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Need Help With Light & Simple Show Theme

In summary, if Curves is agreeable, my idea is to do a light and simple theme show at Curves gyms in my area. I was thinking I could use my Chillzane rectangle server and the crinkle cutter to make a nice vegetable platter, but so far that's all I've come up with. I don't want to get too fancy, since all I have for the most part is my SS Kit but I was hoping that one of you may
I want to do a Light and Simple "theme show" at Curves gyms in my area. If Curves agrees, my idea is to set up for a couple of hours and do a demo of light recipes. I was thinking I could use my Chillzane rectangle server and the crinkle cutter to make a nice vegetable platter, but so far that's all I've come up with.

I don't want to get too fancy, since all I have for the most part is my SS Kit but I was hoping that one of you may have an idea for me.
Hey there where in Massachusetts are you ..Just thought i would ask ! Iam in Holland which is next to Sturbridge.
Sorry i cant be much help with your question :)
Even doing a fruit platter with a fruit dip would be yummy. You may not have the necessary tools but the Berries 'N Cream Wonton Cups from "It's Good for You" is a light recipe. Maybe you could borrow stuff from your director or someone else in your cluster if you don't have something. There's Hawaiian Dip with Fruit Kabas in "All the Best." You could look on joycesfinecooking.com if you don't have the recipe. Maybe even do a search on there for "light" recipes.

I've made the awesome Triple Berry Trifle from the Season's Best SS'04 and it's sooo good. I would think it could be made lighter using FF yogurt and FF Cool Whip. Other than that it's angel food cake and berries. I don't know if you have the Chillzanne Bowl, but it's a GREAT way to market that.

If I think of more, I'll let you know. I did a table at several Curves in my area for May and Help Whip Cancer. I didn't have food there though. Doing a short demo is a good idea. My area Curves were very open to me having a table during May, so now I'll do it every year!
Cinnamon ChipsI think the fruit/veggie platter is plenty. Make one or two dips - maybe your director or a fellow consultant has the Small Bowls and Caddy?

The other thing I always make with dips is the cinnamon chips. Get a package of pita bread. Cut each one open so that now you have 16 rounds.

Cut each round into wedges (you'll get 8 wedges per round). Brush or give a light sprinkle of water then dust with cinnamon sugar (1/2 cup of sugar plus 1 teaspoon Korintje Cinnamon if you have it).

Lay them out on a large stone and bake at 400 degrees for about 8-10 mins (until they are just browning). These are so tasty and simple and it gives you a chance to talk about stoneware without actually having to demo with it. They're also lowfat since you use water to prepare them vs. oil. A great alternative to chips.

Phyllis Rampulla
Independent Sales Director
I had a light and simple show the other day and the recipes we did can easily be used in an office setting.

We did the microwave cake in the stoneware fluted pan and a farmers market dip with veges with ALL low or no fat ingredients.

Microwave cake:
Dark Chocolate cake mix (I read that we should all have a little dark chocolate every day for our health so it must be true) ;)
3/4 cups egg beaters
2 cups low or no fat sour cream
Combine and pour into oil sprayed fluted pan. Microwave for 13-15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, loosen edges and turn onto platter (I used the round platter and pointed out that August is our last chance to purchase it). When completely cool grate chocolate over the cake or sprinkle with cocoa powder.
(Can be made at home and then bring the stone and recipe with you so they can see what it was made in - or if they have a microwave oven...)

Farmers Market Dip with veges
Use the Spinach version (0 fat, 0 carbs and lowest sodium - 55mg)
1 cup low/no fat mayo
1 cup low/no fat sour cream
veges of choice

Even my DH who HATES that low/no fat stuff couldn't tell the difference in taste and it made the dieters happy too!
Curves?Can someone kinda tell me what you at Curves? We have one in our mall and I thought I might see about doing something there.

Marie ;)
I have done a couple things and made a good "by chance" encounter that got it started for me. At a party (not PC- just a party) I met a woman who owns a Curves. She's the one who suggested to me "Hey if you want to come in around the holidays and set up a table to collect orders, I'm happy to have you come do that." Wasn't that nice? So I did that last November and got a good number of orders, although no bookings. Then for May this year because of Help Whip Cancer, I thought to contact some of my area Curves to ask to do the same thing, but in honor of it being HWC. I didn't go back to the original woman because she wasn't a close distance to me. But, two out of the three area Curves allowed me to come in and set up a table, display the HWC products and some others, do a drawing and collect orders. I did it as a fundraiser too. The only one who didn't let me do it already had a PC consultant as one of their members, so that was understandable. I think it helped that it was HWC month and obviously a cause close to women's hearts. My drawing prize consisted of a few small things and a free kitchen show. So what I did was called those who didn't win the whole prize and offered them a free kitchen show (where I cover all ingredients, bring drinks and plates/napkins). The manager at one site ended up having her own catalog show, which was a $600 show! Then someone did take me up on the free kitchen show and she had a $500 show with three bookings! Oh I forgot someone wanted to book one without even winning the free kitchen show, so her show was $840, plus a few recruit leads! Nothing has come out of those yet, but I'm just keeping in touch with them and invited them to an upcoming cluster meeting.

So, needless to say, for me, the Curves idea was a great one! I was so proud of myself :eek: and the best part was I didn't have to pay a booth fee or anything. They let me set up my table free. So, it shows what a little brainstorming will do! I highly suggest doing that, although I'm not sure how open the owners will be since it's not really connected to a cause. I think that helped. I plan to do it every May now!
Great IdeaI think that it is a great idea. Maybe a low fat dip to go with the veggie. Also, a veggie pizza or a fruit salad.

carriemc said:
I want to do a Light and Simple "theme show" at Curves gyms in my area. If Curves agrees, my idea is to set up for a couple of hours and do a demo of light recipes. I was thinking I could use my Chillzane rectangle server and the crinkle cutter to make a nice vegetable platter, but so far that's all I've come up with.

I don't want to get too fancy, since all I have for the most part is my SS Kit but I was hoping that one of you may have an idea for me.

Related to Need Help With Light & Simple Show Theme

What is the "Light & Simple" show theme all about?

The "Light & Simple" show theme is all about showcasing easy and healthy meal options that can be made using Pampered Chef products. This theme is perfect for those looking for quick and nutritious meal ideas.

How can I incorporate the "Light & Simple" theme into my Pampered Chef show?

There are a few ways you can incorporate the "Light & Simple" theme into your show. You can offer recipes that are low in calories and highlight Pampered Chef products that can be used to make them. You can also demonstrate how Pampered Chef products can make meal prep quicker and easier for busy individuals.

Do I need to have a lot of cooking experience to host a "Light & Simple" show?

No, you do not need to have a lot of cooking experience to host a "Light & Simple" show. Our products are designed to make cooking easy and accessible for everyone, regardless of their cooking experience. Plus, our consultants are always available to provide tips and guidance.

Can I still showcase Pampered Chef's other products at a "Light & Simple" show?

Yes, you can still showcase Pampered Chef's other products at a "Light & Simple" show. While the focus may be on light and healthy meal options, you can still demonstrate how other products can be used to make cooking and meal prep easier, such as our kitchen gadgets and cookware.

What are some popular recipes that fit the "Light & Simple" theme?

Some popular recipes that fit the "Light & Simple" theme include grilled chicken and vegetable skewers, zucchini noodles with marinara sauce, and quinoa salad with fresh herbs and vegetables. These recipes are not only delicious, but they also showcase the versatility of Pampered Chef products.

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