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Is It My Job to Babysit My Team??

I just got an early morning call from a girl on my team. She needed $43 in sales for August to stay active. She is in the middle of a major move from city to city so I wasn't expecting her to present any shows, but I told her TWO weeks ago, to make sure she either got the $43 in OR sent in the email to take leave for the month. She did neither. And today she called ME to reem ME that she has lost her career sales because I didnt call her YESTERDAY to remind her to submit sales. WHAT? Since when do I have to Babysit? I told her two weeks ago that this would happen. Why do I have to be a calendar reminder? Am I supposed to call her and remind her to host coach? go to her shows? Argh! I am so frustrated. I need new recruits.
She can do a retroactive waiver, but she's got to do it fast. It will cost her $25 out of her next paycheck, but it's worth it if she has a lot of career sales.

I know it's frustrating when something like this happens, but hopefully having an option for her will help. She's got to call HO first thing on Tuesday, because there's a time limit on how far into the month you can do it (don't know what it is).

I feel your pain - Some people expected us to help them succeed. My first team member got upset with me for not help supporting him enough. Sent me an e-mail reeming me - My mother had been very ill and he knew this. She died the same day I got the hurtful message.
I talked with my Director and she helped me realize that some people don't want to take rsponsibility for their failures
Just brush it off...
No one has to tell the bank to open on Monday mornings...or the salon to open on Tuesday mornings...
Some people just never want to take responsibility for themselves. I have 2 recruits. I encourage them all the time, but I told them up front that their business was theirs and they needed to treat it as such!
nikked said:
She can do a retroactive waiver, but she's got to do it fast. It will cost her $25 out of her next paycheck, but it's worth it if she has a lot of career sales.

Thanks Nikki for this! I hadn't even heard of a retroactive waiver and I couldn't have read this thread at a better time. My director called and told me about another girl on her team (a good friend of mine) who forgot to submit her show yesterday. Well, I told my director and she read the fine print and called her right away and told her. now she won't have a crappy labor day weekend!!

:D :D :D THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
Definitely do the retroactive waiver and brush it off (if you can!). Obviously she's frustrated about a lot of things and took it out on you. It's her fault... you told her and so did HO. She'll be fine... as long as the gets the waiver in ASAP!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I have to call her today anyhow- I did know about the retro waiver- I took it myself once. But I didnt tell her this morning. I was just working so hard not to chew her out for blaming me that I couldnt think of anything to say AT ALL. I just said- gosh I am sorry but I did remind you 2 weeks ago that you needed to do it.
I got a call from HO about this girl. Seems she also commission adjusted a bunch of paperwork at conference and since she didnt submit sales in August... they have nothing to adjust from. And she hasn't been answering her phone when HO calls her to deal with it. SO they call ME to chase her down. I am supposed to promote to director for November 1st. Please remind me that it will be worth it...
Kathytnt said:
some people don't want to take rsponsibility for their failures

Kathy summed it up perfectly...
You did the right thing I giving a reminder two weeks prior. This consultant was frustrated with herself, and took it out on you. We will all find that we will have consultants that take the initiative, read information and pursue educating themselves through tapes, online training, etc. and those that need to learn to be cut from our "cord". Sometimes I have to take a step back and say "I have given them the tools and taught them how to use them, been a support, but THEY must build themselves." Some adults can be worse than my 9 year old students! HA HA!!
  • #10
friday said:
Please remind me that it will be worth it...
It is worth it...I have never had the displeasure of someone saying this to me and I will use your example for biting tongue if I do run into someone like this!!
Consider the source and as my upline tells me...the answer to all of our problems in our business is to recruit!! Grow your team and focus on those that produce. I do feel for her, but you DID remind her 2 weeks ago. With that and HO reminding us of going inactive, there was plenty of notice.
Remember that when someone points the finger at us...there are four more pointing back at them!!
  • #11
In the blaming department, my director blamed me for the fact that as of Sept. 1st she was going to lose her directorship because I hadn't submitted enough sales. I have been carrying her team in sales for more than a year now and because she hasn't been working or being a director to anyone else on her team, and she was about to lose it. As of right now, I don't know if she made it or not to keep her directorship... I'm assuming she has because I haven't heard otherwise. I submitted my last show Friday afternoon and it didn't show up on the IPT until after 9am Saturday morning. I got a FLAMING e-mail from her at about 7am that I had "said" I was submitting the show and it wasn't showing up and that she had been counting on my sales to save her status. Ironically, the next e-mail in my inbox was from HO saying that the show I submitted Friday afternoon had already shipped. (Woo-hoo on the quick shipping!!!).

It's funny how when others experience lack of success, it's NEVER of their own doing... it's always someone else's fault.

And as a side note, I submitted over $2500 for August... what happened to the rest of the team and her personal sales? I guess it doesn't matter because in her eyes, IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!

  • #12
finley1991 said:
In the blaming department, my director blamed me for the fact that as of Sept. 1st she was going to lose her directorship because I hadn't submitted enough sales. I have been carrying her team in sales for more than a year now and because she hasn't been working or being a director to anyone else on her team, and she was about to lose it. As of right now, I don't know if she made it or not to keep her directorship... I'm assuming she has because I haven't heard otherwise. I submitted my last show Friday afternoon and it didn't show up on the IPT until after 9am Saturday morning. I got a FLAMING e-mail from her at about 7am that I had "said" I was submitting the show and it wasn't showing up and that she had been counting on my sales to save her status. Ironically, the next e-mail in my inbox was from HO saying that the show I submitted Friday afternoon had already shipped. (Woo-hoo on the quick shipping!!!).

It's funny how when others experience lack of success, it's NEVER of their own doing... it's always someone else's fault.

And as a side note, I submitted over $2500 for August... what happened to the rest of the team and her personal sales? I guess it doesn't matter because in her eyes, IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!


Wow, sorry to hear that Colleen - for the amount of time you've been in PC and what you've done, it shouldn't be and ISN'T your fault. :thumbdown:

Got to love the "I am about to lose because you haven't submitted enough..." She CHOSE to accept directorship and should be working it herself.

I admire Kate and others who have struggled at points in losing their directorship, but stepped up and said, "It is MY business and I AM going to work to keep from losing it."
  • #13
Thanks Janet. I can't imagine in October when the new director requirements are in place she'll survive. It's just really bugging me that no one ever hears from her and when we do, it's this.

Whatever.. what goes around comes around. My business is great and only getting better! :D
  • #14
finley1991 said:
Thanks Janet. I can't imagine in October when the new director requirements are in place she'll survive. It's just really bugging me that no one ever hears from her and when we do, it's this.

Whatever.. what goes around comes around. My business is great and only getting better! :D

If she is struggling now, she will struggle then! Especially when $750 a month HAS to come from her. Then I think we'll see a lot of directors that don't support their teams having issues. Hopefully, it will be a good thing for those around who are great directors!
  • #15
Well, she figured out that she was going to be a little over $400 short... when I asked her what she was going to do, she said that she would just buy $400. She has a vendor show in Sept so my guess is that she's going to unload the stuff there. In any case, I'm sure the new requirements will sting... she won't be able to do $750 every month. Maybe moving to my NED's first line will be my christmas present! :)
  • #16
finley1991 said:
Well, she figured out that she was going to be a little over $400 short... when I asked her what she was going to do, she said that she would just buy $400. She has a vendor show in Sept so my guess is that she's going to unload the stuff there. In any case, I'm sure the new requirements will sting... she won't be able to do $750 every month. Maybe moving to my NED's first line will be my christmas present! :)

I hope YOUR hard work pays off and you get the support you need. Being in your NEDs first line will give you a lot more resources! Keep us posted!
  • #17
That would be great for you Colleen!
  • #18
finley1991 said:
Well, she figured out that she was going to be a little over $400 short... when I asked her what she was going to do, she said that she would just buy $400. She has a vendor show in Sept so my guess is that she's going to unload the stuff there. In any case, I'm sure the new requirements will sting... she won't be able to do $750 every month. Maybe moving to my NED's first line will be my christmas present! :)

My director told me that someone in her/my upline does that every month to keep getting the overrides! The teams sales requirement isn't an issue, and she makes enough on the overrides to cover the product she buys. That just made me sick!! Guess she may be sailing in the same boat shortly with your director!
  • #19
First of all, I am in agreeance with everyone here - she has to take responsibility for herself! You say she is just moving from city to city - I know moving can be tough and stressful; my family does it often! I moved from SC to TN temporarily until we could find a home in VA (the kids and I stayed with my parents for about 3 weeks). I had no trouble maintaining an active status. My sales were not stellar, but I was bale to meet min requirements with ease. I'm not trying to "toot my horn" but trying to make the point that if were important enough to her she would have scheduled a catalog show or asked for an order from someone!

I know it is hard, but let it go. We are all given the same kit and you know as well as I do that what we do with it is entirely up to us. You can be the best and most supportive coach, but if the consultant isn't willing to step up there is little you can do (you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink).

Hope this helps! This is a great learning tool for next time (let's hope there isn't one, but just in case!)
  • #20
I agree I would just brush it off, some people are just unpleasable
  • #21
Let me preface by saying I totally agree that it is HER business and HER ultimate responsibility. However, for something as big as this--losing career sales and going inactive--I do feel that a gentle reminder the day before would have been appropriate. It seems like she had a lot on her mind with her move and a little grace could have been extended to her. To me, that's part of being a director and supporting one's team.

Related to Is It My Job to Babysit My Team??

1. Why do I have to babysit my team?

As a leader in your team, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team members are meeting their goals and staying on track. Babysitting, in this context, refers to providing guidance and support to help your team members achieve success. It is a way to show that you care about their progress and are invested in their success.

2. Is it my job to remind team members about their tasks?

As a leader, it is your job to set expectations and communicate clearly with your team members about their responsibilities. While it is not your job to constantly remind them, it is important to provide occasional reminders and check-ins to ensure that they are on track and meeting their goals.

3. Am I supposed to call and remind team members to host coach?

It is not necessary for you to personally remind team members to host coach. However, you can provide resources and training to help them improve their host coaching skills. Additionally, you can set expectations and hold team members accountable for their host coaching efforts.

4. Do I need to remind team members to attend their shows?

It is not your responsibility to remind team members to attend their shows. However, you can provide support and guidance to help them plan and prepare for their shows. It is ultimately up to the team member to take responsibility for their own success.

5. Why do I need to constantly recruit new members?

In any business, it is important to have a continuous flow of new recruits to ensure growth and success. As a leader, it is your responsibility to build and maintain a strong team by recruiting new members. This will also help your team members by providing them with potential new customers and hosts.

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