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Director How Can Consultants Be Active Without Being Rude?

In summary, Janice is having a team meeting tomorrow night, and someone from her 2nd generation cluster is coming. If she submits ONE party, her director will be paid as a director. The 1st gen and Janice are ok because 1st gen is in a grace period. The 1st gen cluster is an AD cluster. If she was not in a grace period, she would not even be paid as a director.
Silver Member
I am having a team meeting tomorrow night and someone from my 2nd generation cluster is coming. If she submits ONE party, her director will be paid as a director. The 1st gen and I are ok because 1st gen is in a grace period.

Is there a polite way to show consultants how their being active can affect those above them without being rude? I reached out to them earlier this month.

Also, the 1st gen cluster is an AD cluster. If she was not in a grace period, she would not even be paid as a director.

Just would like a nice way to tell people that not only does this help YOU family income, but it effects others in so many ways.

Ideas? I really feel like anything I am coming up with is selfish and self serving so hoping any of you can help.

Back to trying to clean my house...good God it is awful!:cry:
How about putting up a chart with how it works. Use the angle that you are so excited for your new director and here's how it works. (Or something about being back from conference)

Would you feel comfortable putting names to the chart and saying: When ____ submits her show this month she will be helping the new ______ cluster be a director team this month.

And maybe on the side tell her how great it would be if she helped.

Of course, the new director needs to be getting more people so as not to depend on one person but we all know that now don't we...
Wow, Beth...you are good -- way nicer than me -- I would just flat out (privately) tell her that her sales status would effect others this month and did she need some help coming up with some ideas to get her $150 together?? :p
Ann,Thank you for posting this. I am doing a LIVE Step Up Your Biz program starting tonight. I am debating whether or not to let the 2 SCs who will be here know that if they submit this month (don't get me started on WHY they haven't) then I'll be paid as a D.It seems a bit self-serving to do that, and I'm struggling with doing it because, well, I'm pissed! EVERY MONTH it comes down to the wire for me because of these two. Which, in turn, is why I am busting my hiney to develop as many SCs as possible so I don't run into this EVERY MONTH.This has been a very trying day personally (family issues) and I've spent the weekend crying and the tears are coming on now as I write this. It's too late to cancel tonight and will throw off the entire timing of the course... plus I don't want to make the team suffer due to my personal crap...I guess I'm just frustrated...
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  • #5
Thank you both for posting. Great ideas and thoughts. Beth, I really think you are correct in the fact that not many REALLY knows how this works and how MANY upline people's income they affect which brings me back to why this career plan has become less dependable income for me. For give my blunt words but I see it screwing me for months to come.

Colleen {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} all over the place. I am so sad to hear that you are going through such a time. Hope all gets better soon.

There are those that don't understand, those that don't care and those that would actually like to hurt their up line for whatever reason. Whether it be justified or not. My 1st gen director needs to do a lot if she is going to keep her title of AD. In fact her having an active D is not in question. It is whether she can make all of the other requirements. She admits that she does not like to follow what she is trained and coached to do.

All is well right now because it is a grace period for her and it will keep me going with that requirement. I am very concerned because this has been a horrible month for parties holding and being successful. I may not make AD because of organizational sales this month. May even be paid as a C!!

July is worse than January and people just can not get the turn outs. I did have a bridal shower this month and feel fortunate that it turned out well. This is the time of year I could do a show almost every night but it is not that time of year for customers.:yuck:
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  • #6
Janice, I did not see your post. I think everyone needs to know that being active each month is important to THEM first and it DOES affect those above them! Just trying to find a good way of teaching them.
I had a great SUYB tonight! The structure didn't come up until the end... I just showed them where I am and where my holes are to show how easy it can be to plug in the holes. What was fun is they all wanted to be a SC bubble on the chart! It ended up working out better than I hoped.One blew it off at the last minute... at least I know where she stands and I wasn't totally surprised. At little disappointed but my original plan, as stated, is to develop as many SCs possible so it's not an issue each month. :D
I guess I am not shy about informing them -- by not submitting, they can't order 1/2 price samples, they aren't going to get a paycheck --oh, and "did your situation change and you no longer want your children to go to college (pay off your debt...whatever their 'why' was)?" or "We can work together to get you back on track because it will make your fall sales huge and wouldn't it be great to have a debt free holiday?"There are all kinds of things to make it about them...and I don't think that explaining that others will benefit is not impinging on that at all.
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  • #9
Thanks, Janice. It is nice to hear that you would be more straight forward. I have to work on my meeting. The house was so rotten that it took over the planning part.

Colleen so glad that you had a good SUYB!!! Where did you get the bubble for them to see?
  • #10
I am so glad to read these posts..I too am tired of it being a fire drill every month. This month there is NO WAY I will be paid as a director--again. We have gone over this until we are blue in the face--they are all so apathetic.I am meeting with my 6 consultants that are showing initiative and the rest I can't even get to respond to emails. So I am sending them update emails but no longer calling them because I just flat don't have the emotional energy to push that rope any more.

I setr up an incentive at this month's meeting to reward their efforts--have them emailing me with results when they do things like pamper a business, pass out a mini catalog and get contact info, send out a newsletter--crap they should be doing anyway, LOL. They are to email me weekly with results and I send out a weekly "shout out" email, then enter a ticket into a drawing for a new product next month,,,,,got ONE person to respond, LOL.

1 new recruit, two more potentials in the wings, so we'll see...but I too am tired of this every month.

There, done venting.
  • #11
My team is AOL this month - worse month ever I suspect. Last month I was one SC away from paid as director (and I have 4) - urrrggg! This month I
'm not sure we'll even hit the $4K requirement. I trained on not taking July off. I did an extra incentive this month to get everyone green by the 11th and only ONE person submitted for that. I have asked everyone what their sales will be in July and most aren't submitting anything. I haven't heard from one SC team so I'm hoping they both submit and I know the other is. Personally, I should be around $2K. Not a good month for me either but at least I'm doing shows and on the phone. I have had 5 good recruit leads this month but in the end it looks like just one will sign after her August 1 show so hopefully will soon have that new blood infusion we need. September is usually a good month with them though so I shouldn't lose the title but is it worth all this? Urrrgggg.....

I'm tired of talking till I'm blue in the face and offering incentives that they say they like but only get if they happen to submit something. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

My plan is to replace the lot of them and increase my personal business to make up the income in the meantime.
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  • #12
Thanks for the great posts! I love the solutions that go along with the vents. Tonight I am having a meeting and invited my entire organization. So I have 8 people coming. One is of my personal cluster. I have several that live within 5 miles but can't make it. I too am actively recruiting 3 new people. One will sign any day. The other 2 are trying to get parties scheduled to make sure their business gets off to a good start. Trying to get them to do Grand Openings (GO) but so far no go.

I have to dig in with the GO shows more because once I am back to school my time is shot. And I SOOOO want Maui.
  • #13
A quote that I heard once & love: "You don't know, what you don't know."They really don't understand the impact that their inactivity can cause on the upline, unless it's explained to them. When I'm explaining it all to them as a new consultant, I use THEM as the example of the upline. Telling them how many people it takes to achieve certain levels in PC. And that even if they have 4 across (personal recruits) and 2 down (2 SC's), that just ONE not being active can bump them from being "paid as" a Director even if they met their personal sales requirements and the team sales requirements. Then I stress the importance of "going wide & deep" (a term used by my AD to me). :D So I can show them with a quick drawing how having the minimum requirements can impact their status if 1 or 2 fail to submit a show in any given month ... but if they have EXTRAS to fall back on, that it's easier to meet their goal each month to retain their status. That usually leads into them asking me about my down line structure, which I'll explain. I have 8 across right now (#9 is signing tonight), 4 of which are SC lines. #1 is always active. That SC has a SC under her who's got 2 recruits & is struggling to get them both active together to get a promotion to TL. But between the 4 girls in that line, they are always an active SC line for me. The other 3 SC's are fairly new. #2 & #3 are really good about keeping me updated on their status. #3 e-mailed from vacation the other day to let me know that her line WOULD be active this month! She's holding it up, but has a show that she's going to submit any day now. My 4th one is loosing her 1st recruit who's having a difficult pregnancy & has quit. She's just riding out the 6 month wait. But #4 is a go-getter & has a 2nd recruit as of last week. Having TWICE the minimum requirement really helps to retain my title each month. The fact that the SC's fully understand the importance of keeping their line active for them to retain their title also helps them to understand how their status can effect me, my AD, etc. All 4 seem to be people pleasers and very willing to do what it takes to keep their titles which in turn keeps me at my title too. :D
  • #14
bethcooks4u said:
My team is AOL this month - worse month ever I suspect. Last month I was one SC away from paid as director (and I have 4) - urrrggg! This month I
'm not sure we'll even hit the $4K requirement. I trained on not taking July off. I did an extra incentive this month to get everyone green by the 11th and only ONE person submitted for that. I have asked everyone what their sales will be in July and most aren't submitting anything. I haven't heard from one SC team so I'm hoping they both submit and I know the other is. Personally, I should be around $2K. Not a good month for me either but at least I'm doing shows and on the phone. I have had 5 good recruit leads this month but in the end it looks like just one will sign after her August 1 show so hopefully will soon have that new blood infusion we need. September is usually a good month with them though so I shouldn't lose the title but is it worth all this? Urrrgggg.....

I'm tired of talking till I'm blue in the face and offering incentives that they say they like but only get if they happen to submit something. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

My plan is to replace the lot of them and increase my personal business to make up the income in the meantime.

My director always says "If you can't change your team, change your team!" :D
  • #15
Ann, Here is the info about the Bubbles. Hope it helps!

What I have been doing also to encourage them to get moving and making calls is the Do & Tell and I give cash out at my meeting. The first month (May), almost everyone e-mailed me results. In June, only 3 did and it fizzled. I announced at the meeting I would contribute $2 for every Do & Tell I received. Everyone who sends a Do & Tell gets a ticket at the meeting and I draw a winner... that person gets the cash.

Last night in SUYB, the first person to report to me that they did the *challenge* received 5 Do & Tell points.

I'm attaching some things here... the bubbles visual and the Career Plan Success models in case some of you haven't seen it. HTH! :)


  • career_success_models.pdf
    23.7 KB · Views: 295
  • DIRECTOR STRUCTURE dry erase page.pdf
    147.6 KB · Views: 313
  • TEAM LEADER structure dry erase pg.pdf
    83.6 KB · Views: 335
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  • #16
Colleen...this is great! I have seen this but it is lost in my files!!! Sheila LOVE the post and Beth...you are so right and now I am working on changing my team!
  • #17
Happy to help!Qualified another consultant today! That's #5 for me this year! I have one I signed two weeks ago and it looks like she will qualify and am signing another tomorrow. I am definitely *changing my people* and the new blood is awesome! The veterans aren't liking it too much... they don't like the competition and such but what's funny is that it's making a few of them step up their games and one even is interested in coming back to meetings so she can meet the new consultants. We'll see if she does... but at least she's thinking about it!
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  • #18
It is amazing what happens when new people come in and do what others say can't be done! You GO, Colleen!
  • #19
HAHA! Two years ago at conference, at the exec dinner, one consultant was talking about how she did $6k in December despite being in the hospital for 3 weeks after a car accident. She said that everything was broken but her mouth so she made it work. The comment about that from one of my veterans was, "Wow... I've never used that excuse!" (missing the point ENTIRELY!) This consultant ALWAYS has reasons why she can't produce. I don't even take her calls any more because she only calls to whine. I let her vent on my voicemail and then respond via e-mail!!!! :devil:
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  • #20
I sent this to my team when I returned from conference. The two consultants in our cluster is actually my Exec.'s downline:

Hi everyone!

The National Conference continues to inspire. I found some new heroes there and I hope their struggles inspire you as well!

Here are some of the obstacles that consultants as ALL levels overcame to either further their business and/or attend conference:

The woman who won the new Ford car? Was a team leader who's mother died the Tuesday prior to conference. I think Mom was looking down on her!

A new Executive Director with breast cancer has been receiving treatments and had a very nice wig...had a double mastectomy just two weeks before conference. You would have never known. Her entire team of 1,2 and 3rd generation directors came on stage all dressed in pink.

In our own cluster we have 2 consultants that need a person to sign because they are hearing impaired.

One new director was blind and helped onto the stage. 2 had to be helped onto the stage because of knee and leg surgeries.

There were about 4 consultants that are confined to a wheelchair.

Puts all of our lives in perspectives!! Participate in the BOOKING BLITZ and add your shows by Monday for a chance to win great prizes!

Hope all of you are doing well...
  • #21
Colleen - I must have missed it, can you explain the concept of "Do and Tell"?
  • #22
Sure... Each time they make a contact either on the phone or in person (no texting, tweeting, facebooking, or e-mail), they e-mail me what they did and the results within 24 hours of the contact. I collect all the do & tells and publish them each week. At our team tasting, each person gets a ticket for each do & tell they submit and we draw a winner. I put $2 per do & tell submitted in cash in an envelope and whomever has the ticket I draw, wins the cash.Hope that makes sense! :)
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  • #23
Had a great meeting last night! I found my way to tell them!! First, I had 8 people. One from my personal cluster, one from my first generation and the rest from my third generation.

I went over your handouts, Colleen..THANK YOU!!! Then I had one of those mobile flip charts.

I started making circles. At the top was me, then my personal cluster, etc. We did two things. We saw how close some were to SC, TL, D and AD! And how just one person added to their teams would give them a raise. Then we hit on everyone being active each month was so important. Then I started to show them how by having just one person not submitting a party deep into the organization, could affect everyone above them. Our summary was...usually sh-t rolls down hill but within this system...it rolls up hill! We all laughed at the end how the sheet looked like an NFL game plan. Also we went over how it was not just personal sales that kept someone active with their current title. How it was number of people active, cluster sales and organizational sales as well.

All in all it was a comfortable and informative way of helping them see how the Career Plan can work and work for them as well!

I thank all of you for your ideas, suggestions and support. :candyheart:LOVE YOU ALL:candyheart:
  • #24
baychef said:
A new Executive Director with breast cancer has been receiving treatments and had a very nice wig...had a double mastectomy just two weeks before conference. You would have never known. Her entire team of 1,2 and 3rd generation directors came on stage all dressed in pink.


That is my Executive director and let me just tell you she is inspiring!!
Ann, thanks for the note, I love it.
  • #25
WooHoo! Congrats!!!
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  • #26
cincychef said:
That is my Executive director and let me just tell you she is inspiring!!
Ann, thanks for the note, I love it.

OMG...tears were running down our faces and then we looked around and everyone else felt the same. You know I am the Queen of excuses and her tenacity just blew me away. The obstacles the woman conquered to promote! And we all know that she had one incredible team to help her get there because none of us get there alone!

My hats are off to ALL of you! What is you ED's name again? I think I know but I would feel like a jerk if I was incorrect.
  • #27
Way to go Ann!!!!!!I love the Sh*t rolls uphill!!! Priceless!
  • #28
baychef said:
OMG...tears were running down our faces and then we looked around and everyone else felt the same. You know I am the Queen of excuses and her tenacity just blew me away. The obstacles the woman conquered to promote! And we all know that she had one incredible team to help her get there because none of us get there alone!

My hats are off to ALL of you! What is you ED's name again? I think I know but I would feel like a jerk if I was incorrect.

Every time I want to quit, I think of her and keep going. Her name is Nancy Francis. It actually came down to my team for two of the months of her promotion. I got a lot of help and guidance from her.:)
  • #29
Well, I went to National pretty disgusted with my team, and discouraged about this whole thing. I decided to go and try to re-invent myself because I realized my attitude was getting pretty low. I came back and had a team meeting (with about 8 that showed up, only 5 of which were mine, the rest were hospitality and a guest). This is what I did:

I did kind of a thing like Colleen did and decided to reward them for their efforts. So I created a little incentive plan where they do things like pass out a mini catalog and get contacf info, wear a logo t shirt and pass out a catalog/business card and get info, make customer care calls, etc. There's about 8-10 very small things on it they should be doing anyway. When they do them they email me with what they have done and their results, good or bad. The whole idea is getting their "business in front of new eyeballs" as Mr. Bennett said at National. Every Monday I will do an email shout out, and those that emailed me or called me with their tasks and results will get a ticket for a drawing at Cluster meetings for products. I sent out my first shout out email last Monday and only one consultant had responded, so she got a major shout out. Hopefully as they get them they will be inspired to participate.

I decided to invite those that wanted to meet with me this week and rediscover some goals. I had 4 take me up on it, and I made the time this week. I used the new green book just like they were a brand new consultant and we went over just what they wanted and some action plans to get there. It took a big chunk out of my week but I think it was worth it. We broke down their goals into mini bites that were achievable. I will follow up the meetings with a confirmation email of what we talked about, and they've all agreed to 15 minute coaching calls every other week, all of these will also get shout outs on my emails each Monday.

So hope this spurs them onto at least a little action. I'm encouraged by the time I spent with them this week--the others? Well, they are welcome to tag along, we'll see. Hopefully they will catch the spirit!
  • #30
thanks to everyone for sharing, both ideas and that July is stinking. I will have my worst month in 14 month. I have 3 downline Directors and I am not sure that any of them are going to get paid as Director this month. My paycheck will probably be 1/3 of what it was last month. REALLY!!!???? Not only have I had cancellation upon cancellation but my team has too.
  • #31
This July has been my worst month in exactly a year and it's my own fault but I am okay with it. I'm not looking back. My team is doing okay and as long as my 2 SCs submit (which they both said they are) I'll be paid as a D. With my recruiting this year, we've never fallen below the $4k mark once which was ALWAYS an issue in the past. Most of the time I've been doing almost all of it myself, but it's nice when I have a month like I'm having and I have enough on the team to come through. Now just to keep moving forward!!!!!!
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  • #32
I have found that my rock star consultants are having a terrible month as well as I am. Luckily our organization has put in 27 parties and have sold almost $9,000 thus far so I am more than happy about that. But we usually sell between $17 and $23,000 so I really think that this is not just us personally or the recession or any other factor. I am getting many random orders thanks to facebook and just reconnecting with old friends. In the last day I think I have sold $100 worth of products. Not that it is major but ANYTHING at this point is great.

So let's not beat ourselves up too bad! Nanisu...{{{{HUGS}}} you are on the right track. It does take a major chunk of our time sometimes to get people to wake up. I may do a "Do and Tell" myself. It may get some people back into action. In the meantime, I really do need to connect up with my recruit leads.

Colleen...I'll see ya on the bread line cause I am looking at the same pay scale this month. YIKES!!
  • #33
July really is stinking!

I had 7 shows in July, and I've submitted 2. I have 2 this week - one already completed, and just waiting for the host to decide on her order. Happily, her show was larger than she thought it would be (I KNEW it would be!) so she's adding to her list. :)

Then, I have one tonight. I am working with the host to make sure it closes by Sat at midnight!

But with all of that - this is still my worst month since Sept, when I had pneumonia, and was out of commission....but I don't have that excuse this month. I am not seeing any way that I'll be paid as a director this month. I will have about $2000 in sales for myself (again, the lowest I've had in ages) and even with everyone submitting who has said they'll submit - it's been almost ALL catalog shows from my team this month, and the highest one so far is $260. One of the girls in a SC line submitted a show - for $137! That darn past-host bonus! She needs just $13 to be active for the month, and complete that line, and I haven't been able to reach her! I'm sure she thinks she's fine because she submitted a show (she's very new).

I'm more fearful that I won't make director level this month because of the $4000 than I am the lines. AND this will be the FIRST month since last May that I don't make the $4000 requirement as a team!:eek:
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  • #34
Ok...organizational sales are at $10,110 and I know I do not have $2000 to submit...http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p125/dogpoundbrenda/SMILIES/bezorgd.gif
Other than that I am GREEN
  • #35
I am irritated!

I have 2 SCs who both have 2 consultants in their lines that have submitted... BUT neither SC has submitted on their own.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... :mad:

Gotta Gotta Gotta develop more SCs!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant over... (for now!) ;)
  • #36
Yeah, I have 2 SC's. Neither of the SC's or their downline consultants have submitted, so I need 4 specific people to submit by tomorrow to be paid as a director. For me it ALWAYS comes down to the "And 2" and it drives me and my director crazy!
  • #37
cmdtrgd said:
For me it ALWAYS comes down to the "And 2" and it drives me and my director crazy!

For me, it always comes down to my 2 SCs. I just don't get why they don't want their overrides... and this month, with both of them having 2 under them that have submitted, it's even more $$$$!
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  • #38
I too am VERY puzzled by this. I am going to be on them a bit more because if my director underneath me comes out of her grace period and starts to not be able to meet requirements, then I had better have my 2 SC in place so I at least get paid as a director. Cause then I will have my thong in a knot! :approve::bugeye:
  • #39
finley1991 said:
I am irritated!

I have 2 SCs who both have 2 consultants in their lines that have submitted... BUT neither SC has submitted on their own.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... :mad:

Gotta Gotta Gotta develop more SCs!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant over... (for now!) ;)

I am on the same train with you - drives me crazy!
  • #40
Luckily, my SC's do understand that if their line is not active, they don't get paid at that level and it could also effect me and our up line too. I have 9 personal recruits, 4 are SC's and there are 16 total now. The 15th was approaching & I only had one SC line active! Another SC e-mailed me out of the blue to let me know that she had a show to submit and that her line would be active too! I didn't even have to ask. :D I was so happy. A 3rd line is now active too. So I have 6 of the 9 lines active and 3 of the 4 SC lines active.Our sales, however, are a bit low this month. We are at $9,980.20. The last few months have been $13,298, $13,303, $13,152, $17,570 & $12,307 ... so this is quite a bit lower for us! I haven't made AD level yet so I'm good to go. I'd be biting my nails too if I were an AD and all stressed out over not making it to my sales requirements. (((hugs))) girls!!!
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  • #41
pamperedlinda said:
I am on the same train with you - drives me crazy!


I am with you on the train! Can not understand it for the life of me why some wait or do not want to get the extra money.
  • #42
baychef said:

I am with you on the train! Can not understand it for the life of me why some wait or do not want to get the extra money.

I KNOW! What is wrong with these people?!:yuck::confused:

I have 4 SC lines and only one has both submitting in July (missed it by 1 person in June too). One direct submitted but her recruit didn't; I have 2 indirect recruits who submitted but neither of their recruiters are submitting: one is AWOL and one said she did a show and then went on vacation so it will not go in until August. ARRRUUUGGGG!!

The good thing is that I can count on the one set to submit - it's a rare month that she and at least one of her recruits doesn't submit - and the one who had the show but is putting it in next month has a new recruit that does have shows on her calendar so they both should submit too. Next month I'll probably have all four qualify as SC teams - that's how it works, they all do it in one month and then miss each other for 2 months...
  • #43
cincychef said:
That is my Executive director and let me just tell you she is inspiring!!
Ann, thanks for the note, I love it.

Nancy is a beautiful woman. I sat with her and her hubby on a bus a couple conferences ago when she was promoting. What a sweet couple.
  • #44
I know the issue with one of my mine... she's the one that wants to promote to D and her attitude is, if she can't have it, she doesn't want anyone else to have it either. She's screwed me on more than one occasion. Nice attitude to have, eh?I just don't get her. I arranged to have dinner with our NED... just the 5 of us at Conference and this consultant BLEW IT OFF! She walked into the restaurant as we were leaving. WTF??????????It's so annoying. And I have to admit, I'm going to have a hard time being compassionate about it when she comes to me down the road when one of her downline doesn't submit and it screws her.But onward and upward. I'm recruiting so she won't be an issue in my structure too much longer. :D
  • #45
finley1991 said:
I know the issue with one of my mine... she's the one that wants to promote to D and her attitude is, if she can't have it, she doesn't want anyone else to have it either. She's screwed me on more than one occasion. Nice attitude to have, eh?

I just don't get her. I arranged to have dinner with our NED... just the 5 of us at Conference and this consultant BLEW IT OFF! She walked into the restaurant as we were leaving.

It's so annoying. And I have to admit, I'm going to have a hard time being compassionate about it when she comes to me down the road when one of her downline doesn't submit and it screws her.

But onward and upward. I'm recruiting so she won't be an issue in my structure too much longer. :D

Can't even imagine doing that! Is she completely clueless, or just hopelessly self-centered?
  • #46
Strange. Very strange!
  • #47
Chefbeckyd said:
Can't even imagine doing that! Is she completely clueless, or just hopelessly self-centered?

She's selfish.
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  • #48
YIKES!! She really takes the cake. Does she spew this wonderful attitude with her guests? And she will never make it to D with the large of a selfish attitude.
  • #49
I got excited yesterday when I saw that I had 4 lines that had submited (was only expecting 3)....but I still NEEDED one of my SC to submit. She was at Director Express with me yesterday and told me that she had a show to submit last night. Tracker isn't showing it yet - I really hope she submitted it. The show I submitted last night is there so the tracking is updating....fingers crossed. Dammit, I just hate this. Gotta grow deeper and wider....
  • #50
pamperedlinda said:
I got excited yesterday when I saw that I had 4 lines that had submited (was only expecting 3)....but I still NEEDED one of my SC to submit. She was at Director Express with me yesterday and told me that she had a show to submit last night. Tracker isn't showing it yet - I really hope she submitted it. The show I submitted last night is there so the tracking is updating....fingers crossed. Dammit, I just hate this. Gotta grow deeper and wider....

I finally talked to her....she did submit, but didn't finish it.....argh!!!! Oh well, nothing I can do about it now (except bitch to/with y'all...). At least I know she's good for August. I am going to work much harder on getting everyone to submit BEFORE the last hours of the month.
<h2>1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "How Can Consultants Be Active Without Being Rude? </h2><p>1. Why is being active important for consultants in Pampered Chef? 2. How can we be active without coming across as pushy or rude? 3. What are some ways to stay active without being too aggressive? 4. How does our level of activity affect those above us in the organization? 5. Can you provide any tips or advice on being active without being rude?</p><h2>2. Is there a polite way to show consultants how their being active can affect those above them without being rude?</h2><p>Yes, there are ways to communicate the importance of being active without being rude. You can focus on the positive impact it can have on their own success and the success of those above them, rather than making it seem like a negative consequence.</p><h2>3. How can I effectively communicate the impact of being active on others without sounding selfish or self-serving?</h2><p>Instead of focusing solely on how it benefits your own income or success, try to frame it as a win-win situation for everyone involved. Emphasize how being active can help the entire team or organization grow and achieve success together.</p><h2>4. Can you give an example of how being active can affect others in the organization?</h2><p>Being active can have a ripple effect on the entire organization. When one consultant is active, it can inspire and motivate others to also be active. This can lead to a more successful and thriving team, which can ultimately benefit everyone involved, including those in higher positions.</p><h2>5. How can I balance being active without being too aggressive or pushy?</h2><p>The key is to find a balance and approach that works for you and your team. Some ways to stay active without being too aggressive include setting realistic goals, offering support and assistance to others, and focusing on building genuine relationships with customers and team members rather than just making sales.</p>

Related to How Can Consultants Be Active Without Being Rude?

1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "How Can Consultants Be Active Without Being Rude?

1. Why is being active important for consultants in Pampered Chef? 2. How can we be active without coming across as pushy or rude? 3. What are some ways to stay active without being too aggressive? 4. How does our level of activity affect those above us in the organization? 5. Can you provide any tips or advice on being active without being rude?

2. Is there a polite way to show consultants how their being active can affect those above them without being rude?

Yes, there are ways to communicate the importance of being active without being rude. You can focus on the positive impact it can have on their own success and the success of those above them, rather than making it seem like a negative consequence.

3. How can I effectively communicate the impact of being active on others without sounding selfish or self-serving?

Instead of focusing solely on how it benefits your own income or success, try to frame it as a win-win situation for everyone involved. Emphasize how being active can help the entire team or organization grow and achieve success together.

4. Can you give an example of how being active can affect others in the organization?

Being active can have a ripple effect on the entire organization. When one consultant is active, it can inspire and motivate others to also be active. This can lead to a more successful and thriving team, which can ultimately benefit everyone involved, including those in higher positions.

5. How can I balance being active without being too aggressive or pushy?

The key is to find a balance and approach that works for you and your team. Some ways to stay active without being too aggressive include setting realistic goals, offering support and assistance to others, and focusing on building genuine relationships with customers and team members rather than just making sales.

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