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Did My Inactive Recruit Lose Her Sales Credit or Can She Still Qualify?

In summary, if you are inactive for less than 12 months you are still technically eligible to qualify. However, if you are inactive for more than a year you will forfeit your sales and career as a consultant.
Silver Member
I have a question... I had one consultant go inactive just after her SS period (September)... does she have to start over to requalify? Or just do two more shows and qualify?
I'm not certain but I think she just needs to do 2 more shows. The recipe for success is not clear.
She just needs the two shows and she will be qualified but you will not get the points. She will have also lost any recruits she had and any points she had as well.

She could actually do it in one show too! Remember it is 4 shows OR $1250 in sales!! When I joined it was 6 shows...period!!

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  • Thread starter
  • #4
OK... So, I have another who has become active again, although it was much longer... is that the same for her? I thought when you went inactive before qualifying you had to start all over again.
I'm not certain but I think as long as they were inactive for less than 12 months it is the same deal. If longer than it gets more difficult. I would for sure call HO and find out how it is handled to be certain your info is correct. :rolleyes:
Every one has the option to qualify. Any consultant who signed a contract has "technically" a year from the beginning of their SS to qualify. After 1 year of being inactive, then they are no longer a consultant.

I had a consultant who had submitted four shows on the old plan and not been active for almost a year when the new 4 or 1250 requirements came into play. She qualifed but still was inactive!! LOL!!

Erin, I had that happen too! I had 2 recruits who had done 4-5 shows, but had never qualified under the old program.....and then one day in the mail I received $100 in PC Dollars.....couldn't figure out why, called home office, and was told that I had 2 consultants who had qualified!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I just looked through the new RFS... It said that when a consultant goes inactive he or she forfeit his/her sales. But then I called the Soultion Center and the really nice lady told me that to qualify they would only have to do the two remaining shows. YEA!
AJPratt said:
I just looked through the new RFS... It said that when a consultant goes inactive he or she forfeit his/her sales. But then I called the Soultion Center and the really nice lady told me that to qualify they would only have to do the two remaining shows. YEA!

Yay. That is good to know.
  • #10
They forfeit their career sales, but don't lose credit for the show count. It seems a little weird, but that is really how it works.

My first recruit did very little her first couple of years. She'd submit a show, then nothing for 8 months, then 1 show.... She was inactive when they changed the requirements for qualifying last year, but because she had done 4 shows total (over her 3-year career), I got the 50 PC Dollars in the mail. Weird. (Not that I'm complaining - I can always use those for paperwork, etc.)
  • #11
She does loose her recruits(team), they go to her recruiter. So are they then that recruiters first line or still her second line? Even if she requalifies, she can not get her recruits back.
  • #12
When the recruits are passed to the upline they become part of the upline's first line. But they do not count as personally recruited so they could not promote someone to Director...does that make sense?

EX: I had a recruit promote past me to Director (horrible, I know!I was in the middle of moving from Japan to the US). My recruit just resigned her Directorship for personal reasons so her WHOLE team (what used to be my team! ;)!) moved to our AD.

  • #13
So if a recruit moves up faster than you do, you loose them as a recruit to your director? So if my recruit makes FD before I do; she'll stop being my recruit?
  • #14
No, it only happens at Director! Once your recruit promotes to Director then you have three months to promote yourself or you will lose her and her team from your downline.
Once you are a Director, you will maintain your team even if your recruit continues to promote "past" you.

  • #15
Got it thanks.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Update!I guess the official answer is none of the above! LOL Let me tell you what happened:

My recruit did one show last year, November, 2005 ($681.56). She wound up having personal problems and went inactive before qualifying.

Since then, life has gotten much better for her and she came back. She did one show last month and one show this month, totaling $836.20. I checked my IPT today and it says "Qual date 11/28"! WOO-HOO!!!!!

So, I guess she didn't lose the sales credit afterall! YEA!!

Related to Did My Inactive Recruit Lose Her Sales Credit or Can She Still Qualify?

1. What does "Inactive Recruit Question" mean?

"Inactive Recruit Question" refers to a question that is asked to a potential recruit, but has not been answered by them within a certain period of time. This could suggest that the recruit is no longer interested or available.

2. How long does it take for a question to become inactive?

The length of time before a question becomes inactive can vary depending on the situation and the recruiter's preferences. Some recruiters may consider a question inactive after a few days, while others may wait a week or longer.

3. Can an inactive recruit question be reactivated?

Yes, an inactive recruit question can be reactivated if the potential recruit responds to it at a later time. However, it is important for recruiters to follow up with potential recruits in a timely manner to avoid losing their interest.

4. How can I prevent my recruit questions from becoming inactive?

To prevent your recruit questions from becoming inactive, it is important to maintain open communication with potential recruits. Follow up with them regularly and provide opportunities for them to ask questions or share their thoughts. Also, try to ask engaging and relevant questions that will keep the recruit interested and motivated to respond.

5. What should I do if a recruit question becomes inactive?

If a recruit question becomes inactive, it is best to follow up with the potential recruit to see if they are still interested and available. If not, it may be time to move on and focus on other potential recruits. However, if the recruit is still interested, make sure to apologize for the delayed response and continue the conversation to maintain their interest.

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