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Mommy 'n Me': Engaging Kids with Food-Related Fun!

In summary, the host is looking for ideas to entertain her stay-at-home mom friends while the kids play. Some ideas include decorating cupcakes, making play dough, and Touchdown Taco dip.
I have a host that wants to have a daytime show for her stay-at-home mom friends and "let the kids play while the mommies chat." We all know how likely THAT is to happen :rolleyes:, so I'm trying to develop a sort of "Mommy 'n Me" format that would involve the kids.

Ideas? Obviously, we could decorate cupcakes, but do you have other ideas for "playing with food" that would be engaging for a young group (don't know the exact age ranges, but definitely pre-school age and younger)? I wondered about making up a couple of batches of playdoh in different colors, and bringing them in prep bowls. I could let the kids use kitchen tools to play with the dough while we attempt to go through the catalog? I'm thinking they could roll it out with the Baker's Roller, cut shapes with the Creative Cutters, use the scoops to form balls, etc. I would highlight the products that are good for busy families and encouraging kids' involvement in the kitchen. Does anyone have an outline for this kind of show that they could recommend? Resources for the products I should cover? I searched "Kid" in the files and a lot of stuff popped up, so I'm going to take a look at those, but wanted to see if there were particular docs that you found helpful.

Thanks for your feedback!
I am new and have no advice for your show, but just wanted to let you know that my kids love the garlic press for play dough "hair." :)
I've done daytime shows for mom's groups. The idea is to do a really quick recipe, or one that you can do most of the work beforehand. My host had 8 moms and about 20 kids, all under 6 at her house. One mom volunteered to oversee the kids. They were in the family room with a movie-it started at the same time we did. I had about 30 minutes to do the show. I focused more on the ladies discussing the products and how they make their life easier than actually doing a demo. At demo time I simply told them everything I'd done, showed them the tools I'd used, then let them shred cheese, slice a zucchini, and press garlic. At the end, I had the host finish up the recipe while I worked answering questions and doing my f.s.c. It was quick and easy. I made a chicken clubhouse square pizza.
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  • #4
pchockeymom said:
I've done daytime shows for mom's groups. The idea is to do a really quick recipe, or one that you can do most of the work beforehand. My host had 8 moms and about 20 kids, all under 6 at her house. One mom volunteered to oversee the kids. They were in the family room with a movie-it started at the same time we did. I had about 30 minutes to do the show. I focused more on the ladies discussing the products and how they make their life easier than actually doing a demo. At demo time I simply told them everything I'd done, showed them the tools I'd used, then let them shred cheese, slice a zucchini, and press garlic. At the end, I had the host finish up the recipe while I worked answering questions and doing my f.s.c. It was quick and easy. I made a chicken clubhouse square pizza.

My initial thought was to try to see if someone would keep them occupied in another room too. Then, I thought maybe I could make it work for me? If moms see their kids playing with "toys" that are also functional kitchen tools, they might be more inclined to buy, right? That's what I'm hoping, anyway...
If the kids are not entertained, the moms are distracted. Plain & simple. So if they don't have it worked out for someone to entertain the munchkins, then you need to do something that involves the kids. (I have a 2 year old & one that just turned 4, so I can definitely relate to being distracted!!!)If there's no Peanut Butter allergies, you can do something quick for the Moms & PB&J with the Cut-N-Seal for the kids!The Smokey Black Bean Wraps are yummy and fairly quick to prepare, especially if you have the rice & chicken pre-cooked. You are a hit & miss with this one & kids. Some will devour it & some will turn up their nose because it's too many things mixed together.The Jerk Chicken Nachos is another good one that's fairly quick. Might also appeal to the kids.Touchdown Taco dip goes really fast and the kids might eat that too! LOL30 min chicken in the DCB in the microwave would probably go over well too. Super quick prep & then you guys can either talk about some of the products while it's cooking or you can do a quick salad, pasta or potato side. Just remember, this is a sampling, not feeding them lunch. LOLOr you could go the dessert route! Have them all eat before they come & do something like a chocolate cake in the fluted stone. I do a VERY simple recipe where we oil the pan, pour in 1 cake mix (following the mix directions on the box). Bake 8-12 min's (depending on the microwave. Invert on the round platter and let it sit for 10 min's. Carefully remove stone. Take a tub of Betty Crocker Rich & Creamy frosting, remove lid & ALL of the foil & heat until it's smooth enough to pour (do not overheat!). Drizzle on cake & serve! Fast & easy. I love the Devil's Food Cake with the Chocolate Icing. But since you'll have kids there, you can do a white cake with white icing & then have lots & LOTS of colorful sprinkles & let them go town. LOL
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Those are great ideas, Sheila, thx! I especially like the cake suggestion, and will definitely try that at some point, if not at this show. I wanted to do something with the DCB, since it's on next month's host special, so I was thinking about doing the Microwave Rocky Road Brownie Dessert. I envisioned the kids getting really excited about helping to put the marshmallows in the pot and unwrapping the Hershey kisses. I'd omit the walnuts, as I am, myself, allergic to nuts and know that many parents don't give them to kids at an early age.

Alternatively, I thought I could do six grilled cheeses on the large bar pan, then cut them up into triangles to make them stretch to feed more kids. I could serve homemade applesauce from the DCB on the side (I would make this at home in advance). The show is going to be from 10am to 12ish, so I didn't know if some moms would be upset if I served the kids dessert before they took 'em home for lunch? Too much to do all of the above?

Kind of excited about trying the playdoh thing too, though just because it would make it feel like a playdate to the kids and might buy me more time to talk to the moms. Figured it might buy me bonus points for keeping the kids entertained too, no?!?

I was thinking we could immediately do the brownie demo after the show started, got it in the microwave, then set the kids down to play with playdoh? I could introduce some of the tools as I handed them to the kids to use, then turn my attention to a quick walk thru the catalog. Run through the booking slide 'n such, then serve the dessert while the moms filled out their order forms. ??
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  • #7
veggiemama said:
I am new and have no advice for your show, but just wanted to let you know that my kids love the garlic press for play dough "hair." :)

Love this idea! Hoping some of you others have suggestions for using our tools with playdoh too! ☺
I would just make sure the host is ok w play dough in her house. I have no problem w play dough but some of my other mom friends dont like their kids playing w it (too messy, gets ground in carpet, etc. kids eat it). To each their own.
I agree, don't take in playdough unless you have pre-approval. You might also want to look online & find an edible homemade version! That way if the under 2 group put some in their mouth it's no big deal! :D
  • #10
Jennie50 said:
Kind of excited about trying the playdoh thing too, though just because it would make it feel like a playdate to the kids and might buy me more time to talk to the moms. Figured it might buy me bonus points for keeping the kids entertained too, no?!?

I was thinking we could immediately do the brownie demo after the show started, got it in the microwave, then set the kids down to play with playdoh? I could introduce some of the tools as I handed them to the kids to use, then turn my attention to a quick walk thru the catalog. Run through the booking slide 'n such, then serve the dessert while the moms filled out their order forms. ??

If you're doing playdough, we have other products to fit this theme as well! The safe cutter thing, our prep bowls, Creative and biscuit cutters, possibly even the egg slicer. Also, I know someone mentioned the garlic press, but also the citrus press!
  • #11
Sheila said:
I agree, don't take in playdough unless you have pre-approval. You might also want to look online & find an edible homemade version! That way if the under 2 group put some in their mouth it's no big deal! :D

Maybe you could make pizza dough. The kids could play with some of it and then make mini pizzas with rest. The kids could pick their toppings (chopped with the food chopper, perhaps?).
  • #12
We did a kids pizza once. I set out all the ingredients in the chill and serve (sliced veggies for them with the crinkle cutter..they ate all the zucchini UP) and they made their own pizza while the moms made the lemon pesto chicken
  • #13
the pastry cutter would work good to for them to cut the dough i let my daughter do that she loves it.
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  • #14
Holy smack, y'all, the party is on the 30th, and already 21 women have replied that they're coming, most with kids! Help! What'm I gonna feed all those people? How am I going to be able to make myself heard over all the noise?? How should I format the show so I keep it moving? I just picture everthing taking FOREVER, then kids melting down when it gets close to naptime, the moms wanting to check out all at the same time and being frustrated with me when I can't get 'em out of there fast enough, etc...

The host liked the idea of playdoh, and advertised that to the guests, so many are viewing it as a playdate...she even made a statement on her FB invite not to worry about their budgets, if they want to just come and hang out with other kids and moms. I need to regain control of this show, but the host has gone rogue on me...:eek:
  • #15
if you can't beat them join them. Focus the show on the kids. I am taking your idea and coming up with my own in march. But i will have different ages there. The ones taht are old enough will be helping make kid friendly receips. (Using the chopper to make toppings for ice cream, press n seal to make their own sandwiches etc) it sounds like you might have ones even smaller though. I have asked a couple of family members to give me a hand for the really little ones that can't be in the kitchen. I told them I would give them a small product free for their time.

I would find out excatly what ages you will have, how many and make a plan of attack. One of my better shows sales wise was with my daughter screaming thru the entire thing. lol it was for my aunt and she wanted her there i actually got a booking out of it and when we held that show some of the same ladys were there and wanted to know why i didnt bring my daughter. I told them they was crazy lol.

Good luck with it!! no matter what happens if they want to buy they will!!
  • #16
The one show I did in the fall that had more kids in attendance than I anticipated, the products the kids loved best were the Veggie Wedger and the MFP. The host had oranges and we just kept wedging them everytime one was gone. With food in their mouths, they were less likely to scream. :)

The older kids totally loved the MFP. We made the salsa and they all took turns pumping it as I added more ingredients. They all ate it too which shocked the parents. They said it tasted better than any salsa they'd had before.

The kids also liked the Ultimate Mandoline. They did onions on it for the Fajitas we did in the DCB in the microwave. I showed the moms how the kids could use it to cut stuff with no chance of cutting themselves.

Shari in TX
  • #17
Does anyone have any images for the mommy and me show? I can't find anything anywhere.

Related to Mommy 'n Me': Engaging Kids with Food-Related Fun!

1. What age range is appropriate for the "Mommy 'n Me" program?

The "Mommy 'n Me" program is designed for children ages 3-8 years old. However, younger or older children may also enjoy participating with parental guidance.

2. Can dads or other caregivers participate in the program?

Yes, the program is open to all caregivers, not just moms. We believe that the bonding experience of cooking and learning about food can be shared with anyone who plays a significant role in a child's life.

3. How often are new activities and recipes introduced in the program?

New activities and recipes are introduced every month, providing a variety of fun and engaging experiences for kids. Our goal is to keep the program fresh and exciting for both kids and parents.

4. Do we need any special equipment or ingredients for the activities?

Most of the activities and recipes can be completed using basic kitchen utensils and common ingredients found in most households. However, there may be some activities that require specific tools or ingredients, which will be communicated ahead of time.

5. Is there a cost to participate in the "Mommy 'n Me" program?

There is no cost to participate in the program. It is a free resource provided by Pampered Chef to encourage families to have fun and learn together in the kitchen. However, depending on the chosen recipe, there may be a cost for purchasing ingredients.

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