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Is there too much pressure to recruit in the direct sales industry?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the use of a forum called CS, where people discuss their experiences with a company and share ideas. While some find it helpful, others are bothered by the constant complaining and entitlement attitudes of some users. The main topic of discussion is the focus on recruiting and incentives within the company, and how it should really be about helping others and their dreams. The conversation also touches on the importance of having more "indians" than "chiefs" in order for the system to sustain itself. Ultimately, the consensus is that the business should be centered around the needs of the recruits, rather than just focusing on incentives.
Gold Member
So, I try not to check out CS too much, but it still calls to me...

I did just get a recruit from it and I have gotten some great flyers and ideas...

And, I get to stay in touch with some of my friends who aren't over here yet...

BUT I HATE THE WHINING! Oh my gosh you would have thought that HO had a red hot poker at their throats chanting "RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!" WHAAAAA, so there is a recruiting part of sell-a-thon.

Oh no, we shouldn't make sure that our recruits know how to do this and the incentives they could earn in 30 days - it should be 45 days!

And, how dare I suggest that someone was being selfish for not sharing this business (um, it is supposed to hit you upside the head and get you thinking in another way. If you feel guilty, maybe you are being selfish)!

Of course, I had to respond and I was a bit catty, so we'll see how many people get out the pitchforks and torches and chase after me! LOL!:devil:
Nah Kate. You were very rational ( I thought.) I backed you up. I made reference in an earlier post to the fact that the reason we get those bonuses and overrides is because we DO take the time to help our new consultants get the strongest start possible. And if anyone is earning an override on just one recruit, well, that's what it's for. Personally I thought you were right on. Maybe I will get pitchforks after me too!
I still pop in on CS from time to time. Still occasionally use it for flyers...but I cannot STAND the whining. Do I whine? Of course! But it's the way in which it's done and the whole "entitlement" attitude that makes me CRAZY.
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  • #4
What really gets me is that most of the incentives in the past were for high sellers. We now have incentives you can earn just by holding and submitting TWO shows! And, there are incentives for those who recruit and support them. And, there is the Elite Seller bonus for those who sell tons but suck at recruiting. They are making it possible for almost everyone to earn something. And, if you look at other companies, they don't get the option to earn anything! They have to buy all the new stuff or not have it.
Although I do know that HO focuses on recruiting more than they ever have, I did not read the post. However, having shared the business, like all of you, I realize that their incentives are built around growing our business.

The complaining comes from getting out of their comfort zone. People inherently do not like change and it is easy to get others to join the bandwagon! I know this not because I am smart, but because I have caught myself doing the same thing!!!

I will have to read it and back you up Kate! The rewards of seeing others' lives change for the better is a free benefit of recruiting!
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  • #6
I had a question asked of me at a show the other week, "What are you most proud about with your business?" I immediately responded with, "Helping a friend get started and use her commission to get out of an abusive relationship." This isn't just vegetable peelers, people!It angers me when people make recruiting about them when it is about the recruit.
the ones who make it about themselves will NEVER be successful. One it clicks that this business about helping others acheive their dreams then they will be successful. I did read the post. I thought you were dead on and the other person was way out of line. But as the saying goes "if every customer became a hostess we would have no customers, if every hostess became a consultant we would have no hostesses" So goes "if they call got it, we would have no consultants!" There needs to be more indians than chiefs for the system to sustain itself.
Great posts have been made on the CS thread, Kate and they echo what you are saying.

These incentives are great and great to earn but when someone focuses on the incentive and not on the needs of the recruit...they fail everytime. There is the rare one that is going to succeed no matter what but it has to be all about the recruit.
I agree with everyone else here...good posts and replies on CS. But seriously, how can you argue with someone who has 16,000+ posts? I mean really -- they can certainly outpost anyone with their point of view!

  • Thread starter
  • #10
Maybe they're posting too much and not taking the time to offer?
  • #11
What I found when I was on CS is the ones who complain the most aren't working their businesses... yet they *feel* like they are working because they are on CS.

It always makes me think of what I read once: "You can make money or you can make excuses."

Sounds like a lot of excuses over there...
  • #12
Agreed...the more you post the less time you are working your business unless you have nothing else going on in life other than PC and CS...highly unlikely.

It is so much easier to whine :cry: than it is to improve your skills where there may be a challenge. I have been a whine :cry: connoisseur myself!!
  • #13
baychef said:
I have been a whine :cry: connoisseur myself!!

You're too hard on yourself Ann! There's a difference between a VENT and whining. Venting is clearing your frustration and moving on... there is no moving on with whining. It's endless!
  • #14
I have to disagree with this thread. The people commenting on the thread on CS were venting. Becky is a very dedicated consultant who works her business. She would already be a director if we hadn't had the changes in April. She now has more on her team than some here. She has an amazing business.

To attack her because she was upset by a comment that I have to agree was harsh is not what we are about here. I can't believe you guys would even go there. Kate, most of your comments were right on but the comment that she reacted to was harsh. When I read it I was surprised and disappointed. I know you were saying that we need to share the business because to keep it to ourselves is selfish but it was just worded poorly.

Before you all start, I know that some of my comments over there have been taken wrong too and I was hurt and upset by the reactions. I am just saying that you all need to give her and the others a break. This thread is a total embarrassment - I see too many judgements and generalizations.
  • #15
bethcooks4u said:
I have to disagree with this thread. The people commenting on the thread on CS were venting. Becky is a very dedicated consultant who works her business. She would already be a director if we hadn't had the changes in April. She now has more on her team than some here. She has an amazing business.

To attack her because she was upset by a comment that I have to agree was harsh is not what we are about here. I can't believe you guys would even go there. Kate, most of your comments were right on but the comment that she reacted to was harsh. When I read it I was surprised and disappointed. I know you were saying that we need to share the business because to keep it to ourselves is selfish but it was just worded poorly.

Before you all start, I know that some of my comments over there have been taken wrong too and I was hurt and upset by the reactions. I am just saying that you all need to give her and the others a break. This thread is a total embarrassment - I see too many judgements and generalizations.
You know what's funny is that Becky did not strike me as a person anyone was referring to as a whiner. I really like her and she does work her business consistently and well. She is not the person who even came to mind at all as a whiner, but maybe I missed something there.
  • #16
beckyjsmith said:
You know what's funny is that Becky did not strike me as a person anyone was referring to as a whiner. I really like her and she does work her business consistently and well. She is not the person who even came to mind at all as a whiner, but maybe I missed something there.

I took it that they were talking about Becky mostly because of the comment about 16000 posts. I could be wrong and I know not everyone even is on CS. I realize that the conversation here became about something different than there. THEY were talking mostly about the window for new recruits to qualify and that the new recruits often don't see the "urgency". It got to be about them not working their business here.
  • #17
Sorry if I offended, Beth, really I am. I still think (and it is only MY opinion) that you can't argue a point with a person who has the time to post that much. It's nothing personal. Each to his own!I like to get on here and browse a bit, post here and there and then get off and use my time on my business. It's been a hard year for everyone --but when it comes down to it, if you are on the blogs that much you are really using valuable time that could be spent on your business. I think that we have been lucky til now. A portion of our income was directly related to our own personal recruiting. Now that income is directly related to us training and coaching others to do what we have done so well. It's a lot to take in and hard to change. I am clearly one who took the transition with a grain of salt. I said before that I will give it everything I have for 12 months from the change and re-evaluate it then. But if I was on the blogs as much as I see others, I couldn't fault anyone but me for failing. And I wouldn't whine or complain about it. I am in charge, it is MY own actions that will determine MY success or failure. It's not the company's fault, not the company's problem. They need to do what they need to do and I need to conform or leave. Wow, I didn't come to vent, but there it is. I am not "for" or "against" anyone. I just know that things are changing and as with anything in life you can work to change with it or get off the boat. It's an independent decision and no one is being judged by it.I just tell it like I see it and move on. It's how I am -- in my business and at home. S*** or get off the pot -- it's my motto. I am not very tolerant of people who wasted my time (intentionally or not) in any aspect of my life. Oh, and I am blunt -- did I mention that? ;)I appreciate everyone's support here and look forward to the next few months to continue transitioning my personal and team business. It's hard work, non-relenting and at times disappointing, but every day is a new day and success is determined by persistance in the face of adversity!
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  • #18
Beth - I see your point, but here is mine...I meant it to be harsh. I am tired of the "poor me" attitude when it comes to recruiting. I went through 5 consultants in 6 years because they never kept in touch with me. I was taking 18-21 credits and running 2 main-stage shows a semester when I first learned about PC. I wanted to sign immediately, but it wasn't the time for me. When it was the time, the person who was there was my "recruiter". She never recruited anyone else (I recruited myself) and is now one of my customers. There are many times I need a slap upside the head and this was an area in which I did! The comment about being selfish was what got me out of my head and trying to help others. I was trying to give a different perspective to the consultants reading and responding on the thread that they may have never heard before. It was harsh on purpose! What I took offense to was that I was attached by Becky because she thought I was talking directly to her! I wasn't! And, I really don't appreciate her most recent post with her stats (all about "me") as well as her comment (and I read it as a threat, but probably because I'm hurt by her attack) about soon being able to be "behind the apron". And, I also think I was pretty hurt by her attacking me because I thought we were at least acquaintances in good standing or even friends? It just seems to me that the calm, relaxed comments aren't getting through to some people and hitting them upside the head might do them some good.
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  • #19
Beth - I am also curious how it could have been worded differently?
  • #20
Have I mentioned how happy I am NOT to be on CS any more? :p
  • #21
You and me both Colleen!! LOL!
  • #22
Me three Colleen and Sandra!!! Goodness!
  • #23
cmdtrgd said:
Beth - I am also curious how it could have been worded differently?

1. Why keep this amazing business to yourself? Are you that selfish?
Put this way it sounds like an attack. No matter how well meaning it is asking for trouble. I would have said something more like: "Why keep this amazing business to yourself? Share it with everyone! You don't know who might really need it."

The reason I commented on this thread is that you brought it over here and (I read it as) you were bragging about being catty and then others (who may not have even read the thread there) took it in a direction that their thread was no where near. I know it's how I read it and it may not be how others meant it. I believe that they were venting. Why aren't they allowed to do that. Maybe this bothers me because I agree with part of it. I do actively recruit too. I do work my business. I do believe that HO has shifted the focus too far to recruiting too. I do sometimes think we're going amway. But like many who posted on that thread I love my business and my company. Sometimes I need to vent. That's okay. We all need that. We - and those on CS - need a place to do that and they were doing that among other consultants. It was good that you posted to bring it back but the sentence I quoted here was too much (IMHO). Linda and Nancy evidently agree in part with this as they commented on the thread over there - in fact it was Linda's post that brought up the fact that so much is tied to recruiting these days. We are all innocently venting and all guilty of a bit of whining. As has been said many times, if you don't like where a thread is going, don't read it.

As far as Becky being here or not. I really doubt it. She is too ethical. I would guess that someone said something to her (wasn't me). And besides, she deserves to be here. She has a larger team than many here and she's as much a director as some. Several people here are officially TL's now - should they have to leave? I think not. I think this should be "leadership ds" or something like that. Since the changes at PC there are a lot who fall in the grey area but would benefit and benefit us by being here.
  • #24
Beth - you and I have had our differences in the past and I never thought I'd find myself saying this. :eek::eek: But I couldn't have said this better myself and I agree 100% with your opinion on this. I too love this company, it has been a blessing to me. I do offer the opportunity as often as I can but I know that I don't ask everyone - I don't always remember or think of it - or necessarily want to work with certain people. However, I do not feel "selfish" when I don't. I think it is great that PC offers us so many incentives and ways to increase our paychecks. I just feel that there is a very heavy slant on recruit recruit recruit. I have @ 10 consultants and only one SC. My team are all hobbiest with FT jobs and have no desire to grow a business. I have been a huge proponent of the new plan - I still like it more than I dislike it. I am very excited that I cannot lose my team. But, I do feel that people who are in a situation like mine are being penalized because of their 'structure'.

bethcooks4u said:
Put this way it sounds like an attack. No matter how well meaning it is asking for trouble. I would have said something more like: "Why keep this amazing business to yourself? Share it with everyone! You don't know who might really need it."

The reason I commented on this thread is that you brought it over here and (I read it as) you were bragging about being catty and then others (who may not have even read the thread there) took it in a direction that their thread was no where near. I know it's how I read it and it may not be how others meant it. I believe that they were venting. Why aren't they allowed to do that. Maybe this bothers me because I agree with part of it. I do actively recruit too. I do work my business. I do believe that HO has shifted the focus too far to recruiting too. I do sometimes think we're going amway. But like many who posted on that thread I love my business and my company. Sometimes I need to vent. That's okay. We all need that. We - and those on CS - need a place to do that and they were doing that among other consultants. It was good that you posted to bring it back but the sentence I quoted here was too much (IMHO). Linda and Nancy evidently agree in part with this as they commented on the thread over there - in fact it was Linda's post that brought up the fact that so much is tied to recruiting these days. We are all innocently venting and all guilty of a bit of whining. As has been said many times, if you don't like where a thread is going, don't read it.

As far as Becky being her or not. I really doubt it. She is too ethical. I would guess that someone said something to her (wasn't me). And besides, she deserves to be here. She has a larger team than many here and she's as much a director as some. Several people here are officially TL's now - should they have to leave? I think not. I think this should be "leadership ds" or something like that. Since the changes at PC there are a lot who fall in the grey area but would benefit and benefit us by being here.
  • #25
While I can understand all points of view ( can you say fence straddler here? j/k...sort-of) I don't see what Kate said as sounding like an attack. To me it IS something that would make me take a step back and look at why I was not recruiting ( if I weren't.) Yesterday at my meeting I asked my team to bring a collage of pictures/words/ drawings, etc to tell their why, and answer five questions with the collage-- what benefits have you seen, where you see your business in 3 years, etc. One of the "why's" was so powerful, I think that those members of my team who don't ask were actually enlightened. This consultant, who, btw does around 2k a month in sales, is not someone I would have thought to ask just by talking to her the first couple of times I spoke with her. She is somewhat quiet and reserved. She has multi colored hair and a pierced eyebrow and tongue.... none of those things bother me in the least, I liked her from the first time I met her, but if I were a person who prejudged, she would not have been the first person I would ask.
Anyway, she is recently divorced with a 10 year old daughter. Her why was that she was in a sticky situation and dead end job. She literally used her last $$ to buy her kit and took a risk. Again- THIS is why I stress getting everything in place before ordering it. How terribly would I have felt about letting her spend that $$ and then just fly by the seat of her pants with no real direction. She definitely stepped outside of her comfort zone when she started her business.
Since then, she has taken her daughter to the Sears Tower and all around Chicago, and her goal, especially since she recently met someone, is to save for IVF when she does settle down again. She can't get pregnant the old fashioned way and this is giving her the means she needs to realize that dream.
I wholeheartedly believe I would have been selfish in not asking.
I sent this to my team a few weeks ago. I went into my bank after school to make a deposit. When someone asked me where my 3 little ones were, I told her I would bring them on a day when it wasn't my turn to cook for Bible Study.. I was on the way home to complete my portion of the meal ( we cook in teams for everyone - each team cooks once every 4 weeks.)
Anyhoo, someone asked where we went to church and I told her. I told her how much fun it was, how uplifting, inspired, and motivated I felt every Sunday and Wednesday when I was there. I told her how much we felt like we were learning and growing, and how much we love our church family. I was doing a GREAT job of informing. And I realized that as I was going on and on, that I was informing, but not inviting. I was not inviting because I know the person who asked, and I know her well. She is an old friend and past co-worker, and I know that she and her family have attended a small country church for several years. But I felt led to take it a step further and invited her to come visit sometime. Her response? We just might do that. We have been looking for a new church. I am not happy where we are.
How would I have known if I hadn't asked? I saw it as a good parallel. Some people do feel like they need an invitation. It's not about me.. it's about offering the blessings in my life to others. I DO think it is selfish to keep all of that to myself. It is not up to me to make that decision for someone, but it is up to me to extend the invitation.
Just my two cents.
  • #26
I don't think WHAT Kate said was an attack. I think HOW she said it was (or at least could be taken that way).

This is the part of the thread here that bothered me and got me looking back at the CS thread:

If you feel guilty, maybe you are being selfish)!

Of course, I had to respond and I was a bit catty, so we'll see how many people get out the pitchforks and torches and chase after me! LOL!:devil:

Kate's original post on CS had great points that needed to be said, even the line that we are talking about. It's just that the particular line could have been worded better. And bringing it here is totally fine but the above quoted lines were out of character of the Kate I know. (I think she could have brought it here with something like "was I out of line?" or "now I did it" but, I'm sorry, I read it as gloating.)

Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm reading into it.

...onto other things. I have said my piece, now I need to get back to my business.
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  • #27
Beth - I can see how you could read is as gloating, but I meant it as "let's see what can of worms I just opened" type of thing. I was waiting to be attacked because it seems whenever I post something (or even whenever directors post something) that isn't soft and "everything will be ok" then there is an attack. I was cringing when I wrote the original post, but I stand by what I said, how I said it and why I said it. It looks like it might have gotten through to some people, too. And, BeckyD and I (I think) have figured it out between ourselves. Beth, you are such a sweet and giving person. I am such a dork sometimes and am all over the place. And, I have tons of, what I call, vibrating energy. I have a hard time being calm and relaxed when it comes to something I'm passionate about. Sometimes it comes across very strong, but some people need it. If anyone was offended by it, I am somewhat sorry. I say somewhat because you never know if it did help them even if they got pissed off at me.

Related to Is there too much pressure to recruit in the direct sales industry?

1. What is "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..."?

"Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." is a popular recipe from Pampered Chef that features crispy chicken breasts topped with a creamy sauce and served with roasted vegetables.

2. How do I make "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..."?

To make "Went a Bit Postal on Cs...", you will need chicken breasts, a mixture of bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and your choice of vegetables. Follow the step-by-step instructions on our website or in our recipe book to create this delicious dish.

3. Can I substitute the chicken in "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." with another protein?

Yes, you can substitute chicken with another protein such as pork chops or fish in this recipe. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure the protein is fully cooked.

4. How can I make "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." more healthy?

You can make "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." more healthy by using whole wheat bread crumbs, reducing the amount of mayonnaise or using a light version, and adding more vegetables to the dish. You can also serve it with a side salad or quinoa instead of white rice.

5. Can I freeze "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." for later?

Yes, you can freeze "Went a Bit Postal on Cs..." for later. Make sure to cool the dish completely before storing it in an airtight container or freezer bag. When ready to eat, thaw it in the fridge overnight and reheat in the oven or microwave until heated through.

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