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Hey there - this is my first post, so I hope I am doing this right. I also hope I will be able to find any answers you may send... Anyway, my husband and I are new to PC and we are trying to build bookings. We are fairly new to Charlotte, NC and our two family members that live here already had parties - both attended by the same group of people we all know here in town. We are going crazy trying to get bookings, but everyone around has either just had a party or is just had their fill of pampered chef. It seems everyone we talk to knows someone selling PC. Any ideas for a town that seems to be on PC overload??? We don't have kids in school... can't use that. Tried the neighbors, co-workers - everyone has had their fill. I am $$$$$$$ into this now so I can't give up - too much spent on supplies, business cards, flyers, samples... $90 YEAH RIGHT! (well I might have gotten carried away) Anyway, I am fresh out of ideas. We were just at a festival and our Recruiter used a free cookbook as a drawing for people - wish we had thought of the gift certificate idea - that is great. Any other ideas would be welcome - we are hosting our 3rd show at our house next week. We've been told a husband / wife team would be a big drawing point, but so far, people just get a kick out of it, but no bookings. Please advise.