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ifYou Report Someone for Posting About Pampered Chef on Fb....

In summary, wouldn't it be totally obvious that someone on their "friend list" reported them if they don't have their page open to the public?
Gold Member
wouldn't it be totally obvious that someone on their "friend list" reported them if they don't have their page open to the public?

I don't want to be a snitch but I'm getting a little tired of seeing blatantly obvious advertising wall posts from people who KNOW BETTER. I can appreciate and chuckle at consultants who post "coded" messages to their friends, but outright mentioning PC is... well... just not playing by the rules.
What I find amusing (so amusing that I indeed did it too) is that the YouTube videos for Pampered Chef have enabled sharing on Facebook.So, as I said, I shared the Cool & Serve video on Facebook, and told everyone to check it out and let me know if they want one, or want to get it for free or at half price. Never mentioned PC in my post, so I guess I'm within the rules. But, I really don't know b/c it's such a gray area.Anyway, Joy. Yes, it would be obvious that someone on their friend list reported them. But, you have a right to do so and they should know if they're violating the rules.
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  • #3
Hmmm... maybe that's why they think they're justified in posting about it on FB, because the sharing is enabled.And they definitely do know the rules. I just think they don't think anyone who is on their friend list is going to turn them in (friend lists include other consultants, including upline director). I am not going to be one who is holier than thou.... Lord knows I am already skating a thin line with my newsletter business and what PC considers appropriate. I don't want to tempt karma. I just wish the attitude wasn't so "I'm going to do it till I get caught...."
hmmmmm.....They may know it was someone on their friend list, but I bet they have a lot of friends.

I have a couple of questions, though.....first there is the rumor about upcoming changes in policy, in which case it may be moot....

second, maybe the new privacy settings just announced will make it so really only our friends can see them.

Most of the pages I see have coded stuff, or an occasional mention. I love those, I've really only seen one site that I thought was bad....stumbled on it when I was first looking into PC----and that's alllllll it is, PC. actually, I am sure the HO must be aware of this one, it is sooo blatant. Actually at first I thought it might be official.

Why would they know it is a friend from Facebook? PC would just write'm and tell them its a no-no. I also posted the video but never mention PC or my site.
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  • #6
Oh heck, maybe I'll just hide their posts so I don't have to see them.I don't think PC can view status updates if their not a friend to the consultant... at least that's what I hope the privacy settings are there for! So getting a violation notice from them would be pretty indicative that someone inside their circle turned them in.
PampChefJoy said:
Oh heck, maybe I'll just hide their posts so I don't have to see them.

I don't think PC can view status updates if their not a friend to the consultant... at least that's what I hope the privacy settings are there for! So getting a violation notice from them would be pretty indicative that someone inside their circle turned them in.

I understand where you are coming from, though. People in my upline are my friends on FB and I see them linking to their site directly.

It's such a grey area with social networking and I think that PC is really behind in modifying their policy for it. As we say in the south, they need to "get on the stick" and make the FB policy clear.
That would require that PC do more than just consider changing their policies on social networking sites. I realize that their fear is people sending thousands to their PWSs and bringing their servers to a halt. But heck, this isn't 1998 when bandwidth was being charges $150 per meg ... bandwidth is cheap nowadays.
I think just posting a picture of a product or a youtube link should be perfectly fine, but it would bother me if upline SD's and stuff were linking to their .biz sites.Marghi
  • #10
I don't think we should post our web sites either ... but I have no problem posting about the biz in my status as, "just sent out a packet for my host. Hope she gets lots of free products!" or "I'm so excited about the new product!"

The only people who can see it are my friends, who all know I'm in the business anyway. No different than an e-mail IMHO.
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  • #11
I guess it is a totally gray area. I mean, I LOVE FB for networking and marketing... I think it's an awesome tool for business and I think it can only benefit PC... but they really do need to say it's okay to do this or give better guidelines. But it is my personal opinion that posting in your status to contact you to book a Pampered Chef show just the same as stating you are a consultant.In any case, I think I feel better just getting it off my chest. No, I'm not going to report them. If you recognize yourself as the people I"m talking about (not sure if they're reading this).... I love ya and do not intentionally want to cause trouble... but it just bothers me is all...
  • #12
No offense taken. You stated your point of view in a clear, non-dramatic fashion and that is always welcome. :)
  • #13
I'm with you...a lot of my friends post things about PC on their pages...and it shows up on my page. I don't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't get me in trouble. I am hoping our policies change so we are better able to advertise our websites and business online. I do understand where HO is coming from...they have their reasons for policy...I just think in this day and age it would level the playing field for our businesses. I know that I personally do a lot of shopping online. I get my beauty products, cleaning products, cooking products and sometimes clothes and shoes online because I hate going to town and by going to town I will spend more money on things that I don't need. I love doing a PC show and I love to go to other DS shows, but in my area people are so busy with sports(year round) and family activities its hard to get people to have shows. So, being able to open openly advertise my business online would be a big help for me.
  • #14
Because our business is cooking shows and going out and working the business that is why we are not allowed to post on the internet , To have thousands of sales coming in and doing not much work for it isn't fair for the people that work the CORE of the sales .

The whole core of our business is to have hands on real one on one with customers and working with then on teaching them how to cook with our products With posting ways to just get sales is not what Pamperedchef is about I am an older consultant 9 years with PC this new tecnology is getting us away from BRINGING PEOPLE BACK TO THE TABLE We seam to forget what Doris's Mission was when she started this amazing business
  • #15
PampChefJoy said:
I guess it is a totally gray area. I mean, I LOVE FB for networking and marketing... I think it's an awesome tool for business and I think it can only benefit PC... but they really do need to say it's okay to do this or give better guidelines.

But it is my personal opinion that posting in your status to contact you to book a Pampered Chef show just the same as stating you are a consultant.

In any case, I think I feel better just getting it off my chest. No, I'm not going to report them. If you recognize yourself as the people I"m talking about (not sure if they're reading this).... I love ya and do not intentionally want to cause trouble... but it just bothers me is all...

I attended a Director Express training and Karen L from HO said changes were coming. She also said that it was FINE to post anything with PC on your FB page IF you had a CLOSED account with FRIENDS ONLY enabled. You can not post if you had an open to everyone account. She was grilled pretty good on the subject so feel this info. is correct.
  • #16
flemings99 said:
I attended a Director Express training and Karen L from HO said changes were coming. She also said that it was FINE to post anything with PC on your FB page IF you had a CLOSED account with FRIENDS ONLY enabled. You can not post if you had an open to everyone account. She was grilled pretty good on the subject so feel this info. is correct.

I was at the one in Lafayette, IN and she said the same thing.
  • #17
You know, the funniest thing is, I don't get that much business from posting that kind of stuff on FB, which is why I haven't done it too much lately. I think it's like sending flyers or newsletters or posting flyers around town. It's so general, that people might notice it, and think it's cool, but it's not personal enough to cause them to think "hey, I need to _____________."

I have better success with using private messages and just plain getting on the phone. Plus, I don't want my friends (since I don't have too many that are just customers) to think that's all I use FB for. It's kind of like being that person that just talks about their business every time you see them, to the point that eventually you don't want to see them anymore.
  • #18
flemings99 said:
I attended a Director Express training and Karen L from HO said changes were coming. She also said that it was FINE to post anything with PC on your FB page IF you had a CLOSED account with FRIENDS ONLY enabled. You can not post if you had an open to everyone account. She was grilled pretty good on the subject so feel this info. is correct.

I wasn't at a DE training, but had heard the same thing from others who have gone. I've felt more free about posting about PC on my FB page since then, since I have my settings as private as they can get (friends only for EVERYTHING), however, I still don't link to my website from my FB page.
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  • #19
I hadn't heard that. Interesting. I wonder why they don't make a more global announcement... (or did I miss that in a weekly bites somewhere?).
  • #20
As far as I'm concerned, until there is an actual policy change in writing from HO, then it's not OK to mention that one is a consultant, nor to link to PWS. The YouTube videos are sharing enabled because HO would want customers to link to them.We've seen examples in the past of people from HO providing information that is contradictory to policy, confusing, and even downright wrong. Until I see an official document with new policies, then the old policy is still in effect. I don't necessarily report violations (it depends on how blatant it is, and what my mood is on a given day), but I do remove the offender from my FB friends so that I don't have to look at their violations any more.
  • #21
I sure hope somewhere down the road pampered chef can change the rules about the internet.
  • #22
flemings99 said:
I attended a Director Express training and Karen L from HO said changes were coming. She also said that it was FINE to post anything with PC on your FB page IF you had a CLOSED account with FRIENDS ONLY enabled. You can not post if you had an open to everyone account. She was grilled pretty good on the subject so feel this info. is correct.

I am glad to hear that. I hope this does come out as policy. You see, the ONLY reason I have a FB page is to keep in touch with my hosts and customers. EVERY person on my list (with the exception of family and other consultants) have attended a show, purchased a product or hosted (or will host) a show and my privacy is set to "friends only". I am all for keeping things fair, re-inforcing the direct sales concept and representing the company properly. I have crazy hours and my hosts have crazy lives (like many!) and the messaging & chat on facebook is more convenient.
  • #23
flemings99 said:
I attended a Director Express training and Karen L from HO said changes were coming. She also said that it was FINE to post anything with PC on your FB page IF you had a CLOSED account with FRIENDS ONLY enabled. You can not post if you had an open to everyone account. She was grilled pretty good on the subject so feel this info. is correct.

The gal that did our DE would not Commit to this statement! She kept trying to get people off the subject of FB.
  • #24
I get that the whole mission is to get people in the kitchen using our tools through shows.

But, fact is, some people just want the stuff without the "hassle" of shows (their words, not mine). Or in the case of one of my hosts, wants more stuff but doesn't want to have a show 3 months after her first one. And for her to jump on FB and let me know is far faster than finding whatever trail I left behind that has my email addy or PWS on it (although I don't have a PWS anymore). Most of my customers are "order as they go" rather than show attendees, so I'll occasionally throw out a "Hey, I'm putting in an order" on FB just in case those peeps want something. That's how I sell most of my stuff. It's getting harder and harder to fit in shows with other people's soccer, school, football, life schedules, etc.
  • #25
AJPratt said:
I am glad to hear that. I hope this does come out as policy. You see, the ONLY reason I have a FB page is to keep in touch with my hosts and customers. EVERY person on my list (with the exception of family and other consultants) have attended a show, purchased a product or hosted (or will host) a show and my privacy is set to "friends only". I am all for keeping things fair, re-inforcing the direct sales concept and representing the company properly. I have crazy hours and my hosts have crazy lives (like many!) and the messaging & chat on facebook is more convenient.

What?!? I thought it was to keep up on our lives.

So disillusioned...
  • #26
Jean DeVries said:
What?!? I thought it was to keep up on our lives.

So disillusioned...

Well, it certainly has turned into that for me! LOL You know me... starts out as business and then goes South from there.
  • #27
I too heard the same information at Director Express. I'm sure HO will share news with us all pertaining to internet at National Conference. Consultant friends and myself, all respect the NO linking our website, and share things on FB with friends. If a "friend" reports that, then they are no friend and they would be dropped from my list.
  • #28
did I read that someone has a PC FB page that we can go to and share things? I thought I saw it a long time ago here on CS and it was one we cheffers could join and still be 'legal'

Related to ifYou Report Someone for Posting About Pampered Chef on Fb....

1. Can I report someone for posting negative comments about Pampered Chef on Facebook?

Yes, you can report any posts or comments that violate Facebook's Community Standards, including those that are harassing, bullying, or promoting hate speech.

2. Will my report remain anonymous?

Yes, Facebook does not disclose the identity of the person who reports a post or comment. Your report will remain confidential.

3. What happens if my report is ignored?

Facebook reviews all reported content and takes appropriate action according to their Community Standards. If your report is ignored, you can try reporting again or contacting Facebook directly for further assistance.

4. Can I report someone for sharing my personal information on a Pampered Chef Facebook post?

Yes, you can report any posts or comments that contain your personal information, such as your address or phone number. This is considered a violation of Facebook's Community Standards and should be reported immediately.

5. What is the best way to report a post or comment about Pampered Chef on Facebook?

You can report a post or comment by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the post and selecting "Report post" or "Report comment." You can also report through Facebook's Help Center or by contacting their support team.

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