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I Need Some Pampered Chef Motivation! (And Other Ramblings)

In summary, Gillian Wright has resigned from her PC company, is 24 years old, and is starting over from scratch. She recommends a re-opening party to get the business started, a rolling cart to contain the business, and using samples to entice customers.
Hello Cheffers, so we meet again :chef: I am FINALLY about to be free to re-sign with PC under a new director but I can't shake the what if's. My last show was almost 14 months ago, so I've lost all my contacts and would be starting totally from scratch. My family, friends, and 'inner circle' customers have most of the products in the catalog from when I was selling, and a family friend also started selling recently so they have new products as well. I loved my PC business (probably because I got to sit here and chat with all of you all day ;) ) but it really just gave me something to do. When I was actually making money I would just "reinvest" it in products or show supplies. When I was done selling I had 3 kitchens worth of products and a whole office of paperwork. I know that it can be done without having that much crap, but it's hard to talk the hubby into round 2 when he didn't enjoy round 1 very much :eek: Anyway, I guess my questions would be- what do you do to start the ball rolling with NO family/friend connections, and how do you keep your business contained in a fairly small area?Of course I didn't come for advice without the obligatory new Baylor picture :D She figured out that if she puts her body weight on an unopened bag of chips they magically open. To remind you guys how long I have been out of the loop Baylor will be TWO in a few months. I also just turned the ripe old age of 24, lol!ETA: I have recently been found by a few of you on Facebook and love catching up! I guess you would just search Gillian Wright ?? I also have Myspace but don't update it as often: www.myspace.com/gilliandanielle85
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Wow, I remember when I was lurking and you had Baylor, has is really been two years? And you are only 24?Did you hear they came up with new reusable PC shopping bags? Those would be great to take out and about with you to help drum up some business. Of course I would have a kick off show and invite EVERYONE! That includes people you may not even know because you never know who will be interested. Invite that gals down at the grocery store, bank, gas station, etc. Invite neighbors you never met, kid's friend's parent, old classmates, etc. Facebook has gotten a couple bookings just by reconnecting with some old friends. Good luck!
Hey Gillian! Soo good to see you again! OMG, has it been 2 years since having Baylor! NO Way! Welcome back!
You sound a lot like me ... I have a ton of products, but will be taking a big, huge LOSS this year.

I'd have a big grand re-opening ... maybe plan a larger event and give away some of the duplicates in the kit to say, people who order $75 or more. Don't invest in more products unless you can really justify it ... the products haven't changed that much. Tell DH that this time, you're in it to make money.
Welcome back I also just resigned and im so glad i did i think things are actually going better the 2nd time around
Welcome back, Gillian!

Baylor (and I remember when the "hot" thread was a poll for her name!:D) is absolutely adorable! I love that she is standing there in a sweatshirt and tutu!

I wouldn't assume that you've lost all of your contacts. If you still have contact info, I would plan a Grand Opening, and send out new mini catalogs to everyone - 10-15 at a time, so that you can contact them after they receive their mini.

YOU can do this! You became a director in no time flat, so this should be a breeze for you!
Wow Gillian I can't believe it has been almost 2 years! Baylor is sooo cute!

I have never re-started my business, but I do think a Grand party like others have said is a good idea. Do you have a small local paper? If so, you could advertise w/an ad from Merrill. I'm thinking about doing this for wedding shower leads.

Containing the business is not always easy. I use a rolling cart which I wheel out to my desk in the living room (since I don't have an extra room for an office) where my computer desk is. My desk cabinet closes so when I have people over it's clean! I've talked about posting pictures before, I'll try to do that today! For my products I put a large brushed metal rack in the garage. It has four adjustable shelves. I got it from K-Mart it's in the Martha Stewart line. I checked, but they don't sell it on the website that I could find. Anyway it's nice because I also found small metal shelves which I hang on the side for small items. I can also use S hooks to hang some of the BBK Tools, strainer, etc. It works great! I'm starting to run out of room so my next project is to reorganize and get rid of some boxes. They take up a lot more space. I'll just have to wash things before I use them. Luckily I have an attached garage. I don't have a basement so it's my only option:)!

I find that now I don't really need all the new products, unless I REALLY like them. I didn't buy any extra of the fall products (I earned level 1). I find that just having a sample of the color or a few things is fine. Usually the other people at my shows sell more then I do anyway! I've been trying to pack lighter in the winter and it hasn't been a problem. My last show I got 4 bookings!

Good luck starting again. At least you will know what you are doing from the beginning:)!
Welcome Back Gillian! My first thought before reading everyone else's posts was also to have a Grand (re)Opening, and inviting your past customers. 14 months isn't really all that long when you are thinking about past hosts and their discounts. How about calling those hosts first? Good Luck!
wow, she is 2?? Time flies, that's for sure:)
Agreed, new grand opening; I'm sure you still have all contact info so just get on that phone. I wouldn't totally count out your family though...it's not just about them, but who they know. Good luck!
  • #10

I am excited that you are ready to start PC again! Don't discount all of your "old" contacts! Call them all and ask them to do a show for you. If they don't want to do their own show, invite them to YOUR kickoff show!

I love the idea of using our new PC reusable bags to drum up interest in PC.

As for containing what you bring in $$ wise...make up a plan for it NOW! For example: my commission check is split up this way:
10% to tithe
10% set aside for taxes
30% back into the business
50% goes into the family budget
This way, you CAN invest into your business, but you are held accountable not to go hog wild and spend unnecessary $$ on it!

  • #11
Wow time flies!!!

I would sit down with your DH and make your why list. I am working to streamline and revamp my biz as well. Whils I like reinvesting all my profits in fun biz stuff I can not do that any longer. I am adopting the less is more attitude.

You were verry successful at this before and know you can be again.

Good luck in your decision for you and your family.
  • #12
Hey girl!

Welcome back. I thought about you the other day and figured you had been away long enough and that you'd pop in for a visit sometime soon. Congrats on restarting your business - do you need a director? :p I know one who would LOVE to work with you ;) LOL!! (uuummmm no, I really wasn't kidding :angel: :chef:)

  • Thread starter
  • #13
Thanks for the ideas guys! I love Kelly's idea of splitting up the paycheck! I am all about the 'less is more' approach, but I'll have to resist the new product temptations... I always wanted a duplicate kit so that I didn't have to pack and unpack for every show so I was thinking that I would just keep the basic kit and hardly take anything else. Everything seems so easy in my head but my problem before was skipping the customer care calls, being lazy about my newsletter, letting people cancel shows the day of, etc. I'm just worried about unlearning all my bad habits with my business while simultaneously relearning good habits and keeping my family under control at the same time. If/when I do sign I have a cheffer who has stuck with me through my darkest PC days, but thanks for the offer Linda!
  • #14
gilliandanielle said:
.....If/when I do sign I have a cheffer who has stuck with me through my darkest PC days, but thanks for the offer Linda!

Glad to hear you are keeping it in the family! LOL Well, if it falls though - you know where to find me :p
  • #15
Hi Gillian I have missed you!!! Done any cupboard organizing recently?? LOL! I think now is a great time to get back into PC. Some fun new products have been added to the catty. And now that you have been a way you will have a "new" "fresh" approach to selling.

Don't be a stranger alright!
  • #16
She is so big and soooo cute! When is her birthday? I remember she was born around the time of my little granddaughter, who was two in September - she is a handfull now but just so much fun, all into the Princesses! Good to see you back Gillian!
  • #17
pamperedlinda said:
Glad to hear you are keeping it in the family! LOL Well, if it falls though - you know where to find me :p

Linda - you are cracken me up!!! LOL

Welcome back!
  • #18
Gillian-glad to see you are free! (I'm not, but am getting there on my own! :D) I agree that 14 months isn't that long and a grand opening is a great idea. Your customers will probably be glad you are back and flock back to you! There was a reason they stayed loyal to you back then and I'm sure they will remember that and come back.
I'm looking forward to possibly meeting you once you are back in the swing of things!
Good luck!
  • #19

You can so do this!!! Just because you haven't done a show in 14 months doesn't mean people stopped eating, LOL. I've been thinking about you a lot and I KNOW you can do this--put the past behind you--that person is GONE from PC anyway--time for a new beginning! You can DO this girlfriend--fresh new start! Email me whenever you want to buzz ideas around!
  • #20
Goodness how time flies!!!! Good to "see" you Gillian!!!

You can you do it! Do u still have your list of 100? I am sure if you start calling your old customer you will get some bites. And the new catty is out in March, so, you will be starting with even newer products.

You can do it without a whole office of paper work!!I do! The only thing I ver order is 100 cattties. I print the order forms and specials out as I do a show. I have all my paperwork in one box under my computer desk that I use.I do have some in a drawer that I am going to throw out as soon as I clean that close out but I never use any of. You do not have to have a mountain to sale.

Also, I have started only getting the new products if I am going to actually use them in my kitchen. I only take to shows what I need for the recipe so I do not need all tht extra stuff. And to save money I rarely ever buy a product off supply or sample, I wait and get it with FPV doing my own show.

Hope that helps you Gillian!! I am off to look you up on FB!!
  • #21
Welcome back, Gillian! You'd be surprised how often I think about you!
  • #22
For some odd reason, thinking of Gillian reminds me of :love:Grande:love:.....haven't heard from him since the last time you popped in for a visit ;)
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  • #23
oh my Linda!
  • #24
Welcome Back Gillian!!! I think an open house is a perfect restart. I can't wait to hear the results. Baby Baylor looks adorable!!

Related to I Need Some Pampered Chef Motivation! (And Other Ramblings)

1. What are some tips for staying motivated as a Pampered Chef consultant?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, it's important to stay motivated and excited about your business. Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated:

  • Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate when you reach them.
  • Stay organized and plan out your schedule to make the most of your time.
  • Attend training events and connect with other consultants for support and inspiration.
  • Keep a positive attitude and remind yourself why you joined Pampered Chef in the first place.
  • Take breaks when you need them and don't be afraid to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

2. How can I keep my Pampered Chef business thriving during slow seasons?

Slow seasons can be challenging for any business, but there are a few things you can do to keep your Pampered Chef business thriving:

  • Offer special promotions or discounts to attract new customers.
  • Host virtual parties and events to reach a wider audience.
  • Get creative with your marketing and offer unique products or services.
  • Collaborate with other consultants to cross-promote each other's businesses.
  • Focus on building strong relationships with your existing customers and offer exceptional customer service.

3. What are some ways to stay motivated when faced with rejection or slow sales?

Rejection and slow sales can be tough, but here are a few ways to stay motivated during these times:

  • Remember that rejection is not personal and it's just a part of the business.
  • Focus on the positive and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Reach out to your support system, whether it's fellow consultants or friends and family, for encouragement.
  • Take a break and focus on self-care to recharge and come back stronger.
  • Look for new ways to reach potential customers and try different marketing strategies.

4. How can I stay motivated to continue learning and growing as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Continuing to learn and grow is crucial for any business, including Pampered Chef. Here are some ways to stay motivated in your personal and professional development:

  • Attend training events and conferences to learn from experienced consultants and leaders.
  • Set aside time each week for self-education, whether it's reading books or listening to podcasts.
  • Set goals for yourself and track your progress to see how far you've come.
  • Connect with other consultants for accountability and support in your growth journey.
  • Remember that learning and growing will not only benefit your business, but also yourself as an individual.

5. How can I motivate my team members to stay engaged and active in their Pampered Chef businesses?

Motivating your team members is key to building a successful Pampered Chef business. Here are some ways to keep your team engaged and active:

  • Lead by example and stay motivated yourself.
  • Communicate regularly and provide support and guidance to your team members.
  • Offer incentives or rewards for reaching goals or milestones.
  • Encourage team collaboration and host team events or challenges.
  • Recognize and celebrate your team's achievements and successes.

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