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Feeling overwhelmed? How do you balance it all?

In summary, Debbie is feeling down and overwhelmed. She has several shows on her plate and feels like she is not spending enough time with her husband. She is also struggling with her job, as she is a PC consultant and is not making as much money as she would like. She is also worried about her future, as she does not see herself reaching level 2 in the sales career. However, she is still happy with her PC career and loves the meetings she attends.
I am just feeling a bit down today. Pulled in so many directions. I had an event inform me 3 weeks out that my spot was filled. Why didn't they tell me this when I applied almost 6 weeks ago. I have several shows on my books which makes me happy but the cooking shows drain me a lot.

I feel like I am pulled in so many directions - I feel like I am not spending enough time with hubby and neglecting friends. Job - PC - Spouse and friends. How do you find balance? The new job has me working more evenings so it's hard to follow up with people business wise plus I don't see hubby as much. We have been married about 15 months.

I originally wanted to shoot for the level 2 trip but that now seems like crazy talk. I realize it is early but with my lack of disorganization I don't see how I can get that high a level of sales. I do see Level 1 definately acheiveable if I don't burn out. I give away a lot of my commisions to my cancer fundraisers so not a lot of money coming in because I am giving it away.

Well just having a tough day and wanted to talk - I love this biz but just a bit overwhelmed today

Awww. {{{{hugs}}}}

Things will begin to look up. Take a deep breath. Take a day or two to step back and let your mind rest from all the stuff. Enjoy your DH. Things will look better soon.
Find time for yourself and familyI can't stress enough how important it is to take some time off and spend it with the most important people in your life.
I do PC as a hobby mainly and pick up on shows towards the holidays for extra cash, but not everyone has that luxury. Some people have to work PC like a FT time because of bills or because they have quit a job to do Pc instead.
I think the beauty of Pc is that you have flexibility with your schedule. We usually have two directors at our monthly meetings since our cluster groups are pretty much combined and the director for the other cluster mentioned how last year it seemed like Friday, and Saturday were her show days. Now it seems like it has switched and Mon - Thurs are her show days.
We have that the power to control when and where we do shows. It is easy to schedule important things around PC and to still feel we are accomplishing our goals.
Anytime we feel drained, overwhelmed or pulled in different directions we need to take a deep breath and analyze the situation. We should never feel that way when we are doing something we love and if we are our own boss. Not that this hobby of mine doesn't produce stress from time to time but I need to remember that I call the shots with my business, not my customers or hosts.
Hope this advice helps. Plan a small vacation with hubby. I know my hubby and I get away twice a year to spend some romantic time together away from our kids. It doesn't even have to be somewhere far or expensive, just have the home lighted up with candles, make a delicious meal (or take out) and spend some much needed time to reconnnect.
Debbie :D
Sorry you're having these troubles. I am little bummed at my host for the weekend. She told me she may have to cancel and I just had to put anohter host off until April b/c I was booked for March. I wish before people book something they would check and recheck their calendars to make sure that date is open.

I think they do not think about that we are just like a doctor or hair dresser, if we know an appointment is going to be cancelled in time we can put someone else in that situation.

Maybe we should start charging a co-pay if not cancelled within so many days! HA! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I love my cluster meetings - Have one tonight but it brings out my competitiveness when they compare how all the consultants are doing. I love the biz. I guess besides the shopping show that cancelled the bridal show I did recently didn't pan out the way I expected. Saw another one to participate in but not sure. They are so expensive.

I want to go to conference but a bit scared to invest the money although it sounds great. You ever have days where you ting that the money I am investing in the biz I could paying for that same trip??? You nkow what I mean??? I mean I make money as I earn the trip but it would be great to earn along the way
DebbieSAChef said:
I can't stress enough how important it is to take some time off and spend it with the most important people in your life.

I totally agree with Debbie! And about taking time off to spend with family. Last month, this month and April I made a note on my calender for weekend that I am spending with my family. And refuse to make an "exception."

My husband completed his Master's and got a rasie, so, now we have a little exta money to get away on. And this month I am using my commissions to go vacation.

We never went on vacations when I was a child and me and my husband always try to go at least one time a year, two if possible. Not that I wanted for a thing at home, but I love getting way with my family.
Kathytnt said:
I love my cluster meetings - Have one tonight but it brings out my competitiveness when they compare how all the consultants are doing. I love the biz. I guess besides the shopping show that cancelled the bridal show I did recently didn't pan out the way I expected. Saw another one to participate in but not sure. They are so expensive.

Would your director be open to setting "personal" goals vs. pitting one person against another? Best month, most bookings from a show. Percentage of shows closed in X days, something to boost the hobbyists too....
Kathytnt said:
I love my cluster meetings - Have one tonight but it brings out my competitiveness when they compare how all the consultants are doing. I love the biz. I guess besides the shopping show that cancelled the bridal show I did recently didn't pan out the way I expected. Saw another one to participate in but not sure. They are so expensive.

I understand the competitiveness! I am the same way! Especially with one other consultant in my cluster b/c it was a "little mess" when we both signed at the same time and being neighbors. A whole 'nother story for another day! :D
Girl, I know how you feel!!! I sometimes think I make myself sick just worrying about things that I know I need to do. I decided to homeschool my son and it hasn't worked out well at all. At least he is just in Kindergarten. I am going to try my hardest to get him where he needs to be by the end of this summer. I did find out that Kindergarten isn't even required here, so that made me feel better. The main reason I am having trouble is because I babysit during the day. Some of the kids I have are just part time, but I do have a 1 year old that comes every day. He gets into everything all the time. Sometimes I just have to put him in a playpin (sp?) to get anythig done. When I do, then he usually either tries to climb out or take his clothes off, or just sits and screams. I try to do school work with him at night, but between Church, PC shows, cooking and cleaning it's sometimes late before we get to it. By then he can't focus and we usually give up.

I decided I had to do what is best for him. I decided to apply for a part time job in the evenings and give up the babysitting. Now here is the problem. I got the job, but it is taking them forever to get through all the red tape (I had an interview about two months ago and I still haven't started). I have to go tonight and sign some more papers and then hopefully I will be starting soon. I had expected to have already started and was going to quit babysitting then. However, one of the families I babysit for, the Mother is a teacher. If I drop them now, she will have to look for someone to watch her kids for two months until summer vacation. If I had started two months ago, I wouldn't have cared, but I would feel guilty doing this to her now, so close to the end of the school year. Here is another problem. I always work at the Middle School for 6 weeks each year for an after school drug program (I get paid). The lady in charge called me again to see if I could still do it. Well, this had been awhile back so I told her yes.

Boy I have I really got myself into a mess!!! I start at the school tomorrow, I may start working the part time job (Home Depot) any day now, I'm still babysitting and still selling PC!!! What have I done??? I keep telling myself if I can do it I will be able to get some serious bill paid off. The bills we have are really the only reason I have to have another job besides PC. We've got doctor, dentist (2 sets of braces) and credit card bills piled up. :eek:
  • #10
Goodness, Jennifer. You do have a lot on your plate! Hope everything works out.
  • #11

Meet with your director. Take the online training course on goals.

  • #12
I think the weather has to do with me being bummed, and also the hosts I have been having. My February was a big flop. I had two hosts who were doing catalog shows and they told me that they only got one order and didn't want to do anymore. I tried to host coach them but they would not budge. I don't have much on the books so I am starting to panick about going inactive. I don't know what else I can do. I have asked people to host shows and they have told me NO.
I know this too shall pass but I wish it would pass right now. I am also going back to school and my class starts next week. I haven't studied in over 10 years so I am nervous about that too. I just want to make my family proud of me. I do get support from my DH and his side of the family but not from mine. My Mom thinks it is stupid for me to go back to school and my older sister doesn't say a work to me about it. Wish me luck. I also want to send HUGS out to anyone who might need one.
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  • #13
April - Some schools actually have a Study skills class you might want to signe up for. Helpful if you have been out for a while. I have always had trouble with Algebra so I have never completed college.
I am currently starting a course to become a Certified Herbal Information Specialist. It will come in handy with my job.
I have to admit that I have not told my director that I am feeling bummed right now. I was so happy after the first Bridal show and the second one didn't go so well. I have the opportunity for a third on in April. They are just so expensive and I am trying to save for conference too.
  • #14
I didnt read all of the replys bc they were too long, But all I can say it to just breathe. Take a nice long Bubble bath (throw your hubby in there thats one way to spend some time with him) and relax...
{{{{{{RELAXING VIBES}}}}}}}}} goooossfraba
  • #15
I am praying that God will lift your spirits and bless your heart to feel uplifted and can clearly see His will for your PC business. I pray you are able to do some calling and get some shows apart from the Bridal shows so that you can be encouraged in all of this. Some days just feel dark and I pray that God sends some sunshine... both through all the great encouragers here on CS and through some people who can physically give you a hug and boost your spirit. Tell your director how you feel! She can't help what she doesn't know... I hope she is someone you can confide in.
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  • #16
Thank you everyone - Cori the hubby is working on putting in a new garden tub in the master bath - How did you know?
I may feel better by the next Business Builder talk with my director on Thursday. She was busy with preparing for the cluster meeting tonight. I got my chain for my silver whisk I should be receiving from PC.
I guess we all have lots of ups and downs in the business. I was on top of the world after the first bridal show and then that started working me so many hours at work. My PC business picked up but my work level at my job picked up at the same time and I don't want to neglect the hubby or my exercise program.
I was planning to participate in a half-marathon in May but my training for long miles is tough. I can't train for 8 miles and be on my feet at work for another 5-8 hours.
I love how caring and giving everyone is here and I appreciate all your support.
Hopefully I can get organized and get out all the host packets, Ebay orders (non-PC don't worry), customer sales invoices and make brownies for my boss' birthday before work tomorrow night. OH and I was going to make banana bread and get some exercise tomorrow too - I am tired just thinking about tomorrow and today isn't over yet. LOL!

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  • #17
Quiverfull - My director is great but do you ever feel like you don't want to bother them because you assume they are probably really busy? She has never put me off and said she was too busy for me - I just assume it If that makes sense
  • #18
Kathy - Once heard something from Mark Lowry (Christian Comedian). He said his favorite verse in the Bible was...

"And it came to pass...." (Normally there is more but he stops there to a chuckle from the crowd)

You have a bad year last year, don't worry, it'll pass. Have a good year last year, don't worry, it too shall pass! :)

I always chuckle now about that...good and bad, it all came to pass...

Your down day will pass into some better ones.

I just had my March catalog show cancel on me tonight (too busy) even when I offered her NUMEROUS ways of doing a catalog show...

Oh well, goals not being met, but there will be a better day coming soon!
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  • #19
Thanks - I will figure out a way to get some balance. My hubby is wonderful and I may just be too hard on myself.

Have I mentioned how great you guys and gals are!!
  • #20
I have had that thought but then also thought... I worry about my customer care... I want them to call me if they need something because I certainly cannot read their minds... so I applied that to those above me in line that they cannot read my mind either and that I need to share with them the joys and concerns that I have as well as how thankful I am that they are there for me and that took away my fear of calling and sharing what's up with my business. Does that make sense?
  • #21
Well no wonder you are so swamped. You are amazing look at you running marathons, working PC and a Regular job Im sure you have kids, excersizing you make me sick. JK!! If you have other things PC can wait you are the boss you dont have to do anything you do want to. GOOD LUCK let me know how it goes.
  • #22
janetupnorth said:
Would your director be open to setting "personal" goals vs. pitting one person against another? Best month, most bookings from a show. Percentage of shows closed in X days, something to boost the hobbyists too....

That's what my director does, and as someone who does this part-time, I really appreciate it. She does a great job of making us feel as if we are part of her team, too, along with her star performers.
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  • #23
I am still kind of in a funk - my show yesterday was O.K. but not great. More numbers in tomorrow when the host closes. The recipe turned out great but the sales where not that wonderful. Possible booking and future bridal registry. I tried PC bingo and it seemed to go over pretty well.

Perhaps I am just not 100 % because I haven't been eating that well and getting my exercise like I should.
  • #24
From experience I can tell you that when you simply don't feel like eating right and exercise, that's exactly when you MUST eat right and exercise. You'll be able to tell a difference. I promise.
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  • #25
Well I am training for a half-marathon or trying to train Haven't been doing well. Seems like I am doing everything half-way. I still need to lose 40-50 lbs. I used to weight 310.

I have the opportunity to do a Bridal Show next month but not sure - I don't make much money because I give away my commisions to my fundarisers and I feel like I am spending to much on literature for bridal stuff etc.

I guess I feel I need some kinf of PC focus. I have recruited 2 but one dropped out after one show. Get nibbles on others but not takers, Which is frustrating. I don't think my show average is very good.

A little hard on myself huh???

I am even concerend about whether or not to go to conference. If I am down-sizing somewhat what would be the true benefit of going to conference?? I have money for the main fees taken care of with conference club but there is still the expense of airfare and hotel etc.

P.S. My only kids are 3 adorable fur-kids You can see pics of some of them in the photo section of Chef Success.
  • #26
Kathytnt said:
Well I am training for a half-marathon or trying to train Haven't been doing well. Seems like I am doing everything half-way. I still need to lose 40-50 lbs. I used to weight 310.

Do you have a program that you are following for your 13.1 training? I used Hal Higdon's program. Didn't come close to breaking any records, the thrill for me was to say that I had completed this race. I'm a "Clydesdale", so people couldn't belive I was doing this. Check out Hal's site http://www.halhigdon.com/#half if you'd like some ideas for training.
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  • #27
My first event I did with Team in Training I was up to 6 miles a few weeks ago on my long day and then life got in the way. My PT is on my feet so I can't do the long miles on a work day - Then they have been working me way more hours than I expected.

My first event I was the last person to finish but I finished healthy and happy but laughing my tail off because there was a policemen announcing my arrival with his air horn. The girl that finished just before me was being checked out by an ambulance. I have back problems so that slowed me down. The back has been much better lately

With PC and everything it's hard for my hubby and I to train at the same time He got me a cool Sony walkman that can switch playlists depending on your pace and you shake it 3 times and it changes songs. It is really cool

My event is May 6 I hope I can get caught up in my training

Related to Feeling overwhelmed? How do you balance it all?

1. How can I boost my mood when I'm feeling down?

There are many things you can do to improve your mood when you're feeling down. Some strategies include exercising, spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, and connecting with loved ones. It's also important to take care of your physical health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

2. What are some quick and easy recipes to help improve my mood?

Cooking and baking can be therapeutic and can help improve your mood. Some quick and easy recipes to try include smoothies, overnight oats, and sheet pan dinners. You can also try incorporating mood-boosting ingredients like dark chocolate, avocado, and salmon into your meals.

3. How can I practice self-care when I'm feeling down?

Self-care is an important aspect of managing your emotions when you're feeling down. Some self-care activities you can try include taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or doing a hobby you enjoy. It's important to take breaks and prioritize your well-being during difficult times.

4. What are some healthy ways to cope with feeling down?

There are many healthy coping mechanisms you can use to manage your emotions when you're feeling down. Some examples include talking to a therapist or trusted friend, writing in a journal, practicing deep breathing exercises, or going for a walk. It's important to find healthy ways to express and process your emotions.

5. How can I prevent feeling down in the future?

While it's normal to experience ups and downs in life, there are steps you can take to prevent feeling down in the future. Some strategies include practicing self-care and stress management techniques, setting boundaries, surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, and seeking professional help if needed. It's also important to address any underlying issues that may be contributing to your mood.

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