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New Consultant Agreement Question

Quick question - I'm in the process of signing the new consultant agreement as I type this. Do I need to know the exact dates of the the 4 parties in September - or can a fudge this to get the kit?

Thanks so much.
I did!Do you have the 4 dates or at least 3 of them? When I started in February, I fudged 3 of the dates (when the requirement was 6) so I definitely had 3 but I had to get one more. I did fudge the fourth and they didn't follow up. I am now on show 16 so I don't think they will try to get their kit back now! :) I have far exceeded the recommedation.
Any of you can correct me but I do think it's important to have your shows lined up so you're not disappointed when you trying to reach your Super Starter Month 1.
If you're not working with someone already, I'd love to help out! I'm on this site all the time! :)
I was told by my director and I recommend this to my recruits to really try to have dates for the four shows before you do your agreement. Brainstorm and make a list of as many people you can think of to ask to do shows. This can be an ongoing thing. If you talk to 4-6 of them before you sign your agreement, you're building that much stronger of a business right from the start. It's a great way to get your business started on solid ground. No, they don't check up on that, but I've seen recruits who have at least 4 shows lined up (some can be catalog shows) and they get off a great start and seem more likely to earn the SS1 bonus. That's not to say that those recruits who do'nt do this won't be successful, but it seems like planning ahead a little helps your business.

It's just a recommendation I make...it's not set in stone! :)
this is what I did - my SSM was actually the 2nd month after I signed, and I didn't have any show dates booked becaues I wanted to be able to look at all the products/supplies before so. So I fudged the dates, but I ended up qualifying in my SSM1.

HO doesn't check up as long as you fullfill you agreement of 4 shows - but in order to get your business really going I wouldn't wait to long to start your shows. At least have tenitave date's for shows from people.
You canYou can fudge but I wouldn't recommend doing so. If you do not have 4 shows lined up, people often get discouraged when they cannot get bookings from their first couple shows and find themselves looking for answers. If you have 4 shows set up from the beginning, it is a great starter and keeps you motivated to get bookings from each of them 4 shows. Start your business off right, use the phone, get used to it now and share your excitement about your new business with everyone. Hope I helped.

Debbie :)
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ThanksI have 4 friends who committed to having shows for me. We just haven't set down for the specific dates - which I will do this week.

Thank you everyone for your help.

Liz Breitner
ltkacz said:
I have 4 friends who committed to having shows for me. We just haven't set down for the specific dates - which I will do this week.

Thank you everyone for your help.

Liz Breitner
That's great that you're off to such a good start! Now, hopefully they'll all book within your first SS month so you can try for that bonus!! :)
I don't know about Canada but in the US you do not need to have any hosts listed to send in your agreement. It is highly suggested because then a new consultant feels more confident about getting her business of the ground with committed shows. Pampered Chef now allows the new recruit the time to get those bookings while waiting for the starter kit to arrive.

They want the recruit to at least seriously look at their calendar and pick dates that they WANT to do shows. If one takes the time to choose 6 dates in the first month or so they are more likely to fill those dates. It's a way to form a habit - look ahead at what you want and then DO it. ;) We all need to be continually doing that so we can manage our lives and so PC can continue to be the business that fits aroound OUR life instead of a "job" that dictates to us!

Related to New Consultant Agreement Question

1. What is the purpose of the new consultant agreement?

The new consultant agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your relationship with the company as a consultant. It is important to carefully read and understand the agreement before signing it.

2. Who are the four parties mentioned in the agreement?

The four parties in the agreement refer to the company, yourself as the consultant, any other consultants involved in the project, and any relevant third parties such as clients or vendors.

3. What is the significance of the September dates mentioned in the question?

The September dates may refer to important deadlines or milestones in the project or agreement. It is important to clarify and understand these dates to ensure timely completion of tasks and deliverables.

4. Can I change the dates mentioned in the agreement?

It is not recommended to change the dates mentioned in the agreement without consulting the company. Any changes to the agreement should be discussed and agreed upon by all parties involved.

5. What is the purpose of the "kit" mentioned in the question?

The "kit" may refer to a package or set of materials provided by the company to assist you in your role as a consultant. It is important to clarify what is included in the kit and any associated costs or obligations.

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