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What Have You Told Your Spouse/Sig. Other That You Want for Christmas?

In summary, the woman wants a new car, a dishwasher, a new camera, and a new wallet. She would also like a new pair of tennis shoes and a new CD by Amy Winehouse.
I have not given mine much to go on. I told him I "think" I want a new Camcorder. I told him Paula Deen's new cookbook. I usually hand out lists to Russell and my parents!

I am thankful apparently I have everything I want!:D
I need a new car, but I don't think Santa can fit one down the chimney so I'd be happy with a Magellan.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I need a new car, but I don't think Santa can fit one down the chimney so I'd be happy with a Magellan.

Do you want a Matchbox? That would fit, ha!
I told DH I wanted a slow cooker. We got one this past weekend. :)Last year, I made a wish list on Amazon, and DH bought from that.
I want a clean house!
All I want for Yule is a new ipod. My little 5th gen 60 gb, Yari, died about two months ago and I am going INSANE without my music! In the car is the worst. I've burned about 35 shuffle cds from itunes for the car, but it's not the same! Driving to Tennessee Wednesday night is going to be very very hard. The good news is that the NEW 80gb ipod classic is about $100 less than I paid for my 60 gb! I'm trying to be patient. I am. it's only a month until Yule. I can make it.
It sounds like yule go crazy waiting.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I need a new car, but I don't think Santa can fit one down the chimney so I'd be happy with a Magellan.

Oh you'll be one happy guy if Santa brings you a Maggie...I love mine. She was a gift from my mom a few months ago. She's a HUGE help when going to & from shows...
  • #10
There is really nothing I want/need. We totally purged the house recently so I am all into getting RID of stuff rather than GETTING stuff. I'd love GCs for massages, pedicures and things like that. Maybe a weekend at a fun hotel with just us & the kids...
  • #11
I told my hubby that I wanted a newer car for Christmas. Well we got a Honda Odyssey in September so I got my present WAY early!:D I've now told him that i want a People Magazine Subscription!!
  • #12
dannyzmom said:
Oh you'll be one happy guy if Santa brings you a Maggie...I love mine. She was a gift from my mom a few months ago. She's a HUGE help when going to & from shows...
I've had the Magellan Neverlost in a Hertz car. I like the feminine voice - it's just like having a back seat driver, except unlike a MIL, it's a voice that actually knows where it's going.
  • #13
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I've had the Magellan Neverlost in a Hertz car. I like the feminine voice - it's just like having a back seat driver, except unlike a MIL, it's a voice that actually knows where it's going.
Are you TRYING to start trouble by making a comment like that on a forum with 99% female membership?

  • #14
I know I'm making trouble. ;)Of course, most of 'em have a MIL telling them what to do, too.
  • #15
I want a new dishwasher. Is that just so wrong? I make lists on Amazon too...mostly for others and they buy whatever they want anyway. I love gift certificates! When I was pregnant, that's ALL I got...for massages and pedicures. I was so happy and pampered.
  • #16
I would love a new camera or a new vaccum!!
  • #18
We don't have a lot of extra cash this year so I asked my husband if he would comeplte a "Honey Do" list for me for Christmas this year. It's a TON of little things I've wanted done around the house that we have all the supplies/materials for, just need to get it done.

He was ecstatic and has been a busy bee since we started talking about it. He said he feels so accomplished, but admits it's things that he should have been doing all along. This has been a hard year for us, lots of sadness and adjustment and aroudn that very very busy, so I'm just happy it's getting done. :)

For my birthday, I also asked for a new pair of Tennis Shoes and an Amy Winehouse CD. :)
  • #20
Man...I haven't really thought about it too much honestly. I'd really like to have a new Coach wallet and some Seven jeans...and I really like the idea of the "honey do" list. We have things around the house that have needed to be done for a while now.
  • #21
StacieB said:
I would love a new camera or a new vaccum!!
My sister has been asking her DH for a vacuum for years! He refuses to buy anything with a cord on it as a gift. Which is generally good advice, unless it's the thing that the recipient actually requested. Sis was so happy when she opened her b'day gift and it was a Dyson. :D

Conversely, what has your spouse asked for?
Mine wants a new bathrobe and iPhone accessories.
  • #22
I want a paper cutter, and a 3 hole punch.....good ones!

DH wants new tires for the Challenger.....
  • #23
Well, I just got a new laptop, my son got a new computer too (both just died this month) and we are FINALLY recarpeting all the bedrooms in December. The tree won't have much under it but that's okay!
  • #24
All mah hunny has asked for is a couple of Pokemon games for his DS.
  • #25
I want a garbage disposal. And I would LOVE a new digital camera.
DH wants a home gym - I could go for that too!
  • #26
I didnt ask for anything since, in Feb. I asked for a house and got it! There's nothing that can top that, plus my VDH (very dear husband) pays for most of our huge mortgage on his own! I know its a strain. I will just be happy looking at our tree, sitting near the fire.
  • #27
I want a CHI straightening/curling iron...AND season passes to our local water park for the summer months. :)
  • #28
I just want this year to get over. It has been a doozy.
  • #29
Technically, I already got my Christmas present last month - my laptop. :) But, DH says he's getting me another small gift so that I can have something to open from him. lol

I have no idea what I'm getting him yet. I was going to buy his ticket to a concert, but he has to work that day. One thing I've learned about my DH... he always changes his mind! As soon as I buy a gift, he decides he wants something else. That's why I wait until the last minute for his. :rolleyes: Of course, he'll have to wait a little longer for it to be shipped there, unless he buys it himself! lol
  • #30
chefkristin said:
I just want this year to get over. It has been a doozy.

Ditto!! I can't wait until next year!
  • #31
chefkristin said:
I just want this year to get over. It has been a doozy.

  • Thread starter
  • #32
chefann said:
Conversely, what has your spouse asked for?

Mine wants clothes and motorcycle accessories and bullets for his various guns. Yes, we are Southern and have a cabinet full of guns.
  • #33
We're in the process of purchasing a new television, so that's our main gift to one another. We have made short lists, though, so we'll have something to open on Christmas morning. His list has tools.My list has a very soft robe and two different foot massagers. I also reminded him that spa treatments are always welcome.
  • #34
raebates said:
My list has a very soft robe and two different foot massagers. I also reminded him that spa treatments are always welcome.
You should send DH to Bath and Body Works. They have their World's Softest Robe for $25 with purchase of body wash, etc. I got one for my MIL last year and didn't want to give it to her. It's soooooo snuggly soft. :) And they have matching slippers available, too.
  • #35
yummybytes said:
Somehow, I can't picture that...
If your vacuum is wired backwards, it'll blow instead of suck.
  • #36
chefann said:
You should send DH to Bath and Body Works. They have their World's Softest Robe for $25 with purchase of body wash, etc. I got one for my MIL last year and didn't want to give it to her. It's soooooo snuggly soft. :) And they have matching slippers available, too.

Oh, don't worry. He has been made aware.
  • #37
raebates said:
We're in the process of purchasing a new television, so that's our main gift to one another. We have made short lists, though, so we'll have something to open on Christmas morning.

His list has tools.

My list has a very soft robe and two different foot massagers. I also reminded him that spa treatments are always welcome.
I would like one, too, rather than having to buy a digital two days after the analog cut-off arrives. I have a quarter of a bazillion bonus points built up from my favorite hotel chain, enough to get a nice plasma HD television. I made the mistake of showing the catalog to The Kat Lady, who instantly found all kinds of things she'd rather use my points on. So much for a from us - to us gift.
  • #38
Several months ago our television developed a thin, white line at the top of the picture. Ever so slowly, this became a series of white lines taking up the top three inches of the screen. Eventually we realized that it was as though the picture were too big for the screen, so it's folded over at the top. We've been looking at televisions for a while. We don't need anything huge or fancy. We'll be purchasing one this weekend. That gives us a chance to take advantage of the sales, and have a new one by the time the girls all come over for the Grinch Party.
  • #39
We don't make requests for wintertide presents. To us, the present of being with family is the greatest gift. We'll get each other a little somethin' somethin'... but nothing requested and nothing expensive and usually something we need (like last year he got me underwear - which is something I wear to the threads and don't usually buy for myself and he knows it)... Things I'd LOVE to be able to afford replacing however, are a list that's held for a while now and thought I could do when I had gotten my new job this year (before that all fell apart) so they're things I look forward to buying as a result of being a PC consultant... that is a washer and dryer that don't fight me... a fridge that actually works well (in other words things freeze in the freezer and keep cold in the fridge... not the other way around which has happened at times) and has a light (ahh the simple things)... and a toilet that doesn't threaten to start a coup and take over the entire bathroom with it's talk of revolution and power to the potty... LOL.. j/k about the revolution bit but I do think my toilet has it out for me *can ya tell?*
  • #40
lkprescott said:
We don't make requests for wintertide presents. To us, the present of being with family is the greatest gift. We'll get each other a little somethin' somethin'... but nothing requested and nothing expensive and usually something we need (like last year he got me underwear - which is something I wear to the threads and don't usually buy for myself and he knows it)...

Things I'd LOVE to be able to afford replacing however, are a list that's held for a while now and thought I could do when I had gotten my new job this year (before that all fell apart) so they're things I look forward to buying as a result of being a PC consultant... that is a washer and dryer that don't fight me... a fridge that actually works well (in other words things freeze in the freezer and keep cold in the fridge... not the other way around which has happened at times) and has a light (ahh the simple things)... and a toilet that doesn't threaten to start a coup and take over the entire bathroom with it's talk of revolution and power to the potty... LOL.. j/k about the revolution bit but I do think my toilet has it out for me *can ya tell?*

I HAVE noticed quite a bit of potty talk coming from you Lisa!!:D
  • #41
raebates said:
Several months ago our television developed a thin, white line at the top of the picture. Ever so slowly, this became a series of white lines taking up the top three inches of the screen. Eventually we realized that it was as though the picture were too big for the screen, so it's folded over at the top.

We've been looking at televisions for a while. We don't need anything huge or fancy. We'll be purchasing one this weekend. That gives us a chance to take advantage of the sales, and have a new one by the time the girls all come over for the Grinch Party.

Picture tube going (or whatever they call it nowadays) - happened to our Sony my brother got me for a wedding gift...
  • #42
That's what we figured.
  • #43
Its funny to hear everyone mention what they want for gifts this year. My husband and I in the past really haven't exchanged gifts for each other. Simple reason being we both have divorced parents who are all remarried, so you can imagine how many people we have to buy for along with us each having 2 siblings. The Holiday gets expensive. So my hubby has been asking me what I want. He told me he was going to get a lap top for PC since I've proven to him I want to do this and have succeeded. Problem is, I don't want one right now. I'd rather purchase one in a few months through my income with PC so it is more of a reward. So I told him buy me an ipod shuffle for the gym. So he said ok i'll buy you a better one you deserve it. I ALWAYS feel guilty when he purchases something for me. So last night we're at the mall, walk by the jewelry store, and he drags me in. I've always talked about getting a nicer wedding band. We didn't have the money when we got married 2 years ago, so I opted for the cheapest band at $29.99. So I saw one I liked, but I feel I don't "need" it. He thinks otherwise...I just wish I could stop feeling guilty when he tries pampering me...he claims he doesn't want anything for christmas, so the only real thing i know to go on is parts for the harley, which I have no clue what to get since he's the one that works at the dealership....oh the fun of christmas shopping!
  • #44
I actually love finding appropriate gifts for people and it's more fun to me to find something that isn't on someone's list, but I know they'll appreciate.I've been known to buy things in July that I know will make a great Christmas gift. The annual problem is trying to remember where I put it come Christmastime. Last year, The Kat Lady got a wonderful Valentine's Day gift that I found in my office about half past January.
  • Thread starter
  • #45
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I've been known to buy things in July that I know will make a great Christmas gift.
The annual problem is trying to remember where I put it come Christmastime.

I do this too! One year I found some winter clothes during the summer at my mom's house she had forgotten for Christmas. I just found some books last night in a closet that I had totally forgotten I bought my son!
  • #46
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I actually love finding appropriate gifts for people and it's more fun to me to find something that isn't on someone's list, but I know they'll appreciate.

I've been known to buy things in July that I know will make a great Christmas gift.

The annual problem is trying to remember where I put it come Christmastime. Last year, The Kat Lady got a wonderful Valentine's Day gift that I found in my office about half past January.

One more thing we have in common, KG. I have a special place I keep gifts, though, so I rarely lose them.
  • #47
I have a big list, what my scrooge husband does I have no clue. I want a garden window in our kitchen, but he doesn't want to do it, I want an Ipod so I can have something to do on the plane on my way to cincinatti. Then I told him that if he ever wanted to get me a necklace I want the journey pendent. Actually my real present is going to Leadership, if I got something else it would be a surprise.My husband hates x-mas, so I told him when we go to his parents for Thanksgiving that he is staying for a month. He hates the tree and complains that it is not fake, and why do I have to have a real tree. It's my favorite holiday and he hates it. I haven't told him I am puting lights up outside this year.
  • #48
I have a place, too. My office. That's why I can never find anything.
  • #49
All I want for Christmas is for my kids to have a good one. With three boys it is hard at time. This year has been very trying for us, but I am looking forward to the next year.

My DH keeps bugging that I need to tell him something, so it can be under the tree. I told him just put the kids under it with bows and I would be happy. I love to see their reaction in the morning, it always makes me cry.

I am probably going to get DH a game for the X-Box 360. I can't wait for Friday, we get our tree and start to decorate!:balloon:
  • #50
My husband saw the Wal Mart ad for the Garmin GPS things y'all were talking about the other day and I think that may be what he will be getting me... but I never know for sure. He LOVES to have surprises for me ... now If I could just surprise him! Last year I gave him cash that I had made with PC .. .it was the first time I had ever had money outside of our family budget to give to him and I couldn't choose what to buy so he got money ... he felt all guilty but I LOVED being able to give it to him and he had fun spending it too.
<h2>1. What are some popular items people ask for from Pampered Chef for Christmas?</h2><p>Some of the most popular items people ask for from Pampered Chef for Christmas include kitchen tools and gadgets, cookware sets, and bakeware sets. Other popular items include party platters, serving dishes, and utensils.</p><h2>2. How do I make a specific item from Pampered Chef known as a gift request?</h2><p>You can make a specific item from Pampered Chef known as a gift request by creating a wish list on our website and sharing it with your spouse or significant other. You can also let them know directly by mentioning the item you want in conversation or by giving them a catalog with the item marked.</p><h2>3. How can I ensure that I receive the specific item I want from Pampered Chef for Christmas?</h2><p>To ensure that you receive the specific item you want from Pampered Chef for Christmas, it's best to communicate your wish list clearly and directly to your spouse or significant other. You can also provide them with a list of specific items you are interested in, or give them a catalog with the items marked.</p><h2>4. Are there any special deals or promotions for Pampered Chef products during the holiday season?</h2><p>Yes, Pampered Chef often offers special deals and promotions during the holiday season. These can include discounts on popular items, gift sets, and free shipping on orders over a certain amount. It's best to check our website or contact a Pampered Chef consultant for more information on current holiday promotions.</p><h2>5. What if I'm not sure what I want from Pampered Chef for Christmas?</h2><p>If you're not sure what you want from Pampered Chef for Christmas, you can browse our website or catalogs for inspiration. You can also reach out to a Pampered Chef consultant for recommendations based on your needs and preferences. Additionally, you can consider asking for a gift card, which allows you to choose your own Pampered Chef items at a later time.</p>

Related to What Have You Told Your Spouse/Sig. Other That You Want for Christmas?

1. What are some popular items people ask for from Pampered Chef for Christmas?

Some of the most popular items people ask for from Pampered Chef for Christmas include kitchen tools and gadgets, cookware sets, and bakeware sets. Other popular items include party platters, serving dishes, and utensils.

2. How do I make a specific item from Pampered Chef known as a gift request?

You can make a specific item from Pampered Chef known as a gift request by creating a wish list on our website and sharing it with your spouse or significant other. You can also let them know directly by mentioning the item you want in conversation or by giving them a catalog with the item marked.

3. How can I ensure that I receive the specific item I want from Pampered Chef for Christmas?

To ensure that you receive the specific item you want from Pampered Chef for Christmas, it's best to communicate your wish list clearly and directly to your spouse or significant other. You can also provide them with a list of specific items you are interested in, or give them a catalog with the items marked.

4. Are there any special deals or promotions for Pampered Chef products during the holiday season?

Yes, Pampered Chef often offers special deals and promotions during the holiday season. These can include discounts on popular items, gift sets, and free shipping on orders over a certain amount. It's best to check our website or contact a Pampered Chef consultant for more information on current holiday promotions.

5. What if I'm not sure what I want from Pampered Chef for Christmas?

If you're not sure what you want from Pampered Chef for Christmas, you can browse our website or catalogs for inspiration. You can also reach out to a Pampered Chef consultant for recommendations based on your needs and preferences. Additionally, you can consider asking for a gift card, which allows you to choose your own Pampered Chef items at a later time.

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