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Director Join the Excitement: Register for Your July Room Now!

In summary, according to the agenda, there is no Director's Lunch or Upper Level Dinner, instead, there is a general lunch between the two director training events and a reception for the UL dinner. The speaker's NED expressed disappointment that the UL dinner had been downgraded to a reception, and it is unclear if anything will come of it. No career lunch was offered last year, and previously the Director lunch was a dinner with entertainment. The cost of attending conference has increased due to airfare, hotel, etc.
I am waiting to register for my room this morning! Can't wait for July. My birthday is July 7th so it's like a big party just for me :party:
YAY! ALL REGISTERED!! :) Well for the room anyway! :)
How did you do that? I am trying to register and the system says it does not recognize me as a consultant. Now I'm on hold with Experient....
I know!! I had to do the same thing bc i couldn't verify the first person. So i opened another window and tried again but then got an error bc i had it in another window. SO, i logged out and then logged back in with my consultant number and last name and it was fine. Try that! Good luck. It should work though
pampmomof3 said:
I know!! I had to do the same thing bc i couldn't verify the first person. So i opened another window and tried again but then got an error bc i had it in another window. SO, i logged out and then logged back in with my consultant number and last name and it was fine. Try that! Good luck. It should work though

I wish that had worked for me...this hold muzak is about to make me bOnKeRs!!! :bugeye:
Does anyone know what the price will be for Conf this year? $200?
We ended up calling Experient and booking the rooms that way b/c the computer system was all messed up.
I went rogue this year! I have a room for $60 for the entire stay at the Hilton. I had to find a way to bring the cost down. When we were first pricing airfare it was over $400 from San Antonio (normally $225 or so). It has since started to creep down, but still!! I'm looking forward to conference. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this year.
I'm just posting this as a heads-up... NOT to create an uproar. According to the agenda, there is NO Director's Lunch... just a general lunch in between our D training events (there are 2 events... the general D training event and then a second one after lunch that is assigned by level). There is NO UL dinner... just a reception. I talked with my NED yesterday about this and she didn't realize there was no D lunch and expressed her disappointment that the UL dinner has been downgraded to a *reception*. She said that Marla really needs to understand where the *line* is. Not sure if anything will come of it, but it's kind of a bummer. I like the D lunch perk. Did we have Career Club last year? Now I can't remember!!!!Part of what motivated me to promote were the perks we got at conference... now it doesn't feel like there are really any...
  • #10
finley1991 said:
I'm just posting this as a heads-up... NOT to create an uproar. According to the agenda, there is NO Director's Lunch... just a general lunch in between our D training events (there are 2 events... the general D training event and then a second one after lunch that is assigned by level). There is NO UL dinner... just a reception. I talked with my NED yesterday about this and she didn't realize there was no D lunch and expressed her disappointment that the UL dinner has been downgraded to a *reception*. She said that Marla really needs to understand where the *line* is. Not sure if anything will come of it, but it's kind of a bummer. I like the D lunch perk. Did we have Career Club last year? Now I can't remember!!!!Part of what motivated me to promote were the perks we got at conference... now it doesn't feel like there are really any...
No career lunch last year. The only thing they did was have the million dollar people stand from what I remember. I also miss the exec banquet. Not that long ago the director lunch was a dinner with entertainment. Sad...
  • #11
Chef Kearns said:
I went rogue this year! I have a room for $60 for the entire stay at the Hilton. I had to find a way to bring the cost down. When we were first pricing airfare it was over $400 from San Antonio (normally $225 or so). It has since started to creep down, but still!! I'm looking forward to conference. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this year.

How and where? That's an amazing price. Is that $60 per night or as it sounds for 3/4 nights?
  • #12
bethcooks4u said:
Not that long ago the director lunch was a dinner wit entertainment. Sad...

I remember that but part of the reason they cancelled that (according to my NED) was because between 1/3 & 1/2 of all Ds bailed on it and it wasn't worth HO putting it on and never knowing how many would actually show up. I think it partly was that it was the last night and some people wanted to get home. The other reason was when surveyed, the Ds (and up) said they wanted more training instead of a fancy dinner.

I know they can't please everyone...
  • #13
finley1991 said:
I remember that but part of the reason they cancelled that (according to my NED) was because between 1/3 & 1/2 of all Ds bailed on it and it wasn't worth HO putting it on and never knowing how many would actually show up. I think it partly was that it was the last night and some people wanted to get home. The other reason was when surveyed, the Ds (and up) said they wanted more training instead of a fancy dinner.

I know they can't please everyone...

I know but personally I wanted to be pampered and made to feel special. Sometimes it't training overload. Oh well, like you said. Can't make everyone happy.
  • #14
I'm glad I JUST squeaked by becoming a Director when they had the last Director event - it was at the Field Museum and catered by Wolfgang Puck and it was while the King Tut exhibit was there. Soooooo glad I made that one! I do miss it, but I can't imagine the expense to the home office.

I'm bummed the Director lunch is gone too. :( Hopefully someday it'll get better and the economy will pick back up and we may see some of these perks again.
  • #15
I'm thinking with so many more people promoting to Director this year under the current career plan it will be harder & harder for them to offer the same perks that they've offered in the past when they had less people achieving the levels. :(This will be my first conference EVER. I just had my 3 year anniversary.
  • #16
More and more keeps being cut...this is making me question the expense of attending. Only 2 workshops? Even though I have promoted to upper level, I feel like there is less and less to be excited about. Trips are out of my reach, the Director events were fun, the Exec. dinner was fun....all gone.

With Spring Launch, Upper Level Director Academy , Director Express, national conference and leadership events...they are all great but affording the time and money for travel with everything else going on:confused::money::(
  • #17
Chef Kearns said:
I went rogue this year! I have a room for $60 for the entire stay at the Hilton. I had to find a way to bring the cost down. When we were first pricing airfare it was over $400 from San Antonio (normally $225 or so). It has since started to creep down, but still!! I'm looking forward to conference. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this year.

Where is this Hilton? Our airfare from Syracuse is always around or over $400 we can drive 12 hours, but honestly, I don't travel well.

Sign me "turning into a crotchey old fuddy dud"
Guess I had better go drink some prune juice!!:yuck:
  • #18
Chef Kearns said:
I went rogue this year! I have a room for $60 for the entire stay at the Hilton. I had to find a way to bring the cost down. When we were first pricing airfare it was over $400 from San Antonio (normally $225 or so). It has since started to creep down, but still!! I'm looking forward to conference. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this year.

How'd you do that???
  • #19
finley1991 said:
I'm just posting this as a heads-up... NOT to create an uproar. According to the agenda, there is NO Director's Lunch... just a general lunch in between our D training events (there are 2 events... the general D training event and then a second one after lunch that is assigned by level). There is NO UL dinner... just a reception. I talked with my NED yesterday about this and she didn't realize there was no D lunch and expressed her disappointment that the UL dinner has been downgraded to a *reception*. She said that Marla really needs to understand where the *line* is. Not sure if anything will come of it, but it's kind of a bummer. I like the D lunch perk. Did we have Career Club last year? Now I can't remember!!!!

Part of what motivated me to promote were the perks we got at conference... now it doesn't feel like there are really any...

I agree. I emailed my NED expressing my feelings about all of this and really just asking her for some words of wisdom so I could head off the negativity that was going to come from my team members who have attended NC in the past. She pretty much blew me off with a "Oh there are special trainings by level." Whatever.
I was SO looking forward to Career Club luncheon and Director's Lunch. I was HUNGRY for some good workshops...now we're getting TWO. I am seeing NC as a HUGE financial burden that doesn't look like it's going to be giving us much of a return this year and that makes me both sad and worried about the future of our company.
For those of you who've been with PC 10-15+ years and have been thru other economic downturns...what are your thoughts? Will it all pick up again?
  • #20
Wow, I hadn't even looked at the agenda yet, kinda of disappointing. With all the things they are eliminating I don't know why it's still spread over 3 days. They could have done all this in a day and a half and saved us some money and time.
  • #21
I would consider the training by level to be a session so I count 3 training sessions plus the director training. To me it looks like the only thing they hadn't already omitted last year was the director lunch. That and the exec meeting which IMHO was lame anyway. I hate though that now there is no official meet up for the direct and extended lines to get together. Some execs don't plan anything on their own :(
  • #22
I think for the amount of time and money everyone puts into attending, cutting it so much shorter, stinks. Two workshops? BLAH to that. I go to learn and network, not sit thru a general session everyday watching balloons dance around and an hour long presentation of the products in some drama-style format. They could show the items in 10minutes and be done with it and give more time for other things. I was not a fan of 'walking the stage' and hate sitting thru the Miss America Pageant of promotions. That needs to speed up too. I LOVED when they did groups/multiple people last year but I know many (if not all) will disagree with me there as I heard people complain last year.

I LOVED the D+ luncheon last year and was sad to see that go to but I think the post above was right with so many people promoting. If it starts to become so easy to promote, wonder if it will start to lose its pizazz... Other than trying to save people from having to be in on Wednesday, I don't see why they cant start conference on Wednesday morning and fit in an additional workshop or training. For those who wait to travel to Thursday, hope they don't get hit with delayed flights and such.

Ok I'll stop my rant...bottom line I'm very disappointed in the agenda this year. We'll see if they change my mind while I'm there. :D
  • #23
pamperedlinda said:
Wow, I hadn't even looked at the agenda yet, kinda of disappointing. With all the things they are eliminating I don't know why it's still spread over 3 days. They could have done all this in a day and a half and saved us some money and time.

That's exactly what my mother pointed out, too. :grumpy:
  • #24
There was a Groupon type of thing a few months ago (January maybe) that offered rooms at the Hilton. $60 is for my entire stay!!! We're gonna be splitting and have 4 total to a room, but each person's part is only $60. I think it is the Hilton, it is the hotel that is across the river from the Sheraton. It has been a conference hotel a couple of times before. I'm so glad we were able to find it.

I am excited to see what they do. Alot of the changes make me very sad. I was extremely sad when they took away the Breakfast of Caring, the the Career Club lunch disappeared, the Executive dinner...nixed. Those are some of the things that I really look forward to. The circus show was amazing and stunning and it was fun having a deejay; but if they took that out I wouldn't miss it. Those other things are what really made going to conference worthwhile. I know that I seemed to always get the most training and best tips from the people I meet between workshops and stuff. We'll see.

I wonder if the economy is really what is driving these changes.
  • #25
I was sad to see these things nixed also. I also wasn't totally happy with them making us sit through another class during general session( the go for no) It was like someone else said shoving down our throats more workshops. Don't anyone think I'm crazy, but I really miss the surprise boxes. I met some real funny people doing that. :D
  • #26
bethcooks4u said:
No career lunch last year. The only thing they did was have the million dollar people stand from what I remember. I also miss the exec banquet. Not that long ago the director lunch was a dinner with entertainment. Sad...

I remember going to a career club lunch last year....or maybe I'm imagining things. I sat with a gal from England (military).
  • #27
bethcooks4u said:
I would consider the training by level to be a session so I count 3 training sessions plus the director training. To me it looks like the only thing they hadn't already omitted last year was the director lunch. That and the exec meeting which IMHO was lame anyway. I hate though that now there is no official meet up for the direct and extended lines to get together. Some execs don't plan anything on their own :(

I agree the Exec Meeting was lame. I left early last year. They should really bring back the Exec dinners. Those were fun and as was pointed out, you got to meet your extended lines.
  • #28
Career Club Lunch last year was just separate tables with the amounts listed in the same large luncheon room as everyone else.Nothing is as exciting as it used to be, that's for sure. Hoping to promote one of my consultants to Dir so I can get in on the UL dinner on Wed. night...I will be there alone (my AD & I are rooming together Wed night and she is going -- I am her only Dir and the only one of our group going Wed night).Anyone want to go to dinner on Wed night with me? I will be at the Hilton.
  • #29
jwpamp said:
Career Club Lunch last year was just separate tables with the amounts listed in the same large luncheon room as everyone else.

Nothing is as exciting as it used to be, that's for sure. Hoping to promote one of my consultants to Dir so I can get in on the UL dinner on Wed. night...I will be there alone (my AD & I are rooming together Wed night and she is going -- I am her only Dir and the only one of our group going Wed night).

Anyone want to go to dinner on Wed night with me? I will be at the Hilton.

Janice, I'm coming in Wed. afternoon. Had hopes of one of mine promoting, but she isn't working her biz. like she was before so not looking like it's going to happen. Haven't booked my room yet, but have the flight booked so for sure will be there early. Would love to hang out :)
  • #30
Ok, I am starting to look forward to conference. Maybe it is because today was the last day my staff was at work and my mind is free for a month or so...but I am getting very excited about attending. Even with all of the changes, seeing the new products gets me going everytime. Plus there is a new director in my downline (hopefully I will promote someday so I can reap the benefits of my new 3rd line) and a new AD that has promoted!!:party:
  • #31
Way to go Ann! I'm getting excited too. This is my first year to attend. I've been to work conferences before for the Police Department and I've been to Real Estate conferences. Learning & networking in those types of environment are always so much fun! :D
  • #32
I was excited to root for both of my Directors when they walked the stage.Annastasia still gets to attend and I'm really looking forward to seeing her walk across the stage. She's come a long way in such a short time & I've very proud of her accomplishments! I think I'll feel like a proud Mommy watching my daughter! LOLKaren also qualifies to walk, but her OB won't write the letter for her to get on the plane & fly from Japan to Chicago. With our move from Okinawa to Tokyo I didn't get to attend & walk last year & I know how disappointed that can be. I'm sad that she's having to miss out on the fun. She deserves to get to walk that stage too! :(
  • #33
Sheila said:
I was excited to root for both of my Directors when they walked the stage.

Annastasia still gets to attend and I'm really looking forward to seeing her walk across the stage. She's come a long way in such a short time & I've very proud of her accomplishments! I think I'll feel like a proud Mommy watching my daughter! LOL

Karen also qualifies to walk, but her OB won't write the letter for her to get on the plane & fly from Japan to Chicago. With our move from Okinawa to Tokyo I didn't get to attend & walk last year & I know how disappointed that can be. I'm sad that she's having to miss out on the fun. She deserves to get to walk that stage too! :(

They will likely let her walk next year.
  • #34
That would be nice! ;)
  • #35
So excited!! We are leaving Friday to a huge family celebration in Minnesota then off to conference from there. Apparently I am going to be in a "parade" Friday mornining at General Session opening. That is all I was told.

How much bling is too much bling? I bought a really sparkly dress. It has glass beads on it. Anyone else wearing sparkles?
  • #36
cookingwithlove said:
So excited!! We are leaving Friday to a huge family celebration in Minnesota then off to conference from there. Apparently I am going to be in a "parade" Friday mornining at General Session opening. That is all I was told.

How much bling is too much bling? I bought a really sparkly dress. It has glass beads on it. Anyone else wearing sparkles?

If it's the same parade I'm in I believe it's for your NED's top sellers and recruiters.
  • #37
Oh, and I am not wearing any bling. I'll be in capri's all week.
  • Thread starter
  • #38
I am in the parade too!
  • #39
I'm in the parade also!! :D
Although, I don't understand how I made it.....
  • #40
Me too ! :)
  • #41
I'm in the parade as well!
  • #42
I received a box in the mail today from my NED and one of the contents was an invitation to be in the parade too. She did a super cute little presentation for her invitation!




  • #43
This is what I got in the mail from my NED


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  • #44
I've never been to NC, so this is all new to me. My NED sent out a list the other day of who's invited for reserved seating at meals too. Apparently my meals are Lunch Thurs & Breakfast Fri. I guess that's their way of rotating through the group & spending time with everyone?

Here are some of the other things in the box:

Recruiter Pin

A star shaped plate:

A sash for the stage?

Our team shirts:

I'm guessing this is for my team members? Originally had me + 5 going, but 2 are now unable to attend, so it's just me + 3. Not sure why she sent me 7 ribbons!

Oh, and here are the buttons I'll be wearing each day (they came in today's mail too):
  • #45
How exciting... so many of us are in the parade.
  • #46
I'm in the parade too.
  • #47
I am in the parade too! I will be carrying the Hiltbrand flag :)
  • #48
We have a flag? :D
  • #49
Apparently there is a flag, because Deena asked if I would carry the team flag :)!! The parade is new this year, so not sure what to expect of that... and my shirt is completely different than yours... mine is a cardigan !
  • #50
Are we supposed to get shirts and stuff? All I've had was an email about it.
<h2>1. What is "Join the Excitement" all about?</h2><p>"Join the Excitement" is a special opportunity for Pampered Chef consultants to register for our July room, which is a collection of exclusive products only available to consultants. It's a great way to expand your product line and grow your business.</p><h2>2. How do I register for my July room?</h2><p>To register for your July room, simply log into your Pampered Chef account and click on the "Join the Excitement" banner. From there, you will be able to select and purchase your chosen products.</p><h2>3. When is the best time to register for my July room?</h2><p>The sooner you register for your July room, the better! This will give you more time to promote and sell these exclusive products to your customers. We recommend registering as soon as possible to ensure you get the products you want.</p><h2>4. What are the benefits of registering for my July room?</h2><p>Registering for your July room allows you to access exclusive products that are not available to the general public. This gives you a competitive edge and can help you boost your sales and attract new customers. Plus, it's a great way to celebrate your birthday with a special collection just for you!</p><h2>5. Can I register for more than one July room?</h2><p>Yes, you can register for multiple July rooms if you wish. However, keep in mind that each room has a limited number of products available, so we recommend focusing on one room at a time to ensure you get the products you want.</p>

Related to Join the Excitement: Register for Your July Room Now!

1. What is "Join the Excitement" all about?

"Join the Excitement" is a special opportunity for Pampered Chef consultants to register for our July room, which is a collection of exclusive products only available to consultants. It's a great way to expand your product line and grow your business.

2. How do I register for my July room?

To register for your July room, simply log into your Pampered Chef account and click on the "Join the Excitement" banner. From there, you will be able to select and purchase your chosen products.

3. When is the best time to register for my July room?

The sooner you register for your July room, the better! This will give you more time to promote and sell these exclusive products to your customers. We recommend registering as soon as possible to ensure you get the products you want.

4. What are the benefits of registering for my July room?

Registering for your July room allows you to access exclusive products that are not available to the general public. This gives you a competitive edge and can help you boost your sales and attract new customers. Plus, it's a great way to celebrate your birthday with a special collection just for you!

5. Can I register for more than one July room?

Yes, you can register for multiple July rooms if you wish. However, keep in mind that each room has a limited number of products available, so we recommend focusing on one room at a time to ensure you get the products you want.

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