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Biggest Loser Tv Show - Current Season

In summary, Tara and Sione are my favorite contestants on the show. The young kid who was the heaviest contestant they've ever had is also a favorite. I missed the show because I was busy tonight, but I plan on catching up on it later.
  • Thread starter
  • #101
I liked Filipe until the last few episodes. I think Mike made a good choice. I was simply surprised because he had to know that his dad would stay with Bob. I thought his choice was well thought out. His dad's comment about him being 18 and making dumb choices was just rude.I didn't care for Aubrey. In my opinion she spent a lot of time whining and using her kids as leverage to stay in the game. She clearly didn't understand why Tara was upset. And, of all people to sit down and try to talk to her, Aubrey was the last person who should have attempted to get her to talk. That said, I like what she had to say about what happened once she got home. I think that so often people get off track and give up. (Amy, she gained back 9 pounds in just a few weeks, but then got back on track and took off even more weight.) She showed how easy it is to backslide, but it's possible to get back on track.
  • #102
raebates said:
I liked Filipe until the last few episodes.

i agree. ever since he & sione had to start training with jillian ive been annoyed by them. helen annoys me too. she has the attitude of a teenager. and every other parent there would drop out of the competition before letting their child go home. but not her - seems like she gladly let her daughter (shanon) jump in front of the bus a few episodes back.

i love mike. & i love kristin too.
& i was soo excited to see tara win that challenge!

right now i just want it to be the finale so i can see how daniel did. he was always my favorite.
  • Thread starter
  • #103
I liked Daniel a lot. I hope he's doing well at home.I inferred from the previews for next week that the eliminated contestants will be back. I'm looking forward to that.I don't think I've ever been so happy to see someone win a challenge as I was Tara in last night's episode. I think because she's done so well and seems so confident, people don't realize how sensitive she is. Helen throws me. We're the same age. I think she looks older, but behaves very immaturely. Then again, that's just my perception. Maybe I look older than I think I do and act more immaturely than I'm aware.
  • #104
oh i forgot about the players coming back. pleeeeease let daniel win whatever he needs to win to have him back!
  • #105
raebates said:
I liked Daniel a lot. I hope he's doing well at home.

I inferred from the previews for next week that the eliminated contestants will be back. I'm looking forward to that.

I don't think I've ever been so happy to see someone win a challenge as I was Tara in last night's episode. I think because she's done so well and seems so confident, people don't realize how sensitive she is.

Helen throws me. We're the same age. I think she looks older, but behaves very immaturely. Then again, that's just my perception. Maybe I look older than I think I do and act more immaturely than I'm aware.

I agree - not about you - you are a paragon of wisdom and youth, combined.;)

But about Helen...she does behave immaturely. (and look older. Someone needs to tell her that long bleached hair doesn't make a woman of a certain age look younger.)
  • Thread starter
  • #106
Thanks, Becky. I feel obligated to warn you, however, that Proverbs 21:8 is pretty clear about what happens to people who tell lies. ;)And, yeah, long, over-bleached hair is not a friend of the middle-aged woman.
  • #107
I wonder if she makes it to the makeover stage, what the hairdressers will do for her. :)
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  • #108
Just about anything would be an improvement. I didn't realize they do makeovers. This is my first time watching the series. That's cool.
  • #109
Aubrey got to stay only because Mandy asked everyone to vote for her instead. To me, Aubrey went home and went back into her same habits. I know she has 5 kids but most gyms do offer free childcare! She only has lost 10 more pounds since going home and others have lost much more in the time between going home and having the weight they lost flashed up. She is not a single mom though as someone said. Her hubby is very supportive of her. I feel like she, Mandy, and her dad need to do some serious weight loss together! Look how far Mandy has come and look also at Cathy and her other two daughters! I don't like Tara... I think she is a big baby about so much and that really turns me off! This is my first season watching Biggest Loser and sometimes it really gets to me. I am 300+ right now and with my back problems, can't do a whole lot. I admire any of them who are willing to spend all that time away from their families... I can't imagine the ones who have children going through that!It would be fun if Daniel got to come back on the Show till the end. They showed his "after" and he had lost over 100 pounds! I think it would be a tough choice between him and Mike though!
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  • #110
I'm not an Aubrey fan, but remember that time is compressed for those of us watching. There was less time from leaving to the update for Aubrey than for someone who left early. I think she has gotten back on track after a bit of backsliding.
  • #111
raebates said:
I'm not an Aubrey fan, but remember that time is compressed for those of us watching. There was less time from leaving to the update for Aubrey than for someone who left early. I think she has gotten back on track after a bit of backsliding.

Didn't she say she'd messed up when she got home, but now has gotten back on track?
  • Thread starter
  • #112
Yes, she did. Of course, saying it and doing it are two different things. Since she lost the weight she'd regained plus another several pounds, it sounds like she really is back on track.
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  • #113
Okay, I'm so over Ron. He should have been the one to leave this week. The poor woman who came back deserved to have a chance. She was gone through no fault of her own. She did an amazing job at home. The upset in routine and added stress at the ranch could easily account for the 5 pounds. It was wrong to send her home.
  • #114
I agree with you Rae! I want to see Ron get healthy...but something about him bugs me. I feel bad that he has so many physical "hits" against him, but the rest of the group are able to compete and don't have that sympathy card to play. I really like his son, though, and think that they (his parents) have raised an empathetic and caring young man. When he gave his prize away (to Aubrey? not sure what sister) I was blown away.
  • #115
I like Ron, but only because of Mike.
  • #116
I love Ron but think after this latest health scare, he should have gone home. Our DVRs both messed up and didn't record Tuesdays but we "watched/read" the synopsis! The lady who returned was way too big a threat to Tara, Helen, Kristen to stay....
  • Thread starter
  • #117
Sure, I understand it from a game-playing perspective, except for one thing. You know that Mike and Ron will always have one another's vote. Ron is an easy below-the-line bet, but that alliance is unbreakable.
  • #118
Darn. I missed it this week. Where was I Tuesday night?This is something DH and I noticed several weeks ago, and someone else apparently did, too.
  • #119
LOL Ann!!!

The one thing I noticed about this season that's different about previous seasons, is that on previous seasons, they always managed to "evict" the biggest threat in the game. This season, they always seem to go by "who needs to be here more" and keep them....or volunteer to go home because "someone else needs to be here more than me". I find this season's group to be much more caring and loving towards one another than in previous seasons which always seemed to be more cut-throat. I really felt bad for Nicole, I think she did a great job, but it goes back to the "who needs to be here more?" theory.
  • Thread starter
  • #120
That's a little scary, Ann.
  • #121
itsjustCarla said:
LOL Ann!!!

The one thing I noticed about this season that's different about previous seasons, is that on previous seasons, they always managed to "evict" the biggest threat in the game. This season, they always seem to go by "who needs to be here more" and keep them....or volunteer to go home because "someone else needs to be here more than me". I find this season's group to be much more caring and loving towards one another than in previous seasons which always seemed to be more cut-throat. I really felt bad for Nicole, I think she did a great job, but it goes back to the "who needs to be here more?" theory.

ugh - last season was ALL about the game. it drove me insane to watch. the 2 final husband & wife teams made me mad on a weekly basis. im SO glad michelle won last year instead of either of the other teams.
  • Thread starter
  • #122
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/7 episode!

OMG! I can't believe Ron. The man is delusional. He thinks he's the Godfather. If you're not going to follow the rules . . . What rules? It's a competition. People who are cornered in a competition will lie (or, in this case, misdirect is probably a better word) to save their own necks.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the episode has to offer.
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  • #123
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/7 episode!Okay, so only Kristin got it. Yes, the person who gets the ticket gets the only vote, but if you aren't below the yellow line you don't have to worry about it. Frankly, I'm so glad that Ron or Mike didn't get it. Ron would have used it as a vendetta. And Mike is too much under Ron's influence.But, duh, Laura's idea of Tara intentionally falling below the line is just insane. Thank goodness Tara didn't go for it. Tara's right. This is all about losing weight.
  • Thread starter
  • #124
Bob's trainer tip was about getting the abs you want. I have a phenomenal set of abs. They are sheltered by a nice, thick, protective layer of fat. LOL!

Warning! Disturbing overshare alert!
Actually, at this point it's mostly icky extra skin.
  • Thread starter
  • #125
Holy Toledo! I could never do that challenge. I'd trip, fall, and hurt myself badly. The only good thing about that challenge is it was a good way to work off what they ate in the temptation.And, again, Ron is a horse's . . . um . . . . patootie.
  • Thread starter
  • #126
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/7 episode!

Well, I'm sorry to see Sione go, but he took it like a man. I really didn't like the look on Ron's face. I hope he's watching this at home and seeing how mean and small his attitude makes him.
  • #127
Ron really ticks me off.

  • #128
What bothered me the most of everything that happened today is when Ron turned and told the three of them that had voted against him that he wishes they were struck down and died. I mean are you kidding me? That kind of behavior is so unacceptable and I don't the like the tone this game has taken of being so negative. I always thought the show was to show positive changes and positive attitudes and this just irked me so much. I think Laura was wrong in sending Sione home. Helen can not help get Ron out, Sione had it in him to knock him down. By voting out Helen it would have made Ron still feel vindicated as he said to Bob that Helen convinced the Blue team to vote against him. This would have made things better for a while and they could have worked more closely together to get him out. Now, there is not much hope of getting him out :(
  • Thread starter
  • #129
I think some people were shocked by Ron's blatant wish for revenge. It might be easier to get rid of Ron at this point than we think. Of course, from a strictly game-playing point of view Helen would have been a better choice to send home. As Laura said, since Helen's smaller an even number of pounds equals a higher percentage of weight loss. I'm looking forward to seeing the makeovers next week.
  • #130
Darn! I had a show and missed it! Sounds like it was a good one.
  • Thread starter
  • #131
If you can watch it online, do. Pay close attention to Ron's facial expressions.
  • #132
It won't be up for 8 days, at least officially. By then I'll have forgotten about it.The advantage to a lot of these reality shows is that the finale is shot/aired long after most of the episodes, after the participants have a chance to watch the other episodes when they air. You KNOW someone will say something to Ron at a reunion show.
  • #133
I missed the part where Ron said that...I too am tired of him.

I also think Laura made a mistake in keeping Helen there.....Helen is a bigger threat to Laura than Sione is at this point. I wonder how Mike reacts when he sees what his dad is saying and doing?? I'd be embarrassed if I were him.
  • #134
I was impressed with Sione last night...I think he really "understands" what they are trying to do here: make a lifelong change for them and their families. I hope he comes back at the finale and looks amazing and healthy!

Ron needs to go. Nuff said there.

I was really proud of Kristin for not participating in that temptation...She is another who who TRUELY understands what they are here for. (As in, not just for the game.)
  • #135
I just watched it tonight. I'm so proud of Kristin, she was the only one who "got it" during that temptation. I loved how Bob spoke about her (his little video thing during the weigh-in) and was proud of her.I can't stand Ron. I thought they were dumb all those other weeks keeping him on. He is actually losing some weight lately, but now he is just plain annoying. He was so 2 faced this week. Saying how he thought they had each others backs until last weeks vote. Hellooo?!! What was the whole thing with him trying to get ride of Filipe the other week. Just irks me so much. Sad thing is that I was really liking Mike, and now his dad's attitude and vengeance is rubbing off on him. It's really sad to see that.
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  • #136
I think Mike's so concerned about his dad's health that he's blinded to Ron's arrogant, vindictive behavior.
  • #137
raebates said:
I think Mike's so concerned about his dad's health that he's blinded to Ron's arrogant, vindictive behavior.

I think you're right......who really wants to believe their parents could be that way?
  • #138
um helloooo? why is helen still there??
if i had the power to vote someone off & it came down to sione & helen, i would get rid of the person who tried convincing me to turn on my own partner. i cant stand the game-playing! helen has got to go.
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  • #139
Well, she does really need the makeover. ;)
  • #140
thecougchef said:
um helloooo? why is helen still there??
if i had the power to vote someone off & it came down to sione & helen, i would get rid of the person who tried convincing me to turn on my own partner. i cant stand the game-playing! helen has got to go.

Amen!! I thought for sure that Helen would be going home when she tried talking Laura into getting rid of Tara. UGH!

I have NO respect for anyone who would throw their own child under the bus to save themselves......her daughter needed to stay worse than Helen did.
  • #141
raebates said:
Well, she does really need the makeover. ;)


I think though, that Helen and Ron are cut from the same cloth. I'd like to see them both go. I sincerely hope neither of them wins!
  • #142
itsjustCarla said:
Amen!! I thought for sure that Helen would be going home when she tried talking Laura into getting rid of Tara. UGH!

I have NO respect for anyone who would throw their own child under the bus to save themselves......her daughter needed to stay worse than Helen did.

ive been saying that since the beginning. ive disliked helen from day one when her daughter went home for the 30 days, instead of her.
  • #143
thecougchef said:
ive been saying that since the beginning. ive disliked helen from day one when her daughter went home for the 30 days, instead of her.

I feel the EXACT same way!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #144
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/14 episode!The makeovers were good. They toned Helen's blond down. I wonder how much she balked at the idea of cutting it, since it seems that they simply trimmed it up. I have to think there's a more flattering cut for her.Ron looks better without that scraggly beard. I like beards, as evidenced by The Furry Guy. But, you should be able to grow a decent, full beard in order to keep one. The others got good makeovers. I have to say, though, that Mike clearly doesn't understand what a woman's hair can mean to her. When he was talking with his dad about Laura freaking out a bit, I chuckled. The boy just doesn't get it.
  • #145
raebates said:
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/14 episode!

The makeovers were good. They toned Helen's blond down. I wonder how much she balked at the idea of cutting it, since it seems that they simply trimmed it up. I have to think there's a more flattering cut for her.

Ron looks better without that scraggly beard. I like beards, as evidenced by The Furry Guy. But, you should be able to grow a decent, full beard in order to keep one.

The others got good makeovers. I have to say, though, that Mike clearly doesn't understand what a woman's hair can mean to her. When he was talking with his dad about Laura freaking out a bit, I chuckled. The boy just doesn't get it.

Agree about Helen. I think she must have a special attachment to her hair.

Laura's was the most changed. I didn't recognize her, and it took me a minute to realize it was Laura.
  • Thread starter
  • #146
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/14 episode!I feel so sorry for Laura. Poor thing. She finally got her attitude straightened out and this happens.BTW, love her red hair. Of course, I'm a redhead by choice, so I may be a bit prejudiced.
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  • #147
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/14 episode!I yell and yell at the tv for Ron to shut up, but he doesn't listen. It's not that I don't think it's a good idea to send Laura home. (She needs to convalesce and do therapy with a trained therapist.) It's just that the man seems so doggone insincere--especially since he's the one who's had such difficult health issues all along.
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  • #148
Do not read this if you have not seen the 4/14 episode!I'm so glad Laura's getting some help. She looks great. I'm proud of her.It looks like next week will be a really interesting show. I'm looking forward to hearing what Mike has to say to Ron and what his response will be.
  • #149
I was not sorry Laura went home. I really think with her injury, she would be helped better at home. When they talked in a preview about the "devastating injury", I figured it was Tara since she pushes so hard! I would love to see Kristen or Mike win it all since both of them have broke records this time around! Did you see the front cover of "OK Magazine". They "photoshopped" Tara's and Helen's face a little! LOL! I think it was cool how they went back and showed them some of the things that were said at the beginning so they could see how far they had come.Okay...something I would love to see next Season...Mike's little brother/Ron's son to be brought to the Ranch to lose weight. He just breaks my heart! I was in tears seeing him tonight. Max has been raised in a family that has fought weight their whole lives...except the Mom and she is gorgeous!
  • #150
pcchefjane said:
I was not sorry Laura went home. I really think with her injury, she would be helped better at home.

Okay...something I would love to see next Season...Mike's little brother/Ron's son to be brought to the Ranch to lose weight. He just breaks my heart! I was in tears seeing him tonight. Max has been raised in a family that has fought weight their whole lives...except the Mom and she is gorgeous!

I totally agree about both these things. Laura would have hurt herself if she had stayed there.....you can't be there and see how hard everyone else is working and not do anything yourself. I just don't think it would be possible.

As for Max..............every time I see how helpless he looks I just want to cry. It is so hard to see that. I know he wasn't able to be on the show because of his age but I feel it should have been he and Mike instead of Ron. Ron has had so many chances already - and this is coming from me who has always been heavy and has had the gastric bypass and still need to lose over 100lbs. - and I just don't appreciate his attitude toward the others most of the time.
<H2>1. What is The Biggest Loser TV show and how does it work?</H2><p>The Biggest Loser is a reality television show that focuses on overweight contestants competing to lose the most weight and win a cash prize. The contestants are divided into teams and work with trainers to lose weight through intense workouts and a strict diet. Each week, contestants weigh in and the team with the lowest percentage of weight loss has to eliminate one of their members. The show also includes emotional and motivational moments as contestants overcome obstacles and learn healthy habits for long-term weight loss.</p><H2>2. How long does each season of The Biggest Loser last?</H2><p>The length of each season varies, but typically it runs for around 12-15 weeks. During this time, contestants are sequestered at a ranch where they undergo intense workouts and participate in challenges to win immunity or other prizes. The final episode reveals the winner, who has lost the most weight and is crowned the "Biggest Loser".</p><H2>3. What are some of the challenges faced by contestants on The Biggest Loser?</H2><p>Contestants on The Biggest Loser face physical and emotional challenges as they work to lose weight. The intense workouts and strict diet can be physically demanding and can lead to injuries. Additionally, contestants have to confront and overcome emotional and mental barriers that may have contributed to their weight gain. They also have to learn how to maintain their weight loss once they leave the show and return to their normal lives.</p><H2>4. How do contestants on The Biggest Loser achieve such dramatic weight loss?</H2><p>The contestants on The Biggest Loser are able to achieve significant weight loss due to the intense and structured nature of the show. They are provided with a controlled and healthy diet plan, as well as access to personal trainers and other resources to help them stay on track. Additionally, the competitive nature of the show and the support from their fellow contestants can serve as motivation for them to push themselves to their limits.</p><H2>5. Are there any controversies surrounding The Biggest Loser?</H2><p>There have been some controversies surrounding The Biggest Loser, including accusations of extreme and unsafe weight loss methods and the potential for contestants to gain back the weight once they leave the show. There have also been concerns about the psychological effects of the intense competition and public scrutiny on the contestants. However, the show continues to be popular and has helped many individuals achieve significant weight loss and lead healthier lives.</p>

Related to Biggest Loser Tv Show - Current Season

1. What is The Biggest Loser TV show and how does it work?

The Biggest Loser is a reality television show that focuses on overweight contestants competing to lose the most weight and win a cash prize. The contestants are divided into teams and work with trainers to lose weight through intense workouts and a strict diet. Each week, contestants weigh in and the team with the lowest percentage of weight loss has to eliminate one of their members. The show also includes emotional and motivational moments as contestants overcome obstacles and learn healthy habits for long-term weight loss.

2. How long does each season of The Biggest Loser last?

The length of each season varies, but typically it runs for around 12-15 weeks. During this time, contestants are sequestered at a ranch where they undergo intense workouts and participate in challenges to win immunity or other prizes. The final episode reveals the winner, who has lost the most weight and is crowned the "Biggest Loser".

3. What are some of the challenges faced by contestants on The Biggest Loser?

Contestants on The Biggest Loser face physical and emotional challenges as they work to lose weight. The intense workouts and strict diet can be physically demanding and can lead to injuries. Additionally, contestants have to confront and overcome emotional and mental barriers that may have contributed to their weight gain. They also have to learn how to maintain their weight loss once they leave the show and return to their normal lives.

4. How do contestants on The Biggest Loser achieve such dramatic weight loss?

The contestants on The Biggest Loser are able to achieve significant weight loss due to the intense and structured nature of the show. They are provided with a controlled and healthy diet plan, as well as access to personal trainers and other resources to help them stay on track. Additionally, the competitive nature of the show and the support from their fellow contestants can serve as motivation for them to push themselves to their limits.

5. Are there any controversies surrounding The Biggest Loser?

There have been some controversies surrounding The Biggest Loser, including accusations of extreme and unsafe weight loss methods and the potential for contestants to gain back the weight once they leave the show. There have also been concerns about the psychological effects of the intense competition and public scrutiny on the contestants. However, the show continues to be popular and has helped many individuals achieve significant weight loss and lead healthier lives.

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