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Director How's Everyone Doing for September?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the sales performance of each individual. Some had a good month with high personal sales and new recruits, while others struggled due to natural disasters and lack of motivation. However, there were also some success stories, with one person earning a diamond and another getting a new team member through a referral. Overall, the group remains positive and motivated to continue growing their businesses.
Staff member
I should have 4K in sales but half of that won't close in time and 1 new recruit.
My biz is really in the dumper this month and it's 100% my own doing. Or not doing, as the case may be.Thankfully I received a HO lead today for the biz and called her. She didn't want to talk... just wanted to sign up. YAY! :D
finley1991 said:
My biz is really in the dumper this month and it's 100% my own doing. Or not doing, as the case may be.

Thankfully I received a HO lead today for the biz and called her. She didn't want to talk... just wanted to sign up. YAY! :D


I will be around $2500 in personal sales (low for me, usually around $4-5k in Sept), my Organization Sales will be around $15,000. We had 2 new consultants sign (one mine and one my 1st gen Dir). I am being paid as an AD.

Not bad for not being motivated....need to bump up the biz if you know what I mean!!!

How's everyone else?
great month for me. Earned a diamond, 8500 in personal sales, 2 personal recruits, org over 30K so far
2nd worst in my career. ;( We were hit with hard with the worst flooding in 100yrs and all but 1 of my parties cancelled. I did get one to turn into a catalog show but the rest wouldn't even rebook. Can I blame them? Heck no. They were worrying where to lay their heads at night, not what tool to buy.

*Praying for all of us tonite in NE Pennsylvania as we have flood warnings again and its been pouring buckets of water since 4:30pm. So many here have already lost everything, including the home right off their foundations, how much more can people take?*

On the positive, I hope to get a bounce back in October as I really really need it and gives me more incentive to pick up the phone!
(((hugs))) Melissa!No diamond for me. I've already submitted a little over $1,950 and have one more small show to close. Definitely don't see hitting $5,000 this month. But I'm just starting to pull out of the "living in limbo" hole after the evac from Japan.I did get a PM on FB the other day. One of my customers asked if she could refer someone to me who wanted to sign. Um, heck yes!!! I got an e-mail from the lead last night wanting to know how long it takes to get the kit so she could get her first 5 shows on the calendar! As of tonight, she's officially a member of my team. :D
Pretty good. A little over 6k in personal sales and 4 personal recruits so I got a diamond... and some new team members! WOOT!!
I am encouraged by my sales this month. I've done only three shows, but all of them have been over $900. Just closed one tonight at $1100. I also have two catalog shows to close, so I might be close to $4k!
  • #10
Excited for a great month, will close over 10,000!! Can you say TWO updates! WeeHoo!! Two new recruits this month! Org sales are 25K so far.I never got an email as far as sales challenge so I guess I am not in the mix. Seems once you hit director, you have to be a blaster to earn that sales challenge. My three months total for July-September will be a little over 25K...some folks do that in one month... New Mexico will never give me those kind of numbers!
  • #11
My personal month is one of the best I've had in years! Submitted over $4600 already and waiting on 2 more catalog shows to close out.

My team....
3 have submitted 'something' (right now all I care about is the number of shows! I don't even care how much it is so long as it qualifies!).
2 have told me they are definately submitting.
I just need one more! I'm offering a special incentive for the 2 people I think could be my number 6.
  • #12
pamperedlinda said:
My personal month is one of the best I've had in years! Submitted over $4600 already and waiting on 2 more catalog shows to close out.

My team....
3 have submitted 'something' (right now all I care about is the number of shows! I don't even care how much it is so long as it qualifies!).
2 have told me they are definately submitting.
I just need one more! I'm offering a special incentive for the 2 people I think could be my number 6.

Good luck Linda! Hope it all comes together!
  • #13
ChefCKHall said:
Excited for a great month, will close over 10,000!! Can you say TWO updates! WeeHoo!! Two new recruits this month! Org sales are 25K so far.!

WOW !!! What an Amazing Month CK! Congratulations
  • #14
beckyjsmith said:
Pretty good. A little over 6k in personal sales and 4 personal recruits so I got a diamond... and some new team members! WOOT!!

YEAH Becky! Great Month!
  • #15
pcjenni said:
great month for me. Earned a diamond, 8500 in personal sales, 2 personal recruits, org over 30K so far

Congratulations Jenni!
  • #16
My Personal Sales are the worst in a couple years this month, but hoping to sign 1 new personal recruit and am already a GREEN Director (Thanks to my last month of REBUILD!)

Ready to kick it in High for the rest of the year!
  • #17
My team had a tough summer, and I've spent the end of the month fretting & wondering if they would pull it off at the lat minute. I really dislike the waiting! We've been green for a couple of days & it's so much less stressful this way! I hope that I can motivate them to get green earlier in the month!
  • #18
:happyforyou: I have 1 more party and I will hit $5k for my diamonds. I didn't think it would happen with the cancellations I had this month. 1 new recruit (no sales yet for her). My team is slowly coming alive!
  • #19
It's Director month 3 for me with 3 people who are in their 6th month of inactivity. One of those surprised me with a submission yesterday. One has said she's done so that leaves one unknown. I have 4 active and #5 said she's submitting tonight. Don't know if any of the others will make it 6. I only have 10 on my team.

Team sales are there thanks to my highest show ever - over $2400. Cha-ching! Love making over $700 in one night. The show had 5 DCBs and 5 people named Jennifer ordering.
  • #20
:party:Congratulations to all who are having a great month!!! WAHOO!!! :party:
This month was not going to be a stellar one for me anyway because of my full time job. I did, however, just make D this month and am hoping to make AD (just waiting on my downline to hopefully finish up. Congrats on earning those diamonds, Ladies!!

Next month I am doing a multi cluster meeting with my entire downline. If nothing else, I need inspiration and will get it from them! Hoping to get recruiting as well.
  • #21
I lost my director ship last month, so this month i'm a Team Leader, but my team pulled thru. i looked this morning and I have 6 active putting orders in, $4450 in sales myself and my organization sales are 7329. Plus I signed one person :) So I'm back to being a Director again - whew
  • #22
Congrats Malinda!!! For now I'm viewing this Director thing as something that I will be in and out of. Thank goodness we don't lose our recruits when we lose our Directorship.
  • #23
Congrats Malinda!!! Your sales are rockin'!
  • #24
Yay Malinda!
  • #26
If everyone who said they were putting in shows got them in on time, then I'm back too. Oh how I wish we had "real-time" updates!
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
If everyone who said they were putting in shows got them in on time, then I'm back too. Oh how I wish we had "real-time" updates!

I know! It's painful. Two downline shows on hold... Just need one of them. I have enough but need that 4th personal recruit to fix her show.
  • #28
fingers crossed for you Beth!
  • #29
bethcooks4u said:
I know! It's painful. Two downline shows on hold... Just need one of them. I have enough but need that 4th personal recruit to fix her show.

I checked the fine print for one of my team. At least for Sept. sales they have til 10pm CT on Oct. 3 to resolve shows on hold. None of this "10pm CT on Oct. 1" stuff. It's good having the first of the month fall on a Saturday!!!
  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
Oh how I wish we had "real-time" updates!

Amen Sister!
  • #31
Congrats Melinda on your re-promote! :D
  • #32
I had a terrible September, my worst month this year. $1,300. Ugg, just to give you an idea of how my month went my last show was $40 when I left. I knew it wouldn't be my best month because it is the first full month of having my husband travel, I had a very hard time adjusting to trying to get everything done by myself. Very happy to leave September behind and move forward for a great rest of the year, I have 14 October shows and at least 2 catalog shows. I am already booking November which is an awesome feeling:)
  • #33
Becca_in_MD said:
I checked the fine print for one of my team. At least for Sept. sales they have til 10pm CT on Oct. 3 to resolve shows on hold. None of this "10pm CT on Oct. 1" stuff. It's good having the first of the month fall on a Saturday!!!

I noticed that too! It is really nice that they are giving an extra two days because of the weekend. Makes a lot more sense.
  • #34
The tracker is updated and my team made it! I get my Director title back. I'm so happy I could just cry!!!!!
  • #35
pamperedlinda said:
The tracker is updated and my team made it! I get my Director title back. I'm so happy I could just cry!!!!!

Yeah! Congrats! Congrats to Malinda too (I thought I already had posted that)!

Mine updated too and mine all cleared too!

:woohoo: :party: :woohoo:
  • #36
Congratulations Linda! I'm so happy for you girl!!! :D
  • #37
Congrats to you both!!
  • #38
pamperedlinda said:
The tracker is updated and my team made it! I get my Director title back. I'm so happy I could just cry!!!!!

Thats GREAT!!! :woohoo:
  • #39
YAY LINDA!!!!!I doubt they are changing the deadline going forward for resolving shows... my guess is because the end of the month is falling on a weekend and HO isn't staffed to help with them. I bet with November they have until the 1st to get it taken care of. But we shall see..!
  • #40
finley1991 said:

I doubt they are changing the deadline going forward for resolving shows... my guess is because the end of the month is falling on a weekend and HO isn't staffed to help with them. I bet with November they have until the 1st to get it taken care of. But we shall see..!

I agree. This is how they worded it in the notification email:

You must resolve your order/s by 10:00 p.m. (CT) on 10/03/2011 to count toward commissionable sales for the month. This one-day resolution period is provided at the end of every month to give you time to resolve payment issues.
while it says Oct 3 it also says "one day resolution period" - I'm thinking one business day...
  • #41
:clap::woohoo:Congrats to Malinda and Linda! :woohoo::clap:
  • #42
Congratulations to Malinda and Linda and anyone else!!
  • #43
Congratulations to Malinda and Linda!!!

That's awesome and one of the best changes PC has made recently is us not losing our team if we lose our status. Whew, that takes a load OFF!! I had that happen once and it sucked so bad I just wanted to quit!

My team made it by $73!!! Too close for comfort, but it counts so that's cool!
  • #44
Chef Kearns said:
one of the best changes PC has made recently is us not losing our team if we lose our status. Whew, that takes a load OFF!! I had that happen once and it sucked so bad I just wanted to quit!

I couldn't imagine loosing my team, and i don't think my team would want to loose me either.

I agree, i think i would be done if I lost them. It's one of the things that keeps me motivated - motivating them and seeing their successes.
  • #45
Congrats everyone! My team had an awesome month and one of my Directors re-promoted so I'm super excited for her! The fall is looking GOOD!
  • #46
Oh, and the month after I lost them the new change went into effect! I remember that and it still hurts. It was the year we were earning Disney. That was the only thing that jept me going. I wanted to earn it for my family. My team had everything we needed. I had 7 active consultants and over $5000 in sales that month, but because 5 of your people had to be qualified to count and I only had 4 I lost my title and my team. SUCKED!
  • #47
CONGRATS Linda and Melinda!!! That is FANTASTIC!!!!!!

Related to How's Everyone Doing for September?

What is the usual sales goal for the month of September?

The typical sales goal for September at Pampered Chef is 4K.

Why might half of my sales not close in time?

There are a variety of reasons why sales may not close in time, such as customers needing more time to make a decision, shipping delays, or unexpected financial situations.

How can I increase my chances of closing more sales in September?

One way to increase your chances of closing more sales is by providing excellent customer service and following up with potential customers to answer any questions or concerns they may have.

What should I do if I am unable to meet my sales goal for September?

If you are unable to meet your sales goal for September, it is important to not get discouraged. Instead, focus on what strategies and techniques you can improve upon for the next month and set more attainable goals for yourself.

How can I encourage more people to join my team as a recruit in September?

To encourage more people to join your team as a recruit in September, consider offering special incentives or promotions, hosting informational sessions, and highlighting the benefits and opportunities of being a Pampered Chef consultant.

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