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Planning Promotion to Director Place Your Goals Here

In summary, a group of people are discussing their goals to reach the Director level in their direct sales company and how to promote and recruit actively to achieve those goals. They are also sharing their plans to attend upcoming conferences and trips as incentives. Some are considering hosting open houses or placing ads to attract potential recruits. Many are determined and excited to achieve their goals by staying focused and positive.
Gold Member
So I thought I would start a thread for those of us who are trying to promote to Director. a place to share goals and brag about getting closer to our goals. Plus encourage each other when we need it.

My goal is to become Director by the end of June to walk at National Conference. This will be a challenge for me. I have an empty calendar, and am needing to do 12 shows a month and talk to 100 people about the business from now till June. I'm sure I can do it though. I have a show tonight and am going to try to actively recruit at my show. I thought I would use Don Funt's line for an opener. Who here tonight has a bill they would like to elminate? Not a husband named Bill but a debt?

I hope to be sharing goals with some of you soon.
I would like to promote to Director by LS 2007! I have 1 qualified, active recruit and 7 potential recruits! 5 of which I just can't get off the fence! :rolleyes: I just don't know what to do to get them to sign! :confused:
I was just thinking...
Last year someone had an open house at their home. It was listed in our local paper and I forget if it was Tupperware or another Direct Sales Co.
They said people could come to learn more about the opportunity...has anyone ever heard of or done something like this? Next time I see something like this I should go and check it out. Let me know if you have heard of anything like this at all. Not sure if it even makes any sense.
Kitchen Consultant
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I have thought about doing this. I have never done it before. Even just placing a now hiring ad in the paper with a 800 number so that they don't have my home phone. I'm hoping to get enough leads in the next month that I can just invite them all over for one of these shows.
I had 0 leads right now. I'm very nervous that I won't reach my goal. so much so I had started training with my director. So is wonderful and has giving some great ideas.
I am not so sure if I will do it. I don't really know if I want a bunch of strangers coming into my home, etc. Maybe I could check into doing something at a party room or something. I might feel more comfortable doing it that way. :)
Here are my goals for this year:
  • Promote to Director by July 1st, so that I can walk at Conference
  • Have 6-10 shows a month
  • Earn the incentive trip for 2 - it's our 10th anniversary in 2007
  • Hand out at least 2 recruiting info packages at each show
Wow these are some great goals!

My goal is to become Director by January of 2007! :D
I would also love to have 5-8 shows booked per month. Right now I'm only staying active with 1-2 shows per month.

I know we can all achieve our goals by staying positive, booking tons of cooking shows and telling everyone about this wonderful business opportunity!

I agree! These are definitely great goals.
My goal is to promote to director by Leadership 2007. As I don't have any recruits currently, that's a more realistic goal than director by National 2006. Right now I'm barely staying active with 1-2 shows a month as well, and I'd really like to earn the SF trip this year! I have an open house coming up in about a month, so hopefully that will finish filling my calendar for the next few months! Wish me luck!!
I too want to walk the stage at Conference this year. So I plan to promote to director by July 1,2006. I do not have a healthy calendar, but I continue to work on it a little bit each day. Right now that seems all I can to to try and stay focused. I currently have 1 active consultant and 1 who says she is going to become active. Good Luck everyone!!
  • #10
Promoting to DirectorMy Goal is to promote to Director by June 2006. I started PC in October 2005 and just signed my 3rd recruit yesterday! and I have a 4th recruit Lead.that is on the fence also.

I want to walk across stage in July at National Conference!

My goal is to take my husband to the Bahamas in May 2007 for it will be our 10th Anniversary in sept.07.

I plan to do 6-8 shows a month!

I am so excited!
  • #11
My goal for Director is Dec 31st! Right now I have 3 active consultants but one goes in and out all the time..I don't count on her alot of times..so i'm looking at getting atleast 3 more recruits just to cover her. Right now I do about 1-2 shows a month and thats perfect for me right now since my husband is active duty Navy and a full time college student, plus with us having a 1 year old I'm very happy right now with what I have. Next year he is getting out of the Navy and we are moving back home to Colorado, so i'm hoping to be a director before we move, then I can focus more on my business once we get settled.
  • #12
I plan to walk the stage in July. I just signed my 1st recruit last week, but I only need 1 recruit per month, and I have 3 on the fence. I will do 10 shows a month, have 10 shows scheduled for February, and I am going to the Bahamas also !!!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
I agree also great goals here. Well I got 1, maybe 2 recruiting leads, the 1st 1 marked maybe for both a show and the opportunity on her drawing slip. She was on my calendar for a show before I left. I look at the slips at home. The 2nd 1 marked everything on her drawing slip but that, to include more info on 2 things. I told my guests tonight to please fill in all the boxes if they left it blank I would call them. She is also on my calender for a show.

Tonight I made sure I talked about the business opportunity and host rewards atleast 3 times. Plus I put a Panorama recruiting coupon (THANKS MARLENE!!!!) in every catalog.

That 10 down 90 more to go for Feb.

Forgot about the Bahamas trip. I'm wanting to earn that as well, May 2007 I will have been married for 5 years and we still haven't had our honeymoon. :eek:
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  • #14
I believe that if you are wanting to Walk @ LS or NC, you have to promote to Director by June 1st or December 1st? Because your promotion doesn't go into effect until the 1st day of the next month. I know that one consultant in my cluster didn't earn Level 3 of the trip last year because she promoted to FD in December and it didn't go into effect until January and she had enough points and recruits to earn the Level 3 as a FD, but not as a consultant. She was really bummed.

So, I'd check with my director to make sure of the rules so that the same doesn't happen to you. I'm calling my director this week to make certain of the deadlines for my goals!
  • #15
onepamperedmom68 said:
I was just thinking...
Last year someone had an open house at their home. It was listed in our local paper and I forget if it was Tupperware or another Direct Sales Co.
They said people could come to learn more about the opportunity...has anyone ever heard of or done something like this? Next time I see something like this I should go and check it out. Let me know if you have heard of anything like this at all. Not sure if it even makes any sense.
Kitchen Consultant

I really think the best way to reach potential recruits is through your shows. I think doing ads in papers and stuff is so tough to know if they will be worth it or not. Usually it's pretty expensive and really the BEST way to do an ad is have it run for an extended amount of time. That can get really expensive. I ran an ad the end of last summer and I did it every other Wednesday for a total of three times. I pretty much got zilch. To really make them worth it, you need to run it continuously for a while. That's just way too expensive in my opinion. Unless you can find some really cheap ways to advertise, you have to be ready for shelling out lots of money and potentially getting nothing. It's a big disappointment! :(
  • #16
DZmom said:
I believe that if you are wanting to Walk @ LS or NC, you have to promote to Director by June 1st or December 1st? Because your promotion doesn't go into effect until the 1st day of the next month. I know that one consultant in my cluster didn't earn Level 3 of the trip last year because she promoted to FD in December and it didn't go into effect until January and she had enough points and recruits to earn the Level 3 as a FD, but not as a consultant. She was really bummed.

So, I'd check with my director to make sure of the rules so that the same doesn't happen to you. I'm calling my director this week to make certain of the deadlines for my goals!
I think everyone has AWESOME goals! Way to go! You're doing exactly what you need to do to promote to director (or reach any goal for that matter!) - setting the goals and working to reach them!

I believe that June 1st is the cut off to promote to Director to be able to walk at Conference. Maybe you can even squeeze if you promote July 1st. I know it's not December 1st because that's when I promoted and I walked at Leadership. Keep in mind that you must have a signed Director agreement on file at HO by the time your fifth consultant qualifies. They'll send it to you when you recruit your fifth consultant, then you send it back in. You don't HAVE to accept Directorship. Also keep in mind that all five of your qualified consultants have to be active. I had a potential problem with this. I had seven first line consultants when I promoted Dec. 1st. My fifth and sixth consultants qualified in November, but I had two OTHER consultants who were at risk of going inactive if they didn't submit the $200 in sales. Luckily they did and it was fine, but just keep an eye on this if you have any consultants who are close to going inactive.

I wish you all HUGE success as you work toward your goals!!! I hope to be cheering lots of you on as you do your Director walk at Conference in July!!! That goal will also help you in the incentive program too. It's great that we now get more points for each qualified recruit AND more points when we promote ourselves!!!
  • #17
I'm going to the Bahamas!!!I plan to promote to director by this year end (2006)!! :D I do not have a healthy calendar, but I had 2 shows for January, and have 2 shows for February. I also have a possible recruit, and another possible 2 shows for February. I plan to sign that recruit this month, and get those double points, and I'm hoping to sign another recruit this month! :cool: I don't have any recruits right now, but I've had one sitting the fence for months, and now a new one that is really interested!

I don't want to go back to work full time, :( but would rather work my Pampered Chef business and make that my full time career!

DH and I never really had a honeymoon (except a weekend in Panama City Beach...not our first choice), and so I'm taking HIM to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas in 2007!!! It would also be my 29th birthday weekend too! ;)
  • #18
Here are my goals for this year.

  • Promote to Director by December 2007
  • Better host-coaching to increase the sales value of my shows
  • Organize and simplify business paperwork/supplies and practices
  • Set specific goals and achieve them, finding contentment and satisfaction in doing so.
  • Step out of my comfort zone more and talk to more people about hosting/joining.
Oh and I'd LOVE to earn the trip to the Bahamas (we didn't have a real honeymoon either! just a weekend in Pittsburgh, and I was seriously sick the entire time :( ) but I won't let not earning it bring me down either! (think of all the NICE paychecks I'll have while trying to earn it, right?! :D )

At the moment, I have no shows scheduled for February, and only one set for March, but I'm not giving up and hope to get through this valley and back on top of the mountain again soon. I have a potential mega-show at the end of this month that will reunite about 9 of us girls that went to high school together. So hopefully that will pan out and give me both bookings and leads. Also, my husband is an asst mgr at a store in the local mall and he knows a lot of people, so I'm going to send flyers to work with him and he is going to ask around for people to set them at their kiosks, store counters, etc. Also, he's going to ask a friend of his that owns a "restaurant" in the food court if he'll put up a "Enter to Win a FREE COOKING SHOW!" box for a few months. It is quite the busy mall and when I did a few days of a mall fair in October, I got almost 50 contacts, so I'm hoping for a jump in business with doing this. I had 3 potential recruits, but one had a show and didn't want to do it.. The other two seemed quite excited about it, but I haven't been able to get ahold of them (any suggestions to reel them back in??).

I'm not going to give up on my goals. Setting smaller goals (recruiting at shows, host coaching better for every single show I have, etc) that will lead to completing my large scale one (directorship) helps to keep me driven and motivated.. good luck to all of you, and remember to come back and update us on how things are going for you!!
  • #19
We all have great and similiar goals...!Here are my goals for this year:
Promote to Director by July 1st, so that I can walk at Conference
Have 6-10 shows a month
Earn the incentive trip for 2 - it's our 10th anniversary in 2007
Hand out at least 2 recruiting info packages at each show
Marg Empke
Independent Future Director
The Pampered Chef ~ Canada

My goals are pretty close to Marg's goals...except that it won't be my 10th anniversary :p

My only "problem" is that my husband does NOT want to go to Atlantis!?!?!?!?! He's got a big fear of flying....however, he would go to CA...? Hello? Still flying! I don't know. I told him I might take him to the dr to get him something to medicate him for the flights :eek:

  • #20
My goalsI just made future director(for the third time), so I'm hoping to be director by April 1st. I signed 2 in the last two days, and have 2 more waiting for payday, already had one.

Also, improve on host coaching, bump show schedule to 2 per week (so I can get out of the house!)

Atlantis would be very nice as it will also be our 10th anniversary of our first date (and never had a honeymoon either). Only problem is our daughters birthday is the same week as the trip and she'll be three----so we'll see....

And to stay consistent! That's a big one for me!

Good luck to all! Happy selling and recruiting:)

  • #21
My goals for the Year:
Promote to Director by Dec. 1st
Increase show sales and attendence
Become more comfortable with the phone
And go to the Bahamas Baby!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

That would be our 4th anniversary, and we did honeymoon at the bahamas, however we did not stay at the atlantis (we did take a tour). I can't wait to go back. You know the picture with the bridge like room in our brochure. It connects two buildings at the top and looks like a bridge. That is atlantis most expensive room, where operah stays, tome cruise, and I think brittany spears they said. Well when we were there, there was an egyptian king with his wives that stayed there for two weeks. They paid 20,000 a night. My jaw hit the ground when they said that, and this king had new carpets for the room because his wives could not walk on carpet other wives had walked on.
The picture of the blown glass is the entrance to the casino, those glass pieces were all hand blown, it looks amazing in person. They have an aquariam that is really awesome, this is a good place for kids.

Warning if you do take their tour for their condos, don't buy into it. We did it and recieved 75.00 in cash for 3 hours of our time. They were nice condos but what they don't tell you is their maintance fee is. We almost bought in, then we changed our mind. The payments for the condo were like 256 a month for not that long. But what they didn't tell us that there was a maintance fee, my husband kept the information, and researched it when we got home. It was a 1500 fee every year on top of payments, and airfare. It wasn't worth it!!!!! :D
  • #22
I am actually VERY EXCITED!!! :D If all goes well this month I will promote to Director on MARCH 1ST!!! I had orginally wanted to promote w/in my first year with PC but life happened and the timing was not right so now here I am back in full swing and will soon be a Director! Hope to walk across stage with more of you at National Conference 2006!
Goes to show you that once you put your mind to something you can achieve anything, even the little bumps along the way!

Good luck everyone, you can all do it! ;)
  • #23
That is very cool!!! Congrats on getting closer to your goal! It'll only get easier from here on out because we're getting into a great new season with awesome products!
  • #24
First hurdle crossed!!
One of my goals was to have at least 5,000 pts every month. This month I didn't think I was going to because I had a couple of shows reschedule.
But I did it! January pt total was 5003! One of my recruits just qualified and I didn't realize that I got 1000 pts. Hopefully I can get another 5000 (which will really be 10000) in Febrary!
  • #25

Didn't you get 2000 points for your qualified? I had 9658 points for January!! Thank goodness for my 5000 bonus from December! :D
  • #26
Nah, It's different for the Canadians - we get 1,000 pts when they qualify (the recruit gets 5000!) and we both get 1,000 if they get SS3. Just out of curiosity, what's the US point requirement for the trip for 2 at the Director Level?
  • #27

Level Two: Trip for two, 4 day length; San Francisco, CA
Director - 46,000 pts + 2 qualified recruits
Future Director - 48,000 pts + 1 qualified recruit
Consultant - 50,000 pts

Level Three: Trip for two 5 days; Atlantis Resort, Bahamas
Director - 68,00 + 4 qualified recruits
Future Director - 70,000 pts + 2 qualified recruits
Consultant - 72,000 pts
  • #28
5000 points???
Marg said:
Nah, It's different for the Canadians - we get 1,000 pts when they qualify (the recruit gets 5000!) and we both get 1,000 if they get SS3. Just out of curiosity, what's the US point requirement for the trip for 2 at the Director Level?

:eek: WOW!! That is a great bonus for signing! I always forget that the US and Canada programs are different! Sorry about that! :rolleyes: They just changed our recruiting points this year- 2000 :D when recruit qualifies, it used to be 1000 and a bonus 500 if they qualified in their introductory period. Do you get a bonus if they qualify in their introductory period?

How do your trip points compare to ours? Where are your trips to? I am surprised that they don't let us work towards the same trips...except for when the trip is to Canada :D !

I JUST WANT TO CONGRATULATE ALL OF YOU THAT ARE WORKING TOWARDS DIRECTORSHIP!! :D :D :D It is a wonderful accomplishment! I will be there in Chicago cheering for those of you who walk! It is unbelievable! The New Director Breakfast is also great...just got my picture with Doris and Marla from the breakfast! :D
  • #29
fruit76loop said:
:I will be there in Chicago cheering for those of you who walk! It is unbelievable! The New Director Breakfast is also great...just got my picture with Doris and Marla from the breakfast! :D

Oooh, cool! I can't wait to get my picture! Did it come UPS or in the mail?? :)
  • #30
You guys are awesome! My goal is to promote to director by June 1 so I can walk at National with my recruiter. I only have one recruit so far and she hasn't qualified yet, but I'm feeling more confident in my recruiting skills. I also want to remain number one in my cluster with my show average. I love PC and the opportunity it gave me!
  • #31
We only have two levels for our incentive trips. The trip for one (5 days/4 nights) or the trip for 2 (5 days/ 4 nights) and both trips take place at the same time to the same destination.

This year, the trip is to the Grand Velas All Suites and Spa Resort in Neuvo Vallarta, Mexico - looks awesome!

Here are the requirements:
Consultant level
  • Trip for one - 45,000
  • Trip for 2 - 70,000

Futire director
  • Trip for one - 42,000 + 1 recruit
  • Trip for two - 67,500 + 2 recruits

  • Trip for one - 40,000 + 2 recruits
  • Trip for two - 64,000 + 4 recruits
  • #32
pamperedbecky said:
Oooh, cool! I can't wait to get my picture! Did it come UPS or in the mail?? :)

My picture came in the mail!! :D

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