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Will I be presenting at Kitchen Show Live! conference?

In summary, the person received a call asking them to do a demo for Kitchen Show Live! at a conference, but they are unable to attend due to personal reasons. They have recently fallen in love with their first husband, whom they were previously married to and have children with. They have been married twice before and are now facing financial difficulties and custody issues. Despite all this, they are happy with their current partner and have no regrets about their past relationships.
Paige Dixon
You're not going to believe this, I got a call today asking me to do a demo for Kitchen Show Live! at conference!!

I feel incredibly honored to be chosen, but I'm not attending conference for several more years yet. Too bad, this would be the perfect opportunity to re-motivate me as I don't have alot of motivation towards PC this year.

Cool, huh?
OMG! Congratulations! That IS an honor! Too bad you aren't going.
Congratulations! Definitely is an honor. Sure this wouldn't make you re-think conference this year??
That is really cool!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I really can't re-think conference. I'm have sole custody of an 8, 6 and 3 year old (3 year old is very developmentally delayed, too) and I don't have any family nearby to help.

Also, my divorce left me with HUGE bills, so I can't afford to not be working my primary job.

Finally, I've recently fell head-over-heels in love, so if I ever DID have time away, I think I'd spend it in his bed...
I know I got sacked with huge divorce-related bills myself! I am so happy that you have met someone who cherishes you!

My head is spinning with the conference stuff. My DH has NO idea what's about to hit him. LOL
Paige Dixon said:
I really can't re-think conference. I'm have sole custody of an 8, 6 and 3 year old (3 year old is very developmentally delayed, too) and I don't have any family nearby to help.

Also, my divorce left me with HUGE bills, so I can't afford to not be working my primary job.

Finally, I've recently fell head-over-heels in love, so if I ever DID have time away, I think I'd spend it in his bed...

What a cool honor!!! Congrats!!
and you fell head over heels in love and haven't told us all about him yet!?!!??!?!
Helloooo???? Fill us in!!!
Aww I am sorry that you can't take up this huge offer. My mom and dad are going through a nasty divorce, and her bills are absolutely ridiculous. I hope that she finds someone who truely cherishes her like you do!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Funny, I mentioned him in the Thread Hijackers thread about a month ago. I asked if it's sleazy to sleep with someone on the first date if you've already been married to him before...

Here's my confession: I've been married twice. ***Shame, shame***
Obviously, I"m not the marrying kind, but getting familiar with my first husband again is like being a teenager again! (and probably just as stupid!!)
  • #10
Paige Dixon said:
Funny, I mentioned him in the Thread Hijackers thread about a month ago. I asked if it's sleazy to sleep with someone on the first date if you've already been married to him before...

Here's my confession: I've been married twice. ***Shame, shame***
Obviously, I"m not the marrying kind, but getting familiar with my first husband again is like being a teenager again! (and probably just as stupid!!)

OMG you are so NOT!!!!
No wonder I like you....LOL You're wild & crazy.
Is this ex the father of your kids? How long were you married to him? How long ago? People can change...maybe he is worth being with now?
  • #11
My SIL was married twice before my brother....and she's not sleezy! A little bit of a dif situation.....but she has 3 kids, prior ot my brother. The youngest and oldest are from her first husband...and the middle from her 2nd! (and my brother has his hands full with the 3 of them, so i don't think that he will get any of his own!)
  • Thread starter
  • #12
He and I didn't have any kids, they are all from my second husband, who won't like hearing about me having anything to do with the first husband again. I met him when I was 15 and we were married 8 years, about 10 years ago. He was a total stoner and has given that up, which has increased his intelligence level and maturity level immensely. He also rarely worked, letting me be the bread winner, and even though he earns enough to make it (owns a nice home, has 2 paid off cars), he hasn't worked once in the 4 weeks I've been re-acquainted with him. Mostly, our marriage dissolved because I became incredibly hormonal and wanted a baby soooo bad, and he didn't want one yet (probably smart since he was a pot head!). So, now I have the babies, don't need that one fixed anymore.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
jenniferknapp said:
My SIL was married twice before my brother....and she's not sleezy! A little bit of a dif situation.....but she has 3 kids, prior ot my brother. The youngest and oldest are from her first husband...and the middle from her 2nd! (and my brother has his hands full with the 3 of them, so i don't think that he will get any of his own!)

Now THAT'S a story!
  • #14
That's SO cool, Paige!!! You must have an awesome show average! It's a bummer you won't be going, but understandable given all that you're dealing with. Ask them if you can take a raincheck and do it in a couple years.:) Did your director recommend you? Or maybe they saw your awesome track record and picked you based on that.:)
  • #15
Paige Dixon said:
Now THAT'S a story!

Tell me about it! I don't really share it with people around here.:p

Good for you about your story...I told my mom that she doens't have to be so picky in finding a guy now, she already had the kids and that sort of thing....now she can just find someone that she is comfortable with and doens't have to worry about sharing the responsibilties of young kids. (I am 23 and my brother is 25!)
  • #16
Here's to the Second Time Around (love Shalamar BTW)! One of my favorite songs. Reminds me of an old boyfriend, Scott... (sigh). If I hadn't met Dave... and if he (Scott) wasn't a drug dealer... ah, the possibilities.
  • #17
AJPratt said:
Reminds me of an old boyfriend, Scott... (sigh). If I hadn't met Dave... and if he (Scott) wasn't a drug dealer... ah, the possibilities.

Oh my goodness! I am sure you have some stories to tell about that!:eek:
  • #18
But, back to the original post....

Congratulations! How/why were you picked?? Obviously, you are doing something VERY right with your demos!!!
  • #19
WOW!! Congratulations! What crazy stories that are told on this site!!!:p
  • Thread starter
  • #20
pamperedbecky said:
That's SO cool, Paige!!! You must have an awesome show average! It's a bummer you won't be going, but understandable given all that you're dealing with. Ask them if you can take a raincheck and do it in a couple years.:) Did your director recommend you? Or maybe they saw your awesome track record and picked you based on that.:)

My Executive Director apparently raved about me. I've done a couple of demos at meetings, but everything I say is plagerized from the workshop tapes, so I really don't have anything new to offer at Conference anyway!

I think I'll send my ED some flowers.
  • Thread starter
  • #21
AJPratt said:
Here's to the Second Time Around (love Shalamar BTW)! One of my favorite songs. Reminds me of an old boyfriend, Scott... (sigh). If I hadn't met Dave... and if he (Scott) wasn't a drug dealer... ah, the possibilities.

OMGosh, why does that make me laugh so hard? And why don't we ever like the good for us guys?
  • #22
Paige Dixon said:
He also rarely worked, letting me be the bread winner, and even though he earns enough to make it (owns a nice home, has 2 paid off cars), he hasn't worked once in the 4 weeks I've been re-acquainted with him.

Congrats Paige on the honor!

I don't mean to turn the conversation.....but this little tidbit of info threw up major RED flags when I read it!! Not to rain on your parade, but if you were the breadwinner before.....and he hasn't worked the last month? :confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #23
I know! He's been pointing out what a great "assistant" he'd make for me, which I think means getting a free ride. He works in health care says he works as much or as little as he likes, but he thinks it's more important to have time than money. He seems happy and seems to have everything he needs, so I don't think he needs to earn more, but isn't $1500/month before taxes like poverty level? He's been changing agencies that he works for, so he hasn't worked for 4 weeks because they keep stringing him along, needing his immunization records, then his TB test, then another physical, on and on. I think he has all their requirements done, and now they haven't sent him any work. He said if they don't send him work by this weekend, he's going to another agency. In the past he really didn't have trouble with keeping a job, he just preferred to smoke pot instead of work. Ugh!
  • #24
Paige Dixon said:
OMGosh, why does that make me laugh so hard? And why don't we ever like the good for us guys?

Because then life would be boring!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Is that not soooo pathetic?
  • #26
Congrats Paige on the honor!

I have to agree with Tammi - we only know your situation from what you have told us so far, but she's right, there are a few red flags. This guy better have straightened out and be able to love and support you and the kids with what you need to not the other way around. With a little one with special needs, you don't need another adult kid. Keep your mind open and listen to it, not just your heart. I'm sure you'll make the right decisions coming up. You've done well on your own. I hope it all turns out well for you! Best wishes!
  • #27
KellyTheChef said:

Oh my goodness! I am sure you have some stories to tell about that!:eek:
Oh, yes... I do have stories... You don't work for the police or the prosecutor, do you?
  • Thread starter
  • #28
It's ok, our fire chief was involved for years in huge homosexual cocaine orgy parties out in the desert and he just recently was confronted and resigned.
  • #29
Paige Dixon said:
It's ok, our fire chief was involved for years in huge homosexual cocaine orgy parties out in the desert and he just recently was confronted and resigned.
Ok, Now it sounds like you're talking about my ex-husband. (no joke)

Sorry to hijack your thread, Paige. I think its awesome that they thought of you!! I don't know what I would say! I'd probably pass out!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
You're the former fire chief's ex-wife??!! I've got to tell ya, the boob job you paid for with the divorce settlement was very traumatic for him!
  • #32
Paige Dixon said:
You're the former fire chief's ex-wife??!! I've got to tell ya, the boob job you paid for with the divorce settlement was very traumatic for him!
BA HA HA HA HA. I guess she didn't mind the orgies or the coke?

Hey, what is the plural or "orgy" anyway? Hey, KG... got a question for ya....
  • #33
I started off writing how awesome it is that you got asked to speak! I am soooo jealous! I would have loved to hear you!

But, have fun with your ex, but be careful. We all love the bad boy at one time or another. Maybe he's changed. If not, enjoy him as much as you can without losing yourself in all of the drama.

and...if your kids are like mine remember they remember everything so monitor what you say in front of them.
We saw Blades of glory the other day and I am still shocked at what my 9 year old is quoting!:eek:
  • #34
Congratulations on the invite, Paige! That is truly an honor.
  • #35
Love is blind...It is also deaf, dumb and stupid. Paige, if you get your self into a "sitiation" with that homeboy, just holler and we'll all get over there and well, you can decide how we should torture him! (Kitchen shears and the name Lorraina come to mind!) You have enough on your plate and you seem to have a lot of self respect. And you sound so happy, I am hoping you are right about him.

And the Kitchen show live thing! WHOA! Totally awsome!

And Anne, what why didn't you tell me about your ex? He sounds fun!
  • #36
pampered1224 said:
And Anne, what why didn't you tell me about your ex? He sounds fun!

Sorry! Oh, yeah... my ex was quite a guy! Now, he's married again with a baby. (<---- How's that for irony?) I wish her and the kid lots of luck. I just thank God I never caught a disease--he wasn't very choosy and I had no idea what he was doing.
  • #37
GeezHe could have at least married a scagg. Would have been more appropriate!
Especially since he didn't deserve you!
  • #38
Paige and I met on a beach at the Atlantis. Paige, you are such a nice woman and her three babies are beautiful. My son and I were watching your 8 year old when they announced the teams that one the scavenger hunt. She was so disappointed that your team wasn't called.
You have a lot on your plate and so you make sure that you end up with a good man that will help you out.
Ok...now I need to take my own advise!!!:eek:
  • #39
WowYou all just made me realize I am very lucky.
21 years with the same person. We do have our arguments but it has never gotten as bad as either one of us doing anything really stupid to each other. I am a mjor screw up when it comes to money so that is the burden I dump on him. His is that he is rather lazy. I do most of the work around our house but, I guess I like doing it or it would be more af an issue for me. It only becomes and issue when I am tired. So...
I count myself as lucky. You ALL deserve that and it will come to you!
  • #40
Not to hijack, but Happy Birthday John!
  • #41
Bump.Post #12 is particularly disturbing
  • #42
Paige Dixon said:
I know! He's been pointing out what a great "assistant" he'd make for me, which I think means getting a free ride. He works in health care says he works as much or as little as he likes, but he thinks it's more important to have time than money. He seems happy and seems to have everything he needs, so I don't think he needs to earn more, but isn't $1500/month before taxes like poverty level? He's been changing agencies that he works for, so he hasn't worked for 4 weeks because they keep stringing him along, needing his immunization records, then his TB test, then another physical, on and on. I think he has all their requirements done, and now they haven't sent him any work. He said if they don't send him work by this weekend, he's going to another agency. In the past he really didn't have trouble with keeping a job, he just preferred to smoke pot instead of work. Ugh!

BUMP UP Post # 23 is disturbing too..
  • #43
I haven't been on in a while, can someone tell me what happened to Paige?
  • #44
There's a sticky thread at the top of the Lounge. She's been missing since Thursday.
  • #46
Oh my God. I had no idea. My prayers definetly go out to her and her family and hope that she is ok.
  • #47
Thing is ... in those posts she is talking about ex #1 ... not the kids' father.

And I agree with you.

Related to Will I be presenting at Kitchen Show Live! conference?

1. Will I be presenting at Kitchen Show Live! conference?

Congratulations on being chosen to present at Kitchen Show Live! conference! At this time, the presentations for the conference have not been finalized and all presenters will be notified closer to the conference date.

2. When is the Kitchen Show Live! conference?

The Kitchen Show Live! conference typically takes place in the summer, usually in July. The exact date and location for each year's conference will be announced on the Pampered Chef website and through company communications.

3. How are presenters chosen for Kitchen Show Live!?

Pampered Chef looks for presenters who have a strong passion for the brand and products, as well as a strong demonstration and presentation skills. Presenters are usually chosen from top-performing consultants who have a track record of success in their business.

4. Do I have to attend conference to present at Kitchen Show Live!?

While it is highly recommended to attend conference for the full experience and training, it is not a requirement to present at Kitchen Show Live! Presenters may be chosen from consultants who are not able to attend conference but are still able to provide a high-quality presentation.

5. How can I improve my chances of being chosen to present at Kitchen Show Live!?

To increase your chances of being chosen to present at Kitchen Show Live!, focus on growing your business and consistently demonstrating your passion and knowledge for Pampered Chef products. Attend training sessions and workshops to improve your presentation skills and stay updated on company news and initiatives.

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