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What Do I Do With My Online Orders From a Catalog Show?

I said, "yeah, I don't even know what to say"...In summary, the speaker had online orders that needed to be manually entered into P3. Sales tax on shipping is determined by individual states and cannot be changed by Pampered Chef. The Deep Covered Baker is not included in the guest 20% off special. Taxes on shipping are not determined by Pampered Chef and customers can take up any complaints with their local lawmakers. Some customers may get upset about taxes and shipping charges, but it is important to educate them on the laws and not let it affect the business.
One of my catalog shows had a couple people order online. I have never had anyone use this yet and I'm a little confused. Are they just automatically processed or do I print them off and enter them in P3 with her show?

Also, if anyone can tell me....a guest was pretty upset last night that they charge tax on shipping and handling~Can anyone give me a reason why they do that....She just kept saying to me "well you don't leave a tip on the entire amount of a bill including the tax do you??" I wanted to say...."actually I do, cuz that few extra cents won't kill me"...but of course I didn't....:rolleyes:

And one more thing, if you've read this far....the deep covered baker is not included in the guest 20% off special, correct?

Thanks everyone!
When you get online orders, they DO NOT process...you have to enter them into P3 with your show. Would be nice if they could figure out how to make it work together...The sales tax on shipping is an individual State thing...)that's what my SD told us) So, when you have someone complain about that, tell them to talk to their local congressman/woman...in a nice way, of course! The DCB is a host only discount...unless you want to cover it yourself...I had a customer want the DCB, so I paid the 20% of the DCB, just because this woman is a FANTASTIC customer of mine. I wouldn't have done that for just anyone. Hope this helps you!
First of all...the orders...you will need to manually input them into PP.

As for the taxes...tell your guests that it is NOT a Pampered Chef issue - it is a LAW - a state LAW that tax is chaarged on shipping. Pampered Chef has NO say in that - it is a state by state thing and tell her to take it up with Jeb Bush...or wait, we have Charlie Crist now. Tell her to take it up with our lawmakers as it has nothing at all to do with Pampered Chef.
As long as the online orders came to you to process (customer used host name and placed order for the show), you submit the orders via Pampered Partner. You can get all of the order information off your website.

Tax on shipping is not a decision Pampered Chef makes, that is a state decision. Most states charge it. Pampered Chef has to submit tax payments to your customer's state for the shipping. I had a few customers question it also.

You are correct about the Deep Covered Baker. That is only a host special for 60% off.

I had a customer complain to my host last week about taxing the shipping. She was sure it is "illegal to do that, & I don't want her to get in trouble-someone could turn her in to the county attorney". I was shocked & told the host it's illegal for me to NOT tax the shipping. I just hope no one else heard her making these allegations...
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks so much everyone!

I did tell her that I was sure it was set up by the state and she just kept repeating how wrong it was. :rolleyes: Not sure if I should call her and tell her that "yes" that is the case or just let it go. She was really nice other than getting so worked up about that! It only changed her order like 13 cents.
It's crazy how a customer can get about taxes and shipping charges. I won and lost a lady with just one order b/c she only ordered the small micro cooker and since I didn't have a show going at the time (just closed one) she was charge $6 shipping and then tax on top. She was complaining that shipping cost more than her item, yada, yada, but then she told me to keep the 12 cents extra she handed me. :rolleyes:
lacychef said:
I had a customer complain to my host last week about taxing the shipping. She was sure it is "illegal to do that, & I don't want her to get in trouble-someone could turn her in to the county attorney". I was shocked & told the host it's illegal for me to NOT tax the shipping. I just hope no one else heard her making these allegations...
If someone threatens to turn me in to the DA over something like taxes on shipping, I invite them to do so.

If people had ANY idea of the hidden taxes they pay and became aware of them, we might finally have a taxpayers' revolt and fix some of this taxation flim-flam.
I hear ya KG! My host said, "well if she were to go to the DA, I guess she would find out that she was wrong". It was more shocking to me because this gal sells (or at least used to) HI. :confused:
pcchris said:
When you get online orders, they DO NOT process...you have to enter them into P3 with your show. Would be nice if they could figure out how to make it work together...The sales tax on shipping is an individual State thing...)that's what my SD told us) So, when you have someone complain about that, tell them to talk to their local congressman/woman...in a nice way, of course! The DCB is a host only discount...unless you want to cover it yourself...I had a customer want the DCB, so I paid the 20% of the DCB, just because this woman is a FANTASTIC customer of mine. I wouldn't have done that for just anyone. Hope this helps you!
Why be nice about it???

Our illustrious "I won't raise taxes" guv'nor is about to propose a billion dollars in hidden tax increases. No reason to be nice to the elected officials about it. You didn't elect them to dig deeper into your pockets!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I think she meant to tell the customer nicely. Talk to your congressman however you want! :D
  • #11
lacychef said:
I hear ya KG! My host said, "well if she were to go to the DA, I guess she would find out that she was wrong". It was more shocking to me because this gal sells (or at least used to) HI. :confused:

Home Interiors guests didn't pay shipping until this month when they changed their rules. She probably didn't realize this.
  • #12
I have a friend who sells tastefully simple and she lives in here in Illinois where we don't charge tax on shipping, yet she does. I asked her if she knew why and she said that is what her paperwork and her director tell her to do. Does anyone have an explanation for this? Does it somehow have to do with where the product is shipped from?
  • #13
tashayoung said:
Home Interiors guests didn't pay shipping until this month when they changed their rules. She probably didn't realize this.

Ok I know that everyone says that Home Interiors and Home and Garden don't charge shipping but what they do is put the shipping in the price of the product. I signed with Home and Garden to get a picture I wanted in the kit. I thought about doing a show but then found out that while we supposedly make 30% commission, this is not on the full price of the product. It is on an adjusted price because shipping is added to the price of the product. We also have to pay a 6 dollar processing fee for each order so once you pay all of the hidden costs, I make more with Pampered Chef. So the next time that someone says "blah doesn't charge shipping" tell them that they are actually paying more shipping because each item has shipping figured into the price. So an example is that the candle is 6 dollars but 1 dollar is shipping so consultants only earn on 5 dollars. Well if someone buys 10 candles they have just paid 10 dollars shipping.
  • #14
PamperedMelanie said:
I think she meant to tell the customer nicely. Talk to your congressman however you want! :D
Be careful how you say things! I love juxtaposition errors - my favorite example is the ad that read: "Free to good home: Collie. Houseborken, well behaved, will eat anything. Especially fond of children."
  • #15
I sold avon in Illinois and i paid tax on shipping...was about 7-8 years ago but I still paid it. And my customers paid tax too...and shipping tax which was like 25 cents way back then.
  • #16
I once had a host throw a FIT because her daughter, who was in the Military, placed an order for her show, and was charged shipping and tax.....now the order was being shipped to the host just like every other order for the show, but she thought that because her daughter was military, she shouldn't have to pay tax and shipping......I couldn't get it through to her that as long as it was being shipped to her (the host) it was treated like any other order.....otherwise, anyone could say "Oh well - I'm in the Military, I don't have to pay tax".......

And I have found that the ones who complain about taxes on shipping are also the ones who won't round up a measly $.11 for Round up From The Heart.....(just had it happen last week....)
  • #17
dollfangs said:
Ok I know that everyone says that Home Interiors and Home and Garden don't charge shipping but what they do is put the shipping in the price of the product. I signed with Home and Garden to get a picture I wanted in the kit. I thought about doing a show but then found out that while we supposedly make 30% commission, this is not on the full price of the product. It is on an adjusted price because shipping is added to the price of the product. We also have to pay a 6 dollar processing fee for each order so once you pay all of the hidden costs, I make more with Pampered Chef. So the next time that someone says "blah doesn't charge shipping" tell them that they are actually paying more shipping because each item has shipping figured into the price. So an example is that the candle is 6 dollars but 1 dollar is shipping so consultants only earn on 5 dollars. Well if someone buys 10 candles they have just paid 10 dollars shipping.

I totally get this. I love how they can advertise "free shipping", but you know it is figured in the price of the product. No company is just going to eat the cost of shipping!
  • #18
Check with your state's Board of Equalization (that's what we call it in CA) -- in California, it IS legal to tax shipping as long as it is a combined "shipping and handling" charge. It is illegal to tax shipping only.

I had to look up this info a couple years ago because I had a guest who was making a total stink over the tax on the s/h...
  • #19
WARNING! From here, this thread has morphed into a discussion of taxes and language!You've got a scewy setup in California, too, but without PP, I'd screw up the sales tax in Wisconsin, too. We tax just about everything, except unprepared food and certain professional services. So, we tax everything TPC sells, except spices, cake and dip mixes, and then we tax the shipping on top of it all. (Yes, that means a pound of ground beef at the grocery store is untaxed but a burger at Wendy's is taxed.)Of course, soon we're going to tax anything that stands still, moves or breathes, so I suppose food will get it pretty soon, too.
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  • #20
I thought this was apropos to the topicWhat Happened?At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it.
Be sure to read all the way to the end!

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries, then
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his a**

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers,
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

Put these words
upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me
to my doom..."

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax,
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest expense
Inventory tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road usage taxes
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class
in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?
And I still have to "press 1" for English
  • #21
yummy4tummy And I still have to "press 1" for English[/QUOTE said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets steamed over this every time I call the home office. I should not have to press 1 for english as last time I checked it is STILL the national language.
  • #22
I used to work in a store and a lady came in from an area that wasnt taxed and she actually asked if I would not charge her tax. I told her she was in a state that charges taxes so she would have to pay. I felt like saying so if I go to where you live do I have to pay taxes on my purchase
  • #23
dollfangs said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets steamed over this every time I call the home office. I should not have to press 1 for english as last time I checked it is STILL the national language.
No, actually, it's not. English is the popular consensus but there is no official language in this country.

This is a real hot-button issue for some people and there isn't a politician in the land who will touch it with a 10 foot pole.
  • #24
Try living in a country that two official languages.

After trying to learn French in high school I gave up and took Spanish. I know enough to get by on my few Mexican vacations I've taken - dos cervezas por favor!

I applaud anyone who speaks a second language, or third or more for that matter.

By the way, I'm sure that people in both countries are being taxed up the woo hoo. We pay way too much.

my 2 cents (plus tax), Linda
  • #25
That is happening here faster than anyone will admit.
  • #26
:mad: OMG! Don't get me started on the tax thing! Here in WNY there is a grass roots movement as a taxpayer revolt but it hasn't grown like you think it would. With all the complaining, you would think all the career politicians would have been ousted. "Free Buffalo" is now trying to become Free New York. BEWARE WHEN THEY "LOWER TAXES"...THEN THEY INCREASE "FEES" & conjure up new ones. Nuff said....if you live in NY, then you know.
Yes, we pay tax on S/H.:mad: :mad: :mad:
  • #27
Don't know about other states but Texas charges tax on S&H. Has always irked me since shipping is a service not a product, but I don't make the rules and I like to shop online so I pay the tax.(lol)
  • #28
Germany's sales tax is 19%!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Not worth the cost of a VAT form unless you spend $50 at a store at one time.
  • #29
Deep Covered Baker question
PamperedMelanie said:
And one more thing, if you've read this far....the deep covered baker is not included in the guest 20% off special, correct?

Thanks everyone!

The deep covered baker is not a guest special this month, Melanie.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
pamperedharriet said:
The deep covered baker is not a guest special this month, Melanie.

Thank you!
  • #31
Your welcome, Melanie.

Related to What Do I Do With My Online Orders From a Catalog Show?

1. How are online orders from a catalog show processed?

Online orders from a catalog show are automatically processed and fulfilled by the company. As the consultant, you do not need to print them off or enter them in P3.

2. Why is tax charged on shipping and handling for online orders?

Tax is charged on shipping and handling because it is considered part of the overall purchase and is subject to sales tax laws. This helps the company comply with tax regulations and ensures that customers are charged the correct amount.

3. What should I do if a guest is upset about the tax charged on shipping and handling?

If a guest is upset about the tax charged on shipping and handling, you can explain to them that it is necessary for the company to comply with tax regulations. You can also offer to contact customer service on their behalf if they have any further concerns.

4. Is the deep covered baker included in the guest 20% off special?

No, the deep covered baker is not included in the guest 20% off special. This special only applies to select items and the deep covered baker is not one of them.

5. Do I need to do anything with online orders from a catalog show as the consultant?

No, as the consultant, you do not need to do anything with online orders from a catalog show. They will be automatically processed and fulfilled by the company.

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