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Urgent Fhtm? Know Anything About Them?

I'm not going to drop everything just to join yours. She's trying to suck you in with a very expensive opportunity. You should probably pass. Sounds like this isn't a good match for either of you.She's trying to sucker you in with a very expensive opportunity. You should probably pass.
Gold Member
A rep. with FHTM picked up my card at an event I did over the weekend and wants to meet to talk about our businesses.

She wasn't a vendor and wouldn't tell me anything about her biz over the phone - just that she'd like to meet and see how we could help each other with network marketing. She had a video she'd have me watch that explained it better.

She mentioned possibly hosting a show. Don't want to not get business from her, but am leery b/c she didn't want to give any details about her biz over the phone. When I said I'd have to get back with her on a date/time, she then said her friend might be interested in doing a show as well. Is this a desperate attempt to get me to meet with her?

Plus, I googled FHTM and there was lots of neg. out there.:confused:

Hopeful someone has words of wisdom..............
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go with your gut feeling.. I had a woman see my name on my car and called me.. She mentioned she was in a homebased business too, and asked if we could meet. Her's was a lot like FHTM.. She asked me to join her team. I told her I couldn't.
It was almost $900 to get into her business, and they meet once a week.. both were too much for me.
I agree. How great is your business model if you can't proudly say exactly what you do without having the person sitting in front of you, when it's harder to say no?
I know nothing about them, but you may want to read: FHTM Complaints - Scam

Sounds expensive. I also don't like her dangling shows in order for you to watch the video. If you have the time, I would watch the video....then tell her it's too expensive for you and how about we find a date for that show you were wanting? :D
A couple of shows wouldn't be worth it to me to have to sit through a speil like that, especially if your gut is saying "run". I get really tired of people who do this sort of thing. I ran a local newspaper ad, and 2 of the 4 calls I got from the ad were other Direct-Sales or MLM business owners trying to sell me on their business. WTH?? I wouldn't ever dream of calling up another business-owner to ask if they want to join MY business.....a show maybe, but a new business? She's trying to sucker you in. Most likely, after you meet with her, and assuming you tell her 'no thanks', you'll never hear from her (or her friend) again.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
I know nothing about them, but you may want to read: FHTM Complaints - Scam

Thanks for the site. I actually had pulled up the same one. No way I'm going to sign with her no matter how good the pitch. Think I'm going to have to pass, just don't have a great feeling about it. Esp since she wouldn't tell me about it over the phone. I'm not that desperate for shows.

In the end if she's interested in PC shouldn't matter if I'm not interested in her company.
Yeah, I got into that too. I hung a flyer up at a local pharmacy, got all pumped up when I saw some of the tags torn off. Turns out one of them were when one of them were from someone like this person. Leave me alone! I don't care if you do like our pizza cutters, and they've held up for nine years I'm not joining your business!!
Laura4 said:
Leave me alone! I don't care if you do like our pizza cutters, and they've held up for nine years I'm not joining your business!!

Amen, Sister! LOL
esavvymom said:
A couple of shows wouldn't be worth it to me to have to sit through a speil like that, especially if your gut is saying "run". I get really tired of people who do this sort of thing. I ran a local newspaper ad, and 2 of the 4 calls I got from the ad were other Direct-Sales or MLM business owners trying to sell me on their business. WTH?? I wouldn't ever dream of calling up another business-owner to ask if they want to join MY business.....a show maybe, but a new business?

I also don't get this kind of prospecting: hitting people up for your business when you find them through ads, fairs etc. I'm spending money to expand my business, and you think I'm going to drop it all to jump on your opportunity? How does that even make sense?
  • #10
I have MANY business aquaintances involved with this company. I feel thay are HIGH pressure. From what I understand They are a "purchasing portal" type company. If you shop online thru their links the reps get "kickbacks" per-say.

I have stayed as far away as possible!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I had a teammate with me at this event and told her about this lady. She wants her contact and is going to try to get a show out of her. So have passed her number on.

She's going to tell her she can't meet but when she does her show she can talk then.

Personally, think I'm staying away from this one but hopeful my consultant gets something good from it. Will see.

I just don't care for people who want something in return for doing a show. Either you are interested or you aren't. I know tons of vendors and like them, but could never do a show for all of them and honestly don't care to do a show with some of them (b/c I don't care to have any of their products). However, I'm always happy to send business their way (referrals). But I've never said do business with me and I'll give you business. Tacky!
  • #12
I am not familiar with the company mention in the OP, but in general I am always leery of the "I'm not going to tell you anything now, just sit down with me later" sales pitch. Right away it is a "No, thank you" from me. Its like I am waiting for them to hit me over the head with a club and then wake up in an interrogation room.

I always want to ask: If the company is that great why do they have be secretive and all Cloak and Dagger? Great thing about PC is that you don't have to do that. You can explain a great deal about our company in just a few sentences and you can be proud of your affiiliation with PC. When someone tries that approach, it makes me feel that they are not confident about their company, like they are being sneaky. I mean, if someone had the slightest interest in PC and had the time, I would do the interview right on the spot!
  • #13
I agree with Anne, if they can't give you a synopsis on the spot it's probably a waste of your time and probably your money too.I'd just tell her that you LOVE selling Pampered Chef and would be happy to help her if she's interested in purchasing product or learning more about the Pampered Chef business opportunity, but that you are very happy with your current career choice and are not looking to divide you time with another company. (Basically ... thanks but buzz off.) If she persists, just tell her "Again, I'm happy with Pampered Chef and I'm not looking for any additional business opportunities ... but thanks for thinking of me." That way, you don't burn your bridge with a potential customer, but you don't have to worry about getting her all excited that she might be reeling you in & then burst her bubble. ;)On an added note, I was shocked to see Southern Living Home, Stampin Up, Take Shape for Life and Tupperware on the MLM list! That's crazy!!! I would have never thought any of those 4 would be on the list. PC by the way was NOT on the list. ;)
  • #14
Sheila said:
I agree with Anne, if they can't give you a synopsis on the spot it's probably a waste of your time and probably your money too.

I'd just tell her that you LOVE selling Pampered Chef and would be happy to help her if she's interested in purchasing product or learning more about the Pampered Chef business opportunity, but that you are very happy with your current career choice and are not looking to divide you time with another company. (Basically ... thanks but buzz off.) If she persists, just tell her "Again, I'm happy with Pampered Chef and I'm not looking for any additional business opportunities ... but thanks for thinking of me." That way, you don't burn your bridge with a potential customer, but you don't have to worry about getting her all excited that she might be reeling you in & then burst her bubble. ;)

On an added note, I was shocked to see Southern Living Home, Stampin Up, Take Shape for Life and Tupperware on the MLM list! That's crazy!!! I would have never thought any of those 4 would be on the list. PC by the way was NOT on the list. ;)

What MLM list?
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
What MLM list?

I don't know the specific list Sheila's referring to, but generally, a biz is considered a MLM if it meets specific criteria relating to earnings in relation to recruiting. Specifically, if overrides/bonuses are paid through 4 or more levels and if those overrides make up a majority of one's income with very little personal sales required. PC doesn't usually end up on these lists because of our higher personal sales requirements in order to qualify for overrides, as well as the Elite Seller qualification for Director/bonuses. The lists are meant to indicate those companies who have structures based heavily on recruiting.
  • #16
chefann said:
I don't know the specific list Sheila's referring to, but generally, a biz is considered a MLM if it meets specific criteria relating to earnings in relation to recruiting. Specifically, if overrides/bonuses are paid through 4 or more levels and if those overrides make up a majority of one's income with very little personal sales required. PC doesn't usually end up on these lists because of our higher personal sales requirements in order to qualify for overrides, as well as the Elite Seller qualification for Director/bonuses. The lists are meant to indicate those companies who have structures based heavily on recruiting.

Yeah, she just sounded like she was referring to a specific list.....
  • #17
Thanks, Ann. That's good to know. Some people call PC a MLM and I correct them. Now I can tell them how we are different from those companies.
  • #18
My first recruit and I did a "Healthy Heart Fair" at a local Church. The organizer was very enthusiastic about having a PC show ASAP...then when I called her, she told me she would have a show for me if I did a BeautiControl Show for her. I told her that I had a lot of allergy issues with cosmetics and was currently using Arbonne and was very happy with it. She then decided she didn't want to do a show after all. My recruit got a lady who was a State Farm Insurance rep. She too wanted to have a show but tried to get my recruit to sign up for life insurance on herself, her spouse, and her kids each time she tried to host coach her. She took 6 weeks to close her show...at $400. She then proceeded to return every piece she got with one excuse after another (total of 12 products). My recruit didn't listen to me and returned each item (6 pieces were stoneware) at her own expense. The last piece, her husband went to pick up and told the lady that if she had any other issues to call the HO. This lady realized that my recruit didn't know a lot of things...life in general as well as 401Ks, insurance, etc. and tried to take advantage of her. I told her after the lady told her that she needed to set up a 401K for her 10 year old son that has a lot of health issues that she was telling her the wrong info. Children unless they have income do not have 401Ks. She said the lady told her that and she knew what she was saying. I finally showed her in my Financial Peace book what it said and she realized the lady was only after a sale! It's people like that that really turn off new consultants! My recruit has decided to get out of the business because she can't really do shows and she is in college to be an LPN and they told her she could get that in 1 year then it would only take another year to get an RN/BS! She has no previous college. Again the advisor at her college (who is supposed to know what she is doing) is telling her something and she believes it. She even told her she would make $35,000 a year when she became an RN. I tried to explain to her that I used to do medical staffing and "top/experienced RNs" may command that type salary after 5 years but does not "walk in" to that kind of job! Why can't people be honest?? Do they really think "exaggerating the truth" (in my book, downright lying) makes it better??
  • #19
pcchefjane said:
My first recruit and I did a "Healthy Heart Fair" at a local Church. The organizer was very enthusiastic about having a PC show ASAP...then when I called her, she told me she would have a show for me if I did a BeautiControl Show for her. I told her that I had a lot of allergy issues with cosmetics and was currently using Arbonne and was very happy with it. She then decided she didn't want to do a show after all. My recruit got a lady who was a State Farm Insurance rep. She too wanted to have a show but tried to get my recruit to sign up for life insurance on herself, her spouse, and her kids each time she tried to host coach her. She took 6 weeks to close her show...at $400. She then proceeded to return every piece she got with one excuse after another (total of 12 products). My recruit didn't listen to me and returned each item (6 pieces were stoneware) at her own expense. The last piece, her husband went to pick up and told the lady that if she had any other issues to call the HO. This lady realized that my recruit didn't know a lot of things...life in general as well as 401Ks, insurance, etc. and tried to take advantage of her. I told her after the lady told her that she needed to set up a 401K for her 10 year old son that has a lot of health issues that she was telling her the wrong info. Children unless they have income do not have 401Ks. She said the lady told her that and she knew what she was saying. I finally showed her in my Financial Peace book what it said and she realized the lady was only after a sale! It's people like that that really turn off new consultants! My recruit has decided to get out of the business because she can't really do shows and she is in college to be an LPN and they told her she could get that in 1 year then it would only take another year to get an RN/BS! She has no previous college. Again the advisor at her college (who is supposed to know what she is doing) is telling her something and she believes it. She even told her she would make $35,000 a year when she became an RN. I tried to explain to her that I used to do medical staffing and "top/experienced RNs" may command that type salary after 5 years but does not "walk in" to that kind of job! Why can't people be honest?? Do they really think "exaggerating the truth" (in my book, downright lying) makes it better??

Actually, in this area, that would be starting pay for an RN/BS - I know some that make double that!
  • #20
But not for this area in TN and that is what this lady was quoting!

Related to Fhtm? Know Anything About Them?

1. What is FHTM?

FHTM, or Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, is a multi-level marketing company that offers a variety of products and services, including telecommunications, health and wellness, and home goods.

2. How does FHTM work?

FHTM works by recruiting members to sell its products and services and earn commissions from their sales. These members can also earn additional income by recruiting new members to join the company.

3. Is FHTM a legitimate company?

FHTM has faced legal issues and controversies in the past, including accusations of being a pyramid scheme. In 2013, the company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission for deceptive practices. As a result, we do not work with or endorse FHTM.

4. Can I make money with FHTM?

While it is possible to make money with FHTM, it is important to note that the majority of people who join MLM companies do not make a significant income. It also requires a lot of time and effort to be successful in this type of business.

5. Does Pampered Chef have a partnership with FHTM?

No, Pampered Chef does not have any partnership or affiliation with FHTM. We are a separate company that offers high-quality kitchen tools and cooking products through direct sales and parties.

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