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Bracing for the Chill: Surviving the Cold Season | Stay Warm with Our Tips

In summary, the temperature is cold, there is snow, and people in other parts of the country are enjoying a warmer winter than Wisconsin.
That's all I have to say. :D
And I got sunburned on the beach this morning - LOL
Wanna come visit? I'll make up the guest room for ya!
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I agree Deb. We're all hunkered down waiting for the 1-2 feet of snow that we're supposed to get in the next 36 hours!!!
It has been in the 20's during the day and below 0 at night. I am not much of a winter person and can hardly wait until summer gets here.
I agree Deb as another Illinoisan - nothing like seeing that it's a high of 2 degrees (without windchill) - this bites!
Try going to a gravesite funeral in it!!! We had to do that today--well the funeral service was at the church then they had th interment gravesite. brrrr. on our way back home the car was saying it was -6 and of course that doesn't include the windchill. yick--makes me miss arizona!

6 more years.........
And who invented "wind chill?" Things are bad enough without some perky weather girl talking gleefully about that.

I HATE winter. Enzo the dog didn't even want to go out in this today. Smart puppy!

Tomorrow it's suppose to be worst. UGH.
15 below here most of the day - down to about -20 right now... BRRRRRRR.....
Try being sick when it is cold...you don't know if you're having the chills because someone possibly opened the door or because of the stupid virus rampaging your system....and you had to cancel your open house for Friday night...ugh...enough whining...sleep.
  • #10
PamperChefCarol said:
And who invented "wind chill?" Things are bad enough without some perky weather girl talking gleefully about that.
We will be getting the cold soon (we usually get Michigan weather the next day!)
Today I had to go 30 miles to a party (30 miles here is like going 3 city blocks!!) The snow was falling very heavily and the wind was wild so the ride over caused the blood pressure to rise!
The party was small but a nice bunch with 3 baby girls between 3 and 11 weeks old!!! The sales when I left the party were less than $150 so I had to do some "look at the bright side" thinking!! Two have not ordered and the host has 3 or more orders to get. I did get one more booking for Feb. and ....one of the baby's Mom wants to sign up...and is going to do so over the internet within the next 2 weeks!
So yes, it WAS worth it!!
I love the 4 seasons and I hate hot humid days...I am not a perky weather type girl (yes...we have the perky, non stop smiling weather girl here!!) BUT...Carolyn the thought of laying on a beach right now sounds like a great idea!!!:) Glad to hear you didn't get hit by the tornados. My aunt lives in Lake Wales and so far I haven't heard of that particular area being hit.
  • #11
Right now in Wisconsin it's -7. Yes, that IS the temp....wind chill is another story. My 13 yr old daughter is on her way back home from a competition she was at, and I don't want to go and get her......HOW BAD IS THAT?!?!!!!?:(
Yep, it's Frickin' cold, and it bites the BIG one! It's supposed to hit a whopping 10 degrees on tuesday.....should feel like a heat wave. I don't think it even hit 0 today. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all of you Floridians and others are enjoying your warmth. I'll be there in a couple of months on vacation........save some warmth for us Frozen Wisconsinites!
Sorry, but whining seems to make me feel a little warmer. must be my blood pressure rising!!! LOL!!!
  • #12
Cold, I don't think its cold. Hmmm...Maybe I am just having a hot flash....LOL
  • #13
You people think your cold try living up here in canada where it's -45 to-49 with the wind chill. Your skin freezes in less than 2 minutes. It's crazy cold!!!!! Crazy I tell ya.
  • #14
LOL!!! This Canadian air can go right back up to Canada! I don't know how you get used to it. We've had a pretty mild winter here, until the Canadian air decided to stop in for a visit the last couple of days. My DH is going snowmobiling for the next 3 days...I keep telling him he's lost his mind...but it's his choice. I'll stay home in my nice warm house...and I'll be more than happy to send this COLD back to Canada...no offense!! LOL!!! Stay warm!!
  • #15
Woo hoo!! It is about time we have better weather than you guys! It has been 30-45 all week! I actually SPED today!
  • #16
just got back from picking up my daughter.....COLD BRRRRR!!!! I can hardly type....the car never warmed up to give me any heat! At least my house is warm....thank God for electricity and gas! LOL!!! What do homeless people do during weather like this??? See, my brain is frozen!!! LOL!!!
  • #17
Jilleysue said:
Cold, I don't think its cold. Hmmm...Maybe I am just having a hot flash....LOL

<<snicker snicker>>
Hey Jill...pass the sunscreen...
  • #18
dannyzmom said:
<<snicker snicker>>
Hey Jill...pass the sunscreen...

rub it in why dont you :p I'm enjoying our -27 with windchill. I got most of my office organized yesterday because I did not want to leave the house :D Now I'm hoping for a major heatwave tomorrow when I actually have to leave the house...now I just have to find my scarf and hat..
  • #19
Cold here in NY!! It is so cold that my car did not start up and I had to get a new battery!! :(
  • #20
It is currently -23.7 on my thermometer in northern WI. Who even cares about wind chill at this point?

I have to admit...I'd keeping my 2 little ones at Bedside Baptist today!
  • #21
-18 in central MN this am.
You know its cold when you go outside and can feel the inside of your noze freezing! LOL
But I wouldn't give up my 4 seasons for anything! I hate being hot! Our summer here last year was one of the hottest on record and I was miserable.
  • #22
-25 without windchillMy furnace is working really hard to keep the house warm seems like a good day to bake and wash laundry. My dryer doesn't have a outside vent so all the warm air stays inside.
this reminds me of that day Feb 2nd 1996 in Tower Mn I had bought a house and pipes froze. the coldest day on record in MN history -60 without wind factored in. Gov canceled schools across the state.
  • #23
Stay warm - I was thinking of firing up our wood burning stove again but at this temp because it is on the first floor it heats the upstairs and then I FREEZE going downstairs to do laundry...may just let the furnace do its work. I think in 1996 it was -54 here...of course I lived down in Racine then!

...should be a fun day...hubby is at camp with about 200-300 campers...many aren't from "up north" so they're trying to keep a close eye on them and make sure they are well-bundeled and don't stay out long!
  • #24
Yep - we've just been through the "Blizzard of '07" here in West Michigan....it's still snowing, and the temp is right around 0!!!(w/o the windchill) The state police are asking everyone to stay off the roads....which we are doing - no church for us today! But we have a big Super Bowl Party tonight, and I am making a Double Chocolate Mocha Trifle....so we're going !!!!!
  • #25
yep...cold here, too2 degrees here right now in the Cleveand Ohio area!! But we can't complain..we had such mild Nov. and Dec. with the temps sometimes reaching te 70's...so I guess we'll suck it up!!!! Kids are hoping for a "snow day" tomorrow (monday) because of cold temperatures...It's a possibility because my DH is a principal for another local school here and he said they were already thinking about it..we'll see if I have all 5 of my kids home, plus hubby tomorrow...yikes!!
stay warm
  • #26
-2 here w/o windchill. Until I read this thread I thought it was frickin cold! Now, I am so glad that I have 4 seasons and don't have -28 temps too! Thanks for the perspective!!!! Lived in southern AL for awhile and really missed the 4 seasons. But I certainly don't want -28 ! Stay warm everyone!!! (those of you in northern wisconsin, mn, canada what do you do with the kids indoors when it's sooooo cold? We haven't left the house for 3 days and I'm about to lose it! They have sooo much unspent energy!)
  • #27
Personally, I'm thinking of installing a velcro wall that I can throw them on! ;)
  • #28
dannyzmom said:
And I got sunburned on the beach this morning - LOL
Wanna come visit? I'll make up the guest room for ya!
We were just in Florida! Miami and the Ft Lauderdale. How far away are you? Maybe next time I am there we can grab cawfee or something.
  • #29
Jilleysue - I think we'd lose all our friends here if we told them the current temperature in our neck of the woods! LOL
  • #30
AJPratt said:
We were just in Florida! Miami and the Ft Lauderdale. How far away are you? Maybe next time I am there we can grab cawfee or something.

You were NOT!!!!!!
Jill and I are SO close to Ft Lauderdale - we're talking like 15 minutes tops!!
OMG I can't believe we didn't all get together!!!

Next time ANY of you are in our area you'd BETTER let us know so we can meet up!!!!
  • #31
I promise next time I will get your email and phone number and call when we are there!
  • #32
Okay after reading this thread I am glad for our unsual cold temps. We have rain coming this week so it will warm up, however that means inside recess and the kids seem to actualy go insane when there is inside recess almost as bad as a full moon!It actually feels like spring is almost here. I am sorry for the high temps of 2, although I don't have the temps of carolyn & jill! I need some warmth!
  • #33
baychef said:
We will be getting the cold soon (we usually get Michigan weather the next day!)
Today I had to go 30 miles to a party (30 miles here is like going 3 city blocks!!) The snow was falling very heavily and the wind was wild so the ride over caused the blood pressure to rise!
The party was small but a nice bunch with 3 baby girls between 3 and 11 weeks old!!! The sales when I left the party were less than $150 so I had to do some "look at the bright side" thinking!! Two have not ordered and the host has 3 or more orders to get. I did get one more booking for Feb. and ....one of the baby's Mom wants to sign up...and is going to do so over the internet within the next 2 weeks!
So yes, it WAS worth it!!
I love the 4 seasons and I hate hot humid days...I am not a perky weather type girl (yes...we have the perky, non stop smiling weather girl here!!) BUT...Carolyn the thought of laying on a beach right now sounds like a great idea!!!:) Glad to hear you didn't get hit by the tornados. My aunt lives in Lake Wales and so far I haven't heard of that particular area being hit.

Hi Ann--Where are you located in NY?

  • #34
letscook04 said:
Cold here in NY!! It is so cold that my car did not start up and I had to get a new battery!! :(

Hi Colleen--Where are you located in NY?

  • #35
Now, THIS is cold!



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  • #36
Karen said:
Hi Colleen--Where are you located in NY?


Hi Karen, I live on Long Island.
  • #37
KG - That was awesome! If I had a digital thingy outside my house, I would definately put that up!
  • #38
Oh yeah, here in the Twin Cities it is -6 and feels like -28... so cold my pipes to my sink froze! No dishes for me today :)
  • #39
GourmetGirl said:
KG - That was awesome! If I had a digital thingy outside my house, I would definately put that up!
Did you notice that bank is in your neighborhood?
  • #40
My husband and 2 sons are in Chicago to be part of THE BEARS Super Bowl fanatics. My husband called this morning and they are telling everyone DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING METAL OUTSIDE!!! DUH ... DO YOU THINK!!!! He said wind chill is like 25 below. BURRRRRR
  • #41
51 here on the coast of NC....but supposed to turn cold this week...brrrrrrr......I am soooo ready for spring!
  • #42
pkd09 said:
My husband and 2 sons are in Chicago to be part of THE BEARS Super Bowl fanatics. My husband called this morning and they are telling everyone DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING METAL OUTSIDE!!! DUH ... DO YOU THINK!!!! He said wind chill is like 25 below. BURRRRRR
I TRIPLE dog dare you to put your tongue on that flagpole!

(Go ahead and try it - he's a Bears fan - so he'll fall for it!)

  • #43
-15 currently here - we warmed up 10 degrees since this a.m.!
  • #44
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I TRIPLE dog dare you to put your tongue on that flagpole!

(Go ahead and try it - he's a Bears fan - so he'll fall for it!)

That is my FAVORITE movie.
  • #45
1-- the Floridians can just shut their pie holes. ;)2-- the comment about the inside of your nose freezing reminded me of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin comments "Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?"3-- BRRRRRRR!! You know it's cold when the snow is crunchy/squeaky when you drive on it.
  • #46
chefann said:
1-- the Floridians can just shut their pie holes. ;)2-- the comment about the inside of your nose freezing reminded me of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin comments "Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?"3-- BRRRRRRR!! You know it's cold when the snow is crunchy/squeaky when you drive on it.
It's so cold here that they cancelled school! Not so much because of the many inches of snow, but because when it's this cold, the salt doesn't work to melt the ice and snow on the roads! It is so pretty though, from the inside looking out....very thankful for a warm cozy home right now!And Ann - I had that same thought about Calvin & Hobbes....they are my long time favorite comic strip......I have a bunch of the books - always good for a laugh...especially anything with Spaceman Spiff!
  • #47
we don't have much snow and none on the roads. The schools are all canceled because it is too cold for the kids to wait at the bus stops. In Ohio!
  • #48
hahah, I was HOPING they'd cancel school (-13 this morning at bus time-without windchill!!!)--wayyy to dangerous if a bus broke down, kids not dressed appropriately, etc. BUT NO, they have school! So my kids go, and my daughter has already called saying she doesn't feel good--they want me to pick her up--no way----she can tough it out (only cuz i told both my kids they could stay home if they'd like and they both chose to go!!)

Plus I have a 2 yr old at home who is already sick--I'm not going anywhere!
  • #49
But, but, but it's getting warmer - the experts all tell us so. :rolleyes:
  • #50
School cancelled here too - it is -21.4 below this a.m. - better than -25 yesterday. (That is actual temps.) They actually announced closure last night.

Stay warm all!!!!

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