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Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in Network Marketing: A Personal Experience

In Summary, my director is going through some personal issues and is taking a step back to get things back on track. She mentioned that she has not been a director for a while (which I didn't know) and that our upline director will be taking over. Who, is a doll. My question is that a girl on her team quit PC a while back (8 months, I think), but we have kept in touch through FB. I mention to her what is going on with my director. Well, then she tells me that the only reason she quit is because she asked for her help and was told the problem was her fault and she couldn't help her. And now she wants to sign under me in the next month or so
Silver Member
My director sent out an email that she is going through some personal issues and has said that she is taking a step back to get things back on track. She mentioned that she has not been a director for a while (which I didn't know) and that our upline director will be taking over. Who, is a doll. My question is that a girl on her team quit PC a while back (8 months, I think), but we have kept in touch through FB. I mention to her what is going on with my director. Well, then she tells me that the only reason she quit is because she asked for her help and was told the problem was her fault and she couldn't help her. And now she wants to sign under me in the next month or so. Now, I know there are two sides to every story. I don't know what to do and I don't know if my director is going to continue. I hope she does, but I just don't know. She has not yet responded to my email. What should I do? Just wait until she wants to sign? I did tell her she could re-sign under my director.
It's not like you are 'stealing' her or trying to take her away from the other lady. The potential recruit WANTS to sign under you and it's her choice.Even under you, the former recruiter will still benefit if she stays in the business. and besides, if she's 'stepped back' from her business now, wouldn't it be logical that she won't be signing people or working her business- so a recruit lead would go to someone else? She'll still make the same commission % overrides since the new gal would be her 2nd generation.I wouldn't sweat it too much. If she later asks, you can play dumb and say that the consultant approached you and wanted to sign.
esavvymom said:
It's not like you are 'stealing' her or trying to take her away from the other lady. The potential recruit WANTS to sign under you and it's her choice.

Even under you, the former recruiter will still benefit if she stays in the business. and besides, if she's 'stepped back' from her business now, wouldn't it be logical that she won't be signing people or working her business- so a recruit lead would go to someone else? She'll still make the same commission % overrides since the new gal would be her 2nd generation.

I wouldn't sweat it too much. If she later asks, you can play dumb and say that the consultant approached you and wanted to sign.

It is a sticky situation but I do agree with the above!
I agree. There's nothing at all wrong, underhanded, or unethical about signing this person. You are not the reason they stepped away. You are simply the person she turned to when she was ready to return. In the meantime, don't stress about it. Just be there for her if she decides to take the plunge.
I must be missing something here, what do you think is unethical?
If she approached you and wants to sign with you it is totally ethical and will HELP your director when she steps up her business again. In fact, if I was the director I would encourage it.
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Thanks, everyone!Linda: I just feel funny about it.I decided to wait until she is actually ready to sign. It could be a month or two. And, who knows, maybe by then my director will be back in full force and we can discuss it. She has never been possessive or anything like that. She has always encouraged me, but its just one of those things where I feel funny. Who knows, maybe she would rather it that way--get the consultant back, but with a layer of "filtration". LOL I know we have both been frustrated at times with this consultant. But I think she could be really good at this if she keeps at it.
I think that the consultant must do what is best for her. And if she needs help at times and you can give it to her then it will be the right thing for her to sign up under you. I at times wish I had signed up with someone here in NJ, as my director is in CT and I did not hear from her over the whole summer. Even after conference (isn't that when you are supposed to get all pumped up and let your group know everything that went on). I must say that my hospitality director is very nice and I am thankful of that. Especially because she does not make a dime off of me. It so amazes me how helpful other consultants are in this business. I was in another home based business where people would practically cut your throat. LOL!!
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Yes, many of our fellow Cheffers are wonderful and encouraging. Directors in my cluster (where I am not in their DL) are always helpful. Glad you found Hospitality!

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Pampered Chef is committed to ethical sourcing and ensuring that our products are made in a socially responsible manner. We have a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations for our suppliers in terms of labor and human rights, environmental sustainability, and business ethics.

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No, Pampered Chef does not conduct or commission any animal testing on our products. We are committed to using alternative methods of testing to ensure the safety and quality of our products.

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Pampered Chef works closely with our suppliers to ensure that all workers are paid fair wages and provided with safe working conditions. We also conduct audits and inspections to ensure compliance with labor laws and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Does Pampered Chef have any initiatives to support sustainability?

Yes, Pampered Chef is committed to sustainability and has various initiatives in place to reduce our environmental impact. We have a sustainable sourcing policy, as well as packaging and waste reduction efforts. We also partner with organizations to support sustainable farming practices.

What is Pampered Chef's policy on diversity and inclusion?

Pampered Chef values diversity and inclusion and is committed to creating an inclusive workplace for all employees. We have a Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board that works to promote diversity and inclusion within our company and in our interactions with customers and suppliers.

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