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Another Career & Pampered Chef? Whats Your Problem?

In summary, the author feels guilty for booking one show a weekend, especially now that school is about to start. He knows this helps him out with money, but he just feels the time he loses with his daughter is more important. Anyone else feeling this way?
I have found that I feel extremely guilty for booking one show a weekend (4 a month), especially now that school is about to start. I know this helps me out w/ $ but I just feel the time I lose w/ my daughter is more important. Anyone feel what I feel?

Anyone else having trouble w/ holding a full time job and PC?
The best thing about PC is that it's YOUR choice! If you want to cut back a little bit, then do so... no boss hanging over your shoulder nagging you about productivity... no vacations to request!

If you want the $$ but still more time, then I say work smarter not harder... and concentrate on ways to make your shows kilo shows (or just more $$$) and that way, you can eliminate one or two shows a month and still make the same amount! This can be hard with weekend shows (mine never seem to amount to as much as weeknights) but if you make it a goal, then you can start to work toward it. Good luck :)
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  • #3
I try hard to make my shows more $$ but they dont get up past the $900 mark and thats not all of them. If I knew how to do that then I'd definitely cut back. Its not every month I have a bunch of shows but the guilt is still there.

Thank you for your suggestion though!
Is the guilt about not being able to do PC full time or not being able to spend time with your family? Either way, decide what YOU want to do with PC, set some small goals - with the help of your director - that will help you get to that goal. There shouldn't be too many surprises and you don't have to feel guilty because you know ahead of time what you expect from yourself!
If you're daughter is a little older, maybe she could go with you and be your assistant. It's a win-win and I think many guests would find a child enchanting. A pre-teen could learn a lot about business and you could even pay her and get a tax deduction.

You could also try to spend less time at the shows by doing shorter (or none at all) demos. I have yet to find a way to get in and out of the hosts' house without wasting time (usually 30-45 minutes) chit-chatting to someone. Good luck.
i know how you feel tina... i work 3rd shift, usually 6 days a week, and i do maybe 2 shows a month and i have a 10 month old. it definitely feels like too much sometimes, but one thing that keeps me going... i say to heck with the housework. =) i do only what i feel absolutely necessary, and i spend as much time as possible with my baby. the other thing i do is not take PC so seriously... no offense intended... but if i don't have time to work on it, or if i'm too tired and i need a nap, i say forget it.... i'll do it tomorrow. hope this makes you feel better... you aren't alone =)
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  • #7
Thank you all for your words of advice. I think I'm just in a funk right now about it all. I added alot of shows for Sept b/c I wanted to boost my business b/c I hadnt had alot of shows this summer. Figured that would help me have more shows in the long run. I will definitely be speaking to my director about things. She did suggest doing 2 shows on a Sat. and thats it. for my weekends. I also am going to try doing more shows weekdays.

I also feel bad b/c I did not intend for this thread to be about me LOL I wanted to know if I was the only one that was having a hard time holding down a full time job and doing PC and the guilt that comes with all that and a family! lol

But thank you all for your suggestions.. they have been heard and are in my brain waiting for the fog to clear lol
I stay at home with my kids and I feel guilty so I can't imagine working a full-time job as well. It is so hard to know what's important and what's not. I feel guilty that I said "no" to a job I did last year in a moms group. I just couldn't emotionally handle it. I feel angry that I'm obligated to do a Bible Study at church and am wondering how to get out of it but did give my word. I have a lot less on my plate than you and many other people but still feel like there is never enough time to do all that needs to be done. I also feel guilty signing a new consultant who works fulltime and has a little one. I don't want to take away from her family time but figure this might help in the long run....
I don't have a "day" job like some of you. I am also a SAHM. My situation is a little different, but I totally know how you feel. My husband works 3rd shift Monday night thru Friday night. Which pretty well means that I have to also have my shows on weekends. My SIL will watch my boys, but only on Friday nights because her kids and mine usually go to bed around 8 on school nights. So, with no extra $$ for a babysitter, I have had to limit my schedule. I also feel guily because I never see my hubby when my calender is full. But I have come to look at it this way. If you are only doing it for the fun and the extra $$ is nice, then I say cut back like I had to. It is less stress and less guilt. If you depend on the extra $$, then you have to do what you have to do for the survival of your family. Yes, your kids are only young once, but they do need basics of life. Love is always free(at least when you are giving it to your kids). If your kids are old enough, they understand that you wish you could be home more, but right now we have to make the most of the time we do have and make it more special...just until you decide which path is right for you. Sorry to get on my soapbox. It has just taken me a little while to not let myself get stressed about this business and know that for me right now it can't be a career, not that it won't be down the road..That is just the path I have chosen for right now. Hope that helps alittle. Just know you are definately not alone:)
  • #10
I have a reg day job, I work in my families tax office, I am worried about Jan-April becasue I am not sure how my hours that I will be working and shows will work out, I am hoping that things will balance each other out in the end!!! ANy suggestions on what I can do?
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  • #11
You girls are right. I am in this right now for a hobby and to make extra $ but I cant be stressed over it. I did make my calendar a little crazy in Sept. hoping to get extra $ for Xmas.

Leah, just try your best to do catalog shows or maybe 2 shows a month. (My director recommended 1 morning show 1 evening show) That should hold you over for a few months w/o going inactive.
  • #12
I work 9 to 5 M-F, with a 40 minute commute. I would love to drop the day job once we have kids. Its tough for me to make calls in the evenings by the time I get home, we eat, it gets late. But, I have no luck getting a hold of anyone during the weekend. Its something I'm still working out.
  • #13
Wow thanks all of you for sharing. I see that I'm not the only one with issues on balance. I have three children which about a year ago I quit my full time job to stay home with them. I enjoy every bit of raising them but also needed some mommy time. I look forward to my shows. I would just say balance is the key even now things can get of control trying to run a household and business. Whichever path you chose, you will know it's right for you. Now my place is with my family. Time with them is priceless.
Hope this helps,

  • #14
I work FT from about 7-4 (unless there is a faculty meeting, then.. who knows how long I'll be there). I, too, find it hard to balance my FT job, PC, and the rest of my life. Like Anne, evenings are when I make my calls, but I often have a hard time reaching people.

One of the things I am just now trying is 1 or 2 calls a day during my lunch hour. If it is SAHM I'm trying to reach, this is usually better for her than evening.

I also took the Franklin Covey workshop at Leadership this year. Using the planner, I color code my life (black is FT job, PC is red, life is blue). I try to make a short to do list each day, and prioritize it. Anything that doesn't get done gets put on the next day's list. It works - IF you use it!! But, alas, I am still not where I'd like to be in my business. My goal is to replace my FT job with my PC business.
  • #15
Another Career and PCLadies,
When I started my PC Career I was working 60-70 hours a week in a University Hospital. That did not include my 1 hour and 15 minute commute each way. If you are working outside your home, have a family and a home to take care of besides. Do catalog shows. That is how I got my business off to a great start. My co-workers, family and friends had catalog shows. I now have retired form the UW, and I am a Director with the Pampered Chef. Nothing is impossible. Set your goals and work your plan. It brings you a GREAT rewards.
  • #16
Thanks, Ruth! You're an inspiration!

braveslady: I have a good chance of reaching people between 5:30pm and 8:00pm. I don't like to call after that in case its bed time.
  • #17
hi ladies,

I am looking for some information. I have been working for a local home builder where I sit in the model home and wait for people to stop by for a visit. I do other things too, but it is actually a very boring job. My hours are from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Today, I saw our local school is hiring a secretary. So, I applied there and their hours are from 8 am to 4 pm. It states that you will work 211 days, contract for 10 months. I really don't understand that last statement, but maybe someone who works at a school system would be able to explain this to me. I applied there thinking that during the summer time, and during school breaks I would be home with my children. Unfortunately, my husband is livid that I applied because he said what are we going to do for income while I am off over the summer. Does anyone know how that would work? Would you receive a salary all year, or are you just not paid during the summer?

Thank you,

  • #18
Hi, Cheryl... Congrats on the move towards a new job! You can always tell your husband that just because you applied doesn't mean you are going to take it!

My ex-husband was a teacher and this is what I know from our experience. They consider it a 10 month employment contract, I think they may or may not renew from year to year. You are typically paid during while school is in session. There are usually some sort of program where they will deduct money from yuor pay througout the year and then get a check in the summer. When you think of it, you will be paid basically what someone else makes in a year, for 10 months. Sweet! I have been trying to get into a school system just for that!
  • #19
Hello Ladies,
Some School Districts will "Stretch your pay" over 12 months. When I was living in North Carolina, Gates County, that was the way it was in our School District, but... in Maryland, Queen Annes County, they will only do that for Teachers. Not staff. So it does depend on the school district. Good luck hope you get the job. I just left working full time for the school district to do PC full time. I"ve been pt for 1 1/2 years. Wish me luck... Am not at the salary I would like but felt that G_d was telling me it was time to do something different... So here I am getting ready to do a craft fair tomorrow and hope I come home with 5 or 6 recruits and 20 kitchen or catty shows. I dont want much do I.... A girl can dream can't she...
  • #20
Thanks for the information ladies. Would anyone be able to tell me a ballpark figure on how much the staff would make hourly? Right now I am making 10.00 an hour. Just wondering if secretary job would be about the same.

  • #21
Around here the secretaries make around $14,000-$15,000.00 a year but they are one 9 month contract. My husband is a teacher and football coach. He is on a 10 month conctract but his pay is divided by 12 for us to recieve a check each month. He has the option to only get paid for 10 months out of the year but we optfor 12 months paying for easier book keeping. It does affect his total income, it is just divided differently.

Related to Another Career & Pampered Chef? Whats Your Problem?

1. What is Pampered Chef and how does it relate to another career?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen tools and cooking products. As a consultant for Pampered Chef, you can build a successful career by hosting cooking shows, selling products, and recruiting team members.

2. Can I have another full-time job and still work for Pampered Chef?

Yes, you can have another full-time job and still work for Pampered Chef. Many consultants choose to work their Pampered Chef business on a part-time basis, allowing them to have a flexible schedule and still earn income.

3. What are the benefits of having another career and working for Pampered Chef?

Having another career while also working for Pampered Chef allows you to have multiple streams of income and expand your skill set. Plus, as a consultant, you can enjoy discounts on Pampered Chef products and have the opportunity to earn free products and trips.

4. What support and resources are provided for consultants who have another career and work for Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef offers extensive training and support for consultants, including online resources, mentorship programs, and regular team meetings. Additionally, as a consultant, you have access to a community of other consultants who can provide guidance and support.

5. Is it possible to make a significant income with another career and working for Pampered Chef?

Yes, it is possible to make a significant income with another career and working for Pampered Chef. However, the amount of income you earn will depend on the time and effort you put into your Pampered Chef business. Many consultants have been able to achieve great success with Pampered Chef while also maintaining other careers.

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