they created for themselves. It's just like any one of those other pages that you can "Like." I like the Fan Page concept better, because then you can make status updates from the Fan Page that show in the News Feed of those who "Liked" the page, where as you can't do that with a group.

Looks like we were typing about this at the same time :)
  • #62
Bren706 said:
Good Point!

Seems like the page is quickly turning into another version of this site!
  • #63
So to set up a "fan" page is that the "page for business" link?
  • #64
I feel confident in creating a second profile because it is NOT another personal page. I am using my second profile in accordance with FB's rules. It is not FAKE and it is not PERSONAL. I feel in ANYONE's policies and procedures the do's and don'ts are there for us to understand as they are written .. I shouldn't have to figure out what they mean when they say 'such and such'. I shouldn't have to read between the lines.

Personally, it stresses me out - I'm taking it for face value and accepting it exactly as it reads unless they tell me different.

Pampered Chef has not CLEARLY said which one to create. THey've suggested to us that GROUPS are to be used for Directors or leaders that want to have another avenue to connecting with their teams OR for consultants who want to connect with their customers in a more PRIVATE way. PC says if you create a GROUP it MUST be set to PRIVATE. (there are 3 settings in a group, OPEN, CLOSED, and SECRET .. SECRET falls in the description laid out in the PC new policy)

PC Groups or Group Pages on Social Networking Sites
If you create a group on a social networking site that is
primarily dedicated to your Pampered Chef® business, you
must privatize the group. For example, if a Director creates
a Facebook group for their downline or for their customers,
only individuals specifically invited by the group moderator
should have the ability to join the group and access the
group’s page/information.

FB What are the group privacy options?
When you create a group, you can completely control its privacy. There are three different access levels:
Open: For "global" groups, everyone on Facebook can view the group and join. If the group is exclusive to a specific network, only the people in that network can view the group or join it. All content (e.g., photos, videos and discussions) is visible to anyone viewing the group.
Closed: For "global" groups, everyone on Facebook can see the group, but the administrators must approve all membership requests or personally send invitations. If the group is exclusive to one network, only people in that network can view the group or join it. Only group members can view its Wall, discussion board, and photo or video content. Non-members can view its Info and Recent News. If you are not a member, you will not receive stories about closed groups.
Secret: These groups cannot be found in searches or be viewed by non-members. The name of the group will not display on the profiles of members. Membership is by invitation only. Non-members will not receive stories about secret groups.
  • #65
FB How can I maintain a professional presence on the site separate from my personal profile?
If you are a teacher and have a personal profile, you can consider creating a group or a Page specifically for interacting with students, parents, or colleagues. Create Friend Lists to control what parts of your profile students are able to access.

Pages are for broadcasting great information to people on Facebook. For example, you could create a Page called "Ms. Smith’s 9th Grade Science Class" where you post daily homework assignments. Anyone can become a fan of a Page on Facebook. People who choose to become a fan of a Page will see updates on their profile.

To create a Page, click here. Pages are free, you can control them with your personal profile, and they keep your profile separate from your students.

Groups make it easy for members of a community to connect, share and even collaborate on a given topic or idea. For example, you could create a group called "American Literature 101 Discussions" where you and your students can contribute to group discussions. Or you could create a group for all of the educators in your your department to collaborate on lesson plans and share ideas. To create a group, click here.

Friend Lists
Friend Lists provide organized groupings of your friends on Facebook. For example, you can create a Friend List specifically for your students. Then you can control which parts of your profile are visible to this entire list. You can also filter your view of each list’s stream of activity separately on the home page, or send messages and invites to this group of people all at once.
  • #66
FB's links to creating pages info Help Center | Facebook

click expand all to the right and at the bottom see all 90 results ...
  • #68
IDK .. just thought this information might be helpful to some who may not be FB savvy or have the time to look it up.
  • Thread starter
  • #69
leftymac said:
To me, the page is too "busy" with posts from other consultants that don't contribute anything to customers. If I were a customer, I wouldn't go reading the page. But at least I'd get the status updates from the page itself.

See, I never go visit the pages I've "liked." I just view the status updates I receive from them in my News Feed.
  • Thread starter
  • #70
cookingwith_tara said:
IDK .. just thought this information might be helpful to some who may not be FB savvy or have the time to look it up.

I think it's great information, Tara.
  • #72
I just took all 3 online classes this morning on Facebook. They suggest either setting up a group page (you invite from your friends list)or if you want to just keep one account list all of your customers in a separate friends list and when you want to post about PC just send it to them instead of posting to everyone on your list. It has to be an opt in situation.
  • #73
Slowly but surely I am becoming very VERY confused! LOL!!! Fan pages, group pages, separate accounts, page for business link, etc, etc. Oh what to do, what to do? I'm thinking that creating a second account using my business email seems to be easiet and less confusing. What is everyone deciding to do??? I don't want to go against any terms of service or anything and take the risk of losing my personal Facebook account.
  • #74
as I commented earlier, I'm creating a separate account for my business ... it's clear to me that it is ok to do so, according to FB policy and PC policy ..
  • #75
For those of you who've taken the FB online training courses, does it cover the question of how to have a host link to your PWS from HER FB page?I do not have a FB page, nor do I intend to ever get one (My DH works in Network Security and has told me it's a huge "no-no" and most in the biz agree.) But obviously, I hope that I'll have hosts who DO have FB pages, and since they can link to my PWS page when telling their friends about it- I want to make sure I'm telling her the correct way to do it - both for rules as well as making sure it WORKS and that her orders don't accidentally end up in the lead system vs her show....I read somewhere (policy?) that certain links on the PWS page time out after 2 hrs, and an order would go to the lead system- whereas a general PWS link doesn't expire.Anyway- does the training answer some of those questions?? Didn't want to waste an hour if it just talks about setting up MY FB Page.
  • Thread starter
  • #76
esavvymom said:
For those of you who've taken the FB online training courses, does it cover the question of how to have a host link to your PWS from HER FB page?

I do not have a FB page, nor do I intend to ever get one (My DH works in Network Security and has told me it's a huge "no-no" and most in the biz agree.) But obviously, I hope that I'll have hosts who DO have FB pages, and since they can link to my PWS page when telling their friends about it- I want to make sure I'm telling her the correct way to do it - both for rules as well as making sure it WORKS and that her orders don't accidentally end up in the lead system vs her show....I read somewhere (policy?) that certain links on the PWS page time out after 2 hrs, and an order would go to the lead system- whereas a general PWS link doesn't expire.

Anyway- does the training answer some of those questions?? Didn't want to waste an hour if it just talks about setting up MY FB Page.

Yes, one of the courses covers this, I just don't remember which one :D

As an answer to your question though: Your host would probably want to create an Event, and place the link there. If they're on FB, they'll probably be savvy enough to know what that means. They can also post the link on their status update.

The part in the policy just reiterates the fact that if you use a link from any other part of your site, except the main page, the clicks will be directed to the HO Lead System. If the web address includes the .biz/yourname part, you're OK. If it doesn't, you might lose sales.

The training course does caution to keep events private, or if they are public to not have the host post her actual address or a link directly to the show, just a link to your site with a note to ask her if they need help ordering. Now, if you ask me, that's a bit pointless, as the Host's name is obviously in the event, and if they put her name in on your site, they're linked to the show anyway.

  • #77
Thanks Noora!
  • #78
This is a big step for PC who has been so against online activity. It is a terrific move and probably indicates more to come. AWESOME! :love:
  • #79
Okay... SO... if fan pages are not group pages (and they're not), then you should be able to set up a fan page and have people "opt-in" (which is one of HO's concerns, from what I can interpret)...?

I think it would be great if fan pages were okay. 1-because the news feeds straight onto the wall of people who have liked the page. 2-because you don't need a separate profile. 3-because there is more marketing flexibility with a fan page because it's designed for business.
  • #80
I know Noora got one answer, but as I posted in the "2nd FB profile" forum, while speaking to someone in the solution center today, they said that fan pages are not permitted.
  • #81
I thought it was Noora that got someone that said fan pages were not group pages, so they're okay...Sooooo confused.
  • #82
according to FB a fan page is different from a group.. and in PC's updated policies there is no mention of not having a page .. only regulations for creating a group.
  • Thread starter
  • #83
I got one answer on the phone, and a different answer by email. Since the email is in writing, I'm tempted to go with that. I STILL haven't decided what exactly I'm going to do. I'm considering calling again, or emailing back to that person who replied (probably more likely to email) to get express clarification. His answer really didn't address my question very fully.
  • #84
I wish I understood better what the reasoning or motivation was behind the Fan page policy (if not allowed). If the desire to make sure our customers "opt in" to marketing, then a fan page should be fine because it is done by the user's choice. There's no way to "spam" someone into becoming a fan. I am not understanding the need to keep marketing private, because you're not "leaking" any info you shouldn't be. You're just as unlikely to know someone who joins your private group because they might be a referral from a customer and someone you don't know. Unless they expect you to affirm that you personally know every single person that is added to your private group. (and I have to say there have been times when I have no idea who my customer is because they were a catalog show order or outside order...)Grrr... I'm not surprised this is already disorganized, chaotic, and full of inconsistent information. So disappointing.
  • #85
THe problem is the 'opt-ing in" . IN the online training the stress the importance of what you post and how often. In a page, you don't have to 'accept' people who want to join, they just 'like' you and are automatically part of your friends. But, my thinking on that is if they are coming to your page they must KNOW you are going to post ALL information about your business - selling, recruiting, promos, etc. So in essence "LIking" your page IS their 'opt-in" ... or it would seem so ... LOL
  • #86
Bren706 said:
I know Noora got one answer, but as I posted in the "2nd FB profile" forum, while speaking to someone in the solution center today, they said that fan pages are not permitted.

I called Career Solutions today and asked very specifically about this and was asked to email them very detailed questions about what I was wondering about so I did that. I'm waiting to hear. I am just not clear on how HO feels about the fan page which is certainly what I would like to do but want a clear answer from them on it.
  • #87
cookingwith_tara said:
THe problem is the 'opt-ing in" . IN the online training the stress the importance of what you post and how often. In a page, you don't have to 'accept' people who want to join, they just 'like' you and are automatically part of your friends. But, my thinking on that is if they are coming to your page they must KNOW you are going to post ALL information about your business - selling, recruiting, promos, etc. So in essence "LIking" your page IS their 'opt-in" ... or it would seem so ... LOL

Agreed. If I were to go to a, say, Mary Kay consultant's page, and "liked" it... I for sure know what I would be getting myself into. Besides, it's not hard to "unlike" a page at all. It's much harder to get off email lists because you are not in control of a list manager. You are in control of what you like and don't like on FB.

Perhaps there is a privacy concern with us being able to access people's personal info via FB once they are our fan... that goes a bit deeper into social networking and marketing than I have delved into. I'm sure FB is selling itself to businesses along those lines in some way. I'm pretty sure my personal info is being sold to the highest bidder any chance they get, if I "allow" it.
  • Thread starter
  • #88
PampChefJoy said:
I wish I understood better what the reasoning or motivation was behind the Fan page policy (if not allowed). If the desire to make sure our customers "opt in" to marketing, then a fan page should be fine because it is done by the user's choice. There's no way to "spam" someone into becoming a fan. I am not understanding the need to keep marketing private, because you're not "leaking" any info you shouldn't be. You're just as unlikely to know someone who joins your private group because they might be a referral from a customer and someone you don't know. Unless they expect you to affirm that you personally know every single person that is added to your private group. (and I have to say there have been times when I have no idea who my customer is because they were a catalog show order or outside order...)

Grrr... I'm not surprised this is already disorganized, chaotic, and full of inconsistent information. So disappointing.

cookingwith_tara said:
THe problem is the 'opt-ing in" . IN the online training the stress the importance of what you post and how often. In a page, you don't have to 'accept' people who want to join, they just 'like' you and are automatically part of your friends. But, my thinking on that is if they are coming to your page they must KNOW you are going to post ALL information about your business - selling, recruiting, promos, etc. So in essence "LIking" your page IS their 'opt-in" ... or it would seem so ... LOL

I didn't understand the privatization part of the policy to be that concerned with "opting-in." I know it's stressed in the training, though. The policy seems to be more concerned with keeping information private, which I agree seems silly. The training even talks about how you might get new customers through referrals on FB. So why not make it easy for people to do that?

quiverfull7 said:
I called Career Solutions today and asked very specifically about this and was asked to email them very detailed questions about what I was wondering about so I did that. I'm waiting to hear. I am just not clear on how HO feels about the fan page which is certainly what I would like to do but want a clear answer from them on it.

I had thought my question was fairly detailed, but the answer I got was very short and didn't seem to address the full extent of my original question. Initially, my first reaction was (just as I posted) "I'm going to print, laminate and save this" because it basically said the Fan page was OK. In mulling it over, I really do want to get more clarification, because I don't want to set it up just to end up having to take it down because it's not allowed after all.
  • #89
I'm really torn with what to do. I have the second profile and I really like having it set up this way. I really don't want my regular profile to be infiltrated by random people I meet at shows and such. I don't want to have to sit there and adjust every single post I make to only allow certain people to see it or not see it. I want to publicize that I'm on facebook and I want to be accessible. I want to share recipes and tips and let them know about the specials and any events I hold. I don't want to have to send PM's to every single friend I currently have on my list. It's much easier to do what I've been doing (sending friend suggestions from my regular account to the people pointing out my new profile.) But....maybe that's just me being lazy. If it's wrong, it's wrong and I don't like to be a rule breaker. Ugh! What to do, what to do. Create a "group" or wait and figure out what the deal is with creating a Page and if it's allowed. Or continue with how I have it set up and wait until more people have figured out how to set things up in a way that works well and they are happy with. Sorry if I'm just rehashing everything again...I just need to vent my frustration.
  • #90
babywings76 said:
I'm really torn with what to do. I have the second profile and I really like having it set up this way. I really don't want my regular profile to be infiltrated by random people I meet at shows and such. I don't want to have to sit there and adjust every single post I make to only allow certain people to see it or not see it. I want to publicize that I'm on facebook and I want to be accessible. I want to share recipes and tips and let them know about the specials and any events I hold. I don't want to have to send PM's to every single friend I currently have on my list. It's much easier to do what I've been doing (sending friend suggestions from my regular account to the people pointing out my new profile.) But....maybe that's just me being lazy. If it's wrong, it's wrong and I don't like to be a rule breaker. Ugh! What to do, what to do. Create a "group" or wait and figure out what the deal is with creating a Page and if it's allowed. Or continue with how I have it set up and wait until more people have figured out how to set things up in a way that works well and they are happy with.

Sorry if I'm just rehashing everything again...I just need to vent my frustration.

Seriously, if we are given all of this training on FB etiquette, and told that we can provide a link to our website on our homepage, and given examples of what and how to post, I can't see why it would be wrong to have the Page. I think we're making it more difficult than it has to be.
  • #91
I agree, becky .. i feel it is okay to have a fan page, it is okay to have a separate "business" profile, and it is okay to have a group. Use FB etiquette (listen to the online training) ALL THE TIME, keep your GROUPS private (secret), and create a "Friend list for customers" if you're going to just use your personal profile so your friends can 'opt in'.
  • #92
So has anyone created a "group" yet? How are you liking it? I just created one and only invited my alternate identity and my 2 sisters. I plan to play around with it and see how I like it. Then I will delete my alternate identity and invite others to this group. My sister pointed out to me a privacy setting that I can designate a certain "list" of friends to not be allowed to see posts that friends made on my wall. I'm going to look into it. See, my main fear was not so much what I posted, but what my other friends might post to my wall. For example, games. I have a setting where only my game playing friends see my posts. But, the games sometimes generate posts where you send it onto a friend's wall. I go through and delete those after I've checked them out, because I don't like my wall to show evidence that I play games. :blushing: And sometimes a friend might post something of a personal nature (where they really should've sent a PM anyway) and I don't want my PC contacts necessarily seeing all of that.I've created a PC list. So when I post things of a personal nature, or just something I don't think all my PC contacts need to know, I'll change the security setting to not allow the PC list to see it. It'll be annoying having to take those extra steps, but since a second profile isn't allowed and there's debate on the Pages, this is probably the safest bet.Anyway, sorry for all my ramblings. Thanks for letting me think out loud through this process. :blushing: :D
  • #93
Hmmm, the down side to groups...nothing will show up on everyone's wall when a post is made. This thing will be pointless. Who is going to think, "Hey, let me look at my 'Pampered Chef w/ Amanda' group!" I want things posting to their walls. Dang it! :grumpy: :cry:
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  • #94
babywings76 said:
Hmmm, the down side to groups...nothing will show up on everyone's wall when a post is made. This thing will be pointless. Who is going to think, "Hey, let me look at my 'Pampered Chef w/ Amanda' group!" I want things posting to their walls. Dang it! :grumpy: :cry:

That's exactly why I haven't done anything yet. I'd love to do a Page, but it's not clear whether we can, and I'm waiting on a response from HO.

My second choice would be a second profile, but it's not something allowed by FB rules. I don't think they police it very strictly, but I did see someone just post today that their second profile has been deleted by FB.

My third choice will be to use my existing profile, and mess with the privacy controls each time I post something. This would be very tedious, and difficult for me to do from my phone.

I see the group as a last resort, and the reason is exactly what you posted. Members have to proactively go to the group to see anything you post. Personally, I rarely do that with any group I'm a member of, and I wouldn't expect anything more from my customers.
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  • #95
I got a more detailed response from HO!

This is what I had sent in response to the answer I got yesterday:

I would like to get some more clarification on my previous question. I must admit, my initial reaction to the response was “I’m printing, laminating and saving this!” because it seems contradictory to what the policy states. After mulling it over, I feel it isn’t the right thing for me to do, to run with this answer while still having doubts about whether I’m following policy.

I am a member on ChefSuccess, and we have had several discussions on what can and can’t do, and there are some vast differences in how consultants are interpreting this portion of the policy. I would like answers to the following question:

Are consultants allowed to create a Page for communication with their customers?

Facebook has three different ways to participate: Profiles, Pages and Groups. Each of these is mentioned in the second training course, but the portion about Pages only talks about the Pampered Chef main Page. The training does promote Groups, but doesn’t address whether Pages are allowed by consultants.

The policy states that groups must be privatized so only those specifically invited may be able to join and view the groups information. A Page does not allow the owner to keep the information private, but does cover the need for a contact to “opt-in” to receive information from the Page. A Page allows the owner to post statuses, like one does with a Profile, whereas a Group does not. With a Group, the member has to proactively remember to come visit that Group, and if my customers are anything like myself, they’ll never do it.

I would greatly appreciate any additional information you may be able to provide. As I mentioned, there are a couple of discussions going on ChefSuccess.com, and you may wish to refer to those for more detail on the debate of the issue.

This is the response I received:

Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. If you are using your full name and proper title, you can create either a personal account (profile) or a business account (page), however we strongly recommend and encourage Consultant's to create personal accounts (profiles) due to the fact that business accounts cannot be found in search and cannot send or receive friend requests.

The online training courses were designed based on a Consultant creating a personal account (profile). The purpose of being able to use social media for your Pampered Chef business is to help you socially connect with friends, family, current and former coworkers, and even strangers. Personal account profiles will be a better way for you to do this than a business account page.

You are not required to have your personal account profile or business account page marked as private. This is why the policy only states that groups must be made private.

I'm so glad to have a definitive answer, and will now go ahead and create a Page for myself :D
  • #96
"...business accounts cannot be found in search "

This is not true, as I was able to find Becky's business page just fine yesterday. Maybe it is an option in a search function to not look at pages but profiles only...
  • #97
True, you cannot send a friend request, but you can "suggest" the page to all your friends, and that seems to have worked just fine for most in the past with other businesses.
  • #98
I could find Becky's page when I used the search field under the Pages category. But in the general search field at the top, I could only find her profile.
  • Thread starter
  • #99
PampChefJoy said:
"...business accounts cannot be found in search "

This is not true, as I was able to find Becky's business page just fine yesterday. Maybe it is an option in a search function to not look at pages but profiles only...

Yes, that part is not true. When you do a search, you can then choose what you're searching for: People, pages, the web etc.

But the bottom line is, it's OK to have a Page, and it doesn't need to be private.
  • #100
I must have mine set to search "all" things...

I'm so glad you got a good definitive answer Noora. thanks for being the squeaky wheel!
<H2>1. What changes have been made to the Facebook/Social Networking Policy?</H2><p>According to the updated Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity Policies (starting on page 35), there have been changes made to the Social Networking section (starting on page 40). These changes include guidelines for using social media to promote Pampered Chef products and the inclusion of PWS links in social media posts.</p><H2>2. Can I use social media to advertise Pampered Chef products?</H2><p>Yes, the new policy allows for the use of social media to advertise Pampered Chef products, as long as it is done in compliance with the guidelines outlined in the Social Networking section of the policy.</p><H2>3. Can I include my PWS link in my social media posts?</H2><p>Yes, the updated policy now allows for the inclusion of PWS links in social media posts. However, it is important to follow the guidelines provided and not use social media solely for the purpose of promoting your PWS.</p><H2>4. Are there any restrictions on how I can promote Pampered Chef on social media?</H2><p>Yes, there are guidelines in place to ensure that Pampered Chef is represented in a positive and professional manner on social media. This includes not engaging in negative or controversial discussions and not using social media solely for the purpose of promoting Pampered Chef products.</p><H2>5. Where can I find the full policy for using social media as a Pampered Chef consultant?</H2><p>The full policy for social media usage can be found in the Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity Policies (starting on page 35) of the Consultant Policy Guide document, which can be accessed on the Pampered Chef website under the "Resources" section.</p>

Related to Official Discussion of New Fb Policy

1. What changes have been made to the Facebook/Social Networking Policy?

According to the updated Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity Policies (starting on page 35), there have been changes made to the Social Networking section (starting on page 40). These changes include guidelines for using social media to promote Pampered Chef products and the inclusion of PWS links in social media posts.

2. Can I use social media to advertise Pampered Chef products?

Yes, the new policy allows for the use of social media to advertise Pampered Chef products, as long as it is done in compliance with the guidelines outlined in the Social Networking section of the policy.

3. Can I include my PWS link in my social media posts?

Yes, the updated policy now allows for the inclusion of PWS links in social media posts. However, it is important to follow the guidelines provided and not use social media solely for the purpose of promoting your PWS.

4. Are there any restrictions on how I can promote Pampered Chef on social media?

Yes, there are guidelines in place to ensure that Pampered Chef is represented in a positive and professional manner on social media. This includes not engaging in negative or controversial discussions and not using social media solely for the purpose of promoting Pampered Chef products.

5. Where can I find the full policy for using social media as a Pampered Chef consultant?

The full policy for social media usage can be found in the Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity Policies (starting on page 35) of the Consultant Policy Guide document, which can be accessed on the Pampered Chef website under the "Resources" section.

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