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Personal Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Insights from Other Moms

In summary, the early symptoms of pregnancy mentioned in the conversation include feeling extremely tired, having mood swings, experiencing heartburn, having tender breasts, increased hunger, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and feeling excessively tired. Some women also mentioned a heightened sense of smell. The best way to confirm pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test. It is recommended to keep track of one's cycle to determine the best time to take a test. Each person's body is different, so it is important to pay attention to subtle changes and trust one's instincts.
Gold Member
I am wondering if you can share with me what your early, VERY early, symptoms of pregnancy were.

I have a few close friends who have had children but I don't want to start an uproar with them thinking I'm pregnant, lol. It's a bit early for that!

The past week I have been very tired, moody more than ever, very cranky, and for the past three days I've had insane heartburn!

Curious if any of this sounds familiar... :blushing:
Tender breasts. That was one of the biggest things for me. I never got sick, but my boobs were quite tender. And I had to pee constantly.

Have you kept track of your cycle? If you're about 25 days into your cycle, and you're pretty regular, you can go get a First Response...
I peed A LOT, my boobs got huge in the beginning, and I also had horrible heartburn throughout my whole pregnancy.
The best thing to do so you stop worrying is to just take a pregnancy test, you don't have to tell anyone. Get the question answered.
My very earliest symptom was being dead tired. I'd sit down, and fall asleep - anytime, anywhere.

Next was being hungry, but then when I'd try to eat, nothing would taste good.
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  • #6
Shell Northway said:
The best thing to do so you stop worrying is to just take a pregnancy test, you don't have to tell anyone. Get the question answered.

It's still too early for me to test. I still have to wait another week or so before it would show up on a test! I'm not really worried, DH and I weren't planning on this right now, but it would be a surprise blessing for us :). We just moved into a two bedroom apt from a 1 bedroom loft, so timing is everything, lol!

I will test in a week, but until then, I'm just curious :)
I knew the day I conceived because I felt fine but suddenly got sick and puked. It was odd, but I just knew I was pregnant. Then I felt fine for a few weeks then the morning sickness started in.I too felt very tired suddenly and more hungry.Each person's body is different so it is sometimes hard to be in tune to those cues if you've never been there before. Don't worry, keep busy until you can test and then you'll know for sure!
Mine was very tender breasts and being excessively tired. I knew both times before I took a test.
janetupnorth said:
I knew the day I conceived because I felt fine but suddenly got sick and puked. It was odd, but I just knew I was pregnant. Then I felt fine for a few weeks then the morning sickness started in.

I too felt very tired suddenly and more hungry.

Each person's body is different so it is sometimes hard to be in tune to those cues if you've never been there before.

Don't worry, keep busy until you can test and then you'll know for sure!

NO WAY! That is so funny - because, although I didn't know that's what it was at the time, when we looked and counted back, we knew the day I conceived too. I was feeling just fine, and we were sitting in a Coffee House (a weekend getaway to celebrate our anniversary.;)) and all of a sudden I got really nauseous and the smells in the coffee house (my favorite smells!) made me hurl! We both thought it was so strange, because I so rarely throw up - and then I was fine again.

Just think it's funny that we're the same - but I guess I shouldn't, huh?:D
  • #10
I just had "that" feeling. Long before the test, I knew in the back of my mind I was preggo!!
  • #11
I had a few episodes of dizziness- nearly falling. And the peeing- alot thing!
  • #12
For me it was being extremely tired, and it showed up about a week before I was to miss my period.
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  • #13
Thanks ladies! I actually looked at the calendar, and based on my cycle it actually looks like I CAN start testing! Granted, this is very early on and the likelihood of it being a false negative is still very high, but DH is picking up a few tests on his way home from work- I'm a little nervous!
  • #14
kdangel518 said:
Thanks ladies! I actually looked at the calendar, and based on my cycle it actually looks like I CAN start testing! Granted, this is very early on and the likelihood of it being a false negative is still very high, but DH is picking up a few tests on his way home from work- I'm a little nervous!

Good Luck :)
  • #15
kdangel518 said:
Thanks ladies! I actually looked at the calendar, and based on my cycle it actually looks like I CAN start testing! Granted, this is very early on and the likelihood of it being a false negative is still very high, but DH is picking up a few tests on his way home from work- I'm a little nervous!

If it is early to test, it is best to test first thing in the morning, after at least 4 hours of sleep.
  • #16
BlessedWifeMommy said:
If it is early to test, it is best to test first thing in the morning, after at least 4 hours of sleep.

Definitely wait until first in the morning. The pregnancy hormone is much more concentrated then...

BTW...for me, it's the boob thing...that, and after so many kids, I'm pretty much in maternity clothes BEFORE the test turns positive!

What an excited time...enjoy the anticipation!!!!
  • #17
For this pregnancy it was INSANE Heartburn that made me take a test. For the last it was non-stop vomiting, I thought I had the flu but a co-worker said "take a test, I know you are pregnant" so I did. :)
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  • #18
Wow, good to know about the waiting until morning thing! Thanks ladies!
  • #19
LOL - but I did the test in the middle of the afternoon - and it was positive immediately. It was the cheap-o store brand test, too.
  • #20
I always gagged brushing my teeth. Something about the foamy toothpaste filling my mouth as I brushed - I had to be careful about how I spit it out or I would puke along with it.
  • #21
My breasts were sore, and I had terrible cramps. It was my nutirionist who told me to take the test. I gained 4 pounds in two weeks, sticking to her plan. I was losing 2.5 pounds a week. I remember sitting in her office, dumbfounded. I said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I am following the plan." She said, "I think you're pregnant! Take a test before next week!" LOL
  • #22
I agree with the breast tenderness thing...it literally hurt to hug! However, I also had cramping and was bummed and sure I was getting my period but the period signs were the same, albeit WAY stronger than the pregnancy pains! Good luck!
  • #23
Pedey said:
I always gagged brushing my teeth. Something about the foamy toothpaste filling my mouth as I brushed - I had to be careful about how I spit it out or I would puke along with it.

Ewww, I remember that, too. I think for the first 5 months of my pregnancy, my teeth never got thoroughly brushed - I was more concerned with throwing up! :yuck:
  • #24
ChefBeckyD said:
NO WAY! That is so funny - because, although I didn't know that's what it was at the time, when we looked and counted back, we knew the day I conceived too. I was feeling just fine, and we were sitting in a Coffee House (a weekend getaway to celebrate our anniversary.;)) and all of a sudden I got really nauseous and the smells in the coffee house (my favorite smells!) made me hurl! We both thought it was so strange, because I so rarely throw up - and then I was fine again.

Just think it's funny that we're the same - but I guess I shouldn't, huh?:D

That is funny...nope, should only be a twinge surprised. ;)
  • #25
I delt with infertility and ended up joining a web board for women having a hard time getting pregnant. If there's one thing that I learned, it's that no two women have the exact same symptoms and that for each woman the symptoms can be different with each pregnancy. LOLWith my daughter, I went from being a night owl to having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I was also having the worst cramps EVER. I thought I was about to have a horrible cycle. My addiction to peeing on a stick is the only reason I tested that month and I was completely shocked to see that it was positive. I always thought that the frequent urination thing was all in the woman's head ... you know the "I'm pregnant, I'm supposed to pee a lot" mentality. I even laughed at a friend a couple of years ago & told her that she wouldn't start having the bladder issues until the weight of the baby & placenta were heavy enough to put pressure on the bladder. I ended up eating those words with pregnancy #1!Morning sickness didn't hit me until the 2nd trimester ... but morning sickness is how my sister knew that she was pregnant both times. That was her one & only symptom in the beginning.With my miscarriage cycle, I had no clue. I POAS (peed on a stick) to satisfy a neighbor who had gotten a positive & didn't believe she was pregnant. I wanted to prove to her the difference between a positive & a negative. She thought I had defective tests. Yes, I had a stash of them in my house. Did I mention that I'm a POAS-aholic? ;)With my son, we were actively trying to conceive. I didn't give myself time to have symptoms. I was doing all the infertility tricks and knew EXACTLY when I ovulated. I started POAS at 8 days past ovulation (DPO). But only testing once a day was not enough. I was finally convinced there was a line at 9DPO, on the 1PM (1300) test - which was test #5 in 2 days. In the photo, you can see the line on test #6 (10DPO). But the line doesn't really get dark until test #13 (17 DPO).
By the way (for all the other POAS-aholics out there), you can get 100 of the IC strips (what's in this photo) on eBay for $32.99!! :) I chose 60 Ovulation tests & 40 pregnancy tests. I was POAS almost every day of the month!!! LOL
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  • #26
OMG Sheila you are hysterical!!!
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  • #27
P.S. Still haven't tested yet, ended up at the ER with DH last night- complications of his lyme disease (gotta love living in New England) and didn't get home until midnight. Needless to say on his rush on the way home from work to get to the ER he didn't stop to pick up a test, lol. We're going to pick up a few today.
  • #28
Well did you take a test?
  • #29
felt like pms symptom, cramping, breast tenderness...but didn't go away after a few days. and believe it or not both pregnancies I broke a tooth.
  • #30
kdangel518 said:
P.S. Still haven't tested yet, ended up at the ER with DH last night- complications of his lyme disease (gotta love living in New England) and didn't get home until midnight. Needless to say on his rush on the way home from work to get to the ER he didn't stop to pick up a test, lol. We're going to pick up a few today.
Kara - I live with Lyme Disease too - went undiagnosed for several years, because they don't test for it here in MI - no one thought to ask if I'd been any place else. :rolleyes:

Sorry - didn't mean to hijack...but I couldn't resist. Hope your DH is feeling better. Lyme's is definitely a challenge. (but it's better than thinking you're crazy w/ a bunch of symptoms that don't make sense!)
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  • #31
Holly I think you posted as I was posting! Not yet, I am going to take one today! I will certainly let you all know what the results are ;)
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  • #32
ChefBeckyD said:
Kara - I live with Lyme Disease too - went undiagnosed for several years, because they don't test for it here in MI - no one thought to ask if I'd been any place else. :rolleyes:

Sorry - didn't mean to hijack...but I couldn't resist. Hope your DH is feeling better. Lyme's is definitely a challenge. (but it's better than thinking you're crazy w/ a bunch of symptoms that don't make sense!)

Becky- He was undiagnosed for nearly 18 months. I was furious. We live in MA, inlaws live in NH. He had so many symptoms, it's crazy. He almost had a spinal tap in the ER last night! They've got him on some new antibiotics, so hopefully these will help. Nope, lyme is not fun!!! Sometimes I get very frustrated with the medical community:grumpy:, but I remind myself that no one is perfect and science is still advancing. But that is a subject for another day! Lol. :p
  • #33
kdangel518 said:
Holly I think you posted as I was posting! Not yet, I am going to take one today! I will certainly let you all know what the results are ;)

I realized that when I came back to check. :D You know inquiring minds want to know! Hope your husband is doing better.
  • #34
kdangel518 said:
Becky- He was undiagnosed for nearly 18 months. I was furious. We live in MA, inlaws live in NH. He had so many symptoms, it's crazy. He almost had a spinal tap in the ER last night! They've got him on some new antibiotics, so hopefully these will help. Nope, lyme is not fun!!! Sometimes I get very frustrated with the medical community:grumpy:, but I remind myself that no one is perfect and science is still advancing. But that is a subject for another day! Lol. :p

I get frustrated too. I've learned not to trust what they say w/o researching myself. I had to pretty much diagnose myself, and then find an alternative practitioner to do the testing in order to get an official diagnosis.

Other Doctors ("specialists") just brushed it off, diagnosed me w/ Fibromyalgia...and wanted to pump me full of anti-depressants. In the meantime, my entire adrenal system was shutting down.

To bring it back around to this thread topic - it was only after having my son, and realizing that I couldn't go on living half-dead - I needed to be healthy for him, that I really dug in my heels and demanded answers. So, in a very real sense, getting pregnant, and having my son, saved my life!
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  • #35
Thanks Holly! I don't blame you, figured I couldn't come posting here about possibly being PG without posting results if I was gonna take a test, lol! ;)

Related to Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Insights from Other Moms

1. What are some common early pregnancy symptoms?

Some common early pregnancy symptoms include fatigue, mood swings, nausea, breast tenderness, and increased urination.

2. How soon after conception can these symptoms occur?

Early pregnancy symptoms can occur as soon as one week after conception, but they may not be noticeable until a few weeks later.

3. Are these symptoms experienced by all pregnant women?

No, every woman's experience with pregnancy symptoms is different. Some may experience all of these symptoms, while others may only experience a few or none at all.

4. Can these symptoms be confused with other health issues?

Yes, some early pregnancy symptoms can be similar to symptoms of other health issues, such as PMS or the flu. It's important to take a pregnancy test to confirm if you suspect you may be pregnant.

5. Are there any reliable ways to alleviate these symptoms?

There is no surefire way to alleviate early pregnancy symptoms, but some methods that may help include getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, eating small, frequent meals, and talking to your doctor about safe remedies for specific symptoms.

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