Hi everyone! I started with Pampered Chef the end of February and just celebrated my 30 days by meeting and surpassing my $1250 in sales in my first 30 days. I did so with just online sales and virtual parties through Facebook. I hope to meet some big sales goals before my 90 days, and I welcome any and all suggestions you may have to help me get there. I have only done virtual parties thus far as I'm new to the area I live (moved from Montana to just outside of Las Vegas in June), so I don't very many people. My recruiter and director both live in Montana, so I'm basically on my own. I have some products that I hope to start doing some in-person parties with to meet my neighbors and hopefully drive up my sales. I bought the items from the March consultant kit ... the veggie strip maker, breakfast sandwich maker, microwave pasta maker, and the microwave cozies set. My question is, what recipes would you all suggest I use to demo these products for a party? I'd like to be able to use all 4 of them so I can show everyone how easy they are to use and to make a full meal with. I welcome all suggestions.