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Can We Advertise Our Business on Other Sites?

In summary, the Pampered Chef policy is that we are not allowed to advertise on any other web site but the one we can get through Pampered Chef. I am asking this because I have blog page on this web site and I noticed the pampered chef logo on someone elses page, so I checked it out and she has all her Pampered Chef info on there, and was wondering if we are aloud to do this. The woman I'm talking about is just a consultant, and didnt think we were aloud to do that.
It is my understanding that we are not aloud to advertise our business on any other web site but the one we can get through Pampered Chef. I'm asking this because I have blog page on this web site and I noticed the pampered chef logo on someone elses page, so I checked it out and she has all her Pampered Chef info on there, and was wondering if we are aloud to do this.
cher88bear said:
It is my understanding that we are not aloud to advertise our business on any other web site but the one we can get through Pampered Chef. I'm asking this because I have blog page on this web site and I noticed the pampered chef logo on someone elses page, so I checked it out and she has all her Pampered Chef info on there, and was wondering if we are aloud to do this.

I saw that too! I was wondering the same thing. However, I noticed it is for a NSED and I know they are allowed to advertise such as place ads in the yellow pages. I looked in my Leadership Handbook, and I did not see anything for websites! I am going to call home office tomorrow on this and see! I will let you know!
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  • #3
The woman I'm talking about is just a consultant, and didnt think we were aloud to do that.
NoNo, we are not allowed to do that! I would report her to the HO. It is unfair for one person to be able to do that while the rest of us can't! I would take action right away. The HO will just tell her she has to remove the advertisement!
Blog?How do you get a blog?
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  • #6
It's on a different website, it's not on here?
Excuse me, Marlene, but you are just as guilty. You have a link to your personal web site in your ChefSuccess signature file, and it shows up in every message you leave on this web site. Unless you are an executive director, you are not allowed to do that.

Personally, I disagree with the policy, but there it is. :eek: Does anyone else have a concern about this prohibition? How are people supposed to shop from our web sites if they can't find them?
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Web advertising policyThat's right. I got a stern email from the home office requiring me to remove the same kind of link in my personal profile on this site. That surprised me, since hundreds of other consultants have those links, and the Recipe for Success says we can identify ourselves as PC reps in chat rooms and forums for communicating with other PC reps. But I had to take off my web address within 48 hours.

Has anyone else gotten this kind of message? :confused:
NO, I haven't received anything like that. My web address is on everything. I haven't advertised on the web at all. Even on my signature when I send out emails or replys has my address. I think we should advertise to strengthen our buisness.
You are right!I didn't even think of having my website on my signature as a conflict or PC rules. But you are so right. I just typed in my signature that I have for my e-mails and didn't think twice about it! I have now removed it.
  • #10
WoodenSpoon said:
Excuse me, Marlene, but you are just as guilty. You have a link to your personal web site in your ChefSuccess signature file, and it shows up in every message you leave on this web site. Unless you are an executive director, you are not allowed to do that.

Personally, I disagree with the policy, but there it is. :eek: Does anyone else have a concern about this prohibition? How are people supposed to shop from our web sites if they can't find them?

OUCH. I have never knowingly broken the advertising rules. The way I understand the rules is that we can use our website in e-mail signatures and we may only set up chat rooms with other consultants. So, I have not broken the rules.

Here are the rules via the website:

Consultants, Future Directors, Directors, Adv. Directors and Senior Directors are allowed to have personal Web sites through www.pamperedchef.biz to promote their business.

You are allowed to use the company name as part of your title in email signatures, e-newsletters, e-fliers, etc., to promote your business, as long as you act in accordance with all other guidelines.


You may only set up a chat room or email newsgroup to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef consultants about the business.

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  • #11
Sorry for another reply, but I tried to edit my thread and it wouldn't let me...froze my computer 3 times... :mad:

The other part of the guidelines I was going to list is: You may list your personal website in email, business cards etc.

Does anyone else have any ideas or thoughts on this? :confused:

I removed my web address, as I do not want to cause problems, or break any rules if I was.

I do believe we need to find out if this is legal or not, as many people have their web address in their signature.
  • #12
Wow. I guess I'm not really sure how to interpret all of the guidelines in Recipe for Success. To get REALLY technical, we could also say that just about all of us on this site interpret it differently because it also says we're not to list the company name when filling out personal profiles. (Pg. F-19 of Recipe for Success). Many of our profiles on here list Pampered Chef as a hobby or occupation. So, just about all of us are "breaking the rules" somehow or another if we really want to pick them apart.

It does state we're able to list our website as Marlene stated above.

MY interpretation is that the HO doesn't want us advertising or promoting our business on the internet, since that is reserved for Executive Directors or above. I wouldn't say that THIS website is advertising or promoting. We're communicating with other consultants on this website as a forum to share ideas, get feedback, get guidance and support, as well as provide encouragement for each other. Since we are all so open here in sharing our ideas and answering others' questions, I see our websites as a continuation of that. I've enjoyed browsing others' websites to get ideas and get my brain going as I think about how to organize my website. I'm sure lots of us have looked at others' websites because we're curious how they promote the products, the opportunity and promotions. That's why I have enjoyed seeing website addresses in others signatures. Who knows, maybe I'm totally wrong thinking of it in this way, but it's just the way I interpret it. I also know that LOTS of brand new consultants come to this website as a source of support and information because maybe for some reason or another they can't get it in other places as quickly. Everyone here tries to be helpful and tries to give really quick responses which is AWESOME! LIke I said, I just see the websites as a continuation of this.

I'm hoping maybe the founder of this site, DebPC, could maybe provide some clarification. I know in the past she's clarified things for us when we've inadvertently done the "wrong" thing and so far I haven't seen any specific feedback about this. Maybe we could get some clarification?? Because just like Marlene, I don't want to be doing the "wrong" thing and I will correct anything I need to.

Thanks for listening! Marlene had asked for others' thoughts and these were just some of mine. :)
  • #13
JeannePaff said:
That's right. I got a stern email from the home office requiring me to remove the same kind of link in my personal profile on this site. That surprised me, since hundreds of other consultants have those links, and the Recipe for Success says we can identify ourselves as PC reps in chat rooms and forums for communicating with other PC reps. But I had to take off my web address within 48 hours.

Has anyone else gotten this kind of message? :confused:
Although, now I just saw your post Jeanne and I guess there is some clarification. That's interesting that nobody else had gotten the same email from HO. Weird. It's kind of a bummer because like I said above, I enjoy seeing others' websites. :( Oh well. I'll have to go and change my signature, I suppose.
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  • #14
When I started this thread I didnt even think about the people on here who post there web site in there signature. I had seen a woman openly advertising on a different website. I dont think using your website address in your singnature is advertising. But thats just my opinion. As for the other woman I will be letting H/O know of her site and they can let her know what she is doing is wrong.
  • #15
I would hate to see this site turn into a place for people to tattle on others. Often I'[ve seen shortcuts or loopholes mentioned (and even given step by step directions to) here, and people would all of a sudden stop feeling like they could freely exchange information if we were all paranoid about being reported.

I understand the ethics of it all, and that no one should get a leg up over anyone else.. it just _feels_ like this could all turn ugly.

My 2 cents.
  • #16
pamperedchristine said:
I would hate to see this site turn into a place for people to tattle on others. Often I'[ve seen shortcuts or loopholes mentioned (and even given step by step directions to) here, and people would all of a sudden stop feeling like they could freely exchange information if we were all paranoid about being reported.

I understand the ethics of it all, and that no one should get a leg up over anyone else.. it just _feels_ like this could all turn ugly.

My 2 cents.
I agree. :) I think we all pretty much know what's ethical when it comes down to it, so hopefully we can just continue on that way. I just LOVE this site!!!
  • #17
Paid links in Search enginesOver the last few weeks, I have seen quite a few consultants putting sponsored links (paid ads) in search engines. For example, when I searched Google this morning for "Pampered Chef" I saw these consultants' ads:

The Pampered Chef
High-Quality Kitchen Tools, Trusted Brand Name. Direct Online Orders.

Pampered Chef Online
Order Pampered Chef Online View and Buy Products Online
And on MSN, I saw these:

The Pampered Chef Kitchen Tools and More - The Pampered Chef offers multi-purpose quality kitchen tools that form the cornerstone of your efficient kitchen. New: Fast,...

Pampered Chef Online -
Buy Pampered Chef products from the online store and catalog order site. High quality kitchen tools with a great guarantee....​

The same pair also show up on Yahoo.

You may be surprised that I don't have a problem with this. I think the rules should apply to everyone equally. If executive directors are allowed to advertise in this way, why shouldn't all consultants be permitted to do so?

Somebody said earlier that things would get ugly if this site was used for tattling on one another. What would really make things ugly is if the Recipe for Success was used to give some high-ranking consultants privileged access to online shoppers, while denying that opportunity to others.

Has anyone spoken to the HO or to an executive director about this? What is the thinking behind the policy against online advertising?
  • #18
I've been granted permission to post URLsAll,
I'm not even associated with Pampered Chef, but had once posted a link and got in trouble for it... So now I have posted a list of links. You can see my story at www.meettheandersons.com/Pampered_Chef.htm

Seth Anderson
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  • #19
Interesting...it is my understanding that we can only list our web address when we are contacting people we already know...past hosts, etc...While I realize that the heart of our business is the cooking show, times are changing and many people are shopping online. So, how will they know about us if we can't list our sites? When you think about it, what is the difference in posting your site online somewhere and leaving your business card at a beauty shop? Either way you are not personally contacting a potential client. You are putting your info out there for them to find and contact you. I am anxious to see how our policy changes with the online ordering. I am sure that it will change...how much I don't have a clue.

You have a lot of links on your page. I am sure consultants are appreciative.

Shawnna Nixon
  • #20

I appreciate what you are trying to do, but please don't link or list my Pampered Chef web site on your pages. (I'm glad to see it's not on there today.) Like you, I disagree with the policy, but I want to work within the system to change it. I don't want a link from your site to mine to jeopardize my ability to pursuade executive directors or company management to reconsider the anti-linking policy. There was a big meeting about this (and other matters) last week, and some materials I prepared were shared by my executive director Darla Oelmann. I'm hopeful that the company will take a hard look at the Recipe for Success and change it. But rabble-rousing at this point probably won't help us. Thanks for listening.
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  • #21

I've been watching what you've been doing with your web site over the past few weeks. I think you have built a great site with lots of good content for shoppers. I'm sure lots of consultants will want to borrow ideas from you.

I was looking at a bunch of sites today and was surprised to see that Beth Jacobs has copied your "news" section word for word. I have attached screen shots so you can see what I mean. http://www.pamperedchef.biz/theonlinecatalog is exactly like yours, with these headlines:

- Your Online Pampered Chef Store
- Order Pampered Chef Products
- Earn FREE products and extra holiday cash!
- Pampered Chef Recipes and Kitchen Tips
- Pampered Chef Stoneware - Baking Stones Not just for Pizza!

If you click the links, even the text is exactly like yours.

It's one thing to get inspiration from another consultant's success, but it something else to claim another's work as your own, or copy it wholecloth.

Were you aware of this? Did she ask permission? Have you talked to her about it?


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  • #22
Yes, I saw it too. No, she didn't ask.
  • #23
I've updated my site now, so at least the headlines won't be identical.
  • #24
After receiving the message from the home office that said, "Starting today you may only have links to your home page..." I have put my home page back into my profile on this site. I have emailed my Executive Director to be sure this is OK. Did anyone else understant the HO message in this way?
  • #25
I understood it to mean that you won't be able to link to a specific area/page of your website, only the home page. Not a permission thing, but an ability thing. Because didn't it mention that if you linked to something other than the home page, it would lead to an error message?
  • #26
I was a little confused by the email from HO. I thought we always linked to our homepage. I was not sure if this was giving permission to do more advertising of our site or just a general knowledge FYI email. I always put my web address in emails to friends, family and customers. It is my understanding that this is the only place to do it other than our business cards and newsletters.
  • #27
I think it only means we can link the Home page - and not pages after the home page like other areas. There was one time I had an elderly lady who just could not understand how to click on "place individual order". I dont know if she couldn't see the link or what, but anyway, I ended up going in for her to the next page where you shop, and emailing her that link. I think this is what the email means. Unfortunately, I dont think it means that we can now link our website to other websites and advertise :(
  • #28
LinksPWS Links are not allowed on other websites, as stated in the Recipe for Success. This has not changed. Executives and above may list their link in search engines. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the policy.
  • #29
really confused!!!Ok--so we are NOT allowed to have our Personal Website's listed in our signatures? I thought we were allowed to do that...it seems the more I read the email and everyone elses opinions/thoughts/etc. the more confused I get, and I generally don't have a problem understanding things in rule books/handbooks. Is anyone else having the same issues?

I have a cousin who is a consultant for another Direct Selling business and it seems like they are more "technologically" advanced than PC when it comes to their website and what their consultants can do as far as customer service, emails, etc. As in they have all kinds of really great emails they can send out, their website is more interactive, more in depth, and just more like what I keep hoping ours would/will be like. I don't know...maybe it's because PC is so much younger than some of these other DS companies, but I really am a little miffed at the fact that we are so restricted in what we can and can't do. I understand why with some of the restrictions, but with others it seems so odd that HO would do something that seems to hurt us in our ability to provide customer service--especially since we can now take orders online year round. Perhaps they are still learning their way around this whole internet thing and how it can benefit us and the company as a whole???
  • #30
My guess for the reason that we can't advertise website addresses, even on sites like this, is because PC doesn't want to get away from the format established by Doris...that is the Kitchen Show as the primary method of getting PC products, and we all know why the Kitchen Show is so important!

It must be a hard to find balance b/n utilizing to advantage the technological advances available and staying true to the personal service of our shows.

With websites, it opens up our name and product to a wider audience than the more localized business card/catalogs that we leave to promote our businesses and even the newsletters that are sent to people we have met through our shows, etc.

HO could definitely explain their line, not just by reiterating the policy, but by explaining the intention behind it.
  • #31
Just some thoughtsI would have to disagree with the idea that they are trying not to get away from the personal sales with the home shows. Otherwise why would they let higher ranking reps link? I think they're trying to give certain folks the ability to make a heck of a lot more than others.

But even this is dumb. Imagine if you are 1 higher up (I don't know all the terms and stuff about PC, so bear with me) and have 100 lower people. As the 1 higher person I would think that you would WANT all 100 of your lower people to be able to link to their sites and increase their overall sales. After all, doesn't a higher up make money on their 'underthem' people?

So.. Let's say that everyone can add one link per day. After 1 year 1 higher up with current rules would have 365 links. Let's say that every 10 links result in 1 sale per month at an average of $100. For 1 higher rep that would result in an increase of $43,800. THAT's a lot... BUT... what if the 1 higher up and ALL of the "underthems" were allowed to link. Now the 1 higher up will have $43,800 in sales for them, PLUS another $4,380,000 that their reps would get as well. I don't know what a higher up gets, but I beat if their underthems had over 4 milion they'd get a few bucks?

Here's the thing, a person buying online isn't going to buy at a show. They're looking for something NOW... their not looking for a show in their area, they are looking for a product. The product that you sell them can result in a show. It gets you a contact that you didn't have before. People ARE buying online. They're just not buying from YOU because Pampered Chef won't let you show THEM where your site is.

Here's an email I got that I think really shows the way people feel... I just think that some are afraid to express their feelings.


I was wondering if you could list my webpage to your site? My web address is www.pamperedchef.biz/SomeonesWebsite <EDITED FOR ANNONIMITY> . I’m still trying to figure out this whole thing about not being able to have our website address listed in our signatures and all that, and so far, I can only think that it is not exactly the best idea to come from Home Office. I’m really hoping they will take another look at their policies and realize that they are only hurting us as Consultants and ultimately the sales of the company by restricting where we can and can’t advertise our business when it comes to the internet. It would be like telling us that we can’t PC clothing or carry around a tote bag with our catalogs in it because that is considering advertising as well. Anyway, thanks for trying to help us out!


Anyways... Good luck all!

Read my PC story here:
Send me a email with your link if you want your site added.
  • #32
Unfair Business Practices Not PerksThis is getting more confusing than ever. I am not sure what it is all about however, but I do know that if some people are given certain opportunites that others are not,then it is an unfair business practice. It would be like a new consultant given catalogs and telling them that they could only sell from the catalogs and others that they could go into the homes and sell. It is not right that some should be given special priveledges and some not. Aren't we all working for the same company and shouldn't we all be able to succeed because of hard work and not because we got a better deal. For some reason over time I think someone forgot what our Company has stood for. It has always conveyed that we are all equal and that we can all be at the top if the top is where we want to be. If this is true then what in the world is happening. Are we becoming a company of rank and priveledge rather than ethics and hard work. Since the company has opened the door to the online market place, shouldn't we all have access to it?
  • #33
I don't think any of this information is new. This was in the guidelines that I read when I signed up over a year ago. I personally don't think anything is wrong with the big achievers being able to do more than we do. It only makes sense. Look at it this way. They have worked hard and climbed up the ladder all the time becoming more knowledgable about PC. Last year when I signed up I was not ready to answer all the questions and handle all the problems that you would get from doing more advertising. If new consultants were allowed to do as they please the PC reputation would be on the line. I think the issue is getting blown out of proportion.
  • #34
I agree w/ the statement made by luvs2sellit...with years of experience comes a knowledge about PC that those without do not have. Great point. I would also imagine that at the tippy top levels of the company, you have to spend a lot of time supporting your downline so maybe the "benefit" is being able to have web advertising so that they can keep up with personal sales, since even at that level they've got to submit sales.

I also see validity in Seth's arguments (I have read you story) and even support some of it.

I don't feel strongly one way or the other because my goal at this juncture is to have a good time, learn something, teach something, earn some cash and free products while having the time to develop a meaningful relationship with my children and husband. It's not just about the money for me...

But, more and more people are choosing to shop online and probably at a rate that was inconceivable at the time of the rule writing regarding web advertising. If PC is not addressing this issue, they are doing their consultants a disservice. My hope is that they find a balance w/o sacrificing the core values and mission of the company or losing wonderful consultants.
  • #35
Some more thoughts...I've decided the best way to look at this is to consider the beginnings. I've come to three ideas as to why a no link policy would be created...

1. Possibly the idea was to give the higher-ups (I got an email telling me that they are executive directors) an additional perk. Something extra to work for. I've been in decision-making meetings and I can see this being a 'brilliant idea' at the time it came up.

2. Possibly the idea was to give the exec. dir.s an extra way of making even more money. An accelerator of types.

3. This idea was mentioned earlier - that perhaps they thought that consultants haven't had enough experience to answer all the questions and responsibility that a world wide audience may require.

Let's examine these:
1 and 2 - If the idea was to give the exec. dir.s an additional perk, the idea was actually a bad one. See the math in the previous post. Let's say the exec gets the 44k in sales and although I don't know the percentages, say they get 50% (probably high?). That's 22K. Now... let's say that they get all of additional links from the consultants and they get 1% of those sales (maybe low?) That 1% would result in $43,800 in their pocket! Twice as much using 50% (high) and 1% (low) Whatever the real numbers are, you do the math. I bet it's even more than twice as much having everyone linking than just the execs.

3 - Basically this is saying that pampered chef thinks that if they give you the tools to succeed, that you can't handle it. You're not qualified? Not smart enough?

I'm curious as to what they think on this? Any input? Public (here) or private ([email protected]) I'd like to know.

What's my purpose in doing this you might ask? Mostly it's the business decision that I'm curious about. I've just finished my degree in Marketing and during the process of getting that degree we looked at a lot of business decisions, the impact they had, and the thought behind it. I see this as being one of those decisions that will be studied in colleges down the road. Many interesting case studies on companies similar to PC (like Avon) and I'm sure this one will get added some day (once they make the right decision). The other reason is that they (Richard Laiche) made me mad by telling me I couldn't have a link on my site...

Once again, I wish all of you prosperity in your quest to create a successful Pampered Chef business!!!

  • #36
last post for me, promise, promise!The Pampered Chef could just as easily open up their website for online buying and not worry about the "middle man" consultant at all.
  • #37
MSmith, you raise a scary thought. That would seriously undermine our ability to schedule shows and promote the brand. Yikes! :eek:
  • #38
I see no problem......with the higher ups being able to do things we can't. They've earned it as far as I'm concerned. Think of it this way too, would any of us have more business if there were 70,000 consultants advertising on the internet? No, of course not! People would be swamped with PC consultants and totally sick of our web pages. By keeping it limited we are creating an intimate and hopefully loyal group of clients. Make sense? :)
  • #39
MSmith said:
The Pampered Chef could just as easily open up their website for online buying and not worry about the "middle man" consultant at all.

Doris addressed this at National Conference a couple years ago. She said the Pampered Chef would never sell directly to the public. And Doris still makes decisions like these even since Warren Buffet has bought the company. And Buffet is a smart man...he knows not to mess with what is working! That is why Doris sold to him!

Look what happened to Tupperware once they started selling through stores...the company went down...thus, the reason they pulled the products in stores and are now through direct sells.
  • #40
I've been reading the posts, both here & on another group as well. Here are
my 2 cents worth.

I have a couple of problems with the situation.

Someone mentioned that they are trying to have a level playing field. This isn't true or else no one would be allowed to advertise or everyone would.
Also, they would apply the rules equally to everyone. Jeanne has done everything they have asked her to in order to remain in compliance but there are other people who are blatantly breaking the rules & when confronted they refuse to change anything yet PC won't do anything to them. How is that fair?

Another thing, what's the point of allowing us to have websites if we can't use them to increase our business? I don't understand the reasoning. Maybe it made sense at some point in the past but not any longer.

This has probably already been stated as well--someone mentioned that they probably are trying to keep the focus on Kitchen Shows versus web orders. If that is so, why are upper level people allowed to advertise online & no one else is? That doesn't make sense either.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry about this situation. I have always loved this company & have enjoyed being a part of it but if it continues with these unfair policies (selective enforcement of the rules)
I will reconsider being a part of it. And I will let them know why I'm quitting.

I have lots more to say on this subject but I'll spare you!!!!!!

  • #41
Just happy to be here!!!:D I really don't get all the hoopla made over this. I have had my website for 3 months and have only gotten one order from it (from a party). I don't think I will be renewing it when the time comes. All of my bookings and sales come from parties, festivals and just plain getting out there. Not my website. Big deal that they wont let you link to another page. I honestly don't see the problem.
  • #42
Exactly the reasonThe fact that you have gotten zero sales is proof why linking should be aloud. NO ONE CAN FIND YOUR SITE. It's just a page out there somewhere on the world wide web that nobody knows about and PC won't let you tell them about it. It's like me telling you to come over to my house but not telling you where I live. Buy some google ads for a few days (you'll probably be threatened to be sued by PC) and you'll see the power of the web. Or just find some popular cooking site or forum and post a link... Or send me your link and I'll post it to my site. (can't promise anything will come from my site... it's mostly just there to make a point).

  • #43
So let's just say that I would be allowed to link my website. What are the odds that along with the other 70000 consultants that I would get an order. Probably very slim. If there are that many web sites out there that would be accessible we all would have a hard time getting an order other than from our personal contacts. How many consultants have gotten orders from being linked to your site?
PC is a great company to be associated with. I am not going to complain and get all fired up about a rule-that by the way is not new. I chose to sell PC. I read the guidelines. I can quit anytime I do not like what is going on. So far I am more than pleased.VERY!!!
  • #44
fruit76loop said:
OUCH. I have never knowingly broken the advertising rules. The way I understand the rules is that we can use our website in e-mail signatures and we may only set up chat rooms with other consultants. So, I have not broken the rules.

Here are the rules via the website:

Consultants, Future Directors, Directors, Adv. Directors and Senior Directors are allowed to have personal Web sites through www.pamperedchef.biz to promote their business.

You are allowed to use the company name as part of your title in email signatures, e-newsletters, e-fliers, etc., to promote your business, as long as you act in accordance with all other guidelines.


You may only set up a chat room or email newsgroup to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef consultants about the business.


Now I'm worried ~ does this mean I am ok? Don't want to break any rules.
  • #45

I spoke to the HO about this and they said, no we are not allowed to list our websites in online communications. However, we can list them in our signature for e-mails only!
  • #46
fruit76loop said:

I spoke to the HO about this and they said, no we are not allowed to list our websites in online communications. However, we can list them in our signature for e-mails only!

Thanks I am going to remove it then (if I can remember how to access that part). :)
  • #47
Linking to PWSHi all,
I have read the posts about linking and I am curious to know why Seth is taking this so personally. He apparently is in no way associated with the Pampered Chef.

After contacting The Home Office, I found out there is actually a very good reason why the decision was made to prohibit linking by Consultants of all levels. The Pampered Chef is all about bringing people to the table and enhancing the quality of family life. Doris does not want the Pampered Chef to become an Internet based company. She started the business with the Kitchen Show in mind and she intends to keep it that way.

The Pampered Chef is not about logging onto the Internet, placing your order, and being done with it. It's all about the customer to Consultant contact and I am all for that.
  • #48
Love my website...From my perspective, the website is a wonderful adjunct to the kitchen and catalog shows. I put my site address on all my paperwork and encourage my hosts to share it with their distant friends and relatives. I believe that THAT was the original intention of the site... to add value to your existing customers. And for that, it works really well.

This is my first SS month and I have only had a single party so far. But I have already gotten $150 worth of orders from my site from friends of my hosts. It works just fine!

So, I am fine with the rules. I understand that they don't want to flood the world with individual websites. I understand that they want to keep the Cooking Show model. It makes sense to me! (Especially as a consultant! If they were going to shift to an internet business, we'd be out of jobs. The prices of the products would go way down and there would be no middle man. US!)

  • #49
I'm so confusedHey Again!

Ok, I have researched the Internet Policies thread and I am still somewhat confused. :confused:

My understanding here is that I may not PAY to have website linked...such as Google AdWords.

But what I don't get is this....If I have my own personal website, is it against policy for me to place a link to my Pampered Chef site on my own personal website. This seems strange to me...if I am a PC Kitchen Consultant, and that is what I do...then why would I not be able to put that information on my own personal sites.

Does anyone have the actual policies that were sent out. Can someone e-mail them to me?

I am hearing great things and reading great things about PC, but I am also in the business of making money...

Not allowing me to promote myself as a Kitchen Consultant or as an Independant Rep of PC would be a hinderance in my abilities to possibly earn as much income as possible, while at the same time earning money for PC.

Also, any suggestions about pricing issues...meaning how do you guys handle the remarks about things being over-priced through PC?

Oven Knobs
  • #49
PwsI 've been reading this thread and have had the full range of emotions as all of you.

I had written an article titled "A Male In a Female Dominated Industry" (currently located on my website .biz/richm". I had a website interested in it and linked to it. HO found it and told me to remove the link. I did (not happily).

The guy decided to print the article in full on his website and included a link to my website with my email and cell #. A couple months went by and HO emailed again to tell me to remove the article. I went to the A&P G and could find nothing that says we cannot have articles printed on the internet. So i just had the guy remove the link to my website, and left the email and phone number. If you Google "male pampered chef" the article comes up in the #1 spot. (Now it does not include my name or contact info)

I finally was able to talk with someone from HO and she told me that my name had come up in a meeting with Marla and Jean. Yikes! I told her that the A&P G is very vauge. It should state explicitly that consultants cannot advertise on the internet period. Their PWS is the only place on the internet that you can have a presence. And I said, the current guidelines do not state that. They do not tell me I cannot have an article published on someone elses website with my email on it.

Our conversation went on for about 35 minutes, sometimes quite heated. Her constatnt comment to me was that other consultants are complaining that it wasn't fair. I say, "Tough S***! I " If someone beats me in business, they beat me, I don't complain about it. If someone was to send a mass emailing to my community about TPC, I would say "Good on you!" And bummer for me that I didn't think of it first.

Anyway, I have decided to let it go. I love this business and want to continue, it isn't worth getting kicked out over a website.

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