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How can I improve my approach to booking shows as a Pampered Chef consultant?

In summary, Julie is looking for ways to get people to book shows for her. She has discussed this with two people and does not feel like either of them are the right person to help her. She is looking for a "script" to follow. She has also been giving out business cards and spreading the word about her
Okay. I just signed up. I am having trouble on what to say to people to get them to book shows for me. I am looking for a "script". I have talked to two hopefuls today and I don't feel like I will get anything out of them because of my approach. I want to fix this before I get any further down my list of people to contact about shows.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Your Recipe for Success has a section on bookings and the teleclasses have one called booking for a year round business. Two very good sources right there. Check out the library on Consultants Corner for more.

On a quicker note, my director told me that it helps to not use the words, "book" or "show". Seems those two words give negative images of work.
Here's her idea....

"I've started my new business with The Pampered Chef. Are you familiar with the products? How would you like to have your friends come over for an evening of fun and let me pamper you all with The Pampered Chef?"
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Thanks Barbara. Thanks for that approach. I guess I failed to mention that I just signed up and my SS1 month is June, so I won't have my materials for a while yet. I am really wanting to get this off to a great start. I can't afford not to because DH is going to be losing his job.

Do you have a different approach for friends vs. acquaintances. For example, I volunteer in DD's classroom an hour a week. I would like to approach her teacer, but I don't want to feel uncomfortable doing it.
If my host has 10+ guests expected I make a B recipe from home (something GOOD) to cook when I arrive so they eat while I demo the other recipe...or already cooked dessert, ..... when all the guests are eating it and raving, I say "When you have YOUR party, I'll show you and your guests how easy it is to make this!".


I'm making 3 spinach-artichoke braids/twists this month as a result of bringing it to other shows.

Congratulations on becoming a Pampered Chef consultant! Booking shows can definitely be a challenge, but with the right approach and mindset, you can definitely be successful.First and foremost, it's important to remember that you are not selling products, you are offering an experience. You are inviting people into their homes to learn new recipes, try out new products, and have a fun and interactive experience with their friends and family. Keep this in mind as you talk to potential hosts.One approach that has worked for me is to focus on the benefits of hosting a show. Talk about how easy and stress-free it is for the host, as you will take care of everything from set up to clean up. Mention the free products and discounts they can earn as a host. And most importantly, highlight the fun and social aspect of hosting a show with their loved ones.Another tip is to personalize your approach to each individual. Think about what would appeal to them specifically and tailor your pitch accordingly. For example, if you know someone loves to cook, talk about the new recipes they can learn and the kitchen gadgets they can add to their collection.Lastly, don't be afraid to follow up with potential hosts. Sometimes people need a gentle reminder or a little nudge to commit to hosting a show. And remember, not everyone will say yes, and that's okay. Focus on the ones who do and make those shows amazing. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, so if you do a great job, your hosts will likely recommend you to their friends and family.I hope these suggestions help, and I wish you all the best in your Pampered Chef journey! Don't give up, and keep sharing your passion for cooking and these amazing products with others. Good luck!

Related to How can I improve my approach to booking shows as a Pampered Chef consultant?

1. What types of products can I use to help me with meal planning?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of products that can assist with meal planning, such as our Meal Prep Kitchen Set, Mix 'N Chop, and Quick Cooker. These products are designed to make meal prep and cooking easier and more efficient.

2. How can I make my kitchen more organized?

We have several organization products, like our Pantry Canisters and Multi-Level Organizers, that can help declutter and streamline your kitchen. Additionally, using our Kitchen Assistant App can help you stay organized with meal planning and grocery lists.

3. What are some easy and healthy meal ideas for busy weeknights?

Our website and blog offer a variety of quick and healthy recipes that are perfect for busy weeknights. We also have a collection of "20 Minute Meals" that are specifically designed to be fast and nutritious.

4. How can I get my family involved in meal prep and cooking?

Pampered Chef products are designed to be user-friendly, making them great for getting the whole family involved in meal prep and cooking. You can also check out our "Cooking with Kids" blog series for fun and easy recipes to make with your little ones.

5. How can I learn more about using Pampered Chef products?

We offer a variety of resources to help you learn more about our products, including cooking shows, in-person demonstrations, and online tutorials. You can also join our community on social media for tips, recipes, and inspiration from other Pampered Chef users.

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