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Improve Your Writing: Tips for Punctuation, Capitalization, and Formatting | Fyi

just takes a sec.Thanks for this thread. I have a really hard time reading posts that have terrible spelling and grammar. Although I am a bit paranoid posting in this thread because my grammar isn't *perfect* and I use ellipsis a lot. On this board, I've found spelling to be the most annoying thing. I just hope people use spell check before sending emails to their friends.
  • #101
Jenni - try not to worry about it. We're all here because we enjoy the company and value the knowledge we gain... (lol, there I go with the dots again!) I'm certainly not going to stop ellipsing (is that a word?) nor should you worry about your spelling. I would hate for someone to not contribute something that could be valuable, simply because they don't want to make a spelling or grammatical error.
  • #102
Like others have already stated - this thread was started as a reminder, not to those who may be "spelling-challenged" but for those who don't bother to take the time to use punctuation, capitalization, or who insist in text-messaging everyone online. Those things have nothing to do with struggling to spell, they are more about common courtesy.
  • Thread starter
  • #103
ChefBeckyD said:
Like others have already stated - this thread was started as a reminder, not to those who may be "spelling-challenged" but for those who don't bother to take the time to use punctuation, capitalization, or who insist in text-messaging everyone online. Those things have nothing to do with struggling to spell, they are more about common courtesy.
Exactly. Thanks Becky.
  • #104
I think spelling and grammar are one thing (ok, fine... 2 things!) and easy to overlook, both by the poster and the reader. Beth started this thread about punctuation.

I will admit that I'm guilty of proofing posts in my own mind as I read them, but that is my own albatros and I need to learn to get over myself. It is the posts without punctuation that cause the most headaches, especially when I have to read and reread a post to understand what the writer is trying to say.
  • #105
Jean DeVries said:
Hi, my name is Jean, and not only am I addicted to nasal spray, I'm also addicted to ellipses (ellipsi? ellipsesses? crap...dots that trail off thoughts).

I have mixed feelings about this thread. I consider myself a very good speller and a semi so-so grammarian. I can match verb tenses, I know the difference between your and you're (and get SERIOUSLY irritated when I see it wrong in public), and if I thought about it a while, I could probably come up with the definition of a gerund. But I also don't think it's fair to rag on people who don't possess these talents. Granted, there is a difference between people who know what is correct and choose to ignore it, and people who, despite years of trying, still don't get it right. Those people know it's a weakness, are probably self-conscious about it, and try their best to overcome it. And whatever the intention, it does sound a little elitist when people criticize people for it.

Yes, you can run things through a spell checker. But there really are no good grammar checkers, dialect checkers, idiom checkers, and everything else. I fully endorse the use of proper grammar in a professional setting, but to me, this isn't it. This is a place for people to come, hang out, learn stuff, get to know each other, and generally have cyberconversations similar to what would be had if we were all in someone's living room.

Everybody's good at something. Everyone's not so good at something. If this were a quantum physics forum, there would no doubt be a thread about how people who didn't understand plain, well, quantum shouldn't post. I would feel bad, because I don't know jack about quantum.

(Now, if I knew jack about quantum, but chose to post stuff that I knew was wrong, that would be another story...I would expect people to call me out on that.)

I'm kinda selfish. If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll read it regardless. I can tell the difference between people who know and choose not to use and people who don't know. And when I read the thoughts of someone who perhaps didn't express themselves in a way that I would have (grammatically, that is), it just makes me all the more grateful that spelling and acceptable grammar is one of my talents. I'm sure the writer has talents that I don't. I choose not to judge. (I'm not implying that the rest of you are judgemental, I just can't think of a less "volatile" word.)

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I've never been popular, so it's familiar territory :)

Jean, I couldn't agree more!!!

Jenni said:
I mean this to come across polite and friendly... I really do! You don't know why because you can spell well. I now feel like every time I go to post someone is going to be out there with a red pen. That is my own silly problem I am aware. :p At 32 you would think I would have shaken those growing up with LD issues.

I will continue to post, because I love these boards. But I must say I wonder how many people wont.... after reading this thread.

Oh and yes I used a lot of.... :sing: I love them..... LOL
As someone who loved English in High School and excelled in school, I don't normally have a problem with proper (sp? see now I'm second guessing myself!) pronunciation, punctuation, and spelling, I have a husband who is the smartest guy I know, (not just because he's my husband, either!:p ;) ) but he can't spell certain words to save his life!!! I am continuously checking letters and e-mails for him because he is in a very professional job that requires a lot of written correspondence and he doesn't want to look like an idiot, so I proof read most of his stuff! He excells in math, science (physical science), art, government, just not spelling!! I excell in English, history, science (anatomy and life science), basic math and algebra, just don't ask me about geometry! We both are reading buffs! So our kids have it made between the both of us. My son is just like his Dad, is a superior honor role student and has a hell of time with spelling! Both my kids can read like many adults can't! And they are grade levels ahead of their actual grade.
So, when I read this thread originally, I was very torn! I can see where Beth and most of my on-line buddies are coming from but I can see how Jenni feels or people who suffer like my hubby does, would feel. I haven't responded to this thread until now, because I didn't know how to respond but these two posts speak my thoughts very well!
You can't tell people not to feel this way, they can't help it. Beth, I know you mean well and I am not attacking you, I have agreed with you many times, people just misunderstand you sometimes! You are honest and point out a lot of thing many people keep quiet about.
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  • #105
If you go back and actually READ Beth's post, she says NOTHING about spelling.Again - the things she is talking about are common courtesy things. Even people who struggle with spelling should know that a sentence begins with a capital letter, and ends with a period.
  • #106
I am trying to explain myself here!Beth started the thread, and didn't mention spelling, but it has been brought up many times. As stated, I don't have a problem with Beth and I can see why she started this thread, because I've thought about this subject often. I catch every bad puctuation, spelling and grammar error on here, including mine. I always go back and read my posts and edit if I find a mistake. I actually agree with her feelings, and I think that people who are just being lazy are who she's trying to make understand, that we just are having a heck of a time reading and understanding their post! For this I thank her for starting this thread. I think this thread has evolved into a he said, she said thing. Spelling has been brought up many times and I think that is where some are feeling uncomfortable. I just can understand all sides of it here, that is all I'm saying.:)
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  • Thread starter
  • #107
I am astounded that this has become an attack thread.

All I said was: it is hard to read posts that do not use punctuation and capitalization. The discussion/conversation got to spelling and other grammar issues. So what? People are expressing their opinions. I had noticed that more and more people are not bothering to use common rules of writing and wanted to just remind us to think about it. In no way was it directed toward people who have trouble with words. I was only addressing punctuation and capitalization.

Why do opinions have to be attacked every time there may be someone who disagrees or is overly sensitive to the subject? This thread was not intended to attack anyone and everyone of us is guilty of the errors mentioned in it. We don't have to be perfect but it's common courtesy to at least try to be understood.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I don't agree with everyone but that doesn't mean that I disrespect them. Everyone has a right to feel how they do and express their opinions but I do think it's unfortunate that people feel a need to attack way too often.
  • #108
All Beth is trying to say is that an occasional spelling/grammar issue is okay but it's the constant issues that are very hard to ignore.
  • #108
BethCooks4U said:
I am astounded that this has become an attack thread.

All I said was: it is hard to read posts that do not use punctuation and capitalization. The discussion/conversation got to spelling and other grammar issues. So what? People are expressing their opinions. I had noticed that more and more people are not bothering to use common rules of writing and wanted to just remind us to think about it. In no way was it directed toward people who have trouble with words. I was only addressing punctuation and capitalization.

Why do opinions have to be attacked every time there may be someone who disagrees or is overly sensitive to the subject? This thread was not intended to attack anyone and everyone of us is guilty of the errors mentioned in it. We don't have to be perfect but it's common courtesy to at least try to be understood.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I don't agree with everyone but that doesn't mean that I disrespect them. Everyone has a right to feel how they do and express their opinions but I do think it's unfortunate that people feel a need to attack way too often.

You're right, and I'm done here, because this is just going to go on and on. I'm moving on, I'm tired of it and this is a kill-joy to this board, I need to go get my kids to school and work my business.
  • #109
Well Beth, all I can say is "Thank you" for reminding us to slow down & pay attention to how we post.:sing: It IS very hard to read some of the posts sometimes when people don't make sure there are capitals & punctuation (sp?) where needed. And I'm just as guilty as everyone else of not always checking spelling, grammar & punctuation so I appreciate your reminder.;)

I don't understand why some are getting defensive & attacking:eek: ...
  • #110
kathijenkins said:
Well Beth, all I can say is "Thank you" for reminding us to slow down & pay attention to how we post.:sing: It IS very hard to read some of the posts sometimes when people don't make sure there are capitals & punctuation (sp?) where needed. And I'm just as guilty as everyone else of not always checking spelling, grammar & punctuation so I appreciate your reminder.;)

I don't understand why some are getting defensive & attacking:eek: ...

I'm with her^^^
  • #111
janetupnorth said:
Joy - search for my posts sometime!

There are very few you EVER see without a ... in them. ;)
I seem to love the "..." and the exclamation point and use them more frequently than I probably should.

My family is full of people with perfect grammatical skills. I was not blessed with that gift. I try very hard-but I know I make mistakes. I learned the hard way from another board I was a member of, to write in paragraphs and try not to let my sentences drag on into 40 lines of text with no breaks or spaces- it is very hard on the eyes.

Interestingly enough, I never know when I should or shouldn't use a comma, so I err on the side of too many, vs. not enough. :blushing:

My AP English teacher told me my senior year that she was amazed at how someone with my creative writing talents was just clueless when it came to punctuation and grammar. It is just something that has alway been difficult for me. It became worse after 2+ years of taking narcotics for a severe back injury. Towards the end I couldn't even sign my name- I couldn't write, struggled to come up with an intelligent sentence, and really struggled to come up with words I already knew. At that time, I knew I had to get off the narcotics.

It has been a LONG recovery- just trying to remember many of the events of the past 4 years has been very difficult. I teasingly compare myself to Dorie the fish that Ellen DeGeneres (sp?) plays who has a short term memory problem from the movie Finding Nemo.

I also have a hard time with teh and yoru (the and your) I type so fast and think so fast, and think multiple things at one time, that I do submit posts with errors. I try to catch them before I hit submit. There have been times I've had to edit because of errors, and there are times I thought I submitted a post with no errors at all.

If my dictionary is not at my desk, or if I'm in a hurry and I'm not sure if I am spelling a word correctly, I will put "(sp?)" after the word.

I try my hardest, and I am not perfect. I have never been particularily good with punctuation, grammar and spelling, but I try my best. I feel comfortable around all of you so in all honesty, I put more thought and concern in my professional coorespondance, than I do with you, because you are family.

I apologize if any past errors have caused some of you to not want to read my posts...or if I've made you cringe due to the volume of errors.

I am not an idiot nor am I uneducated. I do have a slight learning disability, have had difficulty in the past with the issues that the person that started this thread had issues with...and Lord only knows what went on in my brain while taking those narcotics for my back injury years ago-

I hope that the young lady that said she didn't feel welcome because of this thread will still want to post here. I was a taken aback by the slight harshness of the tone in original post of this thread, but after reading a few pages, I understand where she and others are coming from. However they don't teach grammar and punctuation like they used to, and if we can be patient and helpful to those that make the errors, no one will feel like they cannot post due to fear of being judged or making a mistake.

Again, sorry if my posts have led people to put me on ignore. I do my best and let God do the rest!

Have a super day! :)

PS- sorry for all the times I said "my neice" and not "my niece" I seem to have days where I will spell it correctly all the time, and then others where I will spell it wrong all the time.
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  • #112
I don't have a problem when people use punctuation incorrectly. I, personally, have a problem when people use NO punctuation or capital letters. The person may have a great idea or though or suggestion, but when the post is too hard to read, many people will end up just ignoring it. I think that was the point Beth was trying to make at the beginning... then, like so many other threads, it has morphed into something else.
  • #113
Kitchen Diva said:
Interestingly enough, I never know when I should or shouldn't use a comma, so I err on the side of too many, vs. not enough. :blushing:
I do the same thing!
  • #114
chefann said:
I do the same thing!
No, I refuse to believe it, not you Ann!;) :D
  • #115
When I post in all small caps is because I'm eating something while surfing C S - using my left hand to eat and my right hand to type! LOL For lunch today I had a sandwich and some Nacho Cheese Doritos (my weakness when it comes to junk food!) if you've ever eaten the chips with the 'fake orange' cheese on them you can just guess what the fingers on my left hand looked like...no way was I going to touch my keyboard with that! LOL
  • #116
BethCooks4U said:
I am astounded that this has become an attack thread.

All I said was: it is hard to read posts that do not use punctuation and capitalization. The discussion/conversation got to spelling and other grammar issues. So what? People are expressing their opinions. I had noticed that more and more people are not bothering to use common rules of writing and wanted to just remind us to think about it. In no way was it directed toward people who have trouble with words. I was only addressing punctuation and capitalization.

Why do opinions have to be attacked every time there may be someone who disagrees or is overly sensitive to the subject? This thread was not intended to attack anyone and everyone of us is guilty of the errors mentioned in it. We don't have to be perfect but it's common courtesy to at least try to be understood.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I don't agree with everyone but that doesn't mean that I disrespect them. Everyone has a right to feel how they do and express their opinions but I do think it's unfortunate that people feel a need to attack way too often.

Very well said! :) I added in my post issues with grammar, and spelling because it is something I struggle with which is also a part of punctuation and run on sentences and all caps or no caps... I posted my post after reading about 3 or 4 (can't remember) pages of this thread.

I additionally decided to mention my issues with spelling and grammar not only because others were speaking about it, but because I figured if we are talking about all caps, no caps, etc, etc---why not just include those, since spelling and grammar make up a post just like punctuation and capitalization...
  • #117
chefann said:
I do the same thing!
I'm so happy I'm not alone! And what better company to be in? ChefAnn is comma impaired, just like me! Whoo-hoo!

maybe, we, should, start, a support group? LOL!
  • #118
Jean DeVries said:
Hi, my name is Jean, and not only am I addicted to nasal spray, I'm also addicted to ellipses (ellipsi? ellipsesses? crap...dots that trail off thoughts).

I have mixed feelings about this thread. I consider myself a very good speller and a semi so-so grammarian. I can match verb tenses, I know the difference between your and you're (and get SERIOUSLY irritated when I see it wrong in public), and if I thought about it a while, I could probably come up with the definition of a gerund. But I also don't think it's fair to rag on people who don't possess these talents. Granted, there is a difference between people who know what is correct and choose to ignore it, and people who, despite years of trying, still don't get it right. Those people know it's a weakness, are probably self-conscious about it, and try their best to overcome it. And whatever the intention, it does sound a little elitist when people criticize people for it.

Yes, you can run things through a spell checker. But there really are no good grammar checkers, dialect checkers, idiom checkers, and everything else. I fully endorse the use of proper grammar in a professional setting, but to me, this isn't it. This is a place for people to come, hang out, learn stuff, get to know each other, and generally have cyberconversations similar to what would be had if we were all in someone's living room.

Everybody's good at something. Everyone's not so good at something. If this were a quantum physics forum, there would no doubt be a thread about how people who didn't understand plain, well, quantum shouldn't post. I would feel bad, because I don't know jack about quantum.

(Now, if I knew jack about quantum, but chose to post stuff that I knew was wrong, that would be another story...I would expect people to call me out on that.)

I'm kinda selfish. If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll read it regardless. I can tell the difference between people who know and choose not to use and people who don't know. And when I read the thoughts of someone who perhaps didn't express themselves in a way that I would have (grammatically, that is), it just makes me all the more grateful that spelling and acceptable grammar is one of my talents. I'm sure the writer has talents that I don't. I choose not to judge. (I'm not implying that the rest of you are judgemental, I just can't think of a less "volatile" word.)

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I've never been popular, so it's familiar territory :)

I agree, and I LOVE IT when you post...you always brighten up my day and make me laugh! :) Two hoots for Jean!
  • #119
BethCooks4U said:
I am astounded that this has become an attack thread.

All I said was: it is hard to read posts that do not use punctuation and capitalization. The discussion/conversation got to spelling and other grammar issues. So what? People are expressing their opinions. I had noticed that more and more people are not bothering to use common rules of writing and wanted to just remind us to think about it. In no way was it directed toward people who have trouble with words. I was only addressing punctuation and capitalization.

Why do opinions have to be attacked every time there may be someone who disagrees or is overly sensitive to the subject? This thread was not intended to attack anyone and everyone of us is guilty of the errors mentioned in it. We don't have to be perfect but it's common courtesy to at least try to be understood.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I don't agree with everyone but that doesn't mean that I disrespect them. Everyone has a right to feel how they do and express their opinions but I do think it's unfortunate that people feel a need to attack way too often.

I don't think it's become an attack thread...but someone did post what you originally posted in a much more shall I say "user friendly" way:blushing: .

Your reminder was good, and timely but it didn't come across as helpful as you may have wanted it to. It came across :)o forgive me for saying this, I TOTALLY do not want to start a war here) as we were being scolded. And it made some people feel like it wasn't safe to make a mistake. Which I know you did not intend to do. :)

I know after reading your original post I quickly wondered if I was one of the people you and others ignored, and after experiencing some of the crappiest days of my entire life over the past 2 months, I am a little on the sensitive side, so if you would have just told people that doing what they are doing makes posts very hard to read, and could you please type in paragraphs, etc...people might not have gotten so defensive.

I guess it's in the delivery and having lived with ultra insecure and ultra sensitive people most of my life, I've learned the art of diplomacy- I can tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they'll enjoy making the trip...Maybe that's more the art of BS'ing than it is diplomacy, but a better word isn't coming to mind...LOL! (sorry, I love dots!....)

I think your intentions/delivery were merely misunderstood because if that many people got paranoid, upset, defensive, concerened, worried, embarrassed or don't want to post, or are afraid to post, your delivery may have come across as more of a harsh scolding then that of a concerned cheffer trying to help.

I know I took it as the former when I normally might not because I'm emotionally drained as it is and I need validation right now more than I need to be scolded. However after reading through the first 3 pages, I quickly gained that you were merely trying to help out, and what you said needed to be said...it was just said in a way came across as scolding and I am sure you did not intend that at all. :)

Thanks for the great thread...it's good to have healthy conversation on topics like this- I know I learned a few things today that will be helpful to me when I post, so I'm glad you started the thread! :) So if it helps, I am not attacking you, and I don't think this turned into an attack...it just got a little more lively then you thought it would have, and lively is sometimes good!

Have a good day:D
  • #120
Kitchen Diva said:
I'm so happy I'm not alone! And what better company to be in? ChefAnn is comma impaired, just like me! Whoo-hoo!

maybe, we, should, start, a support group? LOL!

Can I join that group, too? :)

I flunked remedial English (I know that's not what it's called, but that's how I felt!) in college because my punctuation was so bad!
  • #121
I haven't posted on this thread, although yesterday when I first saw it I almost did. I thought "Here go the punctuation police"! But I refrained. This is really outrageous. Not only has this thread gotten out of control --- but really many of us come here for the good hearty information available. This "threads" that get off on tangents, as they so often do, scare away newcomers, as it happened earlier in this thread.

For me, when I text, I abbreviate, why? Because I hate to text message. I am a fast typer and make a few mistakes here and there.

I didn't realize I was being judged on how I write. There are plenty of other things to get worked up about, but punctuation? I understand it may bother some of you (and don't get me wrong, because I was a teacher), it bothers me too. But I am not perfect, and I strongly doubt that anyone on here is perfect either.

If you want to put your energy into something good, how about saving the Earth, in honor of Earth Day that was on 4/19. There are so many other worthy causes to spend time discussing, then this mess!

I am really annoyed by this thread. Sorry if I offended anyone.
  • #122
crystalscookingnow said:
Can I join that group, too? :)

I flunked remedial English (I know that's not what it's called, but that's how I felt!) in college because my punctuation was so bad!
Crystal welcome to the group! :) Now I have to go and find a smiley for this momentous occasion! :)

Anyone else wanna join our support group for the comma impaired? LOL I think it's great that we can laugh about our faults- to an extent, then we must seek out good doctors and strong medication to correct them. ;)
  • #123
pamperedlinda said:
When I post in all small caps is because I'm eating something while surfing C S - using my left hand to eat and my right hand to type! LOL For lunch today I had a sandwich and some Nacho Cheese Doritos (my weakness when it comes to junk food!) if you've ever eaten the chips with the 'fake orange' cheese on them you can just guess what the fingers on my left hand looked like...no way was I going to touch my keyboard with that! LOL

Aw, man, now I am craving Doritos. Thanks, Linda. ;)
  • #124
I come here as a place to relax among friends. I have to be "perfect" in typing as a legal secretary all day long. When I go into this board, I like to feel like I do not have to worry about a mistake that I may not catch before I hit "submit." I do have a spell check that I use, but spell check does not always catch everything, and my browser one does not look for punctuation.

I see how some things in this thread can be viewed as an attack. I feel awful that something in this thread could have offended someone to the point they are scared to post, thinking they are being judged by their words.

I often do not use punctuation within a sentence b/c I do not want to get it wrong. I would rather have less punctuation to have to read through, personally.

I think this goes along the lines of a "voice" for our writing, something come off differently to different people. As I think is backed by that some people see nothing wrong with some of the replies and things in here and some do.

I had not paid much attention to the thread until I saw the post count had gone up, and that caught my eye. It seems like a lot here lately, that many thread turn into an attack thread on someone. I thought maybe I was just thinking that being pregnant and all! HA!:D
  • #125
Lordy Beth...all this for asking folks to use capitalization and punctuation to make posts easier to read. :) Who would have guessed?

Well, you're still a Chef Success hero in my book! :chef:
<h2>1. Why is it important to use proper punctuation, capitalization, and formatting in writing?</h2><p>Using proper punctuation, capitalization, and formatting helps to make your writing more clear, organized, and professional. It also helps to convey your thoughts and ideas more effectively to your reader.</p><h2>2. How does writing without proper punctuation and capitalization affect the readability of a post?</h2><p>Writing without proper punctuation and capitalization can make a post difficult to read and follow. It can also make the writer appear less knowledgeable and professional.</p><h2>3. What are some common mistakes to avoid in writing?</h2><p>Some common mistakes to avoid in writing include using no capitalization, no punctuation, long paragraphs, and using symbols between words. These can make the writing difficult to read and understand.</p><h2>4. How can I improve my writing skills?</h2><p>To improve your writing skills, practice regularly, read and study grammar and punctuation rules, and seek feedback from others on your writing. You can also use online resources and tools to help improve your writing.</p><h2>5. Can I edit my post after it has been published?</h2><p>Yes, you can edit your post after it has been published by clicking on the button in the lower right corner of your post. It is always a good idea to review and edit your writing before publishing to ensure it is clear and error-free.</p>

Related to Improve Your Writing: Tips for Punctuation, Capitalization, and Formatting | Fyi

1. Why is it important to use proper punctuation, capitalization, and formatting in writing?

Using proper punctuation, capitalization, and formatting helps to make your writing more clear, organized, and professional. It also helps to convey your thoughts and ideas more effectively to your reader.

2. How does writing without proper punctuation and capitalization affect the readability of a post?

Writing without proper punctuation and capitalization can make a post difficult to read and follow. It can also make the writer appear less knowledgeable and professional.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid in writing?

Some common mistakes to avoid in writing include using no capitalization, no punctuation, long paragraphs, and using symbols between words. These can make the writing difficult to read and understand.

4. How can I improve my writing skills?

To improve your writing skills, practice regularly, read and study grammar and punctuation rules, and seek feedback from others on your writing. You can also use online resources and tools to help improve your writing.

5. Can I edit my post after it has been published?

Yes, you can edit your post after it has been published by clicking on the button in the lower right corner of your post. It is always a good idea to review and edit your writing before publishing to ensure it is clear and error-free.

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