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Director Is It Time to Quit After 12 Years of Direct Sales?

In summary, the author is considering quitting her consultant role because she is dissatisfied with the company's attitude and her team has dwindled. She is also disappointed with the new products and director packages.
Gold Member
I am seriously considering hanging it up. I am just struggling with the changes in the company, I feel the attitude towards directors is not what it should be (well, uppper level directors are the darlings of the company, those of us who do a lot of the work, not so much), my team is dwindling, I am struggling with recruiting, people just don't want to spend the $$ for the kit. I love doing the shows, i do well at them, sales are fine...just kind of disappointed in a lot of stuff. It's been building for almost a year. I'm going to spring launch and only 1 of my consultants is going. I don't even care what the big flippin announcement is.

My meetings are great, when they come they enjoy them, they just all have 27 reasons why they aren't coming or working it. They want more and more training but don't do what I tell them to. This is just one example: I have one consultant who has been on my team for 4 years. She comes to every meeting, every training, is upbeat, knows her stuff....does about $200 a month but swears she's going to put what she learns into practice..her ex-husband quit paying child support/alimony, she is in a panic and really needs to step up her business. She "needs a job". I told her "you HAVE a job", let's get you going on it. She knows a ton of people, never did her own show (yes I have recommended it at least 12 times) finally we were going to do one this Sunday and she can't do it because....she's helping her sister with a garage sale. Um, yeah. And it seems like they are ALL like that--"I can't work my business because _________" fill in the blank with anything you can think of. I had 28 on my team, down to 9. Most of who submit every two or three months--I've had so many re-starters its not funny. I recruited a new girl this month, she's all excited--she got a part time job that became a full time job and did a whopping $238 this month because her new job is just too fun and she's too busy...it's that kind of stuff. Funny thing is--you know who IS taking a lot of my time and who actually IS working their business and seeking me out for training? Yeah, 3 hospitality girls. They call me/text me/email me/FB me/even show up at my door 2-3 times a week.

I'm not happy with the fact that I missed the bronze level by one stinkin recruit's refusal to submit her last $350, which she had by the way in orders, but just refused to submit it (WTH???) so even though I had 86,000 points, because one person didn't qualify I didn't make even the lowest trip...she just flat wouldn't do it "I just don't think Pampered Chef is for me"....told her what it meant to me, offered to submit the orders for her....bupkis.

I'm not happy that they changed the sell-a-thon from November to January because "everyone does well in November anyway"--yes, it's a reward,....I will hit level two this month possibly level 3, but I just think it's cheap on their part. I'm REALLY not happy that they took away the director packages for the new products...but yet TL's get leads and a lot of stuff we used to get as directors. Upper ups get diamond watches and Ipads and we get less than they used to give us by a long shot, they can't even give us the new products any more. I just see it more corporate America and less family than it used to be....yet one of my recruiting points for so many years was "this is NOT like corporate America".

I need the income for my family and this is just getting awfully hard. I have lost my enthusiasm for the company, not the job, and directorship, after 11 years, they can keep it. I honestly think I'm going to look for a job. You know the hardest part? I am good at this. I know I am.

So I'm going to spring launch but honestly think this is just too hard any more,.
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  • #2
Oh yeah, and my upline??? Wel,, SHE got a full time job and doesn't communicate any longer with any of us...tells me she'll call, and blows me off 3-4 times, then spends the time on the phone just chatting with no ideas for me other than "focus on recruiting". I asked her to do accountability calls with me and she's kinda busy....I am consistently in her top 10 of 200+consultants and 7 directors. It's not like I'm a deadbeat.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} I know this is hard for you and I wish you the best in making your decision. Some of the same things you are saying have made this cross my mind more than once. Like any venture, when it stops being fun or stops giving you what you need from it, thn it's time to look at your options.

If you decide to continue I'll look forward to future posts from you but if you decide it's time to move on know that you'll be missed and that you touched our lives and businesses.
{{{{HUGS}}}} Much of what you have said are things that have gone through my mind too many times. I could have written your post!

This is just me but for some reason, I am getting excited about my business again and it has been awhile. I think the reason I am excited is because I have not been able to do my business the way I want for the last 4 months.

I too get discouraged about my downline. For now, I am focusing on my business then I will reach out to others.

As Beth said, only you can decide. I have one consultant going to SL as well and I am going to feed off from some of her excitement. If it helps, feed from your hospitality's excitement. I used to have an active hospitality and featured them in my newsletter...it sort of took some aback and made them think that they too could do what they do!

It is painful to see someone such as yourself who does her business well, feel the way you do. I too would be more than disappointed at the consultant that did not submit her party. (disappointed is much kinder than what I am really thinking!!)

You mentioned the parties being fun for you. This is what I hold onto. If I don't get what I need from my upline, I find other support systems even if it is a motivational person such as Belinda Ellsworth or Tammy Stanley.

Keep us posted and know that you have people here who care. It is my hope that you and I come back to this board after SL excited about our business again. Hang in there.
I could have written your post last year. I was in such a funk and I lost all of my confidence. My team was faltering and I could not do anything right. My growth was down and I found I was just not having any fun anymore. I even had the wanted ads out. I was considering going back to my old life. I felt like I was at a crossroads. My husband and I sat down and talk things out. He has always been really supportive. I took a lot of time weighing my options and I went to ULA. I was at my lowest at ULA in August. I was there with some big East Coast heavy hitters. I did not feel like I deserved to be there. I felt like an imposter. I really opened myself to the entire group during an exercise and had them “diagnose” my problem. While I got a lot of great advice, what I receive even more was empathy. I realized that I was not alone, I am not an imposter and I am not a loser (which is how I was feeling). I was not alone.

If you need support and you are not getting it, find a buddy. I have a couple of directors that I talk with. We have the same goals and we keep each other going. I find that personal contact with your buddy is better than electronic contact.

I feel the frustration in your post. You know what you want and need. I wish you all the best in your decision.
Nanisu said:
but I just think it's cheap on their part. I'm REALLY not happy that they took away the director packages for the new products...but yet TL's get leads and a lot of stuff we used to get as directors. ,.

They DID!?!?!?!? How did I miss that? Please tell me you are kidding! :bugeye: I've been a consultant for 10 years and finally made it to director last spring. If that is so, I'm gonna be so depressed.

This is misleading - they did not take them away. They just don't include "everything" anymore. Key items are left out and you're encouraged to earn them on your own.
They didn't eliminate the Director package; they just aren't including ALL the new products. You can read the fine print on the Free-for-All Flyer that says Directors will receive a selection of new products. The same thing happened in the Fall where Directors did not get every piece of Stoneware in taupe. Can't remember what else wasn't included in the Fall Director package.
All very well said. Wendy I felt the same as you when I went to New Dir Academy. Everyone was riding high on success and I felt like the total failure. To this day I have a team that doesn't perform and its something I have accepted and just look for new, fresh blood. (figuratively)

<Warning: LONGER!> LOL
Nanisu (is it Nancy? Why am I at a blank for this? LOL)
This business is just like Desperate Housewives and we all live on Wisteria Lane. When we meet at the proverbial picket fence at the edge of the grass, everyone's life (business in our case) looks so healthy, fruitful, successful and happy. But what's really going on in each persons mind & behind closed doors is not what always appears at the fence. Many are struggling, many are barely hanging on to hope, many are dying inside with jealousy, rage, hatred and insecurity, many are so sure of themselves that they aren't greatful for what they have and think that there's always something better, some are having an affair, some are experiementing with open marriage (trying multiple businesses at the same time), many think they have been wronged and hold onto that grudge that sucks the life out of them, many keep trying and trying but never get anywhere, some are tooting their horns and looking all successful & happy yet their homelife is a disaster & crumbling out from underneath them, and then there are some who knew what they had, loved it, embraced it, became very frustrated with it and sought help in getting through it in order to make sure that before they made a major life decision, that it was the best decision for them before they made it in haste. I am not saying you are making any decision in haste but as others have pointed out, only you can make the decision and perhaps reaching out to someone and talking through it (over time, not even a one time conversation) may help you to refuel and rebuild or really decide that now is your time to open a different door in life and see where that path takes you.

Why did you start? Did you really start b/c of having a self-fulfilling team? If not, then why not go back to the mindset that you're int his for you? Find your why again - find why you love it and why you would want to keep going. See if that outweighs the negative you are feeling.

The only thing I will say is, you can get past everything and move forward, but you won't be able to successfully as long as you feel that you have been wronged by the company. Today is NOT yesterday and todays businesses are not, nor will ever be, the business of years past. Its not possible to sustain profitability so until you can wrap your midn around the concept of "the only constant, is change" you'll always be feeling slighted and wronged by 'corporate america'. Like it or not, TPC is big business in its own right and IS why they are strong and stable. Look around you - its not often that 'small business' can use the word stable in today's economy.

No matter what "job" you find - you will encounter the phenomenon of "rip off the lower part of the totem to allow those at the top to get ahead." Unfortunately, its the world we live in. Wrong or right, it is what it is. Whether its one more recruit you need than last year in direct sales, or the lack of a payraise and a spike in your healthcare benefits in the corporate world - its all the same. Raise the bar year after year, work harder with less (in some cases) and produce more in a more efficient (synonymous with profitable) way.

Not looking to sound cold - I really do empathize with you and remind those reading this that I was and am one of those girls on Wisteria lane who may appear to have it all together but cringe when someone looks at my roller coaster sales - there is no constant...I only know peaks and valleys. I don't even know what its like to have a team that submits. In two years I can count on ONE hand the amount of times I have gotten activity bonus and overrides worth more than a pack of gum....I only demote and repromote when the tides in the sea align with the stars (or when I "help" myself), i have said on numerous occassions "this must not be for me" and I even stopped attending team events out of fear and shame that other team members in our cluster may discover that my business on some months is really closer to "out of business" than "in business".

So I get ya! I feel for ya! I'm sure I have even shed a tear for you (b/c I've shed more than enough tears for myself). Like you though, I KNOW I am good at it and I KNOW I love doing it and it keeps me hopeful that the next month will be better than the one before or at least that it will make the car payment. LOL How can I have $12K in sales one month and be lucky to submit ANYTHING the next? How can I recruit four in a month and then none for a year? Answer - fear. Mine is fear of the phone, lack of belief and asking people. I'd rather have an annual exam than pick up the phone! (And that comes from a gal that vomits annually before "that" appointment....yes I have NOT had kids LOL) What keeps you (and its not your team) from being and feeling successful? Excuses? Blaming others? Hostility? Lack of belief? Lack of support? (rhetorical - not meant to be answered)

Find that answer and WHY you love it - you'll have your pros....do they outweigh the cons?

So I'm airing my laundry on the picket fence on Wisteria Lane to say - We support you, you're NOT alone in how you feel or where you are at mentally and with your business, are all here for you but first you have to see if you want to be there for yourself and have the courage to keep doing what you love, or find something that appeases you. Either way, I hope whichever cab comes down the Lane, it takes you to the place where you're happy, at peace and able to hold your head up high with pride knowing you made the right decision for YOU.

Remember, that cab can also always come back to the neighborhood - as nothing (but death) has to be forever.

<<<<HUGS>>>> to you!

(Yep, another case of "short and concise" is not a strength of mine...)
  • #10
As many others have said, I could have written this post myself too. Recently I have been contemplating hanging up my apron and I've never gotten close to feeling like this in the past 8 1/2 years. It doesn't help when we feel like this and things have changed so much with the company. You're totally right about how the Directors get kind of lost in the dust with the attention and rewards focused on the Upper Level Directors - especially those way up there. If the shows are still fun and enjoyable to you, that's something to take into consideration. I'm frustrated with the company, I think I'm a sucky director and I hate not getting leads because of the dang requirements not being met because of OTHER PEOPLE, not me. I had been pulling my weight, but when everything else started falling out of place, my own motivation suffered. Much like the CRAPPY thing that happened with you missing your trip. It's no wonder it's soured your outlook. :( That SUCKS!! I'm so sorry. Because the trips are SUCH a big part of what keeps many of us going.I don't know if you're at all like me, but the thought of giving this up nearly had me in tears thinking about what I'd miss: the actual shows, the awesome friends I've made through this, the fun people I meet at every show. So that showed me I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel. I'm going to SL and hoping it rejuvenates me. Maybe it'll do the same to you. If not, maybe it's time to think about hanging up the apron. When it becomes more frustration than joy, there's nothing wrong with looking into other options. I also had a wake up call remembering my December. I hadn't done a cooking show in two months until last week. My December sucked, I wasn't in the lead system for the first December since becoming a director, and I had no desire for two months to put much work (phone calls) into my biz. BUT my son had two surgeries in December and even though my biz was in the cr*pper, I got to take care of him, go to tons of doctors appts, stay in the hospital overnight with him twice and I didn't have to think TWICE about a job. If I had a part time job or a full time job, that would have been a little stickier and not that it would have been hard to get that time, it just would have been another layer of stress. I wouldn't trade having that flexibility for the world.Maybe see how SL goes and if your'e still feeling in a funk, do a pros/cons list. ????Good luck! I know it's so hard to be disappointed in the company and where some things have taken us. I think we're feeling that more and more. But if there are enough things YOU enjoy about it, still think about getting what YOU want out of it. Don't know if my babbling helped, but I hope things resolve themselves to where you want them to be. :)
  • #11
I'm just curious and am asking b/c I don't know. When was the last time there was an increase in the pay scale?

  • #12
I have company visiting from out of state & don't have time to read all the responses, just wanted to send you some BIG (((hugs)))! I'm hoping my girl isn't putting extra stress on you right now. She just had a baby & is distracted lately, so my guess is she's not contacting you much right now. But I'm happy to do more with her by phone ... just let me know girl! ;)
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  • #13
Oh Shiela, she's welcome whenever she calls! I like the hospitality girls and I love teaching them! Just wish my own appreciated it as much as they do. Beth, bless your heart I recieved your response within 10 min after I posted. It touched my heart Becky, Wendy, Ann, Sheila, thank you so much for your empathy and care for this hurting heart. Melissa, it's not that I expect the company to be unprofitable to be treated like we matter. It didn't used to be this way, that's what hurts. I had plenty of years in corporate America before this job, and it doesn't have to be this way.I had a fun show tonight. 14 guests , 8 orders, and they APPLAUDED me when I was done. Even the dud show I had on Saturday (if you saw that post) was so bad it was funny. So I am having fun. I think I am going to pray and re-invent myself. Time to switch it up or give it up. I will be around for awhile at least. Thanks for the love everybody.Nancy
  • #14
I think we would all be stretching the truth if we said we don't understand or haven't been there (unless you are a newbie) I bet any of us could have written it.I've been selling since my youngest was 1 year and 4 days old , she is now in college . when I went thru the separation my Director was the first person I told, We were cooking for our fall kick off that day at our house. she saw my devastation and allowed my business to limp along thru the depression, keeping it from our kids and then trying to build a life when he moved out. The divorce took 2 years, my business has sucked. Yes I have stayed active, earned the 2 a month promos but i lost the spark. (or my heart tug)
I am looking forward to SL and new products. could care less about a new app (if that is truly) what it is.
What keeps me motivated? All but 1 woman on my team is either a single mom, lost a husband, or divorced (no kids) I KNOW this can be an income producer to better their families so I am now trying to lead by example. (like in my former life)
I recruited someone last week, i was the first in our cluster my D made a big deal about it. it felt good!!Hugs to everyone who missed the trip because of something they couldn't control, directors who have cons who won't communicate and to Doris for her vision all those years ago.
  • #15
sandilou2 said:
I'm just curious and am asking b/c I don't know. When was the last time there was an increase in the pay scale?


They restructured the compensation plan in 2009 for Senior Consultants and up (adding the SC title and 1% override). Then they revamped it again in 2010 or 2011.

As far as the 20% base... that's been the same since PC started in 1980.
  • #16
finley1991 said:
As far as the 20% base... that's been the same since PC started in 1980.

Wow, now THAT'S an eye-opener. I didn't realize that! I know they revamped it with the various levels of commission, but, hmmmmm, maybe it's time to get with the times!!!

It makes me think this could be a possible announcement. :clap::clap:

If it is an app or a web-based thing that's the HUGE announcement, I just don't think it'll get quite the response they are hoping for!!!
  • #17
originally posted by pamperedbecky:Wow, now THAT'S an eye-opener. I didn't realize that! I know they revamped it with the various levels of commission, but, hmmmmm, maybe it's time to get with the times!!!It makes me think this could be a possible announcement. If it is an app or a web-based thing that's the HUGE announcement, I just don't think it'll get quite the response they are hoping for!!!
The execs had three standing ovations. Some of them are tech challenged. I still think its a tech announcement but it has to be way more than an app. It has to be a total revamping of P3, websites, all things technical, to make it all work smoothly and easily. Tech guys have been hinting with "in my new world". I think up the app will be announced but it's only part of the whole picture. Web based may be part of it too but they have to know that too many people don't have access to Internet all the time. Whatever, they've created the buzz they wanted. We just have a few days now to wait (even those who are in the second wave don't have that long and from what the execs said it will be worth their wait too.) Is it Saturday yet?ETA: and I'll be dancing in the aisles if they announce a higher base commission and or fundraiser donation but I'm not holding my breath on that. Remember it cost $2 million to develop...
  • #18
I've been without internet since Friday. I've had to do EVERYTHING on my iPhone and it's been HORRID. Now that I have to have reading glasses, seeing anything on the screen is a challenge and there is NO WAY I can (or will for that matter) run my biz from my phone. :grumpy:

Like Beth said, they've created the buzz they wanted. I hope whatever it is, it makes OUR jobs easier. An app for our customers? Okay... whatevs. :indifferent0016:
  • #19
I'm right there with you all too! My last year totally sucked esp. when I missed earning Maui by 2 minutes!
Last year I spent the entire year with downs more than ups....I lost my Directorship over a credit card while on vacation in July, the flood hit our area the next month, so that's strike 2.......my TEAM is MIA almost every month.

My Director is an Exec. & she's always only had time for her performers but it's funny how she needs my sales to make her "title".....that's really the only time I hear from her...wanting to know what's going to be submitted?!?!

This December came & I didn't earn a THING so........ I did some soul searching & said this is my break or make year!

So thank you ladies for all of your post's knowing that I'm not the only 1 out there going through this together we'll either move on or get through this :)
  • #20
Ohmygosh I don't know if I told ya'll this but I was ready to hang it up at National Conference last year. Then... I don't know... I had so much fun with my PC friends, old and new ( thanks Carolyn and Colleen for keeping me in stitches,) that I decided my burnout was from simply doing too much. I did some soul searching and had to convince myself that I don't HAVE to be the top all the time to have a successful biz. If I am making that extra$$ that my family depends on, and having fun, then it's ok to scale back etc. The result? I had 14 new recruits between July and December. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but for me it was about finding my happy place again and just letting myself enjoy this job. I scaled my show schedule back because having a life and the biz are what makes me happy.
I don't know if this helps but I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I, too, have been there.
Wendy- OMGosh I totally related to what you said about feeling like an imposter sometimes. Then I have to tell myself... it's not a race... it's not a race...lol
  • #21
I've been reading all of these and nodding my head in agreement over many statements.

Here is my take...I was ready to quit in November. Seriously ready. I told my director I was quitting. She talked me down from my little ledge, and I agreed to keep going, but there are some things that I have been thinking about and thought I'd throw them out there...

First - I don't think I really even like being a director. I thought I would, but I don't. I don't like coddling people who want to be celebrated for turning in $150 every two or three months. I don't want to have to deal with people who tell me they want so much for their business, but then are unwilling to do even small steps to help themselves get ahead. I even had TWO consultants in the past few months ask me if I had extra shows that I could give to them to help them stay active....REALLY??? How about you call some people and book some shows. We've trained and trained and trained...and it doesn't seem to matter.
I want the consultants I sign to be like me. That's it. It's just what it is. I don't need a lot of direction - I'm pretty self motivated, and I can get the job done. I have a couple consultants like that - and I LOVE helping them achieve their goals, because I know when we set out goals and a game plan, they are going to follow it and do what they need to do to get it done. For the rest...all I hear are excuses for why they couldn't. IF I hear from them at all.

This past year - I had two separate instances with hosts that were beyond horrible. Way beyond horrible. Nasty women who lied and caused me so much stress that it affected the way I've dealt with all of my hosts. I've become cynical and suspicious of hosts, and although I know in my heart that most of them are great people, and many of them have also become my friends...there is this part of me that wants to keep up this huge wall to protect myself from the abuse again.

I've thought long and hard about what I really love in this business...and what I love is the show. I love doing the demo, and teaching people how to make healthy meals at home quickly. I love to inspire people to get back into the kitchen and to really cook. Not just open cans and boxes, but to cook using fresh ingredients. That is what I love...and right now, it's about the only part of my job that I love.

At the same time - (And I guess I could say I love this part too...) where else could I go and make this same amount of money, and totally on my schedule? That is what's keeping me here right now, more than anything. Although I have struggled with so much this past year, at least I've been able to not work when I really don't want to, and still make money. But I really don't like that it's come down to that.

Okay - there is my vent to add. Although I'm not sure how much it added...but it felt sorta good to get it out there.
  • #22
As so many have said here, we all have ups and downs over sales, team members, relationships... that said focus on what YOU can control and what YOU can influence... which is YOU and YOUR personal business. Circle the wagons and spend your time on your business. Book more personal shows, focus on your personal sales, personal recruiting.. or not recruiting. Remember you can get director benefits by being an elite seller. Recruiting and team building is not for everyone... even though the company "line" is that we all need to share this wonderful business with the world. I lost a first line and 3rd line director in the past few months. VERY disappointing, :bawl: but it is their business not mine. I spend the time on my business and my personal sales reflect that, up 50+% January 2012 vs Jan 2011. My energy does make a difference to someone... ME and my hostesses!:money: So I continue to succeed... define your success how YOU want to define it... not how the company decides you should... at the end of it all.. THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS.. Make it YOURS
  • #23
beckyjsmith said:
that I decided my burnout was from simply doing too much.
I am the opposite! When I feel burned out, I'm just not busy enough and it's all a result of my own doing (or not doing as the case may be!)PS: LOVED LOVED LOVED meeting you at NC!!! :candyheart:
  • #24
Nanisu said:
Oh Shiela, she's welcome whenever she calls! I like the hospitality girls and I love teaching them! Just wish my own appreciated it as much as they do. Beth, bless your heart I recieved your response within 10 min after I posted. It touched my heart Becky, Wendy, Ann, Sheila, thank you so much for your empathy and care for this hurting heart. Melissa, it's not that I expect the company to be unprofitable to be treated like we matter. It didn't used to be this way, that's what hurts. I had plenty of years in corporate America before this job, and it doesn't have to be this way.

My apologies as it seems that all you could take away from that was the part on corporate america and clearly felt I was unemapathetic. Next time I'll keep my "laundry" in the house instead of clearly showing that I was empathizing with you. Enough said.

Wow I can be short and to the point. Take this date down in history. :)

  • #25
Chefbeckyd said:
This past year - I had two separate instances with hosts that were beyond horrible. Way beyond horrible. Nasty women who lied and caused me so much stress that it affected the way I've dealt with all of my hosts. I've become cynical and suspicious of hosts, and although I know in my heart that most of them are great people, and many of them have also become my friends...there is this part of me that wants to keep up this huge wall to protect myself from the abuse again.

I have had the same recently... just awful people, liars, cheats, abusers...really makes you rethink.. I decided that I am going to start treating those the same. I have cancelled shows myself on people who are terrible. FEELS AWESOME... and I have told the past hostesses exactly why I cancelled the show. Funny thing is they all agreed with me and are still customers! Even booked additional show themselves
  • #26
It sure is helpful and wonderful that we all feel we can share our down moments here and not just celebrate our successes and that it doesn't become a pitty party but instead we are giving each other support, empathy and hope. It's good to know that even the stars among us are human and feel the same as those that haven't achieved as much (for whatever reasons or excuses we can tell ourselves).

I just love this forum!!
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  • #27
Thanks everybody....I read a blog last night about the difference between goals and vision, I am a little more inspired today. Thanks again for your support and virtual hugs. Time for a new process or two. {{{{{{{ love this group }}}}}}}
  • #28
{{{{HUGS}}}} Nancy!

I can relate to each and every one of y'all! I can't say that I LOVE being a Director, but I do LOVE the extra perks! ...even if they are not what they used to be.

I love being a Director to the consultants on my team who want to work their business. I have no problem with the ones who submit $150 shows every month or every other month. They are consistent and I know that that is what they want to do. I don't count on them for sales dollars, but I know I can count on them to be one of my active numbers. And with a small team, that is just as important to me as the higher seller I do have. I love helping the ones who are in the biz to earn money and are actually working their business.

I HATE dealing with the ones who want to just make excuses! The ones I really have issue with are the ones who make all the excuses in the world as to why no one wants to book a show....hmmmm, maybe actually ASK someone! Or better yet, maybe let your friends know that you are a consultant. Business doesn't come thru osmosis people!

I am very excited for Spring Launch and so glad that I am scheduled for this weekend! My personal business has been picking up these past few months and I'm super excited to see what this year will bring for me and my team. I have high hopes for my team (they can only go up at this point! lol)

We can do it!
  • #29
pamperedlinda said:
{{{{HUGS}}}} Nancy!

I can relate to each and every one of y'all! I can't say that I LOVE being a Director, but I do LOVE the extra perks! ...even if they are not what they used to be.

I love being a Director to the consultants on my team who want to work their business. I have no problem with the ones who submit $150 shows every month or every other month. They are consistent and I know that that is what they want to do. I don't count on them for sales dollars, but I know I can count on them to be one of my active numbers. And with a small team, that is just as important to me as the higher seller I do have. I love helping the ones who are in the biz to earn money and are actually working their business.

I HATE dealing with the ones who want to just make excuses! The ones I really have issue with are the ones who make all the excuses in the world as to why no one wants to book a show....hmmmm, maybe actually ASK someone! Or better yet, maybe let your friends know that you are a consultant. Business doesn't come thru osmosis people!

I am very excited for Spring Launch and so glad that I am scheduled for this weekend! My personal business has been picking up these past few months and I'm super excited to see what this year will bring for me and my team. I have high hopes for my team (they can only go up at this point! lol)

We can do it!

This whole post says pretty much how things are for me too except that I do count those people for their sales more months than I'd like to. Some months that $150 person who HAD to submit this month helps me get paid as director. Happily though most month they are just icing on the cake.
  • #30
finley1991 said:
I am the opposite! When I feel burned out, I'm just not busy enough and it's all a result of my own doing (or not doing as the case may be!)

PS: LOVED LOVED LOVED meeting you at NC!!! :candyheart:

I am the same way! When I am excited and working my business, it is easy and I love it and I don't get burned out as easily because even when someone doesn't sign or a show cancels or anything else goes wrong I can always look ahead to the next one because there IS a next one. ;)
  • #31
pcjenni said:
Chefbeckyd said:
This past year - I had two separate instances with hosts that were beyond horrible. Way beyond horrible. Nasty women who lied and caused me so much stress that it affected the way I've dealt with all of my hosts. I've become cynical and suspicious of hosts, and although I know in my heart that most of them are great people, and many of them have also become my friends...there is this part of me that wants to keep up this huge wall to protect myself from the abuse again.

I have had the same recently... just awful people, liars, cheats, abusers...really makes you rethink.. I decided that I am going to start treating those the same. I have cancelled shows myself on people who are terrible. FEELS AWESOME... and I have told the past hostesses exactly why I cancelled the show. Funny thing is they all agreed with me and are still customers! Even booked additional show themselves

I had 2 people like that last year and it is amazing the effect they can have on your entire business. Both had me in tears because they personally attacked me. Jenni, I LOVE your response and need to really take that to heart the next time I am in a situation like that. I am way better at beating myself up than standing up for myself. Where do these people come from and how do they sleep at night?
  • #32
Chantelle, "they" have no problems sleeping at night because they conduct themselves like that throughout their lives... toxic people, there have been books written about them. Once you recognize "them", YOU have the power... they prey on weakness, they manipulate because it WORKS FOR THEM... if you do not allow it, "they" stop the BS immediately, because it no longer works!
  • #33
((((HUGS)))) Nancy!
I have been reading and thinking about all these posts. Much of what you said has crossed my mind too! One of my personal peeves was the way they changed the jewelry for the excellence awards and it took alot not to let that carry over into other parts of my business, I am still working on that:) I have found that what makes me great at this business is I put everything into it and when something is not going well it is hard to put your all back into it. So life can effect my PC business and visa versa. In September I had the lowest month I have had in well over a year and every day I came home and did nothing but lay on the couch and let my kids make messes. It wasn't just because of PC it was because of EVERYTHING I had going on in my life. I was very unhappy and thought about just walking away from my business.
I decided that I had too much invested in my business to walk away, I believe that this is an opportunity to be anything I want to be whether that means as a consultant or as a National Exec. So I decided to give it my all and see where that could take me and it was really exciting what I accomplished in the last 3 months. I am like several of you. I LOVE the cooking show. I am happiest at a show teaching people how to make dinner time easy. That is where my focus is on my show schedule and my hosts because that is what controls my income and the income is what keeps me with PC.
I focus on my PASSION (and when I say this I think of Sharon Zellen crying at conference) I know everyone is passionate about a different part of their business, but for me it is the fact that I am home with my kids, I take them to and from school every day. I don't miss their birthdays or the holidays because I have to work. I am always a stability for them when their dad has to travel and be gone all the time. That is huge for my little ones, I can only imagine how much harder this year would be on them if I was gone even more than I am. Also I have well over doubled my income and have goals at tripling it. I did not have to go back to school, I did not have to fight thru job interviews and get turned down repeatedly, I did not have to do anything but work my business. This has allowed me to pay all our bills while my husband is out of work. I NEVER would have imagined I could do that let alone not be gone upwards of 60+ hours a week. There is no comparison to what I would have to give up with my family to accomplish the same thing with another job and that is why I LOVE what I do.
Don't get me wrong, there are days that I don't host coach enough, or I forget to follow up with someone or I feel like I am gone from my family too much or I have one too many people trying to get me to help them with something, but when I look at the bigger picture it is still worth it.
I am looking forward to Spring Launch because there is always someone there that has MANY more excuses and drawbacks and much bigger problems to overcome than me that is doing MORE than me and I take inspiration from that and try to remind myself "NO MORE EXCUSES" ( I am not saying that anyone here is making excuses, this is just something that helps me)
  • #34
WOW!!!!!! These posts are like an answer to prayer. I almost cried through the first 5 actually...I cannot even tell you how almost all of these I could have written myself! I'm so thankful that I just jumped on here and saw this. I am a part of a group that is full of awesome Directors doing AWESOME things, and it is so hard to be a part of that group and feel like I don't have the right to be there...I have been a consultant since 2004, but really kicked up my business over the last year-18 months. I was on a high in July when I earned the Taste of Travel trip and totally rocking out the biz. I had recruited like crazy last year, and promoted to Director. I can recruit really well, because of HO leads and showing people how awesome this biz is at my shows....but.....wait for it....
I am NOT having fun at my shows!!! I almost dread them. I have found lately, (and so glad this is not a open to the world post) that I have some serious anxiety/nervousness issues. I get so nervous lately because of the added pressure I've put on myself. I'm insecure, and doubt myself constantly because I've put SO much stinkin' pressure on myself to do great. Well, I started this whole panic/stress thing in September last year and after earning the TOT trip, I am so embarrassed to say, but I did NOT earn the cruise...not even close. I was 11K in points away, and though I had all the recruits, not enough to make it to the Bronze. How do I go from the TOT in the first part of the year, and go into the busiest part of our year and fail!?!? Talk about feeling like a complete loser..... :cry: I'm slowly getting over it, but it has been a struggle...I've really thought that maybe the stress of worrying about how many sales I'm going to get out of XYZ show, or how many bookings or recruits I'm going to get has just ruined it for me. I did not do $1250 in December, but $30 shy of it and I have NOTHING going on for January. Nada...well, except 2 small shows for the bag....Whoopy Doopy.... My Upline is wondering if I'm ok even! I had kicked this up and now in January I'm about to lose my HO leads, won't earn the Director pack or even the level 1 product pack! I have a whopping $220 in sales in currently and can't even pull it together enough to care. But, something inside of me isn't completely giving up. I know it's not that I can't...because I have and CAN, but something has got to change.... I'm so disappointed in not earning the trip last year that I've mentally tossed in the towel. And the worst part is, I thought I was THE only one...So, thank you for these posts. I cannot even tell you how much better I feel at least knowing I'm not the only one feeling like a hypocrite and fake. Because, on the outside, to my team, all is A-OK. On the inside I'm falling apart personally and with my biz and I cannot even tell you how I'm going to get it together. SO looking forward to Spring Launch. If it isn't great, I too, will be done....
  • #35
Thanks for sharing, Heather. I hope things get better for you. It does sound like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. :( It's hard not to do sometimes. Don't feel bad that you didn't earn the cruise. You're basically working a new biz in the last 18 months and having to deal with the ups and downs of the business.

As for the anxiety-do you notice it in other areas of your life? Or just PC and shows? If it's really just shows, then try to forget about earning trips, earning incentives, meeting Director requirements, etc. Try to maybe get back in to the biz for the reasons you originally enjoyed it. Maybe then you'll start to enjoy shows more. I know when I focus too much on the "other stuff" I get VERY discouraged. That gets me down and I don't want to work my biz. I earned trips 5 years in a row.... sometimes "bronze" and sometimes "silver" (although they weren't called those back then). My biz took a nosedive and I haven't earned a trip since Disney. I got VERY bent out of shape about this because the trips were "my thing." They were what kept me motivated and I liked earning those better than earning the paycheck!! I started seeing my biz slide in '09 when I had surgery on my right hand and couldn't do many shows. It's never recovered since then. I feel that when I let myself off the hook for not earning trips anymore, it helped a little. I'm still disappointed and I hope to get back to that level, but now I just try to keep biz afloat. My goal through the end of last year was to just keep my directorship and not lose it. Well, I accomplished that, but my business got worse due to other things in my life (going back into my previous field of work (counseling/therapy - so I understand about the stress/anxiety!), surgeries with my son, other LIFE stuff) and now I may not even be able to maintain directorship. I almost gave up on the whole biz, but am now trying to just get back to ENJOYING it. It's the shows I personally liked the most, so I'm trying to focus on that and if I lose my directorship, it's not the end of the world.

So, try to give yourself a break and see if you can rediscover the love you once had for the shows and the business. See where it takes you maybe?? Good luck!!!

And you are definitely NOT alone!!! I'm so glad I rejoined DCS (I was gone for 6 months) to see I'm not alone in my feelings either. Vent when you need to!! I'm sure you'll get some great support here.
  • #36
Thanks Becky - I appreciate your response!

No, it's not just at PC shows, but in other areas of my life, so I know it's me! :help: LOL...

But, it's funny how when we pray for guidance on something, and God slowly starts to show us what we asked for, we don't like it suddenly. I have asked God to show me His will with the biz and all aspects of my life and it's funny how shows are cancelling left and right, recruiting appointments have cancelled and are MIA and it's just odd. Now, I'm still trying just to see if this is really the end or not, but I can only bang my head against the proverbial brick wall so long!

Still looking forward to Saturday (Spring Launch) though...
  • #37
I just got back from a short vaca with my daughter (in Florida)...and only read a few posts, but boy -- they hit home. You are not alone. I find myself having to take time off every once in a while. January was the month for me. I have $260 in personal sales, most of my team is struggling and I am not being of any help to them this month. I put in for a grace month (which I have never done before) but won't need it since we won't hit our $5000 team sales goal anyway.

I am in the process of working on booking February (I have no shows on the schedule and haven't had any "real" shows since November). I get a little ticked with the company every once in a while at their response to some issues....for example the time it took them to readjust the Director level issues -- hopefully whoever created that first "Career Plan" a few years ago was fired. It created a downward spiral that still hasn't stopped for many.

Time to take a deep breath and then give it another go -- I have to come up for air every once in a while.

Would love to post more, but have things to catch up on -- sending hugs to all who are struggling. I am right there with you!
  • #38
I wrote a long response last night while on my Netbook but I lost my internet connection before posting. GRRRR!!! Thankfully I had the sense to copy and paste it into a word document before hitting the post button, so I'll try to go fetch it and post it today. Just wanted to add that I am nodding in solidarity. Hang in there everyone!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Once again, thank you everyone for your encouragement and the courage to speak up, I really was feeling like a failure after 12 years...that's what I was struggling with so much. I definitely feel like I', not alone in this...thanks again.
  • #40
hey girls... im in Canada. Have had these feelings for about 2 years now ... not to the point of wanting to quit, but so many of the things you have put on here are so familiar to me! unappreciative team members, wierdly insane hosts... sometimes i wonder why I put up with this crap from anyone!
Things are so different in last 2 years or so with my biz, and i think that directorship can actually be too stressful at times. Especially when you are doing everything in your power to help people and they dont take your advice and yet still waste you time whining about it constantly.... Like banging your head against a wall! And honestly, my own biz suffered because i was spending so much time trying to make sure everyone elses biz was working for them!
I actually stopped having meetings because it was so dissapointing having 21 people on the team and having only 2 or 3 show up and so many of the times it was all hospitality!
They dont come to a meeting but will call or e-mail me when they are desperate and beg for help... "HELLO... if you were at the meeting you would have all you need to fix this"!!

ok... done... just ranting. this thread brought up some stuff again for me i guess..LOL

Related to Is It Time to Quit After 12 Years of Direct Sales?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "After 12 Years (Warning: Long) I am seriously considering hanging it up?

1. What changes have you noticed in the company that have contributed to your consideration of leaving?

2. How has the attitude towards directors changed in your opinion?

3. What challenges have you faced with recruiting new consultants?

4. How have the changes in the company affected your team's performance and size?

5. What specifically makes you feel disappointed in the company and its direction?

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