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How Do You Daily Spend Time if God's Word?

In summary, the speakers have shared various strategies for staying committed to reading God's word. Some suggestions include subscribing to daily devotions, participating in Bible studies, setting aside time in the morning or with a spouse, and finding an accountability partner. Many have found that reading God's word brings them closer to Him and is worth the effort.
I have been analyzing that I do not spend near enough time in God's word. I study for my AWANA class and teach on Wednesday and go to both church services on Sunday but I am not reading my Bible everyday.

I have started reading one chapter in Proverbs each day.

What do you all do? And how do you stay committed to it?

I feel so much closer to God when I am reading His word, but I find it so hard to keep the habit.
I subscribe to a daily devotion from billriceranch.org called First Light (I think). It is KJV and I love it. IT's been so helpful to my personal situations lately as if the Lord said these were made just for me. I love it when that happens.

Then, I also read The Daily Bread, and Days of Praise. These are little booklets that cover 3 months with a short one page devotion for each day. They are free and can be sent to your home. I actually have an entire box of each shipped to my church (for a small donation, but they will do it for free) and then everyone gets one. And I believe you get the daily devotion from their website rbc.org (Radio Bible Class) for The Daily Bread and icr.org (Institute for Creation Research) for Days of Praise. They are really nice gifts to hand out at restaurants to the waitresses or leave in the bathroom or even give to the cashier at Wal-Mart. Kind of a silent witnessing tool.

I've also done book studies from Elizabeth George, Juanita Purcell, Debi Pearl, etc. that have studies in them for use with the Bible.

Hope that helps!
Proverbs is my favorite book of the Bible :)
I am in a Woman's Bible Study on Thursday mornings, and we are doing Beth Moore's Life in the Spirit study. It is an intense study, and you need to spend 30-45 minutes at least every day. What I have found that works best for me, is I get up same time as DH, and I head to down to start coffee, and start the study for the day. When he makes it down from the shower, etc- we have devotions while he is having breakfast, etc- and I finish up the day's study after he leaves for work- before I start the rest of my day. I find that if I do not do it first thing in the morning, it might not get done. ( Of course, we are now empty nesters, which I am sure helps)
I'm a Mentor for Setting Captives Free - The Lord's Table (www.settingcaptivesfree.com). So, when I get up, I get on my knees, then read at least one chapter in the Bible (I finished Ephesians today - and I did the Proverbs a day for 3 months, absolutely wonderful!), then I spend about an hour reading and responding to my students' lessons. I'm also doing The Lord's Table, Phase II right now, so that's an additional 15-30 minutes of study. During the rest of the day, I'll read from a couple of different studies I have, and there's the Thursday night Ladies' L.I.F.E. Group.

By the way, Setting Captives Free has some awesome Bible Studies, besides for weight loss. I'm planning to do the study on Ruth after I'm done with Phase II in a few days.

I struggle with this too! Since joining a BSF bible study, it has helped by holding me accountable. I need to do each part on each day of the week, or else I get too far behind and have to spend HOURS working on it on Tuesday for our class on Wednesday mornings.

I would say that you need to find a way to hold yourself accountable to someone else. Would Russell be a help in this respect? Or a Christian friend who you can "check in with" daily? Until it's a habit, you may need to figure out what your "payment" will be if you DON'T do your daily time in the word.

I know...I know...it is so much easier for me to sit here and tell YOU how to do it! I know how hard it is...especially with little ones!
Um...I just do it...while I'm drinking my morning coffee--just me and Jesus
mrssyvo said:
I am in a Woman's Bible Study on Thursday mornings, and we are doing Beth Moore's Life in the Spirit study. It is an intense study, and you need to spend 30-45 minutes at least every day. What I have found that works best for me, is I get up same time as DH, and I head to down to start coffee, and start the study for the day. When he makes it down from the shower, etc- we have devotions while he is having breakfast, etc- and I finish up the day's study after he leaves for work- before I start the rest of my day. I find that if I do not do it first thing in the morning, it might not get done. ( Of course, we are now empty nesters, which I am sure helps)

I am in a Womans Bible Study on Thursday mornings too but we are doing James MacDonalds - Lord Change My Attitude! Wow what an awakening course to say the least! We have 5 days of homework so this is helping me but I do not always do it 5 days a week! Sometimes I do 2 or 3 days because I get so caught up in other things which I know is not correct! I am not giving God the glory he deserves but I am trying and have been trying to do much better! I do read at least one verse a day and then every evening I read a short daily devotional book that my church gives to us all! We have an awesome pastor though so and his sermons are online and I guess I could listen to them sometimes to vamp me up! LOL
I don't spend time reading my bible daily unless I'm in a bible study. I have to have that accountability. Right now I'm doing a Beth Moore study (Living Beyond Yourself). That has five lessons per week, about a half hour each. I'm also in another study that takes me one day (about a half hour, not the entire day) to complete. I purposely did not sign up for anything at school so I could take time for studying my bible and going to those two studies, one is 1 1/4 and the other is 1 3/4 because of the hour dvd (which I could do w/o, not because I don't like it but because I'd rather talk).
  • #10
I'm taking a Beth Moore Study (Step Up) that meets on Wednesdays. I also started reading a chapter a day of Proverbs. I am not always good at being consistent with it. I try. I think a "bling" that would pop up on my computer would help me. I'm on here WAY too much!
  • #11
I get up early so I can spend quiet time alone. It's become a habit, and I don't feel quite right if I miss it.I'm currently reading Ruth, as suggested by our pastor in a recent message. I also just signed up for the True Woman 30-Day Makeover from Nancy Leigh DeMoss at reviveourhearts.com. I received the first email today. It's about the Proverbs 31 woman. I'll add that reading to my quiet time tomorrow morning.
  • #12
Okay, Church on Sunday's
>Small group on Tuesdays- with homework for the week

>Currently participating in The Love Dare

>Listen to Joyce Meyer and other teaching CDs on the way to and from work almost daily.

>Praise and worship time- I pop in a CD and get Jiggy with my tunes for Jesus.

>Devotions each night before bed.

>I spend time just basking in the presence of His glory when I get up early to walk on the treadmill.

I'd say the small group and devotion time is where I get most of my bible time. The rest is God's word in teaching form- based on scripture...so that I can write it on the tablet of my heart.

I'm not where I should be but thank God I'm not where I used to be!
  • #13
I have to say that I really struggle in this area. I attend church every Sunday morning and evening and Wed. evening. I read along with the pastor...I teach sunday school and children's church so I prepare for that...somewhat, some weeks it seems I can't get anything done. I try to read every day, but most days I find myself getting up early, rushing the kids to school, going to work, rushing the kids home, going back to work and finally getting home around 11, taking a bath and falling into bed exhausted. I hate it! When I finally get to go to church I feel like I am starving to death and need to fill up on the Word. I have bought books and try to study through them, but always give up. Our women's group meets every other Monday night and we are currently studying the women of the Bible. I am teaching Monday night and mine is Lot's wife. I do spend lots of time in prayer...although it is usually in my car going to and from school, work, and errands or in the bathtub. I think the biggest problem we all have is being too busy. I see so many people putting everything before God...ballgames, work, sleeping, tv, etc. I am always doing two or three things at once. Even when I am here at CS I am usually also working on paperwork and orders.

Part of the problem with reading the word is in my mind. I love to read and have always been a great reader and all through my life I have read everything I can get my hands on...except the Bible. When I read a book, I can picture all of the scenery and what the people look like and even how their voice sounds. I quickly pick up their personality traits. But, I can't do that with the Bible. I get so frustrated that I give up. So, I could use your prayers in this matter.

I just bought my husband and myself the Love Dare book. I am hoping that we can go through it together. We are so busy we don't spend much time together either.
  • #14
I am in bible study right now too. Like Chef Kearns my study is Beth Moore's "Stepping Up". I love it and don't want to fall behind, I don't want to miss a minute of this study. My husband and I have taken a break from our small group study because our son is playing Freshman Football right now and his games are same day as our study group. Accountability is key, having someone to help keep you on track. Good luck and God Bless :)
  • #15
Hathery said:
Proverbs is my favorite book of the Bible :)

I like how there is one chapter for each day of the month (and extras for those months that have less than 31 days!) :)
  • #16
Shawnna said:
I have to say that I really struggle in this area. I attend church every Sunday morning and evening and Wed. evening. I read along with the pastor...I teach sunday school and children's church so I prepare for that...somewhat, some weeks it seems I can't get anything done. I try to read every day, but most days I find myself getting up early, rushing the kids to school, going to work, rushing the kids home, going back to work and finally getting home around 11, taking a bath and falling into bed exhausted. I hate it! When I finally get to go to church I feel like I am starving to death and need to fill up on the Word. I have bought books and try to study through them, but always give up. Our women's group meets every other Monday night and we are currently studying the women of the Bible. I am teaching Monday night and mine is Lot's wife. I do spend lots of time in prayer...although it is usually in my car going to and from school, work, and errands or in the bathtub. I think the biggest problem we all have is being too busy. I see so many people putting everything before God...ballgames, work, sleeping, tv, etc. I am always doing two or three things at once. Even when I am here at CS I am usually also working on paperwork and orders.

Part of the problem with reading the word is in my mind. I love to read and have always been a great reader and all through my life I have read everything I can get my hands on...except the Bible. When I read a book, I can picture all of the scenery and what the people look like and even how their voice sounds. I quickly pick up their personality traits. But, I can't do that with the Bible. I get so frustrated that I give up. So, I could use your prayers in this matter.

I just bought my husband and myself the Love Dare book. I am hoping that we can go through it together. We are so busy we don't spend much time together either.

I can already see small changes in our marriage since starting that! TAKE the time to read it. Each day is only 2-3 pages- easy reading...takes 10 minutes!
I'll pray that you can find a way to read the bible and think of it more as a guide than a storybook. You could mail me your bible, and I'll draw little pictures in there... :)
  • #17
Have any of you read The Message? It's quite good for helping us to relate to and make people of the past 'real'.

I'm so pleased to see you're studying and praying and doing your best to stay on the path.

  • #18
I agree.. I try to read His word daily, I do great for a week or so, then get off track. But no matter what I pray everyday.. & I pray that God helps me to read and understand His word..

So my advice is to ask God to help you stay committed!
  • #19
Maybe thats why I'm so good with the children's church stuff. I can take those stories in the Bible and make it so real for them...enough that I will be in tears. But I want to be able to read the "meat" of the story too...the stuff that's not really a story unless you dig for it. does that make sense? I love the book of Acts and I have pretty much read the Gospels and Revelations. There are lots of stories in the Bible that we never really discuss...and pieces of every story that you never really think about. Take David and Goliath for example...we all know the story of David being the little shepherd boy who brought food to his brothers and was looking for news for his father, but what truly made him willing to fight Goliath was his personal relationship with God...his faith was strong. And, the events following the fall of Goliath where David carried his head back to town was not just about bragging rights...The hill of Galgotha is actually where that head was buried. I didn't know that until a few weeks ago when an evangelist broke that entire story down. It seems to be of no importance, but in the "big picture" it has great significance. I wish I had notes of that serman to go over again. There are many such stories in the Bible if we would just make ourselves dig deep and pray for God to show us.
  • #20

I feel the same way! It seems like there are people with a "gift" for telling the WHOLE story when they are studying verses (the background, what certain comments really MEAN and why they were/are relevant, etc.) I know that at my BSF bible study it seems like I am getting more of the "meat" of the story...which makes it easier for me to understand, and therefore, to REMEMBER!! I am sure that is why Jesus used parables for so many of his teachings. He knew that would be a for sure way to get us to listen, to remember, and apply what he was teaching!
  • #21
Ann F said:
Have any of you read The Message? It's quite good for helping us to relate to and make people of the past 'real'.I'm so pleased to see you're studying and praying and doing your best to stay on the path.


I was just going to suggest that too. It's a very interesting way to read through the Bible. It makes you think about different passages in a whole new way, and be able to relate to them.

Here is a familiar passage as written in The Message:

Matthew 5 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

Matthew 5
You're Blessed
1-2 When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:
3"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

4"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

5"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.

6"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.

7"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.

8"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

9"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.

10"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.

11-12"Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

Salt and Light
13"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
14-16"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
  • #22
Thanks for those verses Becky! I passed them along to my DH (dealing with persecution at work by someone bad mouthing him) and to one of my good friends who Satan is definitely attacking since she is trying to strengthen her relationship with Christ.

You may not have intended them for that purpose...but God knew there were others who needed to see THOSE EXACT VERSES!!
  • #23
KellyTheChef said:
Thanks for those verses Becky! I passed them along to my DH (dealing with persecution at work by someone bad mouthing him) and to one of my good friends who Satan is definitely attacking since she is trying to strengthen her relationship with Christ.

You may not have intended them for that purpose...but God knew there were others who needed to see THOSE EXACT VERSES!!

Wow - isn't it cool how God does that!?
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Thanks for everyone ideas and for those that are in the same boat I am in.

I am struggling. I forgot to read yesterday. And then I got up late this morning and did not get to read this morning - I plan to do it tonight. I have done it the other days.

I am also reading it is and then add 30 to each number until your out of chapters in Psalms. Like today I would read Psalms 21, 51, 81, 111, 141 along with Proverbs 21. Our preacher handed out sheets last year with it on there where you could mark each day off as you read - I need to do one for now.

Some days I have not been able to read all the chapters, but I read as many as I can.

It is encouraing to ead everyone's post and know that so many struggle just like I do.

I will pray about an accountability partner. I am not sure Russell would be the right one, he says "Goodness Jennifer what else can you do?" Not meaning it in a bad away he just sees me teaching and going to church and thinks I do plenty. I told him it was not about what I "do" but about me wanting to be closer and more in tune with God. And he does not mean that I am doing enough "works" b/c we do not believe "works" is what saved us. Ok, I think I probably am off on a tangent now and have lost you all, ha! Sometimes, I think it is best too when your accountability person is not someone in your house hold.

We do have some free daily devotions at our church too. I pick one up every month. I am great at taking it home!! But not at opening it up, ha! I need to see if I still have Oct's and open it!

I have a pamplhet I want to lok further at too called "Seven Minutes with God." Our pastor talked about these a while back as a way to start having a devotion. Once again I brough it home but did not read it.
  • #26
jrstephens said:
Thanks for everyone ideas and for those that are in the same boat I am in.

I am struggling. I forgot to read yesterday. And then I got up late this morning and did not get to read this morning - I plan to do it tonight. I have done it the other days.

I am also reading it is and then add 30 to each number until your out of chapters in Psalms. Like today I would read Psalms 21, 51, 81, 111, 141 along with Proverbs 21. Our preacher handed out sheets last year with it on there where you could mark each day off as you read - I need to do one for now.

Some days I have not been able to read all the chapters, but I read as many as I can.

It is encouraing to ead everyone's post and know that so many struggle just like I do.

I will pray about an accountability partner. I am not sure Russell would be the right one, he says "Goodness Jennifer what else can you do?" Not meaning it in a bad away he just sees me teaching and going to church and thinks I do plenty. I told him it was not about what I "do" but about me wanting to be closer and more in tune with God. And he does not mean that I am doing enough "works" b/c we do not believe "works" is what saved us. Ok, I think I probably am off on a tangent now and have lost you all, ha! Sometimes, I think it is best too when your accountability person is not someone in your house hold.

We do have some free daily devotions at our church too. I pick one up every month. I am great at taking it home!! But not at opening it up, ha! I need to see if I still have Oct's and open it!

I have a pamplhet I want to lok further at too called "Seven Minutes with God." Our pastor talked about these a while back as a way to start having a devotion. Once again I brough it home but did not read it

Jennifer...that is SO ME!!

Glad you are taking steps in the right direction. It's hard with a family and young ones...but then again, I think that any of us (no matter the situation) can find a "reason" why we are too busy! That's just the way we (as sinners) are!

I pray that the Lord shows you an accountablilty partner!
  • #27
Thanks for the Proverbs idea. I have struggled with this for a while. As crazy as my life gets, my devotion time is K-love on the way to work. I am going to start reading Proverbs now. We should start an accountability group.
  • #28
Shawnna said:
I have to say that I really struggle in this area. I attend church every Sunday morning. When I finally get to go to church I feel like I am starving to death and need to fill up on the Word. I have bought books and try to study through them, but always give up. I do spend lots of time in prayer...although it is usually in my car going to and from school, work, and errands or in the bathtub. I think the biggest problem we all have is being too busy. I see so many people putting everything before God...ballgames, work, sleeping, tv, etc. I am always doing two or three things at once. Even when I am here at CS I am usually also working on paperwork and orders.

Part of the problem with reading the word is in my mind. I love to read and have always been a great reader and all through my life I have read everything I can get my hands on...except the Bible. When I read a book, I can picture all of the scenery and what the people look like and even how their voice sounds. I quickly pick up their personality traits. But, I can't do that with the Bible. I get so frustrated that I give up. So, I could use your prayers in this matter.

I just bought my husband and myself the Love Dare book. I am hoping that we can go through it together. We are so busy we don't spend much time together either.

Shawna, I could have written this!! I feel exactly like this!!

I feel so guilty that I am not in God's word more often. I pray twice a week with Moms In Touch (highly recommended for every praying mom), where we start w/ scripture, so I am in the word then. But that is it. (I mean, I pray all the time, but that is a focused prayer group)
I try the self studies, but am always too distracted.
I bought the Love Dare, but I will be doing it solo, as my dh does not feel the need for "that stuff" - meaning scripture. And I have had it for over a week, and have yet to do more than glance thru it.
I am the first one to praise God for answered prayer, and I know my life would be so much more fulfilled if I could get into the Bible, but like you said, I get frustrated and distracted that I cannot complete a chapter. I picture the Hollywood version of things, and that seems distorted, so I move on. And I always seem to go in w/ high expectations -- like suddenly it will all make sense.
Comforting to know that I am not alone in this struggle. Thank you for the insight.
  • #29
God sent his Son to die for our sins, and to take away the guilt.

I think that applies to "daily devotions" too. When I read this thread, I hear alot of guilt about not spending time with God...but I also read alot of man-made ideas of what that means.
I don't think spending time with God means that I have to read a certain number of chapters a day, or that I have to spend a certain amount of time doing it in order for it to be good.
There are days when I can just get lost in reading a certain passage, and time flies...and I am having such a good time learning, and communing with Him...and then there are days when I barely read a verse. But isn't that how it is in real life with the ones we love too?
Yes, I agree, discipline yourself to spend time with God - but do it in such a way that it doesn't heap guilt upon you, because you can't acheive the man-made goal you have set for yourself. There is nothing in the Bible that says "Thou shalt read 2 chapters a day, and pray for 20 minutes."

It does help if you set some time aside - for me it's early morning...because there are less distractions. But for some it may be in their car at lunch time...or at night after everyone else is in bed. I have a friend who reads her Bible and journals, both on her computer, during a break at work.

Find a couple good devotionals that really speak to you and use those - but don't feel like you have to use the same one day in and day out. I find that journaling - more than devotional readings - speak to me. As I start to journal my prayer, and my understanding of what I am reading...it starts to speak to me more.

Get an alternative version of the Bible - that in itself can help make the Bible come alive for you! The New Living Translation, or The Message. If you are a diehard KJV (although - the Bible wasn't written in KJV - that's another man made thing) user - than use the other version alongside it. Just try it!

A couple excellent books to help with this are:

Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Too Busy Not To Pray by Bill Hybels.
  • #30
Get the Bible on CD and listen to it in the car!
  • #31
Thanks, Becky, for a forgiving perspective. You are so right.
I will check out the Message Bible next time I am in the bookstore.
  • #32
I don't think you have to spend a certain amount of time in prayer or Bible study...but we are suppose to "hide the word in our heart" and if we don't spend some time reading and studying how are we going to do that. I have no problem praying. I pray all day. I think "pray without ceasing" doesn't mean continual prayer...nobody can do that...but it does mean to be in prayer mode at all times...like praising for answered prayer, telling someone what God has done for us, blessing others and our food, etc.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
I thought this was so in line with what we have been talking about!

"Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel."
- (Ezra 7:10 NLT)
Life Verse

If you want to know what Ezra was all about, all you need to do is look at the verse above. We might even call this Ezra's "life verse",," because it really sums up his entire life. And what we need to take note of is that Ezra's life really revolved around the Law of the Lord (or God's Word).

We can break this up into three distinct parts. First of all, we see that he was determined to study God's Word. Second, we read that he devoted himself to obeying it. And finally, Ezra had dedicated himself to teaching God's Word to others.

Did you know that this can serve as your life verse, as well? It's His will for each and every believer to study or seek out His Word. Our hearts should be hungry for more and more of His Word (please refer to July 3).

But the Lord doesn't want our Bible knowledge to stay stagnant in our brains. He wants us to practically obey and apply what we know (James 1:22). And once we've established a lifestyle of obedience to God's Word, He wants us to share what we know with others (Matthew 28:20).????

A lot of people are looking for purpose in their lives. They sense that they've been created for something important, but they don't know wthat that is so they're frustrated and discouraged. Perhaps that even describes you.

God's Word provides us with all the purpose and direction that we could ever need. It gives us something to pursue, it gives us something to apply, and it gives us something to share. If you haven't already done so, allow Ezra 7:10 to become a verse that defines your life.

What's your life verse?

How well does it define you?
  • #34
a little off topic, but...

I led our womens ministry meeting this week. We are studying the women of the Bible. My lesson was Lot's wife. I thought "good Lord, what can you say about Lot's wife...there is only one line about Lot's wife in the story...she looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt...what am I going to talk about?" But as I thought about it there is a lot to talk about. First of all, we know very little about Lot's wife. We know she was present in the house when the angels of the Lord showed up. We know that she was led...literally by the hand...out of the city. We know that she as well as Lot and her daughters were given orders to leave the city and not look back for any reason. But, she was Lot's wife, so she must have worshipped with him and followed God's law just as he did. She was given God's grace...along with him...before the Lord destroyed the city in which they lived. What I get from this passage is that they...she and Lot were taking their sweet time getting ready to leave...in no big hurry. The angels took their hands and led them out of the city, telling them to go into the mountains...flee the city, so they could destroy it. Lot asked for permission to go to a small town nearby and was given that permission. They had made it all the way to the outskirts of the city and she turned around and looked back. She was free, she had been delivered out of destruction and she gave it all up to catch a glimpse of her past life. Isn't that so much like us today. We have God's grace...and boy do we use that term loosely...God is love and we are saved by his grace, don't judge me for what I am doing, it's not your place, it will be okay as long as I ask forgiveness...blah, blah, blah. But, as we go through our lives, holding on to the things of the world, not wanting to give everything to God, we are just like Lot's wife. Lot's wife is mentioned one other time in the Bible. In the New Testement, Jesus warns his disciples to "remember Lot's wife". He was warning them about worldly things and staying on track with God. And, I think these two passages proves that there will come a time when God says "that's it, I've had enough" and we will be severly punished...maybe even die and go to Hell because we wouldn't let go of the world.

Related to How Do You Daily Spend Time if God's Word?

1. How do I make time to read God's word daily?

One way to make time for daily Bible reading is to schedule it into your daily routine. This could be during your morning or evening routine, or even during your lunch break. You can also try setting a specific time each day, like before bed or after your morning coffee. It may also help to set a reminder on your phone or write it down in your planner to hold yourself accountable.

2. What are some practical tips for staying committed to daily Bible reading?

One tip is to find a Bible reading plan that works for you. This could be reading a chapter a day, following a specific book or theme, or using a devotional guide. Another way to stay committed is to find an accountability partner who can encourage and motivate you to stay on track. You can also try incorporating Bible reading into your daily routine, such as reading during your commute or while you're waiting in line.

3. How can I feel closer to God through reading His word?

Reading the Bible is a direct way to hear from God and understand His character, will, and plan for your life. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding and reveal new insights to you. You can also take time to reflect on what you have read and apply it to your life through prayer and journaling.

4. What are some other ways to engage with God's word besides reading?

Besides reading, you can also listen to audio versions of the Bible, attend Bible studies or small groups, or watch online sermons or teachings based on the Bible. You can also try memorizing verses or passages, as this helps to hide God's word in your heart and brings it to mind when you need it most.

5. How can I make Bible reading more enjoyable and less of a chore?

One way to make Bible reading more enjoyable is to find a Bible translation that you connect with and enjoy reading. You can also switch up your routine by reading in different locations, using different study methods, or incorporating worship music or prayer into your reading time. Remember that reading God's word is an opportunity to grow closer to Him and learn more about His love and plan for your life.

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