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Create Meaningful Time Capsules for Your Youth Group | Expert Tips and Ideas

In summary, Ellen has come up with a quiz for training new products, Greg is the only other guy on here, and he is working on a Jeopardy game with the new products involved.
Gold Member
Ok...so I was hoping that you all would be able to help me with time capsules that my youth group is working on...Each kid is doing their own that they will be given when they graduate from High School...right now they are in 4-5-6 grades.

Here is what I need help with...

I am going to be making 2 sheets for them to put in their boxes...one that I put all of the info on and the other that they will be writing their own info on...

This is what I have so far...on the sheet that I will provide all of the info I have...

Who won World Series...Superbowl....price of a new car...price of milk...price of eggs...price of a loaf of bread...price of a gallon of gas...President...Governor...price of college tuition...community college...state college...private college...

for the one that they will fill in the info...

Best Friend...favorite color...favorite sport...favorite school subject...

So I was hoping that you all could help me think of other things to put on the sheets...thank you all in advance.
How about favorite pet?

how much allowence do you get?

Favorite Teacher?

One thing they'd like to do before graduating?

What do they want to be when they grow up?

Favorite place to hang out?

Favorite song?

Favorite Movie?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Since I started this thread for this purpose...you will all laugh at me but I am going to put my ideas on here as well...that way I can keep them all together...

Where they want to go to college?

Favorite TV show?
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  • #4
bumping for the day crew.
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  • #5
Nobody has an idea??
How about having them write down their hopes and dreams? Where do they imagine themselves to be in 10 years? What do they want to be when they 'grow up'? Who is their hero(ine)? Their favorite memory? Their favorite food... song... band... music type? Their favorite outfit? Most prized possession?
Who was president at the time?What was the street they lived on? favorite peace of candy? favorite subject in school?
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  • #9
Christ Follower said:
What I am nobody now or what?

Sorry...:cry: What I should have said is ... What Ellen is the only one here with a good idea...lol...is that better.
  • #10
Training QuizDoes anyone have a quiz on new products or on our catalog that can be used at meetings as a training tool.

Thanks :)
  • #11
There was one posted on teh director's loop...I will see if i can dig it up.
  • #12
Nevermind...I just dug thru the archived messages - there was a request for one but I don't see that anyone ever replied...
  • #13
I think at our March meeting I am going to put together a New PC Jeopardy game again. That was so much fun! Of course last Fall when I did this it was for our SD's meeting and there were about 5-6 Director's teams there so we had enough people to keep it really high energy.

I'm afraid if I do this in Feb it will be too soon and nobody will know anything yet :cry:.
  • #14
We're meeting together with about 5 Director Teams. Our hope is we'll get them pumped about it. I did Jeapordy (well Kinda) too. We gave prizes for the most correct answers.

Thanks. :)I'm still looking though...
  • #15
Man, I got excited!! I'm trying to plan my meeting for next week so if anyone has anything like this, please post it!!

THANKS GALS and GUYS! Do we have any guys on here besides Greg?:confused:
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  • #16
I am going to start typing this up tonight...so I wanted to bump it one more time in order to see if anyone else has any suggestions.
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  • #17
I just bumped this and it already disappeared so here it is again...
  • #18
Did anyone make up a jeopordy game with the new products involved??? I'd be forever grateful if you would share...
  • #19
Okay I just quick updates the jeopardy board here for the S/S 08 Season, the final Chefordy still needs added. But it's a start. Thanks to whoever posted the original chart!!


  • Jeopardy[1].doc
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  • Jeopardy[1].doc
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  • Jeopardy[1].doc
    37 KB · Views: 222
  • #20
That is awesome! Thanks soooo much for posting it here.
  • #21
Oh, I had been meaning to work on this. Our meeting is still a couple weeks away so I kept putting it off. You saved me a ton of time. Thanks so much!! :love0010:
  • #22
Has anyone added a Final Jeopardy yet?
  • #23
I was going to add something about the trip incentive as the Final Jeopardy question.
  • #24
I did the Jeopardy at my meeting on Tuesday and my team had a blast with it! For the Final Jeopardy question, I put the requirements for a Consultant to earn Level 2.
I also gave them the keychain flashlights from Merrill to use as their "buzzer" so it was alot of fun! thanks for sharing! :approve:
  • #25
amy07 said:
I did the Jeopardy at my meeting on Tuesday and my team had a blast with it! For the Final Jeopardy question, I put the requirements for a Consultant to earn Level 2.
I also gave them the keychain flashlights from Merrill to use as their "buzzer" so it was alot of fun! thanks for sharing! :approve:

I did the Jeopardy game at our meeting Monday and it was a huge hit, too!
  • #26
We did it at our meeting on Monday and it was a hit there as well. My final question was the requirements to earn level 1, which is much more doable for our group. :)
  • #27
Deb, I'd be happy if any of my team achieves level! But I do have a few that are saying how awesome it would be to achieve a vacation,that's why I did Level 2. I'm hoping it gave them a little extra push.... a girl can dream right?:D
  • #28
We did this at our meeting last night. We have 3 Directors in our group so we broke in to 3 teams. I was so proud that my team won!! Especially since both of the other teams had Directors helping them and mine didn't since I was the one asking the questions...actually, reading the answers. The score was like Posey Team 6,000, Team 2 3,000 and Team 3 1,000 (not exactly those scores, but something like that), so they won by a landslide.

They had a blast! My new recruit was excited to be on the winning team too. :D
  • #29
This is great, Cindy! My meeting is Tuesday, and I will be using this!
Thank you!:candyheart:

Related to Create Meaningful Time Capsules for Your Youth Group | Expert Tips and Ideas

1. What is a time capsule?

A time capsule is a container that holds items and artifacts from a specific time period, with the intention of preserving them for future generations to discover and learn from.

2. What kind of items should I include in a time capsule?

The items you choose to include in a time capsule can vary depending on the purpose and theme of the capsule. Some common items to include are photographs, letters, newspapers, coins, and personal mementos.

3. How do I properly seal a time capsule?

It is important to use a sturdy and airtight container for your time capsule. You can also use materials such as plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or vacuum sealing bags to further protect the items inside. Be sure to label the container with the date and any instructions for opening.

4. How should I store a time capsule?

The best way to store a time capsule is in a cool, dry place that is not exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture. You can also store it in a safe or a secure location to prevent it from being accidentally opened or damaged.

5. How long should I wait before opening a time capsule?

The length of time you should wait before opening a time capsule depends on your personal preference and the purpose of the capsule. Some people choose to wait 10, 25, or even 50 years before opening, while others may choose to open it on a specific date or event. It is important to make sure the time capsule is stored properly to ensure the items inside are well-preserved for the designated time frame.

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