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Dealing with Burnout in My PC Business: A Frustrated Director's Story

so that you know when you'll be available to take a call. Third - RECRUIT MORE PEOPLE!! If you can't get sales, it's not because you don't have the product or service... it's because you don't have the right people selling it. Lastly - BOOK MORE SHOWS!! This will help you get over that hump and make your business successful.
Gold Member
I'm starting to think I'm a little PC burnt out... with all the changes that are going on, I'm fustrated. I had 12 people on my team... 2 of my most consistant gals up and quit, then I had 3 girls drop off due to inactivity and 2 more are going to drop off this month. That leaves some very inconsistent folks who no matter who much I try to motivate them they still get no where. I do all my team's sales and I'm lucky if 6 submit at least 150 to get paid as a director. 2 of my girls have ever come to a team meeting - it's usually girls who from another person's team who come. I've set up motivational things, given prizes, etc. I'm burnt out on having a team!

My month so far has been a little lackluster... I've had 6 shows and not one of them over $500 in sales... I left one show with $40 in sales. I had 3 shows cancel this month, which never happens, and one show left to do... which is for a former ED so I'm terrified. My July is looking good though.

I am constantly working... last night I went to a toy party (oh joy) and my friend literally took my phone away so I would stop reading emails. I've tried to set up office hours, it doesn't work, cause you never know when a host or customer is going to call... and everything is a damn crisis. I can not seperate job and life for some reason... it would be different if I could leave my office in a building and come home at 5 and be done for the day... but working from home, I simply can't.

I don't want to complain, because I love getting the incentives from PC, but I'm feeling they are a little lackluster too... I know they spent so much money on the new web.... and probably even more to get that sucker fixed and that may be the reason we keep getting aprons that will cost $30 on our 1099s. I know I should be thankful and feel rewarded, but I don't. It's another thing I'm going to throw in the closet and forget about.

I was talking to the toy consultant last night... we were talking about compensation plans, because her company doesn't offer insurance like PC does... but their plan... she gets 50% commission, no matter what and makes 5% off her team. And it's not just the toy person either - I've compared plans and other companies offer better compensation plans, with no demotion. I've thought about adding another business after I lose my Director title... which I know is happening soon. My pay will decrease because of this and my budget will not allow for that. I know the solution for that... book more shows, recruit more people.... book more shows I can do... now I'm not so sure I want to recruit anymore... I've got the ones I needed for Vegas.. and I can get the sales (I really want to go) Adding another business could go either way... I don't want to start over, but at the same time, my passion for Pampered Chef has decreased in the last 2 months to the point I'm almost disgusted.

I know the resolve for this... I just needed to vent for a little... and pray that someone out there is feeling the same fustrations as me. :(
Sorry you are feeling this way!! Sit back for a second and take a couple deep breaths! All businesses go through cycles. I've been going through the same thing for over a year now. I can get bookings on the calendar but over 60% of them cancel. My new job has me out of the house until 7 (or later if I have to run errands). Not a lot of time to take care of things around the house and my business but I just keep plugging along because I know I love what I do. I know things will change and I know some of those things are things I do myself!!Start by re-evaluating your "why". Think about all the fun stuff and things that your PC business allows you. Second - SET SOME BUSINESS HOURS!! You can do that, it's just like any other business. My voicemail says my business hours so that if they catch me when I'm at work they know that I will get a hold of them later on that night (it says my business hours are 7-9 p.m. on week nights and 1-3 on weekends). If you have an office door, set yourself a schedule on it to remind you. Now that's not saying that you don't have to work on other hours but it will help you to remember that you have a life too.As far as other direct sales companies, make sure to check into all of their aspects. I know my aunt sells jewelry and make 50% but she has to pay out of her pocket for host benefits and other things that we don't have to pay for. For me, I'd rather make less up front then have to pay for more out of my pocket. Of course they make 50% seem awesome but in the end, what is she really making??Take a little PC break this weekend and really think about what you want!
Gee I could have written this....
Aw! It's so sad to hear of directors and up feeling like this. :( But I hear ya, too! I'm not a director or close, by any means, but I've been feeling discouraged w/ my business lately. Getting bookings, getting them to hold, getting good sales. All my recruit leads go nowhere. My one and only recruit just quit. :( I'm sad that PC is experiencing such issues w/ the new web. I'm disappointed that it's having such a negative impact on new recruits and directors, so I don't even want to recruit right now. I've had so much going on at home with other things, that this was becoming a stress and not a fun thing, so I was contemplating letting it slowly die.But...I got some bookings. The host's are cooperative. :) My former recruit gave me a few leads she had and 2 of them are probably going to pan out. The bad thing is that Sell a Thon and the bookings people want are in July and that's when I'm going to be recovering from a serious surgery and can't drive or lift things. I'm feeling a bit of guilt and stress, but I'm hoping I can get through it. Okay, enough about me...I think you need to give yourself a little break, if you are losing your director status anyway, give yourself a little breather. Do something fun with your family. Call your favorite past hosts who can maybe book again and then you'll have some positive show experiences again. And I always remembering people on here saying something like, "if you don't like your team, get a new one" (probably killed that saying!) But I know that it can be hard to build a team. So find your joy, go back to what you like about PC and think good thoughts and try to think positively. If you are frustrated w/ PC, somehow that will come across and can sabotage your efforts, even if you aren't meaning it to. Your heart has to be in it.I'd really scrutinize those other companies before starting another business. I can't imagine doing 2 businesses and feeling committed to them both. One would go on a back burner and eventually die. I'd be afraid the new one would take so much of my focus that the PC one would end up not doing well. It's great that we can vent here though, so I'm glad you aren't bottling it up inside. Take a deep breath and try to rediscover your "why". :)
I think we all cycle through those feelings. It's like a spiral. I've been there, thought maybe I'd just let it die out. Right now, even with all the challenges with the new web, I feel inspired and hopeful. my show schedule is no where close to what I want it to be and while I'm recruiting, I'm not meeting my goals there either. But I still love what I do and I feel sure we will get through this.I agree with Amanda. Do something fun. Step away for a day or two. Write down your why. Why did you start PC? Why have you stayed with it? Write down your goals. Write down your pros and cons. Only you can decide what you will do in the end and it will be the right decision for you. Do what makes you happy.
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  • #6
Thanks, guys... I'm feeling a little better today. I just had to have myself I whine fest yesterday. I'm sitting down to reprioritize. I started PC to get a consultant off my back... she'd been asking me for 7 years :) I told her I'll join to shut you up, but don't expect too much of me. Turns out I am actually pretty good at doing this type of work. And I DO enjoy it... I love PC and I love my job... and I will love it more when the bugs are worked out. So what if I had a crappy month... bless and release, right? :)
Glad to hear you're feeling better about it all today! I've gone through times I've thought about quitting...when I lost my career sales, it was tough. And I'm just a hobby consulatnat, not a director! I had two recruits a few years back but being a director is not for me. When they went inactive, I wasn't sad and one of them acutally kept me active when I'd decided to stop PC.

Don't know what conclusion you came to about starting another direct sales business. It's still 100% commission base, whatever the other product is.
Dezi, we all feel for you. We all also know exactly how you feel. I am so glad though that you came out here to vent, whine or just plain boo hoo about it before you made up your mind completely and hung up your apron for good without lettings us let you know that you are not alone. For 2 and half years, I have been laid off. I figured WOO HOO, I can build my business and really have time to get it off the ground. Well, guess what, NOPE, NADA it didn't happen and you know why? I let life's other pressures get me down and it put a really yuck on doing PC. Not sure why but hey, it happens. I have been defined for 32 years as a computer person and my whole identity is attached to that. So I prioritized making finding a computer job more important than taking advantage to what I had in front of my face. I do not trust myself, I do not think I can run MY OWN successful business and therefore, I never will. I also never gave myself chance to find out! You have given yourself that chance. And yeah, sometimes it really stinks and nothing but a lot of BS. especially when PC people define themselves and their businesses by title and how many we have under us. Guess what? WE CAN NOT CONTROL THAT. You will never be able to control what anyone else on your team does. So you have to be happy with what you do and how you do it. And yes, tell everyone when you work. This is the best way to separate personal life from PC life. If you make it too much of a job, it won't thrill you. It will not excite you and it will drag you down. I too am working on all of this. I just have to remember that, as all here have said, ALL businesses ebb and flow. Some times it works like a well oiled machine and at other times, chaos! You just need to know when it is time to back off. CEOs of multimillion dollar corporations get breaks, you need them too if not more so. Oh and my TW lady makes 50% of all her sales. But she told me that she spends nearly 30% of it on all the free stuff she NEEDS to give out to get hosts. That means she makes roughly 20% You are making more than that if even as consultant with over $15,000 in sales. 2% is 2%. And with your sales, I bet it is a heck of a lot more than that. Oh and she also has to buy catalogs every time she turns around, new paper work, and all sorts of things that she NEEDS for her business. I bet she makes a lot less than 20% in the long. And right now, she is as frustrated with her business as you sound like you are. So no, the grass is not greener on the other side of that fence! In fact, it sounds brown and crunchy to me!
vanscootin said:
Thanks, guys... I'm feeling a little better today. I just had to have myself I whine fest yesterday. I'm sitting down to reprioritize. I started PC to get a consultant off my back... she'd been asking me for 7 years :) I told her I'll join to shut you up, but don't expect too much of me. Turns out I am actually pretty good at doing this type of work. And I DO enjoy it... I love PC and I love my job... and I will love it more when the bugs are worked out. So what if I had a crappy month... bless and release, right? :)

A few weeks ago I was feeling just like you were and came here to vent. I felt better and it did help. You are correct, time to bless and release and move on. Sometimes letting it go is hard and then it continues to hold us back. Also, I agree with what was said about your team. We can NOT control what our teams do, all we can do is coach them. They key is to keep recruiting and to do that we need shows. So we have to start there. Guess what I need to do this week? book the heck out of July. Bad May and Bad June (Lots of cancels!) lead me to be depressed and whiny. Not anymore! We both can do this if we put our minds to it!! :chef:
  • #10
I have been in sales most of my career after college. I tell my team that I can give them the tools to be successful, but if they do not use the tools they will not be successful. Sit down and put the pros and cons of WHY you are doing this. You will probably find that the pros outweigh the cons. I work my PC business, because I love it! I am a stay at home mom, whose children will all be in school next year. I plan on getting my subbing certificate so that I can fill in my day. We will see how it goes with my business. I am setting up a business plan to be successful. Ask yourself, what is it that I want my business to do for me? I have asked myself this several times. If it is little things, set a goal. If it is big things, SET A GOAL! We can not control what other people do, hosts or recruits or people on our team. Just like you check in with your PC team, check in with yourself. You are part of your team. If I was holding down my team sales and hoping that 6 of my team mates turned in $150 each month, I would guess to bring home about $1000+ each month. Not sure where you are located, but in my area, that is a feat to say. I am able to say that my PC money goes to buy my kids new school clothes, new appliances in the house (I am done with that now), vacation for the family each year, ALL gifts for my family (big family)...make a list of what your PC business pays for...figure out what motivates you as a person and you will see that it is exactly what you want to do for yourself.Good Luck! I wish you all the best. Positive attitudes do go a long way. When there is a touch of OH NO in your voice people do hear it. Keep the upper chin and it will turn out exactly how you want.
  • #11
I agree about the TW info... I use to sell TW and was always broke because the paper change over was monthly... flyers/catalogues.
The worst - 'only new products' could be put out on display at the show...bought the new product/colour and kept it packed in the kit.... one yr later that colour was gone... damn, need to buy another product
Not like PC because we can use the product in our home and then proudly show it off at the cooking show!!
The key to this business is to ENJOY the job... life happens for both you and the host/customer and be honest with them. When I have a show cancel, I always tell them I understand and that 'life has a nasty habit of screwing up our plans, can we pencil in a new date'.
I just closed a show that was dated March 24... then April 24 , moved to June 5, and was held June 14th with 4 guest in the kitchen. Host told me she would be happy with sales of $400 and had $200 in outside orders. She was very happy when I told her the sales amount of $902.45 and then she when out and collected more orders... final show amount $1048.10....... never give up on a host and most importantly DO NOT give up on yourself...life happens and we have to be ready to change it to suit us.

and come here to vent so we can help you.... have a great day!!
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  • #12
I would never sell tupperware... lol... I like it, don't get me wrong, but selling that is a whole 'nother thing. I've maintained for the last year that PC is it for me. I have a college degree, that I have never once used except in debating crime, justice, and politics (which you don't get paid for...lol) I have issues with authority and usually end up quitting a job after a year or so because I can't stand work place politics. This has been my longest job since I've become an adult. I LOVE working for my self and being able to stay home with the kids. My business has afforded me to redecorate my entire house this past year, inside and out.... I am thankful for that. Except appliances... Tammy you lucky gal you... I can't figure out how to accidentally break them to get the green light from my hubby.

Thank you, to all of you for kicking my arse in gear. I just needed a pick me up and I'm raring to go... my husband and I were talking this morning over our coffee about what I've been thinking and he said. You're quitting PC... I said no, I am thinking about cutting back. He said, no Dawn you are quitting. He never calls me by my actual name and I know he's mad when he does. He said, you can't quit. You have people that count on you to help them. This from my 30 year old "kid". I WILL NOT QUIT. I will persevere and prevail, team or no team dammit!
  • #13
My "coworker" (fellow consultant who I travel to/from meetings with each month) was talking about the stress of having a team the other day. Her winter/spring exploded and she was facing the real possibility of making Director. But then, as typically seems to happen for her, they are fizzling out or just are hobby consultants, so not much consistency. I reminded her that "you can't be attached to the outcome. They joined, Great! Move on, Help them as you can, but YOU move on and keep working your business personally." I reminded her about the wide/deep- and know we know WHY they encourage that. :)Anyway....I can totally get your gripe and whine. I've had that conversation in my head many times. I don't have a large team (just 2), and we are up/down as a team month to month. But I know where MY problem lies- with ME. :D I would never vent things to my DH because he would tell me to just quit. He doesn't get it. You guys do, and that's why it's nice to come here, vent, take deep breaths and move on. You guys are cheaper than couch time that's for sure! ;)I have been on the fence again for awhile about my business, but with approaching large expenses and no real way to pay for it without making some hard choices about what has to go (things like the kids Hockey team/lessons - which my DH would never go for. He'd go without FOOD for awhile I think before giving that up.). Anyway, I HAVE to find more money for the budget and I know PC is my way that God gave me 4 years ago. I just need to suck it up and get on the phone! :)Today is my 39th Birthday (first one), and my present to myself is that I just signed up for Steve Wiltshire's Million Dollar Protege Gold program! I like alot of things he does/says, and I needed a clear plan with action items and telling me what to do....so I'm doing it! I'm glad we all have a place to come and share. :D I'd be lost without you guys!
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  • #14
esavvymom said:
My "coworker" (fellow consultant who I travel to/from meetings with each month) was talking about the stress of having a team the other day. Her winter/spring exploded and she was facing the real possibility of making Director. But then, as typically seems to happen for her, they are fizzling out or just are hobby consultants, so not much consistency. I reminded her that "you can't be attached to the outcome. They joined, Great! Move on, Help them as you can, but YOU move on and keep working your business personally." I reminded her about the wide/deep- and know we know WHY they encourage that. :)

Anyway....I can totally get your gripe and whine. I've had that conversation in my head many times. I don't have a large team (just 2), and we are up/down as a team month to month. But I know where MY problem lies- with ME. :D I would never vent things to my DH because he would tell me to just quit. He doesn't get it. You guys do, and that's why it's nice to come here, vent, take deep breaths and move on. You guys are cheaper than couch time that's for sure! ;)

I have been on the fence again for awhile about my business, but with approaching large expenses and no real way to pay for it without making some hard choices about what has to go (things like the kids Hockey team/lessons - which my DH would never go for. He'd go without FOOD for awhile I think before giving that up.). Anyway, I HAVE to find more money for the budget and I know PC is my way that God gave me 4 years ago. I just need to suck it up and get on the phone! :)

Today is my 39th Birthday (first one), and my present to myself is that I just signed up for Steve Wiltshire's Million Dollar Protege Gold program! I like alot of things he does/says, and I needed a clear plan with action items and telling me what to do....so I'm doing it!

I'm glad we all have a place to come and share. :D I'd be lost without you guys!

Happy Birthday! And that's one thing that PC doesn't advertise in the kit... amazing support from unknown friends... saving a bundle on couch time! Who needs a therapist anyway. I'm too screwed up for help! LOL :)
  • #15
Happy Birthday Bobbi!
  • #16
Happy Birthday, Bobbi!!

Great comments of supports. What struck me is the "toy" party person and all of her great percentages. They lack more than just the insurance. Yes, you get to spend your money as you wish, but more than once when I have held parties for the toy people, they said they wished they had a vacation incentive. Do they pay for host benefits? Do they have to pay the 3% credit card transaction? Usually when people have looked at all of the "little" things, they add up to the same or less commission than what we earn. Every company has a twist that they don't come right out and tell a potential recruit about. To make a success of direct selling you also have to have a product you can believe in and for me personally, PC has it.

The changes are challenging but I remember when we were changing to P3 what a monsterous challenge that was. It was not perfect and it did not do things that the first PP did. Change, no matter how small or big is not easy.

Hang in there, folks!!
  • #17
We are going to be so thrilled when the app thing works out. They have great minds working on it and hopefully the technological savvy to resolve all the issues - like Steve Jobs, they're thinking outside the box. Just think, soon PC will have re-defined the box! Pray, wait patiently. Guard yourself and rest knowing that it is going to be awesome!I am about to go into a newly constructed building for my 9-5 job. Unfortunately it has challenges aplenty. But - it is simply a new space to execute my work. Sometimes what changes... is us!

Related to Dealing with Burnout in My PC Business: A Frustrated Director's Story

1. What are some common signs of burnout?

Some common signs of burnout include feeling exhausted and drained, experiencing a lack of motivation or productivity, feeling emotionally detached or cynical, and having difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

2. How do I know if I'm burnt out or just stressed?

Burnout is typically a result of prolonged and chronic stress, so it can be difficult to differentiate between the two. However, if you feel consistently overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and disengaged, it may be a sign of burnout rather than just stress.

3. What can I do to prevent burnout?

To prevent burnout, it's important to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. Make sure to take breaks and engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax. It's also crucial to communicate your needs and set limits with your workload and responsibilities.

4. How can I recover from burnout?

Recovering from burnout may involve taking a break from work, seeking support from friends and family, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and self-care. It's also important to address any underlying issues that may have contributed to your burnout.

5. Can burnout have long-term effects on my health?

Yes, burnout can have significant long-term effects on both your physical and mental health. It can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. That's why it's important to address burnout and take steps to prevent it.

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