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Moms Who Took Time off From Cooking Shows for Birth

In summary, the mother took maternity leave and attempted to keep her business active by booking catalog shows and promoting the outlet. She was successful in booking catalog shows and is planning to promote the outlet at her next conference.
I figured I should start planning for my maternity leave now so I'm not left scrambling!

Should I start booking catalog shows now to hold me over while I'm off from cooking shows?

How did you let your customers and hosts know you needed their help?

Did you offer any sort of incentive for:
hosting a show during that time?
getting bookings?
anything else?

Any help and advice you can give would be much appreciated!
I took PC maternity time off. However, my director said when her kids were born, she had catalog shows that she counted as kitchen shows as a thank you to those that did a catalog show who would have otherwise done a kitchen show.

Does that make sense?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
It does! Thanks :)

Keep em coming ladies!!
I did my last cooking show about 3 weeks before Markus was born. Right before he was born, I attempted to pull together a $1000 Mystery Host show. The idea was that I would have closed it in June and that would give me until August before I'd have to submit more sales. It didn't end up being a $1000 (I only got 8 participants, 5 of which I could never get a hold of again and only 1 of which actually collected $100 in orders), but the $350 or so that it was was enough to cover the month's sales requirement.

I didn't do too well in lining up any catalog shows. I have a show coming up on Sunday, and that's the first one since Markus was born. I had originally scheduled it for 4 weeks after, but the host ended up going on vacation and we rescheduled. I have to say, I'm quite glad. For the first 2 days after the birth I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach, and even after 3 weeks I still didn't feel quite like myself yet. I'm feeling much better now, and the only concern I have is leaving Markus with his Daddy, since Markus won't take a bottle yet.

But, as they say, what you do for your business today affects your business 30, 60 and 90 days from now. So if you want to have a strong calendar of catalog shows in January, you better start working on it now. If you have a strong calendar now, it'll roll over.

My hosts were very good about helping me carry things towards the end. I'd have my husband load my car at home, the host would help me carry the crate to and from her house, and my husband would unload for me at home. As long as they knew I was pregnant, they were very willing to help.
I did catalog shows to kepe my active, so, I would not have to take the leave.

I have one show on July 28th and some "bites" for August. I have not been good about getting on the phone to rebook now that I am starting back. I have always tended to book from shows. I have got to do that! I do recommend getting on the phone toward the end to line up shows for when you are ready to start back up.

I emailed my customers and put on my emails that I was off on maternity leave and they could contact me if they needed anything. I sent lots of emails out during that time to stay connected too.

And promote the Outlet alot too b/c that generated me sales too.
I knew of one consultant who offered "Baby Month" shows. Anyone who booked a catalog show during the month she was due got a free gift. Another consultant had her baby early but had shows booked up until a couples days before her original due date. She had to cancel 1 party while she was in the hospital but went and did her first show 2 days after getting out. It's all up to you and how you want to handle it.
I am DEFINATELY planning for this one better!

With Evan, I took my mat. leave, and then just didn't get stuff lined back up in time. I ended up going inactive and there was no other alternative since I had already taken all of the time that PC allows.

This time, I am SCHEDULING catty shows for November, December, January, and possibly February. (My last live shows will be in October so I am good there.) THEN if they "fall through" I will take a retro leave if necessary. My leave of absense will only be used as a last ditch effort. I will just SCREAM if I lose my career sales AGAIN...as I am way too close to $50,000 even with losing what I did when I went inactive with Evan! Next conference, I WILL be at Career Club Lunch!!

I am also considering holding some live shows at my house (not me being the host...having a "normal" host, but holding the show here) so DH doesn't have to be totally worried about the baby freaking out and not taking a bottle like Evan did to him MANY TIMES....screaming the whole night! I want to get those on my calendar now too....
anyone have any advice for a brand new consultant who seems to only be able to book cooking shows after the birth? i'm due at the end of august, and i would love to schedual some catalog shows, but i've tapped all the friends and family i can to start up and haven't had much luck in the booking department. well, i take that back, i've got 2 bookings and 1 potential booking, but none of them are until the end of sept/ oct.
When I started PC I just found out I was pregnant...I took about 7 months to build a decent base for clients...around the time I was due, I would say "obviously I won't be able to any live shows for a few weeks, so if you would like to still take advantage of the great specials and free products please consider doing a catalog show and when I get back from maternity leave I will be more than happy to come and do a live show for you!"...I never went inactive, never applied for the leave from PC and the month I was due I think I turned in about 1k in sales.

I started booking live shows 6 weeks after I gave birth...and it was all fine! Now, I only did about 1-2 shows a month for the first year after she was born to stay active, but after she got a little older I did more.
  • #10
chefsteph07 said:
When I started PC I just found out I was pregnant...I took about 7 months to build a decent base for clients...around the time I was due, I would say "obviously I won't be able to any live shows for a few weeks, so if you would like to still take advantage of the great specials and free products please consider doing a catalog show and when I get back from maternity leave I will be more than happy to come and do a live show for you!"...I never went inactive, never applied for the leave from PC and the month I was due I think I turned in about 1k in sales.

I started booking live shows 6 weeks after I gave birth...and it was all fine! Now, I only did about 1-2 shows a month for the first year after she was born to stay active, but after she got a little older I did more.

This is pretty much what I did too! Only, I was on bedrest the last part of my pregnancy, so started the catalog shows sooner.

After my son was born - I did start doing shows about 2-3 weeks after he was born, but only for close friends and family...and I took him with me. I had some really highly attended shows then, because everyone wanted to come see the baby!:D Oh - and I did easy shows - made them interactive before interactive was "in"! DS was born in June, so that summer all I did were Ice Cream Socials. I'd have the host prebake a brownie in a stone, and then I would come and set up stations for toppings - nuts to chop, chocolate to grate, strawberries & bananas to slice, Cool Whip in the EAD, and I would do a fried apple saute in a skillet. I would do a brief presentation and then let everyone make their own sundaes and shop while I held the baby!:D
  • #11
Oooh...tell me more about a fried apple saute....that sounds tasty!
  • #12
I'm due on Monday.. and just 'waiting' on when my baby girl will make her debut..My last live show was July 13th..and I'm not doing another live show until Sept 20th.

That being said, I did 2 cooking shows July 1-13th...
I've submitted 6 catalogs shows as well....and have one more closing next week for July....
For Aug....I have 5 confirmed catalog shows, with host kits already delivered..
For Sept...I have 4 confirmed catalog shows, and 3 cooking shows..
For Oct...I have 3 confirmed cooking shows....
For Nov..I have 1 confirmed cooking show..

Those who did a CATALOG show with me in AUG/SEPT I offerred them a free MASTER SCRAPER for shows over $300 in sales, and all AUG/SEPT hosts are being entered into a raffle for a FREE 7" SANTOUKO KNIFE...that i had bought back in April for free with PC Dollars...

Then...to encourage some bookings so when i am back into the groove..I offerred those that wanted a live show, who would 'plan ahead' and pick a date for SEPT OCT OR NOV...they will get a free cookbook of their choice at their show..
  • #13
smilesarepriceless said:
I'm due on Monday.. and just 'waiting' on when my baby girl will make her debut..My last live show was July 13th..and I'm not doing another live show until Sept 20th.

That being said, I did 2 cooking shows July 1-13th...
I've submitted 6 catalogs shows as well....and have one more closing next week for July....
For Aug....I have 5 confirmed catalog shows, with host kits already delivered..
For Sept...I have 4 confirmed catalog shows, and 3 cooking shows..
For Oct...I have 3 confirmed cooking shows....
For Nov..I have 1 confirmed cooking show..

Those who did a CATALOG show with me in AUG/SEPT I offerred them a free MASTER SCRAPER for shows over $300 in sales, and all AUG/SEPT hosts are being entered into a raffle for a FREE 7" SANTOUKO KNIFE...that i had bought back in April for free with PC Dollars...

Then...to encourage some bookings so when i am back into the groove..I offerred those that wanted a live show, who would 'plan ahead' and pick a date for SEPT OCT OR NOV...they will get a free cookbook of their choice at their show..

Wow that's great!!!
  • #14
I went on PC "Maternity leave" (it was not official I just announced it to my clients that way) from December 15th to Jan 15th 2007 - 2008

I had a holiday show on the 8th of December that was well over $200 and had my baby on the 16th.

I had a cooking show already planned for Jan 25th and even though I started to make phone calls on the 15th of Jan that cooking show held and it was over $400 before i left that evening.

In feb i did 5 shows, and march was 3 shows and so forth

I didn't have any incentives or anything extra like that I just started making my calls back in sept for shows after the baby was born. By Thanksgiving I was booked up to May. I went on official maternity leave with my job and then was just home nesting and preparing for the baby - i made a few calls between thanksgiving and December 15th but mostly just reminding them of my holiday show etc.


  • #15
I am 37 weeks pregnant and I did my last cooking show the last weekend of June. I already have about $200 in online sales for July and I have one catalog show for August. I have my 1st cooking show Sept 12th, and then I have 3 more that month and already have shows booked for Oct.

I am also thinking of doing a mystery host show for August as well and possibly another one for Sept.

Something like Welcome the New Arrivals type email (new arrivals being my baby and the new products).
  • #16
After reading all of these posts I have nothing to add other than stay in touch with all of you catalog hosts as good as you can. If you can swing it try to put together enough outside orders for a catalog show in Sept. and get a set (or piece) of cookware to raffle off for all hosts who help you out while you are on "Maternity leave"
  • #17
I have not set in stone what I will be doing. I am going to try and do live shows until March 1st and do Catalog shows in March and start doing live shows in April.I am stuck in a little pinch, I teach full time during the day, but I want to take almost a full year off before I go back to teaching. So PC has to make up for some $$ I would be loosing from teaching so DH doesn't drive me crazy w/ stress about paying the bills. If I can stay home w/ the baby it will all be worth it.
  • #18
I must admit, I've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the birth of my baby girl, and she's almost 15mths now!!!! For me, its mostly due to the fact that I work full time. I really love doing PC, but I much more now loving catalog shows than Live shows, due to the time away from home. I feel so guilty that I don't spend much time w/ her as it is (ie., work full time), that doing a show on the weekends, isn't something I'd like to do. Although, this weekend I have 2 shows, one on Sat and one on Sunday. Sat is an express show..so NO COOKING demo, and Sunday, the hostess hired a babysitter for other kids who are coming and invited me to bring my daughter. I do have a very loving DH, however, he feels I do too much, so he doesn't like me doing PC either...talk abt a balancing problem..how do you work full time (did I add that my job is 24hrs/7days a week, i'm on call all time), keep your husband happy, keep a hobby I love, and stop feeling guilty abt not spending time w/ my child? Creepers, looks like I have issues!!!

I really wish I could just do PC full time, but as great as it looks on paper, it just isn't very doable for me...

Sorry, I think I got a little off-track, however if someone could let me know if the guilt of being a working mom will ever go away, or diminish over time, I would greatly appreciate the insight.

Thanks for listening!

  • #19
Yes book catties now. And overbook b/c some are bound to fall through. I ended up haveing one a month while I was out. And I recommend going ahead and booking cooking shows for when you want to start back too if possible. It is hard to get back up and booked! Or at least it has been for me. I have been having about 1 cooking show a month since I started back.

I have always given my business to God, so, whatever amount of shows He gives me I am fine with and I quit worrying about it FINALLY!! If God wants me to continue the bookings will keep coming until He is ready for me to hang up my apron or PC Shirt since I don't wear the apron.:D
  • #20
red sox girl,
i too am due on jan 1 09 but i am having a c-section again so it will be the 22nd of dec just before christmas. i am so excited to find out what we are having because it was hidding its parts the leggs were crossed to much. the first guess was a girl but could not tell between the cord or if it was a girl.

i am too going to scedual the catalog shows and scedual them as cooking shows so it would be an extra insentive for them. i am not planing on taking time off want to keep going with it. good luck
  • #21
This is what I did. I got the original wording on here and tweaked to fit my needs. Also, I already have 3 shows booked for November. So that way I have to get back into the swing of things. I have had 5 people say they will do the Mystery Host Show so far. The title of my email was "Looking For Help While on Maternity Leave"

As you may or may not know, on October 8th (if not sooner) I will give birth to my second child, a baby boy. I am so excited, but at the same time, I want to stay on track with my Pampered Chef goals while on "Maternity Leave".

So - I need your help! (and you will be well rewarded for helping me out!)

I am asking for 10 volunteers to participate in my $1000 Mystery Host Show!

Here is the scoop - I need 10 people willing to collect just $100 in orders (10 x $100 = $1000!) - you can do this by passing around a catalog at work, or in your neighborhood, at ballgames, family gatherings, and I can also set you up to send out an announcement online to friends and family.

I will collect all the orders from the 10, compile and tally them, and then draw names from the 10 participants for the Show Host Benefits.

Here is what that will look like:

10 people collect $100 in orders -

One Person will win $100 in FREE Product
One Person will win $60 in FREE Product
Three People will win $25 in FREE Product
Two People will get 60% off any Simple Additions piece, set, or stand.
Four People will win 50% off ANY ONE product of their choice (including cookware sets, or any other product in the catalog!)

PLUS - each participant will receive a FREE gift from me valued between $3.50 and $20.00 (drawn from a pool of available items), AND 30% off ANYTHING ELSE you order!

Gather $150 in orders and you will receive an extra chance in the drawing.
Secure a booking (or book your own show!) and you will also receive an extra chance.

Respond by September 9th, and receive a FREE Season's Best Cookbook!
I need to hear soon, so that I can get your Show Information to you ASAP!

I need all orders turned in by October 27th (any turned in later will not be able to be counted as part of the show - sorry!)

All orders will be shipped to me, and I will sort, pack, and label your orders for you & deliver them to you.

First 10 To Respond will fill the open spots!

Come On! Be Part of the FUN! (and I will greatly appreciate your assistance!)
  • #22
I am due in January, but have already been letting my customers know that in Jan or Feb I will be having a Meet the Baby party. This will be an Open House basically, but just changing the name. I already have a list of about 10 people that want to come.
  • #23
epimomma99 said:
I am due in January, but have already been letting my customers know that in Jan or Feb I will be having a Meet the Baby party. This will be an Open House basically, but just changing the name. I already have a list of about 10 people that want to come.

That is a cute and very fun idea!!! :)
  • #24
Congrats to all of you expecting. What a wonderful time!! Good luck!! I am also expecting.... my second grandchild. LOL And I am excited too!!

Related to Moms Who Took Time off From Cooking Shows for Birth

1. How can I get back into cooking after taking time off for giving birth?

Taking time off from cooking shows for giving birth is completely understandable and common. To get back into cooking, start with simple and easy recipes that don't require a lot of time and effort. You can also try meal prepping to save time during the week.

2. Will I be able to keep up with the latest cooking trends and techniques after being away for a while?

Absolutely! The world of cooking is constantly evolving and there are always new trends and techniques to learn. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. You can also attend cooking classes or watch online tutorials to catch up on any missed trends.

3. How can I balance cooking with taking care of a newborn?

Balancing cooking with taking care of a newborn can be challenging, but not impossible. Consider using a slow cooker or instant pot to make meals easier and faster. You can also ask for help from family and friends or look into meal delivery services.

4. Are there any tips for cooking with a baby or toddler around?

Cooking with a baby or toddler around can be chaotic, but there are ways to make it easier. Try involving them in the cooking process by giving them simple tasks like mixing or stirring. You can also set up a safe play area nearby or use a baby carrier to keep them close while you cook.

5. How can I make sure my meals are still healthy and nutritious while being a busy mom?

Being a busy mom doesn't mean sacrificing healthy and nutritious meals. Plan ahead and make a grocery list to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients. You can also opt for quick and easy healthy meals like salads, stir-fries, or grilled protein with vegetables. Don't forget to also include some fruits and vegetables as snacks throughout the day.

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