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Avoiding Breech of Contract as a PC Consultant: Myths vs. Reality

In summary, the conversation discusses the requirements for becoming a PC consultant, specifically the minimum number of shows that need to be completed. The speaker shares that the company has not yet sued anyone for not meeting the requirements, and suggests ways to easily meet the minimum number of shows. The conversation then shifts to the challenges of being a consultant and strategies for staying motivated. The participants offer advice and support to one another, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and seeking help from a director or mentor.
I was thinking about becoming a PC consultant but I was told that I could be sued for breech of contract if I didn't do a minimum of 6 shows. Does that really happen?
No, that does not really happen. You do sign a contract that says you will do 4 shows (requirements changed). Pampered Chef has not yet sued anyone that did not meet the requirements. There have been instances they have gotten the kit back from the person who did not complete their 4 shows.

If you think about it, 4 shows is an easy requirement to meet. You can do 2 open houses....2 different days back to back....one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Then get a friend to do a catalog show. Finally do 1 kitchen show. Easy way to get 4 shows done in no time at all.

Pampered Chef wants their consultants to be successful. They are so generous with their free products and incentives.

You should give it a try. It is an awesome company to work for.

If you need help getting started or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I'd be glad to help you get started.
Qualification RequirementsThe qualification requirements were just changed to: 4 shows of $150.00 each, - or - $1250.00 in commissionable sales; which means if you have a $1000.00 show, you're only left with another $250.00 show to qualify.

Not bad.
Just some venting.....:( I am new to PC, and when I started I had loads of support. Now, I am pulling teeth to get one show closed. It is a catalog show, and the lady who said she would help me has had it for almost a month, and I do not even think she is over or even at $150. I love PC, but I am getting really really not so motivated anymore since I cannot get any shows. I have put myself out there as much as I could/and can afford. Crossing my fingers.

Omaha, NE
pger 98,
It sounds like you have had it up to here. :) Have you talked to your director or recruiter? Do they have monthly PC meetings? I know just going to those will help to get me motivated. Maybe they can give you some ideas to help your business also. I know reading some of the ideas and tips they have on this website helps get me motivated. I have a show this weekend and I'm going to try a couple of the ideas I have read on this website. Sometimes maybe trying a couple different even small new things can help give your shows new life and get the hostess more excited. I hope things pick up for you. Good luck
Hey JanelJanel,
What ideas are you thinking of trying??
I want to try one of the games I found on this website. I believe I found the game under the flyers and letters section. I haven't picked which one yet. I want to make a theme show binder so people at my shows can take a look at it. I've had a couple people ask me already about theme shows so making a binder might help. I also noticed that some of the consultants send out postcards to their hosts every week leading up to their show with little reminders or info to get them more excited about the show. I don't want to try to much at once or I'll overwhelm myself. :eek: I just want some ways to make my shows more exciting. I feel like I'm boring sometimes. So those are just some things I thought about. Any other suggestions of things that made shows more exciting for you guys would be very welcome. :D I love new ideas. Thanks!
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keep your head upThat is just the way the cookie crumbles (no pun intended). I'm not in PC (yet) but I do sell Mary Kay and we just have to keep going. You'll find that you will have your books full one month and the next it'll be BLANK! Perserverance it what separates the winners from the losers. We all have bad days. Talk to your director about it. I read lots of books on selling and listen to tapes. Maybe that will help. Good luck! :p

pger_98 said:
:( I am new to PC, and when I started I had loads of support. Now, I am pulling teeth to get one show closed. It is a catalog show, and the lady who said she would help me has had it for almost a month, and I do not even think she is over or even at $150. I love PC, but I am getting really really not so motivated anymore since I cannot get any shows. I have put myself out there as much as I could/and can afford. Crossing my fingers.

Omaha, NE
May is breast cancer month!May is a great time to get bookings since proceeds go to the Help Whip Cancer campaign. Most people have had this disease touch them in some way or another so I'm sure people will help. Call previous Guests, do OOB Calls, whatever it takes. Just say will you help me Help Whip Cancer. I bet things will pick up for you.

I'm not sure if you got your Catalog Show to close yet. If you have to call that person and tell them you'll be over in 5 minutes to pick everything up. If you live farther away than 5min, call from a cell phone or pay phone. That way that can't "escape".

Chin up! :D

pger_98 said:
:( I am new to PC, and when I started I had loads of support. Now, I am pulling teeth to get one show closed. It is a catalog show, and the lady who said she would help me has had it for almost a month, and I do not even think she is over or even at $150. I love PC, but I am getting really really not so motivated anymore since I cannot get any shows. I have put myself out there as much as I could/and can afford. Crossing my fingers.

Omaha, NE

Related to Avoiding Breech of Contract as a PC Consultant: Myths vs. Reality

1. What is a breach of contract and how can I avoid it as a PC consultant?

A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations as outlined in a contract. As a PC consultant, it is important to carefully read and understand all contracts before signing them. Make sure to fulfill your duties and responsibilities as stated in the contract and communicate openly with the other party to avoid any misunderstandings.

2. Is it true that verbal agreements hold the same weight as written contracts?

No, this is a common misconception. Verbal agreements may hold some weight, but written contracts are legally binding and provide a clear record of the terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties. It is always best to have any agreements in writing to avoid any potential disputes.

3. Can I be held liable for a breach of contract if I did not sign the contract myself?

Yes, if you are acting on behalf of your business as a PC consultant, you can still be held liable for a breach of contract even if you did not personally sign the contract. It is important to clearly define your role and responsibilities in any business dealings to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

4. Are there any exceptions to a breach of contract?

Yes, there are some exceptions to a breach of contract, such as if the contract was entered into under duress, if there was a mistake or misrepresentation, or if the contract is deemed illegal or against public policy. It is best to seek legal advice if you believe there may be an exception to a breach of contract.

5. What should I do if I believe the other party has breached our contract?

If you believe the other party has breached the contract, the first step is to carefully review the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. If you still believe there has been a breach, it is best to communicate with the other party and try to resolve the issue amicably. If necessary, seek legal advice to determine the best course of action.

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