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Warning Long Post Sort of Embarassed but Searching for Some Answers

you have the title! And you can still use it. You just have to be creative and proactive about using it.
Silver Member
I hope this all comes out the way I want it to...

Some of you know that I promoted to AD April 1st when an indirect recruit promoted to Director. Then my direct recruit did promote in time to avoid a pass by situation. Much to celebrate!!:party:

And then some of you know the saga about how the pay I was getting shifted much more than I expected (for the worse) because this indirect team is very strong (they did $13000 last month!). So instead of earning 4% on all of them, I earn 3% for the indirect director (2nd gen) and 1/2% for her team.

Ok, so I am getting past this...pity parties crop up, however, when I look at my budget.:bugeye::eek: Shock and awe!

Now here is my next "dilema" that I am trying to wrap my brain around this all...

Being an AD brings the next level but I find not much on what that entails. And my direct recruit that promoted in time to avoid a pass by is now an AD. We were having meetings at the indirect director's home but now that is not good since she is having her follow up meetings there and it is too much. Which I totally understand.

Having meetings in my home is out of the question for several reasons. And I am trying to get the rest of my personal cluster to respond. I am searching for a pulse...REALLY!

I KNOW what I need to do. Try to get some momentum with my personal cluster but recruit. And find a new meeting place. Just trying to go to an area where there are more willing people to attend.

What I have been working through mentally is trying to revive my believe because commission wise and active team wise...I feel like I have gotten kicked and rolled off the mountain of mometum. I actually feel like I am starting a square one. I have the title but there has been nothing "advanced" about it.

My direct recruit is an Advanced so she and I are on the same level so to speak. She has the active 4% team.

Today I started listening to an audio on the Online Training Center regarding getting motivated about your business again. As I am working through this in my mind searching for answers, I notice that this "loss" of what I used to know as my team and income is seeping into other aspects of my business in a negative way. In other words, I feel like I am losing my "mojo". This makes me panic because it is hard to recruit when you really are not as excited about your business.

It has taken me almost 2 weeks to be able to talk about this in a less than "pity party" way. Everything came out as WAH. I now can at least put these feelings into words. At one point I felt as if I was grieving!

Add to the mix, at my job I had to reduce the time of a very good employee. She used to oversee summer programs that we offered food to students but all of those programs have been phased out for the past 3 years. There is nothing left so instead of working 12 months a year, she will work 10 months. She knew for years it was coming and last summer we really stretched it but this year there are no programs. Even though she knew it was coming, it has been uncomfortable time.

So there it is! I will be working harder on getting my mojo back and I glad I did not have a party this past week when all of these feelings were hitting me. I have a party tomorrow and I am getting a little more excited about it. And I have a recruit lead that took $40 kit credit last month that I will be catching up with soon.

If you have read this far...so appreciate it. Thanks for the shoulder and helping me write out my feelings. You all help me through so much...you just don't know. There is always a warm supportive feeling here and it is a nice soft place to land!

Have thought a lot about "Who Moved My Cheese" these past weeks. Every time I felt I found it...it moved again. I almost feel like who moved my Cheese Factory!!
Wowsa Ann. I love the Who Moved My Cheese reference.. it is so fitting right here.
Ok... I don't really know how to make you feel better about the loss of income because frankly I think it sucks. On the bright side, your direct recruit is not that strong, so chances of her riding the coattails of the indirect one for long are slim. That probably wasn't very nice, but there it is.
In the meantime, the only positive advice I can offer is to continue to rebuild your personal cluster because the law of averages is in your favor to find another strong recruit with director potential.
I hate that you have to reduce an employee's hours because I know as well as you do that lunch ladies don't make tons of $$ to begin with. BUT knowing that you are not cutting her job and that you really do care honestly does make a difference to her. I would almost bet on it.
Sorry I am so not any help.
Oh Honey - I son't even know what to say. I am frustrated and upset FOR you.
You're (all) going to laugh at me but I swear to you, it helps me. Have a HUGE glass of Nesquik before your next party. You'll be SO sugared up you'll appear HAPPY and EXCITED about your business...and people will want to come play with you. I swear - you'll be amazed. You'll be like the pied piper with a line of recruit leads dancing behind you...
go ahead - laugh at me Cheffers, I know I would if I were all of you LOL

I was thinking the same thing that Becky said - she probably won't keep it that long anyway but knowing you that won't help. You care too much and that's a great way to be.

You'll get past this and do great things. You can do it! [If I knew where to find that cheerleader thing I'd put it here.]
I'm frustrated for you too, Ann.:( Hang in there. Eventually it has to turn around for you!
(((hugs))) I know the pay difference must be frustrating. Try not to compare what you "could have had" with what you do have. You have to find a way to focus on the present and not dwell on the past. ;)And I totally agree with you Carolyn! Our mood flows over to those around us. And I currently feel like the Pied Piper!!! I've gone from 3 in my downline to 14 since the first of the year. It's been crazy how excited everyone seems to be about signing!!!
Miss Ann,

I wish I could type something brilliant as you're wont to do. I sadly do not have that skill. I tend to leave things out when I type, and have yet to master the ability to relay my thoughts to paper....

It completely bites that you've gotten hit with several issues all at once, which is probably why it feels like a mourning period. You do need to get that mojo back, so remember that you rock and have helped these 2 promote....which means that you can do that with those left in your personal cluster. Pull out that sniper gun and get your sights on the next team member who will be stepping up her biz.

What if you did some personal calls, leaving a msg (cause you know it's impossible to get them to answer) and let them know that you are looking for a couple who are ready to work one on one with you to take their biz one step up? See who bites. Plus, as you said....continue to recruit.

I do the same thing as Carolyn when I'm not feeling it....but I drink Monster! lol Definitely has me all over the place, and people do respond to that energy! He He

Lastly, it seems like you need a place to meet. What about a local restaurant? Taco Cabana has private meeting rooms that they reserve for free as long as you order a couple of drinks and appetizers? Also, what about your new AD's home?

Wishing you a quick and easy road to finding your solutions and mojo. Praying for you chica! I always look forward to your advice, and hope that we can rally for you while you are processing this *^*(, I mean this setback. :D
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  • #9
You are THE BEST!!!!!!

You have all made me laugh and cry because you care! I truly love you all. And you know, sometimes many of us just need to get the words out and just being able to do that was a relief!!

I am going to write to my upline who is an ED. She was just here for a cluster visit and understands the people and personalities. My direct's team is doing pretty good this month but I would feel more comfortable if my direct could add more to her team. It will be easier for her to hold AD because of not have to hold 2 SC. She is a high seller so this will help but her organizational sales have to be there as well.

As I was thinking about my post on here today, I was hoping that no one gets the impression that reaching for AD is not worth it or that I am not totally grateful! I honestly never thought I would go past Director so now, I just want more!!

My party today was nice but I made the mistake of not demanding a guest list and let her do an evite. So we waited for people, she texted and finally 3 people showed up with a whopping $102 in sales!!:grumpy:

And also as I traveled to the party I did some thinking. I really have to work on a focus and stay on that focus. And also, try to never be in such a comfort zone again with my business.

Again, you have all moved me to tears...your warmth and love surely came through in your e-mails...oh and Carolyn? Your e-mail made me laugh but I am afraid if I had that much caffine in me my heart would palpitate so much I would be worse off!!! But oh so funny!!
  • #10
Like the song goes, "If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there!" There are some people who work their way to the top just sell it just because they want to build something new (Doesn't Donald Trump look for a new apprentice every season?). You have built a team much like a thread here on DCS and now it's time to start a new thread! If you've done it once you CAN and WILL do it again! I wish you all the best.

Sheila in Kansas
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  • #11
chefsheila1 said:
Like the song goes, "If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there!" There are some people who work their way to the top just sell it just because they want to build something new (Doesn't Donald Trump look for a new apprentice every season?). You have built a team much like a thread here on DCS and now it's time to start a new thread! If you've done it once you CAN and WILL do it again! I wish you all the best.

Sheila in Kansas

As the terminator would say..."I'll be back"
  • #12
baychef said:
As the terminator would say..."I'll be back"

Yes, you will! I have faith in you! ;)
  • #13
Ann and everyone else....thank you!!! This thread has been VERY inspiring to me as well!

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"Warning Long Post Sort of Embarassed but Searching for Some Answers" is a phrase commonly used by individuals on social media to preface a long and possibly embarrassing post where they are seeking advice or answers from others.

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3. How can I avoid feeling embarrassed when making a "Warning Long Post Sort of Embarassed but Searching for Some Answers" post?

Remember that everyone has embarrassing moments and it is okay to ask for help or advice from others. You can also choose to share your post in a private group or with a select group of trusted friends instead of making it public.

4. Are there any risks associated with making "Warning Long Post Sort of Embarassed but Searching for Some Answers" posts?

As with any post on social media, there is a potential risk of receiving negative or hurtful comments. It is important to remember that you do not have to respond to these comments and can always delete them. Additionally, be cautious about sharing personal information that could potentially put you at risk.

5. Can I find reliable answers and advice in "Warning Long Post Sort of Embarassed but Searching for Some Answers" posts?

While social media can be a great resource for connecting with others and seeking advice, it is important to remember that not all information shared on social media is accurate or reliable. It may be helpful to seek out multiple opinions and do additional research before making any important decisions based on advice received through social media.

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