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New Recruit Hasn't Done Anything

Hey! Just cause she didn't rise to the occasion doesn't mean YOU are not a great recruiter! Maybe you can get your upline to encourage her, turn her on to ChefSuccess, but if she tried it and it's not for her, you still offered her a...
Gold Member
I have a new recruit that's due with her first baby (she's unwed) tomorrow. She signed July 18 and my director and I have been trying to encourage her to AT LEAST get some catalog shows set-up so she has something going on when she has the baby and for those first few weeks but neither I nor my director can really get ahold of her. I got a text from her yesterday saying her phone had be out for like...5 days and she was going to call my director. I'm not sure what happened after that. This is my first and only recruit and I was excited about the recruiting bonuses but now realize those are out since there's no way she'll submit $1,250 in sales in 10 days if she's due tomorrow. But what happens to her if she doesn't meet those sales and the 4 shows in her first 30 days? Obviously she's missing out on the PC$ and whatnot, but as far as her being active or qualifying, what's the deal?
She can still qualify and get 3 months of FREE PWS and she can still earn PCD...so, let her know she can still earn New Consultant Rewards...she has 90 days..don't give up. Encourage her to continue on her plan.
Yes, she has 90 days to earn PC Dollars, it's just extra bonus PC Dollars for the goals that she meets in the first 30 days. So she still has time to qualify, she just won't have as many perks when she reaches her goals between days 31-90.
what if they don't submit $1250 in their first 90 days? Do they owe the company? I have a recruit that I have called and worked with on a weekly basis... end of 90 days was last week. She has shows lined up (apparently) and I don't know what to tell her.
I just signed up so I could be wrong, with that said...
I was told (by my recruiters upline) that there is NO time limited to do the 4 shows/$1250 It is just after the 90 days the PC$$ perk goes away and you can't quit until you've done the $1250. You have to at least give it a try to get some sales. And I guess as far as PC is concerned $1250 in sales covers the $500 value of the kit.
Monty060609 said:
I just signed up so I could be wrong, with that said...
I was told (by my recruiters upline) that there is NO time limited to do the 4 shows/$1250 It is just after the 90 days the PC$$ perk goes away and you can't quit until you've done the $1250. You have to at least give it a try to get some sales. And I guess as far as PC is concerned $1250 in sales covers the $500 value of the kit.

Is this true? You just keep pushing them on until...forever? And if they just give it up b/c they can't do it, they lose nothing? Got their kit for $155 and that's it?
clshirk said:
Is this true? You just keep pushing them on until...forever? And if they just give it up b/c they can't do it, they lose nothing? Got their kit for $155 and that's it?

Yep - that's correct! Frustrating sometimes. Those who sign, get the kit, and then disappear, we affectionately :)grumpy:) call "kitnappers".
ChefBeckyD said:
Yep - that's correct! Frustrating sometimes. Those who sign, get the kit, and then disappear, we affectionately :)grumpy:) call "kitnappers".

I will have a kitnapper. She just won't push. She has tried, but she's so ready to give up. I'm trying to convince her to keep going...she hasn't even reached her 90 days yet...Ugh. I'm not a great recruiter. This was easy for me to get into and meet the marks. Got her all excited, but she couldn't get anyone to come or sell for catalog shows. Bummer. I still hold hope.
clshirk said:
I will have a kitnapper. She just won't push. She has tried, but she's so ready to give up. I'm trying to convince her to keep going...she hasn't even reached her 90 days yet...Ugh. I'm not a great recruiter. This was easy for me to get into and meet the marks. Got her all excited, but she couldn't get anyone to come or sell for catalog shows. Bummer. I still hold hope.

Hey! Just cause she didn't rise to the occasion doesn't mean YOU are not a great recruiter! Maybe you can get your upline to encourage her, turn her on to ChefSuccess, but if she tried it and it's not for her, you still offered her a great opportunity! (you can lead a horse to water, but....)

Keep offering the opportunity, and you'll find the people who will take you up on it and run with it. Dont be discouraged!
  • #10
clshirk said:
... She has tried, but she's so ready to give up. I'm trying to convince her to keep going...she hasn't even reached her 90 days yet...Ugh. I'm not a great recruiter. This was easy for me to get into and meet the marks. Got her all excited, but she couldn't get anyone to come or sell for catalog shows. Bummer. I still hold hope.

Annastasia, you should chime in here! :D

clshirk, don't give up on her! Lesson for the day: You don't know, what you don't know! That goes for every one of us in every aspect of our lives! None of us are born with infinite wisdom, we learn it. ;) None of us knew how to crawl, walk, use the potty, read, write, etc. until we learned! Recruits are at the point of learning where to find leads, how to host coach, finding their niche in how to do their shows, etc. For recruiters, it's learning how to motivate and be supportive without being overbearing. You want them to look to you for help and guidance when they have a question, not avoid your calls because they don't want to feel like they are in the principal's office in trouble. LOL

Annastasia expressed her concerns that her business was not taking off as fast as she expected it to do. She overcame that obstacle! Her 90 days expires on Wednesday. She's done over $7,700 in career sales, submitted $3,798.67 in sales for May AND just signed her first recruit! So far, she's earned 700 Pampered Chef Dollars. She's a true example of someone who overcame her concerns, focused on the possibilities and is succeeding in her new business! :D

So don't give up on yourself or your new recruit. Follow up with her and ask about her concerns. Here are some questions that you can address with her: Did she do her list of 100? Did she actually CALL the list of 100? Is she doing the 3-2-1 Plan? Is she doing the online training videos to gain the knowledge and motivation to succeed? Does she need to work a vendor event to get out of her circle?
  • #11
Actually they have 6 months to fulfill their contract otherwise they are no longer a consultant. Sometimes when they sign up it might not be the best time for them but a couple months down the road might be better.
  • #12
wadesgirl said:
Actually they have 6 months to fulfill their contract otherwise they are no longer a consultant. Sometimes when they sign up it might not be the best time for them but a couple months down the road might be better.

I think as long as they are staying active they are safe, right? Is there a new rule that they have to re-sign if they don't qualify at 6 months? If so, forgive my ignorance, as I've not yet read that.
  • #13
After 6 months of inactivity, a consultant's contract is terminated and they need to re-sign if they'd like to continue. I believe this goes for all consultants, qualified or not.
  • #14
Sheila said:
I think as long as they are staying active they are safe, right? Is there a new rule that they have to re-sign if they don't qualify at 6 months? If so, forgive my ignorance, as I've not yet read that.

This is correct. I have one consultant who signed last July, and has done just enough to hold on....she still hasn't qualified - because she'll go 2 months w/o submitting something, which puts her back to $0 in sales, then she'll submit $150...and the cycle will begin again. She hasn't submitted since March, but I got an email from her saying that she's ready to get started again...:rolleyes:
  • #15
Sheila said:
I think as long as they are staying active they are safe, right? Is there a new rule that they have to re-sign if they don't qualify at 6 months? If so, forgive my ignorance, as I've not yet read that.

I was talking about 6 months straight of inactivity.
  • #16
(((hugs))) Becky! That must be frustrating!!! :(

wadesgirl said:
I was talking about 6 months straight of inactivity.

Okay, thanks for clarifying! ;) I knew about the 6 months inactivity, but the way it was phrased, I thought it was saying another new rule specifically for new recruits who have not yet qualified. (Where's the smiley wiping sweat from it's forehead when you need it? LOL)
  • #17
Sheila said:
(((hugs))) Becky! That must be frustrating!!! :(

Okay, thanks for clarifying! ;) I knew about the 6 months inactivity, but the way it was phrased, I thought it was saying another new rule specifically for new recruits who have not yet qualified. (Where's the smiley wiping sweat from it's forehead when you need it? LOL)

It WAS frustrating the first 6 months or so - but now, I just know that it is what it is, and considering it icing when she does submit something. :) I'll spend my time and emotional energy on the ones who are committed to working their businesses. (even if for them, that means 1 or 2 shows a month)
  • #18
Thank you for this thread!
I have 3 1/2 consultants under me... :) (all since Jan of this year!)

my 1st (January) is a co-worker and signed up becuase she heard me rant and rave about PC all the time! She had a great start but now has fizzled to "just the bare min of $150/mo" whick is fine with me.

my 2nd (February) used to sell MK and "it wasn't working for her" and decided to try PC, I'm waiting to hear that PC "isn't working for her" ... I too have tried and tried and tried.. but *SIGH* I haven't and won't give up on her but I am not putting ALL my efforts into helping her. It just gets more frustrating for me. (She is the reason I sought out this thread) She has only submitted ONE show ($151.10 and it was her buying it all)

my 3rd (March) used to be a PC consultant then moved out of the country and has recently moved back... she is averaging $800/mo and glad to have me support her the way I do. (Bugging and Nagging all the time :D as to how things are going) I guess she NEVER got calls from her previous upline?!

my 4th (April) is a close friend of mine and had NEVER cooked a day in her life besides frozen TV dinners! I suckered her into having a show for me last year when I first started (told her I'd cook) and has seen how well it has been going for me (not as good as I'd like, but that's my own fault!) She signed up. I'm SO jealous of her! she has already surpassed me with # of shows (although no recruits yet) and has already made more in these few months than I did all of last year...!

I finally asked her to "help ME" and reply to all on my "monthly newsletter" I send out to my team and share her success stories...

My March recruit doubled her shows and sales, my January recruit turned in 2 shows $600 in sales AND my february recruit has 7 shows on her calendar this month!

She later called ME and said she wanted me to thank my friend who shared her stories as it was really an eye opener for her as to what the potential was and realized that SHE needed to DO something!
  • #19
mrshamel3808 said:
I have a new recruit that's due with her first baby (she's unwed) tomorrow.

Sorry to hear your recruit hasn't done anything. Unfortunately, it happens a lot. But my real question is what does the fact that she's unwed have to do with anything else in your post?
  • #20
leftymac said:
Sorry to hear your recruit hasn't done anything. Unfortunately, it happens a lot. But my real question is what does the fact that she's unwed have to do with anything else in your post?

I have to agree with Keith. How do I say this so I don't offend anybody. OK, its 2010, get over it. Does the fact that she isn't married have anything to do with her efficiency as a PC Consultant? Do you feel that she's going to hell and as your recruit, you're afraid of getting to close to the flames as they envelop her?

I'm disappointed that this is an issue for anybody. Much less anybody's business.

Perhaps you can order a special denim Pampered Chef apron for her and have it embroidered with a 5" tall scarlet "A"?

Sometimes I wonder about some of our Consultants. Sometimes I just wonder.

  • #21
RMDave said:
I have to agree with Keith. How do I say this so I don't offend anybody. OK, its 2010, get over it. Does the fact that she isn't married have anything to do with her efficiency as a PC Consultant? Do you feel that she's going to hell and as your recruit, you're afraid of getting to close to the flames as they envelop her?

I'm disappointed that this is an issue for anybody. Much less anybody's business.

Perhaps you can order a special denim Pampered Chef apron for her and have it embroidered with a 5" tall scarlet "A"?

Sometimes I wonder about some of our Consultants. Sometimes I just wonder.


Maybe what she meant was that once the baby arrives, it will be quite difficult for this recruit as a single mother to find the time to work her business - as opposed to a "wed" mother who has a husband who can share childcare duties. I know it would be A LOT more difficult for me to do ANYTHING in my business without my husband, who so graciously watches our 2 small children while I'm out doing shows. Kudos to all those single moms out there who make it work!
  • #22
scrappergirl7 said:
- as opposed to a "wed" mother who has a husband who can share childcare duties.

Ummm...I just re-read my post. What I should have said was a "wed" mother who has a husband/partner/boyfriend/common-law etc who can share childcare duties. I definitely didn't mean that only husbands are able to be supportive. ;)
  • #23
Keith, Lefty, maybe it's not an issue, maybe our friend just meant the pregnant recruit has no one at home to help with the coming baby and give her the family support she will need.
  • #24
oops, sorry scrappergirl! I didn't see your post before I typed mine!Marghi
  • #25
mrshamel3808 said:
I have a new recruit that's due with her first baby (she's unwed) tomorrow.
It is the first sentence in the original post, quoted above, that caused both Keith and my response. It reminds me of when somebody stupid might write:"I have a new recruit (he's gay) ..."Whether the new recruit in question is wed or not has nothing to do with the complaint that was eventually stated. Therefore why the catty remark?"Some people are ignorant (she's Christian.) ..." Flame away!
  • #26
RMDave said:
It is the first sentence in the original post, quoted above, that caused both Keith and my response. It reminds me of when somebody stupid might write:

"I have a new recruit (he's gay) ..."

Whether the new recruit in question is wed or not has nothing to do with the complaint that was eventually stated. Therefore why the catty remark?

"Some people are ignorant (she's Christian.) ..." Flame away!

LOL - I'm just amused that you're getting all upset over a post that is 8 months old...she probably won't even read it.

AND - Two wrongs never make a right. ;)
  • #27
RMDave said:
Perhaps you can order a special denim Pampered Chef apron for her and have it embroidered with a 5" tall scarlet "A"?

LOL, Dave! I'd wear that apron. Hester Prynne is one of my favorite characters.

At any rate, I didn't take the "unwed" comment as any kind of judgment. I took it mainly to mean the recruit is a single mom who may be without a support system and the poster is struggling with if/when/how to support/push her to work her new business.

Of course, I am a cock-eyed optimist, for sure!;)
  • #28
RMDave said:
I have to agree with Keith. How do I say this so I don't offend anybody. OK, its 2010, get over it. Does the fact that she isn't married have anything to do with her efficiency as a PC Consultant? Do you feel that she's going to hell and as your recruit, you're afraid of getting to close to the flames as they envelop her?

I'm disappointed that this is an issue for anybody. Much less anybody's business.

Perhaps you can order a special denim Pampered Chef apron for her and have it embroidered with a 5" tall scarlet "A"?

Sometimes I wonder about some of our Consultants. Sometimes I just wonder.


RMDave said:
It is the first sentence in the original post, quoted above, that caused both Keith and my response. It reminds me of when somebody stupid might write:

"I have a new recruit (he's gay) ..."

Whether the new recruit in question is wed or not has nothing to do with the complaint that was eventually stated. Therefore why the catty remark?

"Some people are ignorant (she's Christian.) ..." Flame away!

When I read this thread for the first time I thought the same thing! I just didn't want to be the first person to say something :eek:
  • #29
RMDave said:
It is the first sentence in the original post, quoted above, that caused both Keith and my response. It reminds me of when somebody stupid might write:

"I have a new recruit (he's gay) ..."

Whether the new recruit in question is wed or not has nothing to do with the complaint that was eventually stated. Therefore why the catty remark?

"Some people are ignorant (she's Christian.) ..." Flame away!

Dave, let's make a deal . . . you agree to not assume all Christians are ignorant (or, for that matter, judgmental), and I'll agree to not assume all gays are pedophiles.

Since I started my end of the deal many, many years ago, I guess you have some catching up to do.;):p

I wondered the same thing when I read the OP, but, like everyone but you and Keith, I assumed she was pointing out the lack of support and assistance with the baby she would receive, and if she didn't set up those catalog shows as suggested, it's unlikely she'd have any sales the first few weeks after the baby is born.

Jumping to conclusions is also a form of judgment - which, apparently, is not limited to just Christians!
  • #30
pampchefsarah said:
Dave, let's make a deal . . . you agree to not assume all Christians are ignorant (or, for that matter, judgmental), and I'll agree to not assume all gays are pedophiles.

Sarah, I don't think you either read the entire thread or understood what I was saying. The parenthetical comment in the original post was narrow-minded and not necessary. I was merely pointing out how some comments are inappropriate and have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

I specifically chose what I wrote to wake some people up. Do I think Christians are ignorant. Of course not. I used that comment merely as an example of how hate is spread in a supposedly innocent manner.

I'm glad you're agreeing to not assume that all gays are pedophiles. Its an inaccurate statement, law enforcement statistics don't back it up, and it would be a sign of mis-placed ignorance. Bravo to you.

  • #31
RMDave said:
I have to agree with Keith. How do I say this so I don't offend anybody. OK, its 2010, get over it. Does the fact that she isn't married have anything to do with her efficiency as a PC Consultant? Do you feel that she's going to hell and as your recruit, you're afraid of getting to close to the flames as they envelop her?

I'm disappointed that this is an issue for anybody. Much less anybody's business.

Perhaps you can order a special denim Pampered Chef apron for her and have it embroidered with a 5" tall scarlet "A"?

Sometimes I wonder about some of our Consultants. Sometimes I just wonder.


RMDave said:
Sarah, I don't think you either read the entire thread or understood what I was saying. The parenthetical comment in the original post was narrow-minded and not necessary. I was merely pointing out how some comments are inappropriate and have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

I specifically chose what I wrote to wake some people up. Do I think Christians are ignorant. Of course not. I used that comment merely as an example of how hate is spread in a supposedly innocent manner.

I'm glad you're agreeing to not assume that all gays are pedophiles. Its an inaccurate statement, law enforcement statistics don't back it up, and it would be a sign of mis-placed ignorance. Bravo to you.


I did read the entire thread, and I don't think there's any way to misinterpret your original post. You made your opinion quite clear. If the OP found it necessary to include this information, than she must consider the recruit evil. Is that somehow not what you meant?

To answer your question in your original post - yes, I think the OP was stating the fact this woman is unwed would affect her efficiency as a PC Consultant. I think that was her entire point. Not because the recruit is evil, or a bad person (think about it - the woman was pregnant when she signed; the recruiter had to have known this, and known she wasn't married, yet felt comfortable signing her, so this was obviously not a matter of judging her as an adulteress!). The effect it would have on her business was that she may not have anyone to take care of the baby so she could go out and do shows, and since she didn't line up any catalog shows, her business was going to be at a standstill, and she would very likely become inactive at best, and completely lose her business at worst.

The little parenthetical comment required some reading between the lines - my belief is that you and Keith read between the wrong lines, jumped to a conclusion, and you judged worse than that of which you were accusing the OP.
  • #32
Sarah, I believe that had the OP meant that there would be nobody at home to take care of the child while the recruit was doing cooking shows, she would have said that directly. Rather than implying something that was open to interpretation.We are each entitled to our own interpretations of the motives behind the original post. Lets leave it at that.
  • #33
Agreed. And, I look forward to seeing you on Monday!!
  • #34
I won't be at conference. The timing was bad this year .. right in between what would have been my 41st annivesary and the first anniversary of my partner's death. I wouldn't be good company and I certainly am not in the party mood.But next year for sure.

Related to New Recruit Hasn't Done Anything

1. What should I do if my new recruit hasn't done anything since signing up?

If your new recruit has been unresponsive and hasn't taken any steps towards building their business, it's important to reach out and try to get in touch with them. Consider sending a friendly reminder or offering to meet up and discuss their goals and plans for their Pampered Chef business.

2. My new recruit is due with her first baby soon and hasn't done anything to prepare. What can I do to help?

It's great that you and your director have been trying to encourage your recruit to get some catalog shows set up before her baby arrives. If she's been unresponsive, it may be helpful to offer to help her with the planning and organization. You could also suggest virtual parties or a Facebook group for her to showcase products and generate sales.

3. How will my new recruit's lack of activity affect my own potential recruiting bonuses?

Unfortunately, if your recruit doesn't meet the sales and show requirements within their first 30 days, you will not receive the recruiting bonuses. However, don't let this discourage you from continuing to build your team and recruit new members.

4. What happens if my new recruit doesn't meet the sales and show requirements within their first 30 days?

If your recruit doesn't meet the requirements, they will not be considered active or qualified. This means they will not be eligible for PC$ and other incentives. However, they can still continue to build their business and work towards meeting the requirements in the future.

5. Is there anything I can do to support my new recruit if they don't meet the requirements within their first 30 days?

Yes, as their mentor, you can continue to offer support and guidance to help them grow their business. Encourage them to keep trying and remind them of the benefits of meeting the requirements, such as earning PC$ and other incentives. Also, consider setting smaller goals and celebrating their progress along the way.

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