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Director Reminder That Director Agreements Are Due Soon!

In summary, the Pampered Chef is sending out new Director Agreement reminders. You need to review and sign the agreement, and return it to the company by March 1. If you have any questions, you can contact your sales manager or consultant career solutions.
Silver Member
As I write this, I have a feeling that HO may have just put a reminder out, but wanted to remind everyone (cause I forgot!) that our Director Agreements need to be faxed or sent in soon.

Was talking with one of my downline directors last night and she reminded me...ok...can I use the excuse that I have not had my mind on my business quite as much?

I will be getting my mind back on it very soon...about to sign someone and have interviews to set up with 3 more! And my teams have been GREEN for months now. BUT my first generation and I have to get recruiting to make the 6 per month.
I think I did this but now I can't remember!!!! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I know what you mean, Colleen! I faxed it in with a note on it that it may be a duplicate.:eek:
Just checked my sent mail and I sent it in 1/10. Thanks for the reminder Ann!!! :)
Totally haven't done mine yet! Oops!!! Thanks for the reminder girl. ;)
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  • #6
You are soooo welcome! My National Exec and Sr. Execs have been sending the reminders on down the pike so I was figuring I was not the only one who's mind it may have slipped!
Ummm ok seriously, what director agreements? I am totally lost .....
we had to sign and return a new agreement based on the changes ot the career plan that are effective March 1
Did that come in the mail or am I supposed to print it from somewhere? This is news to me. Or maybe the early onset IS truly upon me... ay yi yi....
  • #10
beckyjsmith said:
Did that come in the mail or am I supposed to print it from somewhere? This is news to me. Or maybe the early onset IS truly upon me... ay yi yi....

It came in an email dated 12/28/2010 and titled:
(R)egistered: Updated Director Agreement: Complete and Return by March 1, 2011

The email said:
This is a Registered E-mail® message from [email protected]. Dear Director,

In early December, we announced that several modifications are being made to the Career Plan. These modifications are in response to ongoing analysis and feedback from our highly valued field leaders. Our communications via conference calls and email updated you about the changes and that we were sending you a new Director Agreement reflecting those changes. As you know, the details of the modifications have been available on Consultant‘s Corner for your review. We hope you have been able to take some time to review those changes and as always, Consultant Career Solutions is available to answer any questions you may have.

Attached to this email are the updated Director Agreement and Attachment A incorporating the new requirements effective March 1, 2011. Please take the following steps:

1) Review the terms and conditions of the new Director Agreement.
2) Include your printed name and Consultant number at the beginning, and sign and date the Agreement where indicated.
3) Return your completed Agreement to the Home Office before March 1, 2011.

For your convenience, you may return the signed Agreement via mail, facsimile at 630.261.4088 or send a scanned copy to [email protected]. Please do not reply to this email.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Sales Manager or Consultant Career Solutions at 1-888-OUR-CHEF (687-2433) select Option 3, or email us at [email protected].

Wishing you continued success,

Jan Capinegro
Vice President
Consultant Career Solutions

The Pampered Chef is a registered trademark used under license. Please do not reply to this email. It is not set up to accept replies. You are receiving this email because you are a Consultant with The Pampered Chef, Ltd. If you received this email in error, please send a separate email to [email protected].

And the agreement was attached.


  • P1134-122010 US Di Agreement Attach A_print_FNL.pdf
    231.4 KB · Views: 774
  • #11
I scanned and emailed mine back to them weeks ago...and then HO called me to tell me that rather than emailing them the document with the agreement on it, I accidentally sent them most of the agreement pages and one page of my son's science project BAhahaha!!
  • #12
dannyzmom said:
I scanned and emailed mine back to them weeks ago...and then HO called me to tell me that rather than emailing them the document with the agreement on it, I accidentally sent them most of the agreement pages and one page of my son's science project BAhahaha!!
lolololol Carolyn!!
  • #13
dannyzmom said:
i scanned and emailed mine back to them weeks ago...and then ho called me to tell me that rather than emailing them the document with the agreement on it, i accidentally sent them most of the agreement pages and one page of my son's science project bahahaha!!
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • #14
That's freaking hilarious Carolyn! I'm betting you are not the ONLY one they had to call either. LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #15
dannyzmom said:
I scanned and emailed mine back to them weeks ago...and then HO called me to tell me that rather than emailing them the document with the agreement on it, I accidentally sent them most of the agreement pages and one page of my son's science project BAhahaha!!

Thank you for the laugh, Carolyn!! I needed it!! Are you sure you are not taking lessons from me? LOL!:)
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  • #16
I am so glad that I started this thread because it turns out I was not alone...and Carolyn, what did your son get on his project? LOL!
  • #17
Err.. uh.. I checked my email on both computers including my deleted items and I got nuttin.' What's up with that?
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  • #18
I would contact HO immediately to find out what is going on! And...this was mailed on Dec. 28th originally.
  • #19
I sent an email to Jan Gilbert, who is our acting Sales Manager. She is out of the office until Thursday. I checked on my laptop and PC for all mail on the 28th of Dec, including deleted items.
Strange, but weird. :yuck::D:approve::bugeye::D
  • #20
Bump! Just in case anyone needs a last minute reminder. ;)

Related to Reminder That Director Agreements Are Due Soon!

1. What is a Director Agreement?

A Director Agreement is a contract between Pampered Chef and its independent directors outlining the terms and conditions of their service on the board of directors. It includes expectations, responsibilities, compensation, and other important details.

2. When is the deadline for submitting the Director Agreement?

The deadline for submitting the Director Agreement is typically the end of the fiscal year, which is December 31st. However, this may vary depending on the specific agreement and any changes made by the company.

3. How do I submit my Director Agreement?

You can submit your Director Agreement electronically through our online platform. If you have any trouble accessing the platform, please reach out to your HR representative for assistance.

4. What happens if I don't submit my Director Agreement on time?

If your Director Agreement is not submitted by the deadline, you may not be eligible to receive compensation or benefits outlined in the agreement. It is important to submit your agreement on time to avoid any issues.

5. Can I make changes to my Director Agreement after submitting it?

Once you submit your Director Agreement, it is considered final and binding. If you need to make any changes, please reach out to your HR representative for assistance. Any changes made after the deadline may not be accepted.

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