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Excited for Disney: Parenting Dilemma - To Tell or Not to Tell?

In summary, the author is excited about a trip to Disneyworld, but is worried about her kids asking her all the time if she has earned it yet. She decides to tell them when she first joins PC, but is unsure if her kids will be too excited.
I am over-the-moon excited about this trip....I've been hoping & using all my positive thinking that it would be Disney all year. :D I had a few tears in my eyes last night.
Got a question for you parents here.....are you telling your kids? My 9yo was already asking me this morning, because she is on top of things & knows that it was being announced last night.
Pro: telling them makes them excited, and then they'll help keep me motivated all year long.....they'll be asking all the time if I've earned it yet!
Con: they'll be asking all the time if I've earned it yet, LOL! And dh didn't want to burst my bubble, but he pointed out how bummed they'll be if I don't. My solution to that is....I have to earn it:thumbup:

Anyway, just wanted to see what you other moms were doing on this subject! I am aiming for level 3 with TPC earned. How about you all?:cool:
I am aiming for it also. I just dont know what all the requirements are. So I cant say which level I am aiming for. I need to get out of my comfort zone and start recruting.

We just got back from a family vacation from Disneyland this last month and my kids would absolutly love Disneyworld. And if it free heck yeah!!!!
I am earning it!

My DS found the Disney Brochure - the one with all of the pictures - that came with the Info, and he spent the evening digesting the whole thing. He said to me "I wish we could go to Disney sometime, Mom" So, what choice do I have?

I won't be telling him though. He would be incessant with the questions if I did. My director earned the Disney trip last time, and she only told her older kids....but then for Christmas, once she knew she had the trip, all of the kids got Disney Sweatshirts, Mickey Ears, and disposable cameras.
Not sure Lacey - I doubt it -

I, unlike others, aren't thrilled with the Disney trip, but mainly because I have done Disney about 10 times and my kids are now pretty much done with the whole Disney idea - I am excited for you and all those others though!

I would tell my kids - when I first joined PC, San Fran was level two and that is what I was working towards - telling them helped me stay focused AND they help! (stamping cattys, telling their friends about PC etc) I did earn SF, didn't take the kids, and they were soooo excited for me! They got to have a great few days with their Nana and DH and I got a break from them!

SO Lacey, I am routing you on!!! You go get Disney chick and give Cinderella a high five from me!!!
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  • #5
Oh, & all the big reasons why it's going to ROCK....it's during Doris' b-day....PC's 30th anniversary....and it's during my older daughter's b-day too!:)
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  • #6
Thanks Dor!

That's a good idea Becky...about Christmas...but I'm not sure I can hold it in that long! My 9yo was already asking me this morning!
As I just posted on the NMD post, I told my kids. Are you kidding? I couldn't keep that secret ALL YEAR! Really, it's the best thing I could do. Yes, they are going to bug me incessantly about it, but isn't that good? I have a feeling they'll be forcing me to work a lot harder than I ever have, just because their non-stop talking about it is going to remind me to quit wasting time and WORK! My goal is level 2, but only because I really don't think the Contemporary looks as fun as Coronado Springs!

If you're going and you haven't already, you can order this dvd for free. We do it every year, and it's my dd's favorite "movie" to watch!
I'm aiming high!! Now, I will be the first to admit I was hoping for something else. But that was for selfish reasons, time for DH & I alone.
However, my 2 youngest kiddos (5) walked into the room as soon as the DVD showed the castle and they want this. I'll have to buy in another child or leave DH at home;)

I was thinking all last night of how wonderful it will be to show the kids what can be done when you work hard so I'm thinking of ways to get them involved. But more importantly they already love PC since it means mommy can do lots of things with them at school and when they are on breaks. BUT, PC taking them to Disney would be over the top!

Lacy, I cannot wait to hear your progress all next year! You have become my Trip Earner Deserver!! Your positive attitude is what it is all about!:D
I would *love* to earn Disney!!! :love: I would probably leave my 1 1/2 year old (at trip time) with my parents and just take my 3 year old, only b/c she would "get" more out of it. Then again, maybe I'll take both...

My sights are set on Disney, but even more than that, the push it will give me to book more shows, increase my show totals, and get out of my comfort zone, and take my business to a whole new level.

My only wish was that you didn't have to recruit 4 recruits...but I guess that's going to get me out of my comfort zone and encourage me to share the opportunity with everyone! :)

Come on - we can do it!!! :D
  • #10
I am so psyched for Disney. My son will LOVE going again. The last time we went, we did Magic Kingdom for just one day and he couldn't get enough. So to go for several days PC style will be the ultimate for him. I am not telling him yet. I still have to earn Mexico for this year! Then when things get rolling next year, I think I will tell him. Then he can start helping me more like Dor said--stamping catalogs and such.Even DH is excited about this and he grew up in FL and has been to Disney countless times.
  • #11
DH and I are going to tell the kids tonight when everyone is together. This will help explain why Mom is gone a little bit more in the evenings in January (booking as many as I can do!).

This will also make sure I earn it, because there is no way in the world I would want to disappoint them. This will be the first trip we will take as a family.
  • #12
I'm going... if I reach my goal. I just calculated it. If I can recruit 5 people, hold 8 shows a month with an average of $450 in sales each show, it's possible. Very hard, maybe I won't succeed, but I'm sure going to try! It's a whole year to do it!
  • #13
I am super excited about this and would love to earn level 3 to have the extra breakfast with characters for 1st timers and airfare covered. I will have to buy in a 3rd child as well. We were just there last year at this time and it was truly magical. I am going to work my hiney off. I have even changed my screen saver to DISNEY WORLD 2010. Recruiting is going to be hard, but if I am doing alot of shows and ask everyone I hope it can be acheivable. Good luck everyone!!
  • #14
The new requirement with 4 recruits to earn a trip at level 2.... do they have to BE RECRUITED that year or can you have 2 recruits and recruit 2 more for it to "count"???
  • #15
They must qualify within the incentive period (2009) to count.
There will be more info in the official rules, which are supposed to post on CC next week.
  • #16
heat123 said:
The new requirement with 4 recruits to earn a trip at level 2.... do they have to BE RECRUITED that year or can you have 2 recruits and recruit 2 more for it to "count"???

You have to qualify 4 recruits in 2009. They can be recruited in 2008, and qualify in 2009 and count...but if you have 2 that are already qualified in 2008, then they don't count for 2009.
For instance, I had a recruit who signed in Dec. 2007, but qualified in Feb. of 2008, so she counted for this years trip points.

Is that what you were asking?
  • #17
I told my girls last night!!! They will keep me accountable and motivated!!! I have never been to Disney.. And to share it with my Pampered Chef family would be a dream come true!!!
  • #18
I'm bummed ... I would LOVE to go, but I will be in school, and that will be during my last term. :( No matter what I won't be able to do anything - either the Disney trip or Conference. :(
  • #19
I WILL be going! For our meeting last night we dressed as to where we thought the trip would be and I dressed as Mickey Mouse, I was so excited!

I told my dds (8 & 5), who have never been, and they are thrilled. My five year old can't wait to go to the "Magical Kingdom!" She was reading an atlas a few months ago, saw that on the Florida page and has been dreaming about it ever since :).

I'm with Pamperedpals in that there is no way I am going to disappoint my babies. I was already motivated to work my business harder and this has intensified that motivation a hundredfold! :D

Disney here we come! :D

  • #20
I am going - aiming high. I am so close to level 1 this year, however I'm not sure I'll make it. I so WANT this Disney Trip.

I know my pc buddy - Pampered Chef Carol will be there right with me too! ;)
  • #21
Can you guys tell me what you get with each level and possibly how many points. I dont go to my cluster meetings they are to far for me to drive to. And there is no director close by.
  • #22
ChefBeckyD said:
You have to qualify 4 recruits in 2009. They can be recruited in 2008, and qualify in 2009 and count...but if you have 2 that are already qualified in 2008, then they don't count for 2009.
For instance, I had a recruit who signed in Dec. 2007, but qualified in Feb. of 2008, so she counted for this years trip points.

Is that what you were asking?

Yes, thanks Becky!
  • #23
I have never earned any level as long as I have been a consultant, but I am trying very hard for this.
I told the boys last night, who are normally screaming when I am on the phone, etc.
Well, this morning the 2 younger ones said they would be quiet while I was on the phone, my 13 year old put my business cards on his guitar case and my 14 year old took a catalog to his bf for his mom.
Hubby still hasn't jumped on the wagon, but maybe the boys will motivate him.
  • #24
That's really exciting that you know your trip already. Us directors in Canada get our dvd towards the end of Dec and launch the trip at our January meeting. Just curious, can someone post what your requirements are for the various levels? We only have a trip for 1 and a trip for 2 to the same destination....no other levels
  • #25
I am not thrilled about this trip or about having to recruit 4 consultants...but I am still going to establish it as a goal and planning framework. 2010 is DS's bar Mitzvah, so there will be no extra funds for a vacation. I am sure that DS would love to go to Disney, and the first day of the trip is my birthday. Plus, if I do what I need to do to earn the trip, I will make lot of commission, promote (again) to FD or maybe even D if I can recruit 5 instead of just 4, and earn other sales and recruiting-based incentives throughout the year. That is all good stuff!

So, that's my strange answer.
  • #26
Jennie4PC said:
Can you guys tell me what you get with each level and possibly how many points. I dont go to my cluster meetings they are to far for me to drive to. And there is no director close by.

Level 1: 2010 Conf. registration, 23,000 pts, 1 recruit
Level 2: Trip for 4 to Disney, 52,000 pts, 4 recruits
Level 3: Trip for 4 to Disney, 74,000 pts, 6 recruits
Level 4: Trip for 4 to Disney, 102,500 pts, 7 recruits (or $115,000 commissionable sales in 2009 with no recruits)
  • #27
I think I read that to qualify for the trip, the recruits just have to do $1250 IN 2009. It said nothing about staying active or "qualifying" the "usual way", just $1250 in 2009.
  • #28
I'm excited and disappointed all at the same time! When I joined it was to late to earn this years trip which I think is awesome (I'd love to go to Paris for free!!!) This just seems like a much smaller trip in comparison. But on the other hand I've always wanted to go to Disny and never had the opportunity.

Also is there always a First-Time achiever benefit? B/c being that we have no kids a breakfast with our fav. Disney Character seems silly, I'm wondering if I should not aim as high and save my first-time achiever for a different trip? lol thats if I can even get that high in the first place!
  • #29
Even if you dont have a kids a character breakfast or whatever can be a blast. When we went to Disneyland last month we did goofys kitchen and ariels lunch and my mom loved getting all the signatures, She actually went on her own for awhile on the last day searching for more characters to sign her book. What level is it to get the breakfast?
Also thanks Ann for posting the requirements.
  • #30
I think it's level 3 & up. It's the first time achievers thing. That's really the only reason I'd push for level 3 personally. I just really like the looks of Coronado Springs!
  • #31
1 more question about the 1st timer achievement does that mean if you earned level 1 before it means you are unable to earn the breakfast? Sorry so many questions.
  • #32
I AM GOING!!! I have 7 kids and this is OUR (my DHand I) DREAM is to take the kids to Disney,...and if PC is gonna help pay for it why not,. My kids know and they WILL be rooting me on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 6 girls and 1 boy and when I saw all the princesses..I almost started crying I was soooo happy!!!!!! Lets go gals and GET THIS DONE FOR THE KIDS!!!!!!
  • #33
pamperedpnina said:
I'm excited and disappointed all at the same time! When I joined it was to late to earn this years trip which I think is awesome (I'd love to go to Paris for free!!!) This just seems like a much smaller trip in comparison. But on the other hand I've always wanted to go to Disny and never had the opportunity.

This trip isn't smaller, when you consider that it's for 4 people, and includes park tickets. HO is pretty good about having family-friendly trips every other year or so. And those are usually domestic travel so that people don't have the additional expense and bother of getting passports. (Although achievers can buy-in children for international destinations, but they do so fully aware that they'll have those additional hassles to include their children.)

I think the first-time achievers events are for people who have never earned at Level 3 or higher previously. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
  • #34
This is not a small trip, even to level 2. I got a quote from Disney last night for the level 2 trip, not including travel to get there or any of the "extras" from PC, and it was $1893!
  • #35
My siggy says it all!!!
  • #36
janezapchef said:
I think I read that to qualify for the trip, the recruits just have to do $1250 IN 2009. It said nothing about staying active or "qualifying" the "usual way", just $1250 in 2009.

Here is the written info:

Points are earned for commissionable sales, and qualified recruits.

One Point is earned for each $1 in commissionable sales
For Each qualified recruit, 2000 points are earned.


A qualified recruit is a new Consultant who reaches $1250 in career sales during 2009.

When the new Consultant reaches $1250 in career sales he or she will receive a bonus of 2000 points in the incentive program.

In the past, no points were awarded for a recruit who became inactive before qualifying.....

So, my understanding of this is that it's no different than qualified recruits previously, other than now, they can go inactive before qualifying, then if they reactivate and reach the $1250, the recruiter will still get the 2000 points.

This is a good plan, because it keeps us from writing off the ones who go inactive!
  • #37
Am I reading this correctly?!

I have a consultant who signed in July 2008 - has yet to qualify. If she qualifies in 2009 I WILL get 2000 points? Even though she went inactive before qualifying??
  • #38
ltkacz said:
Am I reading this correctly?!

I have a consultant who signed in July 2008 - has yet to qualify. If she qualifies in 2009 I WILL get 2000 points? Even though she went inactive before qualifying??

That is the way I am reading it.

"...However, in the 2009 incentive program, when a recruit reactivates, and then reaches $1250 in career sales, 2000 points will be awarded to the recruiter..."
  • #39
Whoo Hoo Hoo!
  • #40
Does anyone know the dates of the travel for Disney. I know it will be 2010 but what are the exact dates???

I earned the last time we went to Disney with PC and took my DH, DD & DS and they can't wait to go again. I will be doing everything I can to earn this trip. My goal for January is 20 shows!!!!!
  • #41
June 13-17, 2010
  • #42
Sooo...if you earn level one all you get is free conf registration? Usually there is a gift card or merchandise you can do to use it if not going...
for all the other levels, in order to be rewarded you HAVE to take the trip? No gift card for those either???

Although I love the trip, I think that's weak that they don't give you an alternative.
  • #43
There will be gift card alternatives, but they weren't announced last night. We don't yet have the official rules - those will be posted next week on CC. The options will probably be included there.
  • #44
Ok, that's good, I didn't see anything or hear anything about that, so I thought that's all they were offering!
  • #45
There was nothing in the official presentation, but I received a forwarded email from a friend that originated from Chris Manion. That note said there would be non-trip options.
  • Thread starter
  • #46
amy07 said:
I'm aiming high!! Now, I will be the first to admit I was hoping for something else. But that was for selfish reasons, time for DH & I alone.
However, my 2 youngest kiddos (5) walked into the room as soon as the DVD showed the castle and they want this. I'll have to buy in another child or leave DH at home;)

I was thinking all last night of how wonderful it will be to show the kids what can be done when you work hard so I'm thinking of ways to get them involved. But more importantly they already love PC since it means mommy can do lots of things with them at school and when they are on breaks. BUT, PC taking them to Disney would be over the top!

Lacy, I cannot wait to hear your progress all next year! You have become my Trip Earner Deserver!! Your positive attitude is what it is all about!:D

OH, thank you so much for saying that Amy...you are too sweet:)
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  • #47
pamperedpals said:
DH and I are going to tell the kids tonight when everyone is together. This will help explain why Mom is gone a little bit more in the evenings in January (booking as many as I can do!).

This will also make sure I earn it, because there is no way in the world I would want to disappoint them. This will be the first trip we will take as a family.

This is what I'm thinking too! I'm also going to use a little bribery....mommy's going to be gone more to earn this, so you kiddos need to help around the house more!;)
  • Thread starter
  • #48
janezapchef said:
I think I read that to qualify for the trip, the recruits just have to do $1250 IN 2009. It said nothing about staying active or "qualifying" the "usual way", just $1250 in 2009.

YES! I love that too!
  • #49
Lacy, thanks for starting this thread.I am so excited, I already told ds (4 1/2). We put up the brochure on the fridge this morning. I will make a special tracking chart for his door, & I will go get Micky stickers so he can decorate it. I told him, because he will help me stay motivated.Yesterday was a great end to a crappy day. Guess when I make pancakes they will always be micky pancakes.
  • #50
Ok, now we should all start by offering what we are actually going to be DOING to get there! LOL
I am going to try my hardest to get bookings for Jan for double points, that may be the only way I'd get to go..I have to do exactly double in my biz to achieve this, but I want to do it!
<h2>1. Should I tell my kids about our upcoming Disney trip?</h2><p>This is ultimately a personal decision and will depend on your children's ages and personalities. Some parents may choose to tell their kids in order to get them excited and involved in the planning process. However, others may want to keep it a surprise to add to the excitement and anticipation.</p><h2>2. What are the pros and cons of telling my kids about the trip?</h2><p>As mentioned before, telling your kids can get them excited and involved in the planning process, making them more motivated to help you earn the trip. On the other hand, it could also lead to constant questions and reminders about the trip, which may become overwhelming. Additionally, if for some reason the trip doesn't happen, your kids may be disappointed.</p><h2>3. How can I manage my kids' expectations if I do tell them about the trip?</h2><p>One way to manage expectations is to make it clear that the trip is not guaranteed and that it is dependent on you earning it. You can also set realistic goals and deadlines for earning the trip, and involve your kids in the process so they understand the effort and work that goes into it.</p><h2>4. Are there any alternative ways to surprise my kids with the Disney trip?</h2><p>If you decide not to tell your kids about the trip, there are still ways to surprise them. You can plan a fun Disney-themed day or movie night and reveal the trip at the end. Or, you can create a countdown calendar leading up to the trip to build excitement and reveal it on the last day.</p><h2>5. What are your plans for earning the trip with Pampered Chef?</h2><p>I am aiming for level 3 with TPC earned, which is the highest level and requires the most sales. However, your goals may vary depending on your personal sales and dedication. It's important to set achievable goals and stay motivated throughout the year to earn the trip.</p>

Related to Excited for Disney: Parenting Dilemma - To Tell or Not to Tell?

1. Should I tell my kids about our upcoming Disney trip?

This is ultimately a personal decision and will depend on your children's ages and personalities. Some parents may choose to tell their kids in order to get them excited and involved in the planning process. However, others may want to keep it a surprise to add to the excitement and anticipation.

2. What are the pros and cons of telling my kids about the trip?

As mentioned before, telling your kids can get them excited and involved in the planning process, making them more motivated to help you earn the trip. On the other hand, it could also lead to constant questions and reminders about the trip, which may become overwhelming. Additionally, if for some reason the trip doesn't happen, your kids may be disappointed.

3. How can I manage my kids' expectations if I do tell them about the trip?

One way to manage expectations is to make it clear that the trip is not guaranteed and that it is dependent on you earning it. You can also set realistic goals and deadlines for earning the trip, and involve your kids in the process so they understand the effort and work that goes into it.

4. Are there any alternative ways to surprise my kids with the Disney trip?

If you decide not to tell your kids about the trip, there are still ways to surprise them. You can plan a fun Disney-themed day or movie night and reveal the trip at the end. Or, you can create a countdown calendar leading up to the trip to build excitement and reveal it on the last day.

5. What are your plans for earning the trip with Pampered Chef?

I am aiming for level 3 with TPC earned, which is the highest level and requires the most sales. However, your goals may vary depending on your personal sales and dedication. It's important to set achievable goals and stay motivated throughout the year to earn the trip.

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