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May Party Fundraising Update: Hit $200 Challenge with 4 Events!

In summary, John is shooting for the $200 challenge and is dedicated to hitting it. He has 4 fundraisers booked and 1 regular party planned. He is also working on setting up HWC shows.
Silver Member
How many are you shooting for and are you dedicated to hit that $200 challenge? Just wondering.
I have 4 fundraising events
1 regular party and yes I have already hit the $200 challenge thanks to my one host! I put down $1500 total donations though. So... Less than $1300 to go!
And keep updating here to let everyone know how you are doing! We want to cheer everyone on!!
I presently only have 2 shows booked but am feverishly working on it!!!
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  • #3
Idea and something I actually do! I ask local businesses if I can set up a table out front or in side of their store. I take orders, give out order forms and catalogs. Last year at one of my favorite restaurants, they have a vestibule. I set up a table in there. The customers of the restaurant took catties and order forms in if they were interested. I did $1400 plus in two days!! I also set up a table at the "Inn" down the street from us. I did over $500 in sales there in one 4 hour night.
John? can you bottle up some of your courage and send it to me? You still have my address..... I don't think I'd have the guts to do something like that! I can barely pick up the phone to call people I KNOW about my biz. :) Good job!
pampered1224 said:
Idea and something I actually do! I ask local businesses if I can set up a table out front or in side of their store. I take orders, give out order forms and catalogs. Last year at one of my favorite restaurants, they have a vestibule. I set up a table in there. The customers of the restaurant took catties and order forms in if they were interested. I did $1400 plus in two days!! I also set up a table at the "Inn" down the street from us. I did over $500 in sales there in one 4 hour night.

John, tell us what you did and especiall what you said to make this such a success.
I've got two definite shows, three events, and one fundraiser. I'm working on adding a few more shows to my schedule.
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  • #7
Well to be honest it was not hard as I have known both owners of both those businesses for years! So they are like friends. It did take a bit to finally ask them though. I want to add some new ones so yes, now I have battleships, not butterflies, about asking. But I am choosing businesses I frequent so I am not a total stranger. I will let you know how it pans out. I am asking next week at an Italian Restaurant Pat and I frequent. The flower sale over Mother's day is at a church where not one but 4 of my hosts attend services. And one is the coordinator of the flower sale so... It is a basic get over it and ask thing with me. If I dwell, I won't ask so... One day next week I will just get in my car and go and ask. So I am a coward too!!! I just decide it is worth the possible no. I mean, I really do not think anyone is going to hurt me if I do ask! So I just have to get over it!
I have 3 Relay for Life Fundraisers going on for May.
I have 4 fundraisers booked .. I'm sitting here with two checks totaling $250 just waiting for May 1 ... I'm looking forward to the events.
  • #10
That's so awesome John and Dave!! I am shooting for the $200 challenge. My goal is to have 10 people collecting orders for the HWC items on that flyer order form. I want to push them to each sell 15-20 items each. Then my shows and/or fundraisers will be gravy!!
  • #11
I have one fundraiser so far for a big retail store's Relay for Life team. I'm doing one HWC fundraiser of my own. I also have one other person to contact me for her date.
  • #12
So, I have three parties booked - should I ask then if they want them to be fundraisers instead or just leave them as parties? :)
  • #13
If you don't ask you will never know...John, when you get your order how will you deliver the items to the clients...I love your idea...I'm already think how I can use it...Thanks
  • #14
I have 6 shows/events planned for May, so far. I am booking as many as I can pack in, though!
  • #15
I have 10 cooking shows, 1 catty show and am now working on setting up HWC shows.
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  • #16
Based on past MISTAKES - I am charging everyone the regular $4.25 and will eat the rest and write it off at the end of the year as a show expense but I am direct shipping. It was just way to hard last year as I could not get people to pick up or read some of the phone numbers so... The last bag of product did not get delivered until June 28th! This lady was contacted and I told everyone I would be at the pick up spot from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. as I had another delivery stop an hour and 20 minutes from the first one to make that day as well. Well, she shows up 15 minutes late. I left at 9:40, 10 minutes later than I said I would and it took three more weeks to get her stuff to her! Her handwriting was awful so I even had the wrong address! I am never doing one where I have to deliver anything!
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  • #17
WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!! Now I feel bad because I can not get a hold of two of my past people including the one that brought in $1400 last year! He has been ill and the ladies who work for him, let him know about this but he has not contacted me yet. So I have to sit and wait. Then I have an issue with the flower sale as they have changed things up and now I may not be able to take orders. The area where I was is now being used for something else so I have no sitting room for people to check out catties or write up orders. I wish I had a couple of grand, the one lady said if I had the items to buy out right, it would work better. Then no orders. I do not know what to do!!!!
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  • #18
Heidi how do you do that as they are raising money for that too right? Or do they just give the money they raise to the relay? I do not get it!!!???
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  • #19
I booked three more for May, one party and two fundraisers! I am now up to 6 Fundraisers and one party!!! WAA HOO! Only 4 more to go! Now it is down to the first timers I am asking so it is going to be hard!!! But I am gonna do it, I swear I will. Or I will just swear at myself and then do it!
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  • #20
First in: 5/01/10 - total donation $275.16
Commissionable sales: $700.65 for $175.16 (25%)
100 HWC items. That is a weird number because it includes the chairman and past host orders! And we actually sold two sets of the glasses at $44.50 and the chair person and past host both each ordered the 8 count sets! Next one - 5/7/10
  • #21
I have 1 fundraiser, 3 shows and a boutique on my calendar right now. I am shooting for 10 shows this month... working on it very hard...lol... April was a horrible month for me...
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  • #22
Megan "much success" wishes coming at you!
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  • #23
So cool! I closed the May 1 event with $700. Now I already have another $430 for the next one!!! WAAA HOOOO! Geez, I can not wait to see how that one turns out! Then the following weekend is at the same place that came out to a $700.44 donation amount!
  • #24
pampered1224 said:
So cool! I closed the May 1 event with $700. Now I already have another $430 for the next one!!! WAAA HOOOO! Geez, I can not wait to see how that one turns out! Then the following weekend is at the same place that came out to a $700.44 donation amount!

Wow--a $700 donation amount??? That is so great! congrats, John!:thumbup:
  • #25
I have 4-5 fundraisers so far..... Pretty much all my shows in may are fundraisers exept one couples show May 22nd or 23rd (waiting for my husband to decide which date he wants to do). My goal is to try to reach a minimum $2,000 donation to ACS.
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  • #26
Kisha - the $700.44 is from last year at a little cafe near where I used to work. I am so hoping for a good turnout again this year. So far this year I have turned in $275.16 in donations on the May 1, 2010 $700.65 commissionable sales total.
I have a fundraiser over Mother's Day weekend, Friday and Saturday, at a flower and art sale. (The weather is gonna be cold and rainy though so...) but I already have $430 in sales on that one. I do not even bother guessing the donation amount if that total is under $500. I refuse to settle for anything less than that 25% donation mark and we do not hit that until $500. So...
I also have been advertising my ACS site but so far, nothing! I am bummed!
  • #27
pampered1224 said:
Kisha - the $700.44 is from last year at a little cafe near where I used to work. I am so hoping for a good turnout again this year. So far this year I have turned in $275.16 in donations on the May 1, 2010 $700.65 commissionable sales total.
I have a fundraiser over Mother's Day weekend, Friday and Saturday, at a flower and art sale. (The weather is gonna be cold and rainy though so...) but I already have $430 in sales on that one. I do not even bother guessing the donation amount if that total is under $500. I refuse to settle for anything less than that 25% donation mark and we do not hit that until $500. So...
I also have been advertising my ACS site but so far, nothing! I am bummed!

You know what? I have gotten more check donations than online donations. I have asked people if they'd be interested in buying the products, and I have had a better response to them giving doantions than them buying the products or booking shows. I have two "mom-n-pop" stores who are going to give donations for every product ordered by their customers up to $100.

I am just trying to reach $2,000 for my personal HWC donation goal.....If it comes thru online, cash/check, or fundraiser shows, I'm ok. Just want to achieve that $2,000.
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  • #28
Kisha - you ave me a wonderful idea that is going into action today for the flower sale. I made a poster that explains the donation amount for the party and about the extra $1 as well as the fact the I will be direct shipping all orders for the standard $4.25. I will write off the rest. But I added a blurb to the poster about making cash, check or even charge donations. I figure with what you said, if they know they have that option, why not tell them up front? A donation is a donation and I do not do this for the commission anyway so why not? I will post my results sometime on Sunday about this two day event. I start with 3 to 6 today but then tomorrow is 9 to 3 so... And Saturday is always the best of the two days.
  • #29
You go, John! This is your thing! Thanks for sharing the restaurant idea. I'm going to share that with my team. I've suggested hair salons but never the restaurants. I'm always amazed with the people who get so many HWC fundraisers. I guess I don't talk about them enough.

People have been coming out of the woodwork booking May shows, and booking in close. Just got another one contacting me yesterday. I liked that I had no weekend dates left so she took a weeknight.

I'm up to 7 cooking shows, 1 fundraiser (my first HWC one ever in 6 years!), and 2 catty shows already submitted. The ones who are booked look like they're holding. They're getting me their invite lists or doing their inviting and are being in touch with me, not me having to track them down. Unheard of! Just hoping to reach the $200 goal. I've had some very bad Mays in the past. My past 2 months have been horrible. Very excited to have a great month for cancer donations as my mother recent died of cancer (not breast) plus hopefully setting up a great SAT June and the rest of the summer. And it's the first month of Excellence Award earning. One of these years I want to earn it, just lack the consistency.

Tonight's my first May cooking show. Curious to see what they're excited about. I'm focusing on the pink tomato knife b/c that was one of my mom's favorite products.
  • #30
I've already held 3 May shows so far. Taking this week off for a choir trip to San Antonio and then have 11 more shows for the month from the 13th on. Just booked a bridal show and a HWC fundraiser for a Cancer Center. So, excited! Should be an awesome month! Had record sales last month of over $5600 and am shooting for @ least $6000 this month. Hopefully much more though! :)
  • #31
I've already held 3 May shows so far. Taking this week off for a choir trip to San Antonio and then have 11 more shows for the month from the 13th on. Just booked a bridal show and a HWC fundraiser for a Cancer Center. So, excited! Should be an awesome month! Had record sales last month of over $5600 and am shooting for @ least $6000 this month. Hopefully much more though! :)
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  • #32
Awesome Sharon! Hopefully you will sell lots of the HWC items!
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  • #33
Well, I had a chance to finally post out here. I had a great Mother's Day as we all got together for a cook out. A bit chilly but all in all, very good. I needed a good day after the flower sale. IT WAS A BUST! No lie, NOT ONE ORDER!!! We had awful weather. The temps ran in the mid to upper 40's, rain, hail, snow and that was both days! So, now I am working at my old job for a few days. I handed out HWC info last week but again, not a nibble. Not that I can blame them as they are all getting laid off permanently this month. I just do not think I will make my goal this year. That's OK. At least I can say I tried! Next week, once i am done with my contract job, I am gonna check out a few more things including my restaurants like I previously mentioned. I still have time so... And I am not giving up without a fight! I hope you all are doing better than I am right now.

Related to May Party Fundraising Update: Hit $200 Challenge with 4 Events!

1. How many fundraising events do you have planned?

I currently have 4 fundraising events planned, including 1 regular party.

2. Have you already hit the $200 challenge?

Yes, thanks to one of my hosts, I have already hit the $200 challenge.

3. How much in total donations have you received so far?

I have received a total of $1500 in donations so far.

4. How much more do you need to reach your goal?

I need less than $1300 to reach my goal of $2000 in donations.

5. Will you continue to update us on your progress?

Yes, I will continue to update everyone here on my progress. We can all cheer each other on and reach our fundraising goals together!

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