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Police Chase Ends in Heart-Stopping Encounter at Home - How I Stayed Safe

In summary, police were looking for a 20-year-old kid and when my husband came home they were already there. The kid was hiding under our kid's playground equipment and my dog scared him and he ran away. The police caught him and thanked my husband for calling.
Silver Member
Well, tonight got home from a show and not long after we have police going up and down our street speeding around, police helicopter out looking for someone obviously. I called the police (non-emerg. #) to see if there was some predator out or something and is it safe to be here. They said it was fine, just looking for someone and if there was a danger they would let us know if that ever happened. Well, the police finally left. I signed off chef success, was heading to let my dog out one last time and then heading to bed. Well, opened my back door and some guy was sitting underneath my kid's playground equipment (basically an area below the slide where a sandbox could go). My good dog, Max immediately barks loudly at him to scare him and I yelled at the guy what the hell he was doing there!? I told Max to GET HIM as well and looked like he was about to.
The guy told me to calm down. I told him I'm not going to calm down and why was he there!?! All the time my face is the only thing hanging out the door only because my dog was out there. He explained that his friends were running from the cops and he didn't want to be found or something like that because he has a new born baby. I told him I don't care, I have my phone and I'm calling 9-1-1 and I slammed the door, Max safely inside. He almost pleaded with me not to do so. I called the police and they were there in like 2 minutes flat! Next thing I know police are running through my house, then they are running up the street with police cars speeding as well! Well, I was freaked out. My DH works nights (which I hate) and I'm home with my 2 boys. I call him up in a frenzie as I couldn't go to sleep of course!
Well, anyway, the police caught him!!!
They thanked me as they said most people wouldn't have called. Evidently they've been looking for this guy (kid-prob. 20's) for a while! My heart is still pounding and police left 45 min. ago. Now, I'm very paranoid. Makes me wonder now how long the guy was sitting out there. My DH leaves for work at 9:30pm (S-Th) and if I have a show I come home shortly after, but the kids are by themselves then. Tonight I didn't get home til 11pm as my host signed up as a consultant tonight and then I ran by the store. Not too sure if I'll leave them anymore. The police helicopter couldn't see the guy because he was hidden so well by our playground. Anyway, that's what's going on here. I can't go to sleep but too tired to stay awake. GRRRR
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OMG!! I am so glad you are ok!!! I couldn't imagine what that had to have been like! {{{Hug}}} Although I am glad that you yelled at him, when I'm scared I am speechless...can't get my mouth to work until I've calmed down. I'm glad you and you family is safe!
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OMG! So glad you and the kids are safe. I would have been scared stiff! We have no street lights in my neighborhood and it is DARK out here at night, I'm always afraid to open my doors at night.

Congratulations on the recruit!
Wow, I can't believe that. I'm also so happy you are safe. I would not have been as brave as you are! When I'm scared I always let my dog out in the front of our house! I'm mostly scared of the wild animals in the back at night, not usually a person; however, we did have a murder in my addition last year - the first murder ever in our town. They were asking us to go through our trash to see if we saw anything that didn't belong there. This murder was drug related and they caught the person, which makes me feel much better!

Did they say why they were looking for him? How old are your boys? I would be afraid to leave them again too!
Wow, you're brave. I guess if I had a dog, I may have done the same thing. I think I would have just called 911 w/o saying a word to the guy. I also think we all would do things differently if we feel we are protecting our kids, so maybe if my dh wasn't home, I'd have said something to the man. Who knows. I don't have a dog.

The most I've ever done even remotely brave is stay outside at 1 am waiting for my neighbor to come out and get his barking dogs so I could yell at him. I really felt better, but I wasn't in any danger.

I'm glad you were brave and everyone's okay. Stay safe!
Wow - just reading this now, but my heart is racing, and my palms are sweaty just reading it! I can imagine you had a very restless night. Glad you are okay - I can't believe you yelled at the guy - you are very brave.

I think I would be afraid to leave my son after something like that happened too.
Holy Cow!!! That is terrifying! Good for you for calling!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks guys. Well, got about 4 hrs. sleep. Not very restful either. My boys are 13 and 10. For an hour it's usually ok. We live on a open court and there are a lot of street lights. Our neighbors behind me leave their back porch light on a lot (which normaly wish they were turned off because it shines into my bedroom) so my backyard was pretty lit up. At first when I saw the guy I thought I was imagining things but then I refocused and realized he actually was there. I could see him pretty well and he didn't really move when I let Max out. He wasn't wearing a shirt either. You know, I've always let the dog out in the backyard as figured that was safer. What are the odds someone would be in the backyard? Well, now I know. Figured it was safer than letting him out front as someone could be lurking around the corners. Guess, Max will have to take his last bathroom break before dark and then hold it til morning as I don't think I'll be opening that door again! The one thing I'm worried about is now is I hope they keep this guy in jail a long time as I hate to think he might come after us knowing I'm the one that got him arrested.
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WOW! Sharon, my heart was racing just reading your post. I'm so glad you and the boys are safe. I don't know what I would have done, but what you did sounds like the right thing.

Can you talk to the police about your concerns regarding him returning?

Try to get some rest today!
  • #10
smspamperedchef said:
He wasn't wearing a shirt either.

It's funny... I'm not a big fan of the show "Cops" but one thing I have noticed when I have seen the show is that most of the people who they arrest aren't wearing shirts. Note to self: keep your shirt on when fleeing from the law!

Sad day here in Detroit... Nathaniel Abraham was arrested early this morning. He was released from juvenile detention just about a year ago... he was the youngest person ever to be charged for committing murder. He was 11-years-old when he shot and killed an 18-year-old in 1997. When he was released I made a comment to my ExBF that I hoped he wouldn't get into trouble and we argued about it and he told me that he was SURE this kid had turned his life around while in jail. Guess not... Police said that he had about 100 ecstasy pills on him when they arrested him.

You did the right thing... this guy lied to you and told you they were looking for "his friend" and what about the baby at home? So happy you didn't believe him. What if you had? What would he be doing today?

You are a hero!
  • #11
finley1991 said:
Sad day here in Detroit... Nathaniel Abraham was arrested early this morning. He was released from juvenile detention just about a year ago... he was the youngest person ever to be charged for committing murder. He was 11-years-old when he shot and killed an 18-year-old in 1997. When he was released I made a comment to my ExBF that I hoped he wouldn't get into trouble and we argued about it and he told me that he was SURE this kid had turned his life around while in jail. Guess not... Police said that he had about 100 ecstasy pills on him when they arrested him.
One of the consultants on my team is related to Abraham's victim. Her family didn't want him released, because they didn't think he was remorseful. And they also didn't think he had turned his life around.
  • #12
OMG ~ thank heaven you and the boys were unharmed!
  • #13
Yikes - on both stories!
  • #14
Sharon, do you know the real reason yet, why they were after him? Yikes!:eek: I'd do a search on-line, of your local news, if you don't get the newspaper!
I've had some crazy stuff happen near me and it was always such a shocker, really, because we live in a peaceful little area. 2 houses down from us, we use to have a couple that took drugs and did stupid stuff. One night when my daughter was a newborn, my hubby and I here some comotion out side and when we looked, we were like "WHAT THE HECK?!:eek: " The cops were using my hubbys blazer as cover! They had their guns drawn and were yelling to them to drop the gun and get on the ground!! I ran into my baby's room, which was the room closest to all the action and swooped her up and ran her into my son's room and put her in her bassinet in my son's room which was the farthest from the action!
It ended up ending peacefully, but man it was crazy, we were so tickled when they moved!!
I've been robbed at gun point, not once, but TWICE, at my old job in California!! That's part of the reason why we moved, I was DONE with that place! My DH's parents had already moved to Washington, and all it took was one visit and we moved! And obviously we are not free from grief, it's still a calmer life!

I'm so glad you are okay, Sharon, and I would listen to the other girls and call and express your concern to the cops!
  • #15
Holy cow! I am glad you are alright.
  • #16
HOLY MOLY! I am so glad everyone is OK and safe. You did the right thing, and thank goodness you had Max!

I will pray for peace within you!
  • #17
Wow you don't need TV for entertainment do you?? Glad to hear that your ok.
  • #18
Holy crap!
I am so glad you and your boys ar eok.
If I were you I would consider hiring a sitter to come hang with your kids for those few hours between DH leaving and you coming home. Could you imagine if that guy got IN to your house where your boys were???
  • #19
Just a suggestion, do you have a flood light for your back yard that can be turned on inside the house?Or a motion activated light?We bought the highest wattage that was safe for our patio light (after consulting with an electrician friend).
  • #20
Wow. I am thinking of you, too. I cannot imagine going through that. I agree, call the cops and express your concerns to them.
  • #21
smspamperedchef said:
Thanks guys. Well, got about 4 hrs. sleep. Not very restful either. My boys are 13 and 10. For an hour it's usually ok. We live on a open court and there are a lot of street lights. Our neighbors behind me leave their back porch light on a lot (which normaly wish they were turned off because it shines into my bedroom) so my backyard was pretty lit up. At first when I saw the guy I thought I was imagining things but then I refocused and realized he actually was there. I could see him pretty well and he didn't really move when I let Max out. He wasn't wearing a shirt either. You know, I've always let the dog out in the backyard as figured that was safer. What are the odds someone would be in the backyard? Well, now I know. Figured it was safer than letting him out front as someone could be lurking around the corners. Guess, Max will have to take his last bathroom break before dark and then hold it til morning as I don't think I'll be opening that door again! The one thing I'm worried about is now is I hope they keep this guy in jail a long time as I hate to think he might come after us knowing I'm the one that got him arrested.

That's exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't want to mention it because I do think calling 911 was the right choice. I just don't think I would have said anything to the guy. Then he would less likely know who called. God's who keeps us safe, so be anxious for nothing.
  • #22
I am on the boat of a motion light and calling to see what can be done because you are afraid. Depending on the charges, they should be able to tell you what he was arrested for.
  • #23
CookingwithMary said:
Just a suggestion, do you have a flood light for your back yard that can be turned on inside the house?

Or a motion activated light?

We bought the highest wattage that was safe for our patio light (after consulting with an electrician friend).
When we built our house I had my husband install my 'panic lights'. I can flip a switch from my bedroom, living room, or kitchen and ALL of the floodlights on the outside of my house will come on. Since we have no streetlights in my neighborhood, it is very dark out here. Love this feature!
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  • #24
We have motion lights in our backyard because of it's strange shape- both sides of the yard are hidden unless you walk off the deck and go exploring. I'm sure my large Golden Retrievers would run after a stranger in our back yard at night, like they do when they see a bunny- but it wouldn't be long before they realized that it was someone they could slobber to death and be best buddies with.

I agree with a few posts up- tell the cops you spoke with the man, he knows your yard and your face and he knows how to get in your back yard.

Then pray a hedge of protection around your yard, your house and your family- I will pray, too!

I'm glad you are alright and I'm so sorry that you had to go through the scary situation!
  • #25
Wow. I am so glad you are ok. How are your boys? We had an "escapee" one time in our back yard and our two dogs cornered him. When they came to get him his--um--pants had been "soiled". Guess the dogs kind of shook him up a bit. I remember how scary it was--glad you are ok.
  • #26
Sharon, I am glad you and your boys are OK. I know where you are coming from. My DH travels alot and sometimes it is just my 13 year old son and me and the 2 dogs. I keep the flood light on for my peace of mind.

You were very brave to call the police. You did the right thing.

Indendent Consultant
  • #27
smspamperedchef said:
Figured it was safer than letting him out front as someone could be lurking around the corners. Guess, Max will have to take his last bathroom break before dark and then hold it til morning as I don't think I'll be opening that door again! The one thing I'm worried about is now is I hope they keep this guy in jail a long time as I hate to think he might come after us knowing I'm the one that got him arrested.

I let my dog out front because we only have a farm field behind us. Kinda scary for me at night when it's a corn field!

I agree w/others. Talk to the police about your worries. They should be able to tell you more about what he was arrested for.
  • #28
Holy cow! I am glad you and your boys are ok! You did the right thing...I pray that God provides you, your family, and your home with protection!

Linda...I love the idea of "panic lights" especially when you live in a 2 story home, that way you can get to the lights quickly!

  • #29
KellyTheChef said:
.....Linda...I love the idea of "panic lights" especially when you live in a 2 story home, that way you can get to the lights quickly!

yes, and it lights up the entire yard (front, back, and sides) at once.

Related to Police Chase Ends in Heart-Stopping Encounter at Home - How I Stayed Safe

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