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Find Your Perfect Tastefully Simple Rep with Our Online Jewelry HO Leads

In summary, online jewelry stores are getting very popular, but some people are not happy with the experience because they get leads that are not useful.
HO Leads... funnySo I got a HO Lead yesterday. I called her back. She wasn't looking of a PC consultant she was looking for a Tastefully Simple rep. This is what she said, "Well, I know that you all know each other because of what you do so I thought you could give me the name of someone..."


I'm still laughing!
I'd be mad.:mad::grumpy: What a waste of a lead!

I had a HO lead once- when I called him- he wanted to know how to go about pitching a product of his to PC so they would add it to our line.
I agree--waste of a lead!

If she wanted a TS rep, you can go to their website and search too. Didn't that occur to her?
I had a sister director get a lead a few months back that just irritated her! This gal was participating in a PC fundraiser for her kids' school and couldn't find the contact info (maybe even the name) of the consultant, so she asked Mel!
oh the nerve of some folks......

we have a saying in my house based on the comedy of someone I cannot even remember-"here is your sign"!!! As in when people say or do something really stupid, we would like to hand them a sign that says "HEY I am stupid"!My husband and I don't use the "stupid" word around the kids because it just isn't nice to outright call someone that, BUT we often say "here is your sign" so the kids don't know what we are talking about (we aren't telling the kids "here is your sign" just other folks that can be stupid)!!!
bethcooks4u said:
I'd be mad.:mad::grumpy: What a waste of a lead!


Correct me if I"m wrong, but when you do an update on the status of a lead, if it turns out to be NO LEAD, I thought you got added back into the rotation sooner. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought someone told me that. So, for this lame lead, I'd go enter that it was no lead and explain why.

I once got a lead and it was someone who was going to be attending a show (obviously not of mine) and wanted to know the benefits of a catalog show because she was thinking of booking off of the host. That was a waste too!
Yeah, I just got a lead with no phone number and a bogus email address. I marked it as NO LEAD, so hopefully I'll get back in rotation ASAP.
I'm sure we all get them. The last great one I had was a past consultant that wanted to see if I would like to buy her inventory at FULL price!
I also had one recently from a guy who was visiting my town to do a show for a family memeber and got here to find that he forgot his catalogs. I am all for helping people, but couldn't you just call HO and ask for a contact.
  • #10
ShanaSmith said:
I'm sure we all get them. The last great one I had was a past consultant that wanted to see if I would like to buy her inventory at FULL price!
I also had one recently from a guy who was visiting my town to do a show for a family memeber and got here to find that he forgot his catalogs. I am all for helping people, but couldn't you just call HO and ask for a contact.

See what I mean??? "here is your sign"!!!!!!!!!
  • #11
I once got a lead that was a Maykay lady wanting me to do a MK party for her!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
When Taste of Home Entertaining started, they went into the lead system becaue they knew they would get PC Directors and tried to lure some away... my director was one who got a call...
  • #13
Does anyone know for sure?When we record it as a No Lead- do we get put back into the lead system? Or do we just think we do?
  • #14
Happy Chef said:
When we record it as a No Lead- do we get put back into the lead system? Or do we just think we do?

I wish I knew...
  • #15
finley1991 said:
When Taste of Home Entertaining started, they went into the lead system becaue they knew they would get PC Directors and tried to lure some away... my director was one who got a call...

Now THAT is low!
  • #16
I got a weird one too once. It was a guy who wanted more information about our business but he gave a pay phone #! He called me a few times from the pay phone and wanted to know if he could just sell for me w/o joining.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
I had a guy wanting to sell but wanted me to give him the kit free. He said that he would be my BEST rep and becaue of that didn't feel he needed to pay for a kit. HUH?
  • #18
I just had another winner. A gal contacted me because she needed to see what the delivery time is on an order she placed with another consultant.
  • #19
Ok so I totally have to take that last post back. That is what I was told on the phone. But then, I got an email from the lady saying that she is a quad and can't speak! She is trying to buy a gift for her assistant and didn't want her to find out. (the assistant is who I was talking to on the phone) So she gave the catalog to her neigbor to contact me. Oh boy! Do I feel bad or what!
  • #20
Well I figured it wasn't just me getting the wacko home office leads- but now I know for sure. So when I get the next one I won't feel quite so bad.
Thanks for sharing!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
ShanaSmith said:
Ok so I totally have to take that last post back. That is what I was told on the phone. But then, I got an email from the lady saying that she is a quad and can't speak! She is trying to buy a gift for her assistant and didn't want her to find out. (the assistant is who I was talking to on the phone) So she gave the catalog to her neigbor to contact me. Oh boy! Do I feel bad or what!

Don't feel bad... there was no way you could know. Offer to wrap the gift for her and make a gift tag for the present and even deliver it if you can. If she doesn't have to do anything, you'll get lots of business and referrals from this lady!
  • #22
I've had about 20 leads this year (my first as a director); I have had 1 become a consultant and completely NADDA or WASTE OF TIME on all others.

Many just want a catalog and never order (at least not thru me) and the latest batch has been 3 in a row who wanted info on booking a show....but then when I called they all "had friends who sell PC so they were going to book with them".

The one I really got irritated by was a gal who was a lead for a co-hosted show. She said she normally did shows with another consultant (another director) but that gal was unable to do her show on the date the potential host wanted. She seemed esctatic when I was available for the date she needed. She asked for 10 catalogs and 2 sets of invites and I promptly sent them to her (out of town host of course).

A week later I get an email saying she needs to cancel. I learned later that this gal did have the show, on teh scheduled date, from a member of the director's team that she had tried to get a show with before. I have issues with this particular director so it didn't surprise me but it was frustrating to lose all those supplies (and a prime date on my schedule I never got refilled).

So...when leads come, I work em, but I don't get to excited.
  • #23
happypcgal said:
I've had about 20 leads this year (my first as a director); I have had 1 become a consultant and completely NADDA or WASTE OF TIME on all others.

Many just want a catalog and never order (at least not thru me) and the latest batch has been 3 in a row who wanted info on booking a show....but then when I called they all "had friends who sell PC so they were going to book with them".

The one I really got irritated by was a gal who was a lead for a co-hosted show. She said she normally did shows with another consultant (another director) but that gal was unable to do her show on the date the potential host wanted. She seemed esctatic when I was available for the date she needed. She asked for 10 catalogs and 2 sets of invites and I promptly sent them to her (out of town host of course).

A week later I get an email saying she needs to cancel. I learned later that this gal did have the show, on teh scheduled date, from a member of the director's team that she had tried to get a show with before. I have issues with this particular director so it didn't surprise me but it was frustrating to lose all those supplies (and a prime date on my schedule I never got refilled).

So...when leads come, I work em, but I don't get to excited.

Ouch!! That was so unfair!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
More HO LeadsAfter having a crappy summer, I finally got my HO leads back this month! I knew that some directors in my area have been struggling so either it's that or A LOT of people in my area are going to PC's website to get info! In the last 5 days, I've gotten 5 leads! I've gotten 4 orders this month (2 in the last 5 days) and more leads... some I can't follow up with... even got a bogus phone number...some I'm still working on. In any case, are the rest of you getting a lot or am I just really lucky right now?
  • #25
i guess i am not on the list yet from my having a crappy summer as well....what do we have to do to get back on the leads list????
  • #26
3 out of 4 months selling $1250 or more.
  • #27
ok-august was the downer month for me, so i should get leads back in december????
  • #28
It should kick in around December 10th.
  • #29
Online jewelry stores are getting very popular, like bluenile. Does anyone have exp with online jewelry stores?
  • #30
I dream of getting jewelry once in a while.

Haven't checked online though.
  • #31
I've only purchased jewelry online once... for DH's and mine wedding bands. I got both for about $100 (that included engraving) but I don't think I'd buy anything more than that. I like to see certain things before I buy them. I also don't buy clothing online.
  • #32
Got my husband's wedding band from bluenile. It was a good experience.
  • #33
The majority of my jewlery has come from DH's overseas business trips. I wouldn't be opposed to shopping for jewelry online though....
  • #34
I got one in November, got really excited because it was a guy interested in the business and NOTHING. No replies to my e-mails and he left no phone number. :(
  • #35
I just got my first lead of 2008. She wanted a replacement ring for the flour sugar shaker - $1. I did the replacement for her. Now hopefully she'll do something in the future... She said "I have everything PC has and no room in my kitchen for anything". The last show she went to was "a couple years ago". She said I could add her to my e-newsletter and that she'd go to the website to see the catalog, that I could send her the spring catalog when it comes out and was interested in the outlet. Hopefully, she'll at least refer me...
  • #36
I got my first lead of 2008 last week and she booked a show! YIPEE!!! I think she is also going to be someone that could seriously think about the opportunity...I know, I know..I shouldn't prejudge, but you just get a feeling about someone when you talk to them, and I got it when I talked to her and from her behavior since!
  • #37
Wow...the NERVE of some people. Here are my dumb HO leads:

Another PC consultant trying to see how close a PC person what to her parent's house.

Consultant who does TS and Creative Memories and wanted to do a multivendor event...not a totally bizare request, but this lady has turned out to be somewhat of a fruitcake.

I have had FAR TOO MANY HO leads with either no phone numbers or ones that do not work lately. And therefore, they turn out to be no leads because I send out the info, try to e-mail them and they STILL do not respond. I am getting very tired of this.

Related to Find Your Perfect Tastefully Simple Rep with Our Online Jewelry HO Leads

1. What is a HO Lead and how do I get one?

A HO Lead is a term used by Pampered Chef to refer to a potential customer or host who has expressed interest in the company's products or hosting a party. HO Leads are typically obtained through referrals from current customers or through the company's website. You can also reach out to your local PC consultant for more information on obtaining HO Leads.

2. Can I use HO Leads to find a Tastefully Simple rep?

No, HO Leads are specific to Pampered Chef and cannot be used to find a Tastefully Simple rep. However, you can reach out to your local Tastefully Simple consultant or use the company's website to find a rep in your area.

3. Is it true that Pampered Chef consultants know each other and can recommend reps from other companies?

While it is true that many consultants from different direct sales companies may know each other through networking events or social media groups, it is not a guarantee that they are familiar with reps from other companies. It is always best to reach out to a consultant directly for recommendations.

4. How do I know if a Pampered Chef consultant is also a Tastefully Simple rep?

There is no way to determine if a Pampered Chef consultant is also a Tastefully Simple rep without directly asking them. Many consultants may sell products from multiple companies, but it is best to ask for clarification before assuming they are a rep for a specific company.

5. Can you recommend a specific Tastefully Simple rep for me?

As a Pampered Chef employee, I am not able to recommend specific reps from other companies. However, you can use Tastefully Simple's website to search for reps in your area and read reviews from other customers to find the best fit for you.

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